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    abunael @ 4/7/2007 4:03 AM EST
 What in the world wrong with you guys?

It seems to me that we expect to pacify Somalia and we
in North America have no clue how pacify ourselves.

Plese stay focused on matters good for Somalia and refrain
talking about Qabiil. After all Qabiil is the reason where we
are at this time.

    Anti-traitors @ 4/6/2007 9:36 PM EST
 Dhib waaye wali hadaanu USC and SSDf ka sheeekeeno. Labo group beey ahaayeen weeyna bur bureen Labadoodana khalado aad u weyn beey sameeeyeen. Aniga waligee USC maan taageerin. Laakin khalad waaye inaad dadka hamar dagan wali USC ugu wacdid. Anagaba c/laahi SSDF ugu ma wacno.Wixii dhacay waa dhacay  waa in cuqdada la iska daayaa. maaanta groups baa loo kala baxay. Mr geede iyo Sh sharif baa iska soo horjeedo. wixii hore waa laga tagay. Hasan turki iyo C/laahi baa iska so horjeedo. itis 2007 nin walba meeshuu is dhahay baa dan  kuugu jirta buu raacay isagoo qabiil  u raacin.MR jeele dadkiisa baa la baa bi inaayaa isagana raali buu kayahay. Dhinaca maxaa kiinta. waxaad ku tilmaamtay USC oo maxaakiin noqotay. look at their leaders. hasan daahir Sh sharif hasan turki, Ceeyroow, USc kuma jirin 1991 xataa dowlada ku majirin. Marka aad dhaheesid kitaab cusub beey keeneen wa khalad. Kitaabka ku dhaqma beey dhaheen tastuurna hanoo noqdo taas maxaa ka fiican. somaliland iyo pontland tastuurka gaalada beey ku dhaqmaan. Cidna kuma dhihin kitaab maheesatid kitaab waad heesataa laakiin sidu ilaah ugu tala galay u isticmaal. ma ahan inaaan meel dhigatay oo aad democracy boook  isticmaashid.
    DR.RX @ 4/6/2007 9:17 PM EST
 Attention guys, who heard that Mr. A/llahi Yey paid an unannounced visit to the Somali-kenyan border to talk to the somali refugees in the kenyan side, especially those who have been there for years (the Darod ones). he pledged them to evacuate these camps for the newly arriving Mogadishu mooryaans. he predicted many more r on their ways. when asked how come they havent reached here yet since the war in mogadishu has beeng going on for weeks, and it took us, we Darod refuuges, few days to get here, he replied with laughter and said "adeerayaal ninmanku dameeray ku soo guureen idinkuna baabuur, marka alaabtiina kasii aruursada hana sugiwaayinina
    marshaale @ 4/6/2007 7:53 PM EST
 anti.traitor. Saaxiibow maxaan kal bartaa!! waxaan ogaa koox USC la yiraahdo oo caqabad ku ahayd in somaaliya ay sal dhigato 16 sano ee lasoo dhaafey, waxay ku andacoon jireen Daarood baa na xukumayey oo waxaa somaali isku raacdey nin Beeshaas wax tabaneysa ee hawiyaha ah laga dhigo Madaxweyne oo wey diideen in ay wadanka maamulaan oo ay soo ceshaan kala danbeentii waxa ay ka doorbideen in ay isbaaradii iyo bililiqeesiga ku sii hayaan wadanka, waxaa xigtey Maxkamadihii oo waxaa ay yiraahdeen waxaan nahay dad diin ku xukumaya wadanka oo meel waliba geeynaya Kitaabkii Alle !!! sidii Kitaab cusubi in uu ilaah soo dajiyey oo waxay isku qaadeen meel waliba oo daganeyd oo dad soomaaliyeed oo ka soo daaley duligii ay badeen 16ka sano ee aay iyagu hormudka u ahaayeen. waxay yiraahdeen Dawladeena Barakeesan waa gaalo oo waxay wadanka rabaan in ay ku dhaqaan gaalanimo. Walaalow aniga haddii aad i leedahey ma kala garanayo qanadiidnimo iyo daowlad diidnimo? Sida aad sheegtey SSDF waxaa ay diidanayd Dowladii SAllaha u naxariiste Maxamed Siyaad Barre oo cadaalad xumadii ay ka dhiidhiyeen hase yeeshee kuma guulaysan in ay ka tuurto taliskaas, laakiinse waxaa USC ay ku guulaysteen in ay ka taqalusaan wadanka maxayse ku dhaqaaqeen waad ogsoon tahay oo dunida oo idilna way wada ogsoon tahay. ileen waxaa hore loo yiri nin aan talin jirin haduu taliyo nin  aan tagi jirin baa tagaya, waxaa sidoo kale SNM ay sameesay waa la wada ogsoon yahay in ay wadanka kala gooyso isku dayday ilaah mahadi ha u gaarto oo waxaa taasna ka dhiidhiyey dadka mar waliba u taagan in ay wadankaan isku soo dumaan oo wax waliba ka hormariya midnimada dalkaan iyo dadkiisa iyo diintiisa.
    Anti-traitors @ 4/6/2007 4:04 PM EST
 Marshalee. kala baro qaran iyo dowlad. dowlad  xun hadaad diidantahay macnaheeda ma ahan qaran baad diidantahay.  Dowladii Mohanmed Siyaad bare dad badan baa diidnaa  cadaalad xumo darteed. Mala dhihi karaa dadkaas waa qaran diid? yes hadaad dhahdid Mr Yeey dawladii hore wuu ka soo horjeedaay. many groups baa ka soo horjeediin. SNM SSDF USC  dadkaasoo dhan qaran diid ku dheh hee. Somalida dowlad xun hadee rabto Mohamed Siyaad bare meesan buriyeen. Tan waa mid aad iyo aad uga xun tii  hore.
    marshaale @ 4/6/2007 3:37 PM EST
 qarandiid qiil ma waayee wuu qeeliyaa,
qarandiid kheer malahoo way qaloocdeen,
qarandiid qabri kama baqee wuuba u qoystaa,
qarandiid khashkhashaad ma daayee waa qowsaar,
qarandiid lagama karo ka daa qaranka qowda,
qarandiid qiyaamaha uma shaqeestaanee way u qayilaan,
qarandiid qofka qarandoonka ah waxay ugu yeeraan qabiileeste,
qarandiid markaa waxaa la tusay in ay qaldanyihiin!
qarandiid kheer malahoo qiyaamay ka shalayn,
qarandiid ayaantaan qurbaheey ka soo qeeliyaan,
qarandiid qowdii ku dhacdaa qalbi tirtay,
qarandiid ma yaqanaa kheerka qarankee,
qarandiid qaskiisu waa mid asaga quusiya.

    hytham.somali @ 4/6/2007 3:32 PM EST
 Tactical my ass sharif ur ass was arrested in kanyan border
tactical kkkkkkkwhat are you Sadam and binladin son wanna be
ppl like u don't belong in our world you blong in 8x8 cel
Insh allah i'll personly i'll be the bounty hunter that will hunt
you down for the sake of my Allah the sheikh and his
friends have no god you can't hide for ever
    marshaale @ 4/6/2007 3:29 PM EST
 AYEEYO Yosra, somali maxaa lagu farxaa adigu waxa laga naxaad ku faraxdaa waxaad soo tebisaa dad la dilo iyo dad is qarxiya, Itoobiyada aad leedahay shirkoodii guul buu kusoo dhamaaday, guusha ma waxaad u taqaan in odeyaashii shilimada ka qaatay alqacida caruurtii ay madfaca ay eedeen usoo dhiibeen la yiraahdo gurta meedkooda.
Itoobiya waxay ku joogtaa wadankeena rabitaanka dowladeena barakeesan iyo shacabkeeda nabada jecel,kuma joogaan odeyaal sheeganaya beel tiri nama meteshaan oo shilimada ay alqacida ka qaataan siistay caruurtoodii dhiigoodii.
hadaadba taas guul u taqaan waxaadba dadka usoo bandhigtay waxaan idinku ogaa markii horeba taasoo ah in aad tihiin cawaan dib u socoda.
Dowladeena barakeesan ayaana go’aanka iska leh taas ku seexo kuna soo toos, ama isku maaweeli beentiinii la idinku yaqaanay oo aheed caruurtaan lugooseen oo dhulka daadsan adinkuna
    marshaale @ 4/6/2007 3:26 PM EST
 War yaa adamjama, bloodmoney, HANIYEY10. i dhegaysta, Yosra, anti.traitor. runtii macaqli badnidiin, markii aadan runtu waxay tahay ka hadleyn taas oo ah in Soomali dawlad u baahan tahay. 16sanno baad ummadda rafaadku dhameyseen. Marka adiga iyo kuwa kula midda waa share ka soo horjeeda qaranimada soomaaliyeed. We don’t care, huwa sharka ah, waan ka xumahay inay gabaad ka dhigteen oo masaakiin madaxooda u dhinteen so wax meesha kuma heeside iska daa nacnacda ama maskax meesha la imow

*Shar daboolan doofaar dhashiis inan dugaagiiyow ha ku daalin somali ka damiir dheer!
    marshaale @ 4/6/2007 3:20 PM EST
 JAWIIL hadii shacabkii ay argixisada caalamka ee somaliya ka helay una bogay siday dadka ugu gumaadaan walxaha qarxa, cajilado iska duubeen ayagoo isasa soo qarxinaaya taasoon somalida dhaqan u lahaan jirin; lagu dhex qariyey shacabka hamuunta u qaba nabada iyo dowladnimada oo madfac fuleynimo ah laga soo dhex tuuro, oo shacabkiina iska soo qaban soona dacween kana ag guurin sidii lagula taliyey dheq jalaq u siin waa ayaan daro.
balse wax hada harayba waa yartahay hal lug oo daalan ayey ku taagan yihiin BURCADA alqacida u bogtay waana loo bixinayaa lugtaas ay weli ka farag farag leeyihiin.
    Anti-traitors @ 4/6/2007 1:34 PM EST
 Bloodmoney thanks for you reminded us somali history. One of the problems we have that we dont know our history. During 50s, my dad used to go school in marka, and he told me that Italian didnot want somali students to learn  Somali history because the more you learn your history the more stronger you can be. back then 1529 we also have traitors, but the good news is whenever we have traitors, we also have heros. we should teach our kids how many traitors we had for the last 600 years.
    bloodmoney @ 4/6/2007 1:04 PM EST

i though i correct brother cabdull, ahmed gurey or Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi defeated Ethiopia 1529 and was kill in battlefield 1543. also there was another Somalian that defeated the Ethiopian named imam Mahfuz the governor of Zeila 1457-1517 better known as mohammed. and before that there was others that defeated the Christians/amhara rulers of tigrey and amhara provinces.

we Somalis need to unite and defeat the Christians again and again. plus afar,oromos and other Muslim will help. insha-allah Ethiopia will regret in invading Somalia in the future.  

long live somalia...
    bloodmoney @ 4/6/2007 12:55 PM EST
 i though i correct brother cabdull, ahmed gurey or Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi defeated Ethiopia 1529 and was kill in battlefield 1543. also there was another Somalian that defeated the Ethiopian named imam Mahfuz the governor of Zeila 1457-1517 better known as mohammed. and before that there was others that defeat the Christians/amhara rulers of tigrey and amhara.

we Somalis need to unite and defeat the Christians again and again. plus afar,oromos and other Muslim will help. insha-allah will regret in invading Somalia in the future.  

long live somalia...
    adamjama @ 4/6/2007 12:30 PM EST
All the Somali people be a tribe or indiduals, we do not want occupation & war lords, plain and simple.
The Somali intellectuals and 95% of the general population are against the Ethiopian invasion of our country.
All the calls coming from our well known politicians is to liberate our motherland.
To name few, Abdirizak Haji Hussein, Ali Khalif Galaydh, Zakarie Haji Maxamud, most of the parliament members with the exception of " La haystayaal".
Perhaps, the leadership we are yearning might be coming from Asmara & the Somali Diaspora in general.
    HANIYE10 @ 4/6/2007 11:45 AM EST
 tigree cant kill 2.5 million in mogadishu how ever they
bombard,eventually they and their stooges will go empty-handed
    HANIYE10 @ 4/6/2007 11:41 AM EST
 waxaa layiri geedkii orod lagu fuulo orodaa loogu soo degaa
tigree dalka orodeey ku soo galeen orodna wey ugu bixi doonaan
marka talo faraha kabxdo
    HANIYE10 @ 4/6/2007 11:39 AM EST
 if the IUC were defeated who the hell is dragging ur heroes
the tigree
    george bush @ 4/6/2007 11:35 AM EST
 what I still wonder with is, who is gonna be the army and the police of yusuf and Gedi? if they dont trust a single somali soul then living in a city of 2.5 million somalis will be an impossible task. Now this calls for the total eradication of somalis from the city! and if all somalis are finally chased out of their city, then are they gonna lead? Hmmm I am getting a little confused here.

I here Gedi and yusuf cant meet, because the militia guarding gedi and providing him security dont trust those of Yusuf, hence the few conatacts between the two safe for their phone calls. If the TFG gov was a company its shares would have slumped long ago, if it was a European gov it would have resigned too. But africa being africa and their hearts just as dark as their faces and their future real gloomy will stop at nothing.

I dont blame them but i curse who ever let africans attain indpendence, imagine somaliland as a British protectorate, somalia as an Italian one! no wars, development, no need to travel all the way after them after they have left, cause that is what we did and still doing. plz Europe come back we are ready to be colonised and this time we will remain really obedient. This reminds me of the war in sirealeone where everyone interviwed kept on saying "we want our former colonial masters to come and save us" I was disgusted with them back then but now I know, and with the grace of Allah they were saved by some 250 royal forces and now they live happily ever after! lol
    cabdull @ 4/6/2007 10:46 AM EST
 die with honor and Nobody would live this world forever and everybody would die. Instead of living under occupation die like a man.  Somalis have history of defeating the enemy.  We defeated Ethiopians in 1800’s  Axmad Gurey,  SAyid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan, SH-xasan Barsame and many more are known their bravery and fight with the enemy while they are white or black.  And some people have history of supporting the enemy.  I ask Allah to forgive those people and show them the right bath.  
    shanta @ 4/6/2007 10:39 AM EST
 Tactical retreat implies defeat when used by a Somali. Every militia who got beaten badly has used it for the past 16 years.
    RocketLaunch @ 4/6/2007 9:58 AM EST
 tactical? The "Sheikh" speaks like Saddam's former information minsters.
    defender @ 4/6/2007 9:50 AM EST
 Yosra and your supporters keep on crying.
    Jawiil @ 4/6/2007 9:37 AM EST
 Sheikh Shariif.. May Allah safe you from those who are planning to harm you and everyone who believe their fate, Somalinimo and equality. One thing that almost every Somali agrees on regardless of their tribe affiliation or regional background is that you are one in a million. May Allah give us many more like you. I would like to let you know that we miss you, that we think about you and that we pray for you return to pacify Mogadishu and the rest of Somalia and lead us with the righteous Shari’a, which is the only thing that will unite us all.
    Yosra @ 4/6/2007 9:23 AM EST
 You bet it was tactical.. that is why courts will be back
soon after Yosof and his Puntland mooryaans are tried for

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