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    Zami @ 4/12/2015 10:00 PM EST
 Obama is a war criminal. His administration has drone striked weddings turning them into funerals. The US cannot talk about human rights. Killing over a million people in Iraq & Afghanistan, this country is clearly out of control. The US is seriously attempting global domination. Without China & Russia around the World would be enslaved. I hope China & Russia form an alliance to counter America.
    topclan @ 4/12/2015 7:12 PM EST
 Obama has not lived up to our hopes and expectations, he is not the same presidential candidate after he became the president but then few ever stay the same.

Obama has been the first US president to recognise the diminishing power of the US and that it can no longer be the world's police man.

The US is no longer over stretched, Obama has told regions to solve their own problems and rely on the US to bail them out and he has extended a friendly hand to old enemies.

Obama's foreign policy is the closest to what the US public would want their government to do, and unlike his predecessor it is not driven by conglomerate firms who profit from constant wars.
    rasimaal @ 4/12/2015 5:27 PM EST
 The GOP is being destroyed by the tea party,the rise of the tea party has sidelined the real republicans that party needs savior .

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