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    fajo @ 1/17/2007 6:32 PM EST
 Ina cibaar waa ku mahadsanyahay gabaygiisa qiiradaleh
balse hadal sidiisaba haan ma buuxsho. waxaan ubaahanahey
ficil. dhalinyarada iyo waxgaradka dhamaantiin ka hadla
sidaad dhulkiina wax ugu qaban lahaydeen. fikrado is
dhaafsada ficilna ku dara. waxaan la hadlayaa dhalinyarada
aan weli xanuunka qabiilku ku dhicin.
Dhaliney dhulkeenii
dhaxalkii awowgeen
hoygii dhasheena
waakaa ladhacayoo
aan u dhiibnay dhiigyacab.
    WARSAMEAL @ 1/15/2007 11:04 PM EST
 meshaan hadaan fikradayda ka diiban lahaa waxaan nacayaa
inay fikradaydu ku dhexdarsanto kuwaa afguduud tuunjiga u qaada.
    adamjama @ 1/15/2007 6:33 PM EST
 Careful guys what you say about Caraweelo;
Legend has it that Caraweelo use to castrate all men becouse she was the mother of feminism.
Everytime I hear the name Caraweelo,I hold on to everything I got with both hands,so watch it guys this girls can cause some damage.
Also,legend has it that she saved one guy from her policy and he was chianed to her bed for reasons she only knew.(ask Abdisamad if he is chained)?
About the fighting in Mogadisho,fari kama qodna faanoole.

    galgalato2 @ 1/15/2007 8:29 AM EST
 It came to light that some people(Adik,Abdisamad,Yusuf2 and theit queen of evil Caraweelo)are one or two individuals who are paid to oppose eveything that service Somali interest. In that way, we ought to be careful not to fall the trap laid to divide Somalis. One of their aims is to justify the unjustifiable invasion of Somalia by Ethiopia. Second, to bring clan stuff into the discussion so that to create bad blood between the brotherly Somali people.
    galgalato2 @ 1/15/2007 6:32 AM EST
 Ing. Cibaar waa ku mahadsanyahay, gabayga wanaagsan oo uu noo soo bandhigay. Somali patriots will preveil and the stooges will be forced to vacate their positions. Ethiopian troops should leave Somali soil without delay or face stiff resistance and death. Waxaa layaab leh in websiteyada qaar la xaqiijiyey in ay qarashkooda bixiso safaaradda Ethiopia ee London ay af-hayeen u yihiin Itoobiyaanka. Markii askar Itoobiyaan ah la dilo ay yiraadhaan, ciidankii dowladda iwm. Waxaa ka daran in ay taageerashaasha qabsiga Itoobiya qabteen mudaharaad, laakiin websiteyadaasi xitaa ka xishoodeen in ay soo qoraan war arimahaas ku saabsan. Xaqa ayaa guulaysan doona haddii Ilaah yiraahdo.
    Yousef2 @ 1/15/2007 5:41 AM EST
 Inj. Cibaar,

Saaxiib raalli iga ahow; meeshani waa meel labo qolo ku kaftanto, marka haddaadan dhexdhexaad ahayn waa lagu hujuumayaa ee ku talogal
    mmuse @ 1/15/2007 5:39 AM EST
 Afkaada Caano geel lugu qabay
Mahadsanid aad iyo aad ayaan ugula dhacay gabaygaaga
Waxuuna ka mid noqonaa Tixdan gabayga kuwa tariqda no galay
waxuuna nonoqanayaa kuwa schoolada looga dhiga jillka jira iyo kiwa soo socdo
waxaa nasiib daran kii aqrista gabaygan ee hadana waxba ku qadan waye wali
dulinimo iyo calooshis u shaqeeste noqda ee wali qabiil u jeeda
maxamed cibaar u re the one

    Yousef2 @ 1/15/2007 5:30 AM EST

I wanted to tell you, saaxiib, ha isku darin inaad rag sharaf leh soo xigatid, markaasna qashin iyo qabiil ku soo gabagabaysid.
    Yousef2 @ 1/15/2007 5:24 AM EST

LOL; very good and better than Inj. Cibaar's gabay.
    muuna @ 1/15/2007 12:35 AM EST
 afkaaga caano lagu qabay
waxaan umalaynayaa in xaqu ka soobixi raga dadka iyo
dhulkooda iibsaday kuna sheegay ihraabiga
in xaga ilaahay laga khashifidoono in shha alah kuwa kuraacaya qabiilkana maalinta ilaahay hadhkiisala joogo nin walba waxa uu la soo bixi doonaa qofka  uu jecelyahay
    abdik @ 1/14/2007 9:51 PM EST
 What part of it do you find as an insult? What I wrote above was intended as a joke and I had a friend of mine who just came over for coffee helped me with it. Did you like it Jigjigaawi?

My children are fourth generation Baraawians in case you were wondering. I think my late great grandfather, My Allah bless him and all of our late grandparents, came to Somalia sometime around 1870s and my family lived in that part of Somalia ever since. I was lucky enough to have traveled in many areas of our land after I returned from 77. In fact I made it all the way to Saylac.

And if I was Majeerteen or from these two cities you mentioned sbove I would have had no fear admitting that for I consider reer Puntland the noblest of all Somalis. Some of my own relatives were lucky enough to fled to Puntland after they got kicked out from the south by the former USC mooryaan of General Aydiid. They had no difficult what so ever stayed there till they found a way to get to Yemen and other parts of the middle east.

Have a good night brother.
    Jigjigaawi @ 1/14/2007 9:31 PM EST
 This is an insult to Gibilcad and reer Baraawe, by living there few years doesn't make you Gibilcad nor does this make you acquire their accent; some of us might beleive you if you would've said Majeerteen and Garoowe or Eyl.  But I like your honest attempt and stepping into unfamilier territory :)


    abdik @ 1/14/2007 7:43 PM EST
 Indhaweyda  gabeygii naceyoo waan ka gaabsadeye
Iska daayey geeraaradii ila gudboonaaye
Anoo gibilcadaa  kaa badiya gabay iyo xaalkiise
Kuwii garka sii deeystey baa saa tan noogaleye
Adiguna gun baa tahay saaxib garashe yeelkeede

Here is not the only one that can write low grade poetry in Somali.

All kind remarks are welcome. Take it easy on me folks. I grew up in Baraawe of all places.
    adamjama @ 1/14/2007 6:00 PM EST
 Thank you Mr.Cibaar;
Let the Somalis know there are historical parallels in the situation we find ourselves in.
During the days of Sayid Mohamed's movement,an Ogaden tribe went to Adari and requested Ethiopians to come to Ogaden and help them defeat the Darwishes.The Ethipians came with smiles on their faces and helped defeat the Sayid Mohamed movement.However;when the operation was over and the clan leaders asked the Ethiopians to go back,not only did they refused,they arrested the clan leaders who invited them in the first place.It is not secret today that the Ethiopians are still in Ogaden perhaps protecting them from the Sayid through eternity.
Again in our unfortunate history another group of Somalis without consulting with history invited Ethiopia to help them defeat the Islamists who controlled the south and agian I have no doubt Ethiopians have their own hidden agenda for coming to help.It is sad to say the TFG has no plan B for getting the occupying forces out.They already started arresting oromos and Somali intellectuals,they are doing operations in the Afmadow region without any Somalis with them.
I heard very interesting story in Gaalkacyo last week.Ethiopian soldier slapped across the face a Somali man standing infront of a resturant and kept hitting him.Since he does not know Amharic or Tegrenia,he turned to his fellow Somali customers standing around him and asked them "War ninku muxuu igu dilay"since they do not know Amharic either waxay ugu jawaabeen "Waydii adeerkaa Cabdullahi Yusuf".
In my opinion,very soon there will be a fallout between Ethiopians and the TFG,the so-called leaders Cabdullahi Yusuf,Caydiid,and Geedi will run to the bush,reproduce their jabhad identity(SSDF,USC,etc)and call upon us to help them get the Ethiopians out of the country.
    @ 1/14/2007 5:48 PM EST
 Ina Cibaar, mahadsanid walaal, gabaygaanina waa runtii mid taabanaya ninkii maanta u damqanaayo dalkeenii xaalada adagee uu ku jiro.
To Cabdisamad and the likes, you either don't understand the content of this beautiful poem or blindly supporting your old clansman Ina yeey.  what makes you to link this worderful poem to Osama Binladen?  I urge you to seek immediate psychiatric help, gabeygan Cibaar waxaa uu ku qoran yahay Soomaali, fariinta uu xambaarsan yahayna waxay ku socotaa inta murtida Soomaliga fahmitaqaana, markaa waxaad ku dhaliilsan tahay Soomaali ku soo bandhig hadiise kale nacnacda meesha kala tag.  Ma filanayo in gabeygani lagu soo bandhigi doono bogaga Ina yeey dadkiisa, laakiin waxaan filayaa in bogaga kale oo dhami ay faafiyaan.
Dadkan wax ka sheegaya gabeygan waxey isoo xasuusisey gabey aan hore u maqley oo aan u maleynayo inuu Hadraawi ama Cabdi-Qays tiriyey oo uu lahaa:
"Isticmaarku xeel iyo
Xanaf iyo wax-yeelliyo
Xanan iyo dhibaatiyo
Xadhko miidhan weeyoo
Sida geed xajiin leh buu
Xagxagtaa kor kaagee
Xadantada gumeystaha
Xaram lagaga maydhaay

Xudduntii dhulkaygaay
Xaruntii dadkaygaay
Xamareey ma nabad baa?

Dalka inay xaraashaan
Dembi inay xambaartaan
Ama sharafka xooraan
Isticmaar la xididaan
Ama xeer la yeeshaan"

Walaalaha Xamarow iska ilaaliya dabinta Majeerteen ee uu idinla damacsan yahay.


    shukuman cade @ 1/14/2007 12:33 PM EST
 The process of natural selection has begun, in due time we will see a government that sensible and responsible to emerge from this chaos. Of course, this will not be achieved over night, but in years. Once you accept finality, you allow yourself to outgrow from he current problem.
    nomadic1 @ 1/14/2007 12:23 PM EST
 we need to work with them to reclaim our country. A warlord
of any kind is not good to us whether in the TFG or hiding in the
UIC. Blind support to reckless warlords is not wise idea. These people
dont even know the boundries of their countries let alone the scale and the
scope of the job they were supposed to do.

Once again, Abdisamad and Co, please dont just fly in the face of everything
on the screen and be senseble.
    shukuman cade @ 1/14/2007 12:19 PM EST
 If Back home. I would open a restuarant(holding name for business reasons)in Lido next to UN Club.
    nomadic1 @ 1/14/2007 12:13 PM EST
 Abdisamad, if u got an idea, bring it. Does just fly in the face
everything that comes on your way.

If you were fed up with Indha cade, are you telling people that they
aught to be fed up with the warlord infested TFG. Can you
make u point clear!!!!!!!!!

If as you always claim, one warlord (Indha cade)tainted the good deeds of
the UIC, then how come u support the TFG entirely made up
godless, faithless warlords. U lack consistence bro.

The TFG is what we got now, not what we needed.
    nomadic1 @ 1/14/2007 12:06 PM EST
 Yusuf2+adik+shukumancade+abdisamad= THE SAME PERSON.

same time and interval on posting comments, same stance,
same language and style of writing plus pantuations and of
same nonsense.

Posting comments just for the sake of it. i got keyboard and pc.

You going desprate mate.
Just cos you got ample time and access to the comments
section which for others doesnt mean you can hijack and miskew how
Samalis feel at this moment in time. You got long way to go to acheive that
feat bro, i wonder what you would do if u were back home!!!!!!!!
    shukuman cade @ 1/14/2007 12:05 PM EST
 Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death,
It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle,
When the sun comes up, you better start running.  
-African proverb.
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/14/2007 11:26 AM EST
 Af caytamaa ninkiisuu ku yaal. Those clan-minded among us will surely regret their approval of the Tigrean invasion. This noble poet does not need any approval from those who are supporting criminal warlords and the destruction of Somalia. Wan weyn indhihiisa kor ma arkaan illaa madaxa laga gooyo. I think, many people including some in this forum will only oppose this naked aggression when their relatives or their warlord suffers. That is utterly against islamic principles.
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/14/2007 10:40 AM EST
It is clear to everyone that you know very little about literature. The only reason why you and others are criticising it is it tells the plain truth about the state of affairs of our country. Our country is under clolonial occupation and the puppit proconsul and co have no authority to challenge the writ of the Ethiopian masters. This poet is brave enough to hit the nail on the head and it is expected that people who are dancing to the tunes of the warlords will not like it. In addition, we also know those clan minded among us will leave no stone unturned to oppose everyone who opposes this ugly invasion and occupation. I think mr. Cibaar is one of the best poets that our country produced. You may appreciate his contribution when clan poison leaves your body, and I hope it will not be long because Tigrean masters will turn their puppit warlords against each other and yours may lose. You are always welcome to come to our camp.
    shukuman cade @ 1/14/2007 10:10 AM EST
 Mukhtar, please ask what the rest of Somalia wants before judging and lecturing us about our history.  Too many of you are using the demise of UIC and the intervention of Ethiopian troops to solely claim that you are more patriotic than the rest of us.  Where were you when the rest of us were complaining about Indhacade and company?
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/14/2007 10:04 AM EST
It is not true and you did not comment on the poen from literary point of view, because you did not mention anything that may be wrong or weak. Instead you only stated that it is not a good poem. If such criticism based on nothing would be acceptable we would be able to discredit every dicipline. So if you know something about poems, please come up with substantiated arguments or keep your worthless comments to yourself.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/14/2007 7:19 AM EST
 Mohamed Cibaar waa nin dhalinyaro ah oo buuxiyey kaalintii ay baneeyeen abwaanadii muhiimka ahaa ee ilaahay oofsaday. Raqba waa rageedaa la yiriye waa loo baahnaa in gabaygan oo kale soo baxo xilligan cakiran ee dhulkeennii Tigree ku amar ku taagleynayo.
Kuwa sida xagxagashada leh gabayga wax uga sheegay ujeedadiinnu maxay tahay? Ma iska caarid baa wixii aan figradiinna qabin? Haddii aad gabay taqaanaanna soo bandhiga haddii kale isku xishooda xigmad la'aan hayska hadaaqina e'.
    Yousef2 @ 1/14/2007 6:41 AM EST

We commented on the literary quality of the poem; no politics. Pls ask any real poet; I don't know whether such great poets are still alive, like Ali Elmi Afyare, Dhoodaan, Qassim, etc.
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/14/2007 6:07 AM EST
 Waxaa wax lalayaabo ah in dadka qaar oo xikmadii ilaahey ka qaaday ay wax ka sheegaan qabaygan wadaniga ah. Lakiin welideeg wey jirtey dad gumaysiga taakuleeya, oo markii SYL dagaalka waday dad kuwan oo kale ayaa u mudaharaadayey oo u oynayey in gumaysigu joogo iyaga oo dan u maleeya. Kuwan hadda qabqablayaasha dagaalka qabiilka u taageeraya waxaa ka maqan maskasda , hase ahaatee waxa ay u soo gagaysaa marka kuwa ay taageerahayaan Ethiopianku ka takahlusaan, markaas fadlan ooyintiina hanoola imaanina. Taasna waxaan filahayaa in ayna dheereyn ee aan wada sugno. Soomaaliya danaheeda waxaa ka tashan kara Soomaali, xabashina boos ugama banaana.
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/14/2007 6:01 AM EST
If something is without wisdom it is your comment. Either you do not have intellectual capacity to understand the depth of the poem or your blind support for the Ethiopian invasion and the warlords has damaged your judgement. Remember when the great Somali poets like Timacadde was taking part in the struggle to free Somalia from colonialism , there were people like you who were siding with the colonial powers. In my opinion, this poet and the others like him will be mentioned in the history classes when Somalis regain their freedom and evict the occupaying power and their willing puppits.
    Yousef2 @ 1/14/2007 4:09 AM EST
 Xikmadna ma leh, qurux gabayna ma leh; waa cantarabaqash.

Shukuman cade,

Pls explain your comment. I did live in Baidoa for one year long time ago, but I didn't learn much of May language.
    shukuman cade @ 1/14/2007 12:55 AM EST
 Very deep.
Borka ada borasa, hore lahin bore.
busta iska tir tir wadayow, jidkan Amhara inka lehoye.
Daris humo iyo hasanimaba adi shenti.
    shardi @ 1/13/2007 9:16 PM EST
 Gabay waa kaas haddii lagu qaboobaayo......
Gabey waa kans waayahaana kanoo kale ma-maqlin.
yaa-salaam. noolow (Walaal)

Hana kala joojin.......
    shardi @ 1/13/2007 8:43 PM EST
 Waxaa kaliya oo garan-karaya waa wadani,
iyo nin kuu dhalay......

Waxaa gabaygan laga soo dheegay...
Web:site-ka somalitalk.com

Qab qab dhaafay soomaaliyey qaran ma noo diidey?
Qaashkiyo bilaawaha miyaa la isku qaaxeeyey?
Qaarqaadka dhaawaca miyaa qawyo laga daadshey?

Qoorgooyadeenii miyaa xabashi qoondeeyey?
Qabriguna sad weeyee dugaag maydka ma u quudhnay?
Qufta iyo waraabaha miyaa qaarar kala jiitey?
Ma qasaareheenaa waxgarad qoomamada ooyey?
    mukhtarmjama @ 1/13/2007 6:59 PM EST
 Mr.Ebar you are a national hero and a respected nationalist. I can undoubtedly state you occupy the same position as Timacadde for your role of the strugge to establish an independent Somalia free of foreign intervention, warlordism and injustice. May Allah reward you for your good deeds, Aamiin.
    nomadic1 @ 1/13/2007 6:29 PM EST
 Afkaaga caano lagu qabay.

You are a talent bro, Masha allah.

Nice Gabay, but this was my favorite

“Aduunyadan ninkii Xaramka taga kuba xujoobaayo”
"Adduunyadan midkii reerka xada loo xadreynaayo"

Alle ha kuu siyaadiyo murtidaada bro
    alio @ 1/13/2007 6:21 PM EST
 Injineer Maxamed Cali Cibaar afkaaga caana mac lagu qabay, waxaan Ilaahay kaaga baryayaa
kheyr iyo caafimaad, runtii gabaygaaga waxaa waxa uu ka turjumayaa
xaalada dhabta ah ee murugada badan ee wadankeena uu ku jiro.
Maquuste dhiigyacabka Cabdullahi Yussuf Yeey  waxa inta la xasuusan yahay uu ahaa bar madoow oo cancer ku ahaa
qarannimadii iyo dowaldnimmadii ummadda Soomaaliyeed, waxa uu ahaa ninkii wadadii uu jeexay
oo ahayd in Ethopia la tago lagana soo jabhadeeya wadankeena lagu burburiyey, mirihii ka dhashay waa Somali republic = Isaaqland, Hawiyeland and Hartiland
oo haddana waxaa seddexdoodaba uu ka dhigay Zone 6 oo ka mid federal republic of Ethopia?
Geedi Ilko dheere, iyo gabarta ina Caydiid ama Xuseen gorilla , Faysal Cali Dhurwaa , Muuse Suudi, mooryaanka Qanyre iyo kuwa kale waa kuwa ay Soomali geeyey halka ay maanta joogta

Waxaa kuwaas ka sii liito dad badan oo kuwaas ku difaacaayo qaabiil .
Maxamed Cali Cibaaroow maxaakiimta waxayna na tuseen wadadada nuurka, Qarannimada, Islaanimada iyo Soomaalinimada markaa waxaa balan nagu ah inaan nafteena iyo maalkeena u hurno inaan
soo celino sharaftii iyo qarannimadii iyo Soomalinamaddii .
Geesiyadii Sheekh Shariif, Sheekh Xasan Daahir, Sheekh MAxamed ISlaan iyo intii wanaagsaneyd waa u duceeynaa  oo xasuusanaa.

uu sameeyneyaa.
    Samatalis65 @ 1/13/2007 6:11 PM EST
 Afkaaga caano laguqabey Cibaar

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