7 comment(s)
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    Gaadh-haye @ 7/4/2007 5:36 AM EST
 Shamsa, you're realy a true SUN.Well done!

Tears flock from my eyes, my hearth trembles, and my body shakes. I sence as if that poem was meant for every Somali man and I shoulder the blame and carry the burden, after reading about this well written and articulated poem.

Shamsa, you are like 'a canddle in the wind' that refuses to fade and be put-off by the blowing of the winds. You're also like a follower in a desert that keeps blossoming under the heath of burning sun.
    haawiya @ 7/3/2007 9:24 AM EST
 Waxaan la yaabay qoraalkan quruxdiisa iyo sida wanaagsan ee loo soo qoray. Waxaan sidoo kale is waydiiyay dadka qoraalkan loogu tala galay? Af Englishku ma wuxu noqday mid laysgu faano qoraalkiisa? Somali ha noolato?
    rooti_4 @ 7/3/2007 6:47 AM EST
 wonderful shamso that's the name i forgot from ( israaca)
but unfortunatly the real man didn't told me your real name
when i call you aisha!!! ( caaisha ka waran)!!!
thanks again this is one of rooti's style:
maxaa caawa xalay uga eg,1 july bay u dabaal deganayaa
tigreena baar fait ay shaah ku cabaayaa,maska waan necbahay
dadkuu cunaa, Geedi & yusuf wadankii waa gateen,cali mahdina
waa sabciyey,carmaan waa dacwooday,rooti waa daalay,
baasaboor gube waa la diiday,soomaalistiin waa soo socotaa!!!
    kurus @ 7/3/2007 3:23 AM EST
Masha Allah, wonderful poem.
    jayklen1 @ 7/3/2007 1:03 AM EST
 Good One .....THANKS

    Jawiil @ 7/2/2007 6:46 PM EST
 It really brought tears into my eyess the author writes "If one faith and Soomaalinimo still dwell in our hearts,
If a free and independent Somalia still exists as other than
a dream lost in the history books." I will only add to this :
     Abdullahi Gaalwade
     Gedi iyo Dabageed
     iyo Inta la garaadka ah
     Axmaarkeey soo galbiyeen
     Dadkey Gowracayaan
     Waa Soomaali Go'eed
     Ee Ninkii Guul u arkoow
     Walee Guuldaraan U arkee...
    ilwad @ 7/2/2007 3:54 PM EST
 Very moving article thank you.

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