6 comment(s)
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    somaalidoon @ 4/12/2007 6:31 AM EST
 That is the fact.

He sees all the ills, he witnessed the criminal act
but he is powerless to speak out. He dares not to say
a word if he wants to continue his column that is a fact
and as long as that is the reality on the ground the
plestinians should not wait any help from the west.

God bless them they are few against the world.

"Ararsame dad kuu xigo nafluhu kala ayaan roone"

Arabs are their closest allies, I feel sorry for them
    ismalurto123456 @ 4/11/2007 1:44 PM EST
 ILLAAH aa u maqan shacbiga reer Plastain. Arab countries
are jus looking what is happening to their felow brothers
and sisters, instead they are doeing nothing about it.Insha allah
what goes around comes around. some arab countries are worse than
animal they have no clue what is happening,
and the once that apose the western is being opressed and killed like
sadam hussein.Digniy is not something you can buy. You have to be
born with it.
    SOMSTAR @ 4/11/2007 10:09 AM EST
 The closing remark of the writer is the heart of the truth that people not dare to speak in United states. Sucide missions and other forms of extremism is not the answer to change altitude of both the policy makers and people in the U.S. There are many like Carter who know the truth but need to be protected from the powerful Zionist Lobby.
    RocketLaunch @ 4/10/2007 7:13 PM EST
 The plight of the Palestinian people will continue to get worse as long as there are dictators in Arab countries who could care less for their fellow men.  
    RocketLaunch @ 4/10/2007 7:10 PM EST
 The plight of the Palestinian people will continue as long as there are dictators in Arab countries who could care less for their fellow men.  
    odeybiiqe @ 4/10/2007 5:22 PM EST
 Eye-borrows-raising article. Like Carter, awaiting to see what happens to this man!

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