6 comment(s)
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    Simply Logical @ 12/16/2006 3:07 PM EST
 What the Somali people need is Peace and not war.War is
not a solution,but distraction.So Dear Somali people,make
peace and not war. Thank you !
    citizenx @ 12/16/2006 12:46 PM EST
 THIS guy up is yemani jew
    abdik @ 12/16/2006 12:33 PM EST
 Long rant. Not bad though. He could have done a little better if it was shorter and to the point.
    Zuleyman @ 12/16/2006 12:11 PM EST
 Musa Yusef. I'm sorry bro but if i'd to mark this essay you will be getting D-. Because all things you mentioned are loaded with unfounded sources. Where did you get all those Classified information about who's befriend with whom?. Don't insult our intelligent. And all the things you'd mentioned in your essey is heresay and its not admissible in a public court.
    Yousef2 @ 12/16/2006 5:41 AM EST
 You have wasted a lot of effort for nothing..Frankly all the leaders of the UIC should be in Guantanamo
    muhsin @ 12/16/2006 2:45 AM EST

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