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    fiqicigaal @ 6/13/2013 1:27 PM EST
 BTW, only Raskamboni Army patrol the streets of Kismayo and no Kenyan soldier or other group are allowed to roam and wonder off around the town let alone talk to our women or chat them up. No!No !!!!, but  anything of that kind was to happen, that is crossing the boundary and you know how maryooley are sensitive when it comes to our ladies/girls and foreigners, blood will be shed and they know the score.

    fiqicigaal @ 6/13/2013 1:22 PM EST
 ......As to your questions, and if I may sum it up, all of it will come down to one important question, and that is who controls Kismayo.  I suppose you read and listen to the media and definitely all you hear is the name Ahmed madobe and rightly so as the one and only elected president of  juba land and some folks may disagree with that and that is human nature or democracy in full swing if you like, but no one and I mean no one even die--hard sceptics mention the names or the whereabouts of those peace spoilers the likes of Hiiraalle and something baasto or is it bariis?, who were/are funded by SFG to muddle the water and deny Juba Landers their right to form their own regional administration and make their own decisions all in the interest of their people.
    fiqicigaal @ 6/13/2013 10:52 AM EST
 Baghdad bob,

Good boy, you took it back and I thank you!
    baghdad bob @ 6/12/2013 11:38 PM EST

I just took back the following statement if you deem it incorrect:  ‘Its amazing what the mix of unemployment in the west coupled with the prospect of some unidentified job at the office of a clan warlord can do to one!’
    baghdad bob @ 6/12/2013 11:35 PM EST

of course I do care, our educated are few and losing one is too many considering our dire situation. since you are on the ground, tell us without sugarcoating the control of kenyan army in the region? are they in full control of the port of kismayu? do they march around in kismayu and doing what they do best, harassing somalis and picking somali women at will? does madobe take orders from kenyan sergeant? since you use to fight yeey because he had with him ethiopian army, why not extend the same to madobe? do you honestly believe this is sustainable in the long run as the other clans are gathering men and weapons and the fight for kismayu continues?      
    sonofsomalia @ 6/12/2013 5:22 PM EST
 Fiqi, never say never never, you will singing a different tone once your warlord seen being frisked by SKA security.
    fiqicigaal @ 6/12/2013 3:23 PM EST

I salute you comrade and I do fully understand your fair comment unlike sonofsomalia who seems to accept only what he wants to hear even if it is far from reality and most probably what he and few others hope and pray for is the failure of Juba land state but that won't happen we are united for the sake of the people of Juba land and nothing can stop the will of the people jini iyo cambaro faaasaco hadii leysu keeno.  

One last thing:

Juba land shirka shirqoolka ah ee muuqdisha layidhi waa lagu qaban kama qaybgaleyno ee cirka culusow ha soo dumiyo.
    sonofsomalia @ 6/12/2013 3:04 PM EST
 Olujoog "People of great “Jubaland” cautiously used their brain for the first time in two decades, as they elected "Mr. Madobe for the president of the southern Jubaland.", not sure what you are smoking mate, but as my gradfather used to say na dhig dhulka.
    Olujoog @ 6/12/2013 2:49 PM EST
 I don't have much to say about the so-called Somalian Government that isn't being said, except that as my late Grandpa, may he rest in peace would have stated, they are just plain wrong…lol…

It doesn't even matter if it was factually correct, there is nothing to be gained from beating this drum.  People of great “Jubaland” cautiously used their brain for the first time in two decades, as they elected Mr. Madobe for the president of the southern Jubaland.

I just don't understand why the incorrectly elected government is keep going there??? Yet as it’s not much of a different than the previous hallucinations that the above referenced individual, and his Boss were uttering for the past three weeks; moreover, it appears, that anyone is likely to believe what they are saying let alone hosting summit that I”II  gratify the need of the Jubaland administration, in Mogadishu!
    Olujoog @ 6/12/2013 2:49 PM EST
 I don't have much to say about the so-called Somalian Government that isn't being said, except that as my late Grandpa, may he rest in peace would have stated, they are just plain wrong…lol…

It doesn't even matter if it was factually correct, there is nothing to be gained from beating this drum.  People of great “Jubaland” cautiously used their brain for the first time in two decades, as they elected Mr. Madobe for the president of the southern Jubaland.

I just don't understand why the incorrectly elected government is keep going there??? Yet as it’s not much of a different than the previous hallucinations that the above referenced individual, and his Boss were uttering for the past three weeks; moreover, it appears, that anyone is likely to believe what they are saying let alone hosting summit that I”II  gratify the need of the Jubaland administration, in Mogadishu!
    sonofsomalia @ 6/12/2013 2:19 PM EST
 Fiqi, I am glad your happy, although your pursuit of happiness and vision is undermining future of Somalia. Then again as BBob said you are partial Somali, so its no surprise. As your favorite quoter Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Just replace the word Tyrants with traitors.  
    fiqicigaal @ 6/12/2013 1:17 PM EST

Everything I do here is voluntary and I do not get paid nor have I come back home for a job, but believe me mate it is rewarding and when all is done and dusted I will be the happiest dude in maryooley land. Tra for now!!!
    fiqicigaal @ 6/12/2013 1:02 PM EST
 good will, meant to say.
    fiqicigaal @ 6/12/2013 1:01 PM EST
 ......Aha, I didn't know you care, but thanking you, am alive and kicking and everything is as planned with the help of the Almighty and with the tenacity and the goo will of all Juba landers minus few dodgy saboteurs who are neither here nor there.

Viva Juba land!! Viva Somalia!
    fiqicigaal @ 6/12/2013 12:50 PM EST
 baghdad bob,

FYI, Although I had a degree in Medical Anthropology at SOAS/University of London, I was working as Housing officer for the council in one of the boroughs in London, UK for many years before I decided to come home to make contribution to the society in Somalia particularly in Juba land and I am enjoying it. So you are very wrong to assume that all maryooley in the diaspora were/are unemployed, in fact there are so many brilliant and hard working Somali folks who do not only take care of their families in the west but who send regular money to their extended families and relatives back home and without their priceless support and help so many families would have starved to death or ended up in refugee camps with no income from anywhere except the little handouts from humanitarian agencies when and if they receive any at all. So take back your statement,  ‘Its amazing what the mix of unemployment in the west coupled with the prospect of some unidentified job at the office of a clan warlord can do to one!’ for  I am not and never been unemployed all the years I was in Uk , I was either studying or working and I don’t need to explain myself to you but I did it to make it clear for all those who read your comment
    baghdad bob @ 6/11/2013 11:34 PM EST

Its amazing what the mix of unemployment in the west coupled with the prospect of some unidentified job at the office of a clan warlord can do to one! recall when fiqicigaal use to fight yeey tooth and nail during the ethiopian occupation? suddenly here he is now displaying all the ugliness that comes with petty clan  politics. we all know for sure it won't last! since the beginning of the civil war, kismayu witnessed 12 different warlords come and go, and madobe is no different  
    sonofsomalia @ 6/11/2013 9:22 PM EST
 BBob, congratulate Fiqi on his new appointment as chief of staff and public relations manager for the office of Mr. Seraar. His blind clan support paid off. So Fiqi on behalf of Hol community congrats, please help your guy be more diplomatic, he sounds like course vagabond.
    baghdad bob @ 6/11/2013 7:39 PM EST

I am also glad to know you are still alive. You know we have lost few contributors over the years. convictions are good but make sure you don't get killed in a useless endless wars. You sound frightened and to have lost your cool which is frightening in itself. It seems you have been sucked into the labyrinth of somali clannish wars and any possible delivery from your apparent predicament is somewhat remote at the moment. we have had many promising wars over the years, to be precise some 22 years and they all ended miserably, taken with them the naive and easily impressed followers.      
    baghdad bob @ 6/11/2013 7:31 PM EST

perhaps you have little understanding of how the system works. The president has the powers to ask any Amisom contributing member to withdraw from somalia through an agreement reached with the UN. The UN (US and EU) pays for all the Amisom personnel in somalia together with their upkeep. As a last resort, the president will give Kenya the ultimatum to either face withdrawal or arrest madobe and his men. The kenyan army will not forsake their lucrative deal because of a somali warlord. I am sure though, it won't reach that level and things will change in the near future. The arranged meeting in muqadishu is basically a buildup to that end.    
    fiqicigaal @ 6/11/2013 2:40 PM EST
 “Somalia government will address Kismayo turmoil through dialogue” Says Prime Minister.

Fiqi says, too little too late and two faced hypocrite. Falaadhi gilgilasho kaagama go'do.

Pardon me folks, I had to laugh at Culusow’s scandalous and ill-fated plan to vindicate Juba land state by arming criminal elements that were defeated and chased away after a brief encounter with the brave men of Juba land army, and are still in denial, can you imagine?. Although their bad plan backfired and failed you can still see how busy culusow and his stooges are trying to hoodwink the international community by again making senseless comments that will only confuse every one more and more and they are becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of those who are not familiar with mooryaan mentality the same perpetrators of 1991 massacre.

The mafia is in fear big time and now that the cat is out of the bag there is no sense in pretending Somalis/the world do not know what is really happening in KIsmayo. Give up your childish drama and come clean of your sins and ask for forgiveness or we will not stop until the last mooryaan is k*lled or captured. Period.

We are going to announce the rest of Juba land state administration before we attend the so called meeting with those mafia members in Villa Somalia just for diplomacy and nothing more for we stand by our convictions and nothing can sway us from the truth and the desire of our Juba landers.

    LADY GALKAYO @ 6/11/2013 1:57 PM EST
 war wessingfiifoww,
hiiraan I demand yu do something as this is SOMALI site.
    dhasheegduur @ 6/11/2013 10:42 AM EST
  Culusow and his PM are in the pothole for that reason they are looking way outWhat a callow politicians we have  in the villa Somalia
    zakaria28 @ 6/11/2013 8:47 AM EST
 Mr.HE, PM,  with all due respect to you at personal level and  your Government.
I’m confused about the several mixed PR messages that you and the President have been sending out daily regarding the Kismanyo Conflict. In your message you both stated that you wanted the war to stop and any disputes to be handled in a dialog. It is now become clear to me that your statements are misleading and not intended for the Somali public but rather to mislead international community about the Gov participation of the war. Here are couples of reason which lead me to believe this are as follows.  
1. Col. Hassan Iftiin is a federal government and member of the arm forces, it was just march of 2013 that you and the president did commended Col Hassan Iftiin’s job well done when he was assigned to stop the charcoal exports.
2. The same Col. Hassan Iftiin, Stated that he is not part of your government on an interview he give on BBC last week.
While I wish the Somali federal government successes, I’m very concerned about the administration’s abuses in  Kismanyo. So far, 22 citizen have lost their lives and your Government is still involved in a deceptive PR acts instead of recalling the General that is causative factor in the war on behave of the Federal Government (Col. Hassan Iftiin).  Mr. PM, I ask you to pick up the phone and recall your military stuff back to Mogadishu- I’m sure this will end the war, if your interest is save innocent lives end the war.
Just to help you recall the identity of  Col. Hassan Iftiin Baasto; I’m attaching below article for your review and hopfuly, your next PR statement will be an honest one rather than PR to misguide the world. http://shabelle.net/federal-government-troops-freeze-charcoal-export-at-the-port-of-kisamyu

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