SNA: Al Shabaab spokesman succumbs to wounds in Middle Shabelle region

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    secular @ 10/6/2022 8:05 PM EST
 Nothing is worse than mourning when you are on the run !

Faddarada Xoolaha waa u TACSI, annagana waa noo FEESTO !
    secular @ 10/6/2022 1:10 PM EST
 The evil* creature has 9 lives. We will never know for sure since they have many "post dated" audio recordings of him
to prove that he hasn't consumed yet all his miserable lives.
These tribal uprising come with some worries but it could be the only solution, provide the federal government has contigency
plans for the next phase of the mission: avoid warring clans armed to the teeth fighting for the liberated turfs.
Good luck Somalia and "Dila, Dila, Dila doofaarrada"!

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