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    Camel Girl @ 9/1/2007 12:55 PM EST
 In reality, Somali the family is losing its values so bad and being bad every other day. Somalis are being more hopeless/helpless. I am going to say this and applaud my self especially to those living in hosted countries around the globe.  Stop lying to young girls/families in Somalia by promising them you will take care and using them us your relieving bag/bags for the night (one nightstand).  To all Somali families this men are losers and just because they have been accepted in a hosted country.  These men are manipulative and steal the innocence’s of young girls, with promises that will never be fulfilled.  I am very proud of the Somali women movement and thanks to the TFG and the International Community.  Blessings to the Somali Women who spoke up you deserve and should be majority in Somali politics, more than ever today.
    faduma @ 8/24/2007 8:48 PM EST
 I think your article was excellent in creating awareness of the situation of our Somali children in Somalia.
The state of affairs in our beloved country seem to be getting no better and unfortunately our children are the ones worst effected as a consequence to that. Although reading your article made me feel very sad, I still managed to see a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel and it reminded me of a great quote I had once read: “It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and for others” (the dalai lama) so I believe there is still hope for those children.

Thank you very much for that deeply moving article, it certainly made me think more deeply about the matter.

I think you are a very inspirational Writer.
    george bush @ 8/22/2007 12:23 PM EST
 Thank you abdi noor.

Let us wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ. I am sure those children will be fine by then
    lula @ 8/21/2007 5:25 PM EST
 Who is getting paid at the expense of these children?
Million of US dollar were divided between yusuf geddi
and Alya Kola wife of Ethiopian prime minister.Tegrees
has ellegally occupied the country and import tfg without
the consent of Somali people.Yusuf need to resign he disgrace
Somalia.He kill these children there father and mother
they will have there revenged,you should be talking to him
to live with his amxaro. By the way what you doing in the bakara?

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