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    Camel Girl @ 2/21/2008 2:47 AM EST
 On the other hand, the fight just moves on to the well feed and dirty eaters I will never sale or buy the Human Rights sale and very unbalanced who just keeps being silly to a growing dirty world.
    Camel Girl @ 2/17/2008 4:21 AM EST
 Sorry I just want dirty not bad dirty just a foolish Somali.  I want Bush to be in Mogadishu and he should stop his boys who just love eating our fish and Canada the just keeps on helping and tired of Americas dirty politics.   Take your boats your tax money somehow failed and try to have shut you off and some manipulated Dirty Bush and the Qween never liked him but he was just bbbbb. Africa is not home for dirty uses
    Camel Girl @ 2/17/2008 4:01 AM EST
 Sorry I just want dirty not bad dirty just a foolish Somali.  I want Bush to be in Mogadishu and he should stop his boys who just love eating our fish and Canada the just keeps on helping and tired of Americas dirty politics.  
    Camel Girl @ 2/16/2008 8:54 AM EST
 No Comment Sweaty. Happy red dirty it just adds to no good but somehow you deserve a red flower you misused  tale care my loves are/ha.  In addition, stop d the under for I do not. Take it easy the world is just rocky and the gun just shoots.  Love/Blessing
    Arraweelo10 @ 2/15/2008 3:58 PM EST
 Camel girl, what you writing is it Neufy language?
    Camel Girl @ 2/4/2008 6:54 AM EST
 "WHAT IS THIS B*TCH UP TO?" What is the sale sweet heart woman? On the other hand, I am enjoying the supper bowl and you just are tiered but the Somali and the men you just try and disrespected in Ethiopia this meeting over ruled AUO and IGAD you sting.  President Bush your buy does not work Canada special Nefland tale your fish hunting   we have a home to fish our waters are the pay back to the bad Statistics in the tax pay and our manipulated and just are just are just trying or our just not lowing what informer means and Americas should jus not tale this with it grebe Arab friend and dirty the game is.
    @ 1/29/2008 12:05 PM EST
 walaal waad ku mahadsantahay warbixintaas dadyar ayaa
ka xanuunsanayo arintaas oo kale laakin walaal
wixii oday wado inan wad  waxaan  kawadaa odayada
iyo nimanka qaadka mehrada kadhigtay oo wiilkasha iyo hooyooyinka
hooyooyinka hortoota leh waan murqaamaynaa ayaa halkaas dhigay wadankii iyo
loo eedaynayaa ee waxaa loo baahanyahay is ku tag
iyo qabiil oo laga boxo iyo in nin walaal kaa ah lagu
quursado qabiil lasmeeyey  oo dadka lagu kala saaro
ilaa iyo aan taas wax ka qabano walaal waa ciil aan la raaagay ee aan dadaalno
    qamarasha@yahoo @ 1/20/2008 4:44 PM EST

I agree with "Camel-girl, life in the qurba has been tough
for women and children, we have to get out of this vicious
cirle that has been created, which is breeding poverty.
We must find ways to get on our own feet and stopped this
degrading benefit system, and create our own living.  We
are Somalis we are clever in entrepreneur, we have just got
to fight laziness.

Parents should stop denying the reality, we brought our
children to this qurbo, we must work hard for their
safety, it takes two to make a baby, two should bring that
baby up together, as well as work hard together for
their future, like we were doing back home. We have
beautiful children, let us teach them what is right and
what is wrong,just like we used to back home.
    Camel Girl @ 1/18/2008 3:22 PM EST
 We might be at the bottom of the list but we have come a long way as a community in adapting in a new country with every thing different or opposites eg. The simply start Sun/Snow. Food asking questions the conversation ersation taught by a teacher the mom tries to understand (who is who) English/French simply but sells such us milk we are nomads where I can get Camel milk.

The majority are Single Moms and dealing with children who do not share the same page of life but all just add up to victims of violence (I cannot imagine how this moms just do what they do for the wellbeing of their families). Somali families I am very very proud it has been rocky  

The children who noticed that time are being the victims now (YOUTH) for no reason but poverty and just trying to adapt lost and trying to help mom desperately but mom is trying to satisfy her new envorment and pretending nothing is happening. What a confessed world.  

    amina_samajecel @ 1/15/2008 7:23 AM EST
 Mudane Dalmar, aad iyo aad ayaad ugu mahadsan tahay maqaalka
aad soo qortay. Haddii aan u soo noqdo su'aashada waxay ila
tahay in aay dhibaatada aay la xiriirto:
1) Dhibaatada dalka ka taagan ayaa sameyn ku leh. Waayo dadka waa
jahawareersan yihiin.
2) Waalidiinta qaar oo aan xoogga saarin carruurtooda
3) Ragga iyo Haweenka qaar oo waqtigooda ku dhumiya qaad, fadhikudirir,
party, iyo maalayacni.
4) Somalida oo iskala wayn inaay shaqooyinka hoose qabtaan aanse ceeb u arkin
tuugsida ama "income support".
5) Somalida qaarkood oo shaxaadka iyo beenbeenta ka doorbida shaqada.
6) Somalida qaarkood oo jecel inaay qariyaan daqligooda. Qaarkood waxay
sabab uga dhigayaan in eheladooda aay rabaan inay wax u diraan.
Liiska waa dheer yahay laakinse intaas ayaan ku soo koobay.

Waxay ila tahay inaay habboonaan lahayd inaay Somalida inti meel wada
degganba isu timaad aay ka wada tashtaan sidi aay noloshooda u horumarin
lahaayeen, qabiilka iyo qaabdarradana aay meel isaga dhigi lahaayeen.
    sumaya22 @ 1/15/2008 3:35 AM EST
 true about this statistics. majorities of somalians dont fear ALLAH. islam teaches you to be truthfull, hardworking, productive and trustworthy. somalians were treated well when they fled to the western world, but they dont want to abandon this feeling of being weak ,uneducated,
getting benefit is easy , lying to receive more benefit is easy for somalians. but they forget that this is a test.
some somalians are good mashalah.
in every community you will find black sheeps, but unfortunately there to many black sheeps in somali community especially here in the west.
may ALLAH guide .
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/14/2008 2:27 PM EST
 momo519, many of these who don't report their income are taking social welfare, so they got accounted for some where. No wonder we are the highest number in all this report's findings.
    momo519 @ 1/14/2008 12:33 PM EST
 Although I agree that most Somalis are poor, this article is based on reported income. Large number of Somalis are Taxi drivers and most of them do not report their income.  
    Amaal-1 @ 1/14/2008 11:56 AM EST
 Waxaan deganaa Ottawa mudo dheer, aad baana u fahansnahay dhibaatooyinka ay bulshada Soomalidu ku sugantahay.
Wexey ila tahay aniga in ay arimo badan ay jiraan oo dhibaatoyinka bulshada haysta sabab u ah.
Dhibaatada ugu weyn waa bulshada Somaalida oo aan mahaysanin hogaamiyayaal dadka ka wacyigaliya arimaha ku saabsan sida ugu haboon ee wadanka Canada loogu noolaado horemarna looga gaaro.
Arin kale oo iyadana kheyb ka khaadatay dhibaatoyinkan waa iyadoo aan bulshada heerkooda aqooneed ay liidatay markey wadan ka yimaadeen, taasoo ku kaliftay in walidiinta qeyb ka qaadanin wax barista caruurta iyo iney ku dhiira galiyaan sideey hore ugu mari lahaayeen.
    jj @ 1/12/2008 10:05 PM EST
 It is not surprise that Somalis are most disadvantage communities all over western world. The impact of problem back home is one factor that contributes these disadvantages.
    Fusuuy @ 1/12/2008 11:51 AM EST
 Haddii aan ra`yigeyga halkan ka dhiibto aa aan isku dayo in aan ka jawaabo suĂ asha uu qoraha maqaalka soo jeediyay,
waxey aniga aaminsanahay in soomaalida qurbo jooga ah intooda badan aaney ku tartamin Aqoonta iyo Shaqada,
laakin ay ku tartamaan sidii ay u kala ceyr qaadasho badanyihiin.
Haddaba waxaa taas looga bixi karaa in Soomaalida qurbaha jooga ay marka hore ogaadaan in umadaha aan usoo martinay horumarka ay gaareen ay ku gaareen aqoonta iyo shaqada.

    dahir0202 @ 1/12/2008 5:29 AM EST
 koleey tirikoobkaan Ottowa ayuu kuegyahay anaga hadaa nahay
soomaalida dagan norway waagii hore saas ayaa ladhihi jiray laakiin
hada waan bislaanay waxaan dhihi karaa qof aan shaqayn oo soomalai ah waa
fara kutiris meeshan mar hadii uu luuqada barto.
Waxaan dhamaan soomaalida qurbajooga kacodsanayaa in aan lajaan qaadno
umadaha kale.

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