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    Erigavo @ 4/27/2007 5:27 PM EST
 Gaildon is an extremely profilic writer. Read his article,
"Why I am appalled"
    adamjama @ 1/16/2007 3:34 PM EST

You are saying "Dantaada maqaar eey ayaa loo howadaa" fair enough.
I hope you are wright for our sake and that of our children.
    kucadaye @ 1/12/2007 2:19 PM EST
 Adamjama says:

"In my opinion,there will be a general uprising
after the dust settles in mogadisho that will have
a domino effect into the entire nation because
very soon they will hit rock-bottom."

Adamjama, with your scenario, We will ALL hit
rock-bottom. The TFG characters are not characters
I would have tolerated at normal times.  But we are
not at normal times.  What I am saying let us use them
to navigate from the DHIIQO of the past 15 years while
holding them accountable for each step they take.

We have to choose the right time to fight our enemies.
This is not the right time.

An uprising will only result in prolonging the suffering
of our people backhome and an amble opportunity for
those of us in the material comfort of the Gaal zone
to cheer one Warlord or another.

Kucaday'ye oo ay ka kadda'hay !!
    adamjama @ 1/12/2007 12:14 PM EST
 Every action creates an equal and proportionate reaction:
While the father of all war lords Abdullahi yusuf is meeting with his junior counterpart war lords Sudi,Qaybdiid,Qanyare,Finish and others about disarmament there is gun fight at the gates of Villa Somalia between their millitia.On top of that two other war lords are busy with unrelated activities.Aydiid is praising the US air strikes that killed seventy innocent Somali Nomads while Barre Hiiraale refused to leave Kismayo for personal gains.
Furthermore; While they are playing cat & Mouse with each other,Ethiopia is playing a bigger trick on all of them. It is now controlling the entire Somali nation without losing a lot of life and resources because it used the old trick of "divide & rule". It has unlimmited access to Bosaso,Berbera,Kismayo,and now Mogadisho without any inspection and taxes.Its grand objective is to keep this war lords busy while she is exploiting our resources.
In my opinion,there will be a general uprising after the dust settles in mogadisho that will have a domino effect into the entire nation because very soon they will hit rock-bottom.

    kucadaye @ 1/12/2007 11:26 AM EST
 I share Gaildoon's sentiments.  Hower, The only way
out of ground zero is to support and empower the TFG
while at the same time holding them accountable.
Otherwise, a weak TFG will continue to be under
the Ethiopian influence.

    serene @ 1/12/2007 6:54 AM EST
 I am not just appalled but deeply saddened by what is happening in Somalia.

    Yousef2 @ 1/12/2007 4:20 AM EST
 Waa yaabaye mayla yaabteen!? Some forum members are talking about 'Somali dignity'. Is this a joke? The TFG and its friends are fighting for the restoration of the Somali nation first, before we start talking about luxuries like dignity, etc. On the other hand, some readers started mentioning the mythical name 'Ahmed Gurey'. As far I as I know, this warrior was a Yemeni. Also he was not fighting for any specific tribe.
    mohammed @ 1/11/2007 7:31 PM EST

changing, among other things, Gurey to Gran and lauding Ethiopian rule over Harar)?  Let’s wait and see.

Maybe waxa laga yaba in maxakiim khriistan ah lagagaga
dhawaaqo soomaaliya lana yirah MIDOWGA MAXAKIIMTA ITOOBIYANKA(MMI)
    abdik @ 1/11/2007 6:49 PM EST
 Mutawale, you couldn't find another online film about DJabouti this time or what?
    abdik @ 1/11/2007 6:49 PM EST
 Thanks mercano. I know you are not an every day member of the forum, you probably have better things to do with your life instead of coming here and becoming every day keyboard warriors, but thanks anyways. We enjoy reading your posts and I always look forward to seeing at least some of your messages from time to time.
    mutawalie @ 1/11/2007 4:12 PM EST
 As Djiboutian my suggestion is to divided Somalia into three neighbouring countries, for example
Somaliland annexed to Republic of Djibouti and became Djiboutian,____ Putland has to be part of Ethiopia and became Ethiopian,  and South Somalia from Galkayo to Ras kambani has to going and became part of Kenyan citizen,  That is only think ignorant Somalien stop fighting between tribe to tribe____ No More Somalia Map in Africa
    mercano @ 1/11/2007 3:26 PM EST
 Abdik, dont be bothered, surprised, etc. by those questioning your Somalihood.  You belong to those people's tomorow, as the badow is still in yesterday. As someone who grew up in an ancient city, you belong to their tomorrow. You cannot expect yesterday to recognize today or tomorrow, but tomorow knows yesterday very well. You see them as Somalis, but they fail to see you as a Somali.
    mercano @ 1/11/2007 3:18 PM EST
 The summer insect does not know what ice is, the frog in the well would not believe the imensity of the sky.  He who saw little marvels much. If you see strange, and you ignore its strangeness vanishes.
    markhaati @ 1/11/2007 12:10 PM EST
 Caraweelo: Where are you today? Meeshaa haddaad ka maqantahay xiiso ma laha.
    abdik @ 1/11/2007 11:17 AM EST
 Do I really need to answer that silly question once again? I have been asked many times in this forum if I was Somali and its getting little sickining to read these and similar comments posted by idiots with nothing other to offer to the forum but to think they have a right to refer themselves alone as Somalis.
    @ 1/11/2007 10:44 AM EST
 Ethopia's invation of somalia is the best thing that could have happened
to us in the past 15 yrs in my view. It is a blessing in disguise; just as bush "effort" to fight extremism have in way militanized muslims
ethopia's attempt to dominate us will unite us , us nothing has.
In somalia we use to heal pain by more pain(walays gubaa), ethopia is our bitter pill to swallow to feel better.
Thank u ethopia for awakening the warrior of the horn, the lesson ethopia will be thaught is that "it is not the gun that make one brave but the heart one has"

Oh what a humaliation awaits ethopians; this conflict in my view will lead to disintegration of ethopia...mark my word
there are 3 million residents in mogadishu who have lived thru 17 of continuous anarchy, in other words we have 3 million army in xamar compared to few thousand of ethopia
they will need more then america's help(whose soldiers were dragged and humliated)

Thank u once again ethopia for making somalia TOOSTOY"
    nomadic1 @ 1/11/2007 6:27 AM EST
 I cant believe what i have been reading in these comments.
Are the Ethipians invading this comments section as well.

Does Ethiopia think about us when they decide what they need to do.
The answer is no and now even no no because that is the exact meaning of
what domination is all about.

Who said we have to be enemies and who said we have to be friends. Are these
people going mental? Can't you somalis live and stand by yourself without
involving with Ethiopia. What can Ethiopia do for you that you cant do for yourself.
What would they do anything for you that they cant do for themselves. As far as
the outside world world is concerned, Ethiopia is the world's poorest nation with the highest
aids prevelance. So, Somalis and their so called leaders are the only humans on earth relying on
Ethiopia. And believe me, last few weeks events rised Ethiopia profile and stature through the sky while tainting
and tarnishing what littel dignity was left in Somalia
    nomadic1 @ 1/11/2007 6:03 AM EST
 Hi all,
Abdik and Abdisamad, are you Somalis after all?

Anyway, weather we like it or not, we Somalis are doomed not only
because of the TFG's incompetences and recklessness but also
our failure to see the bigger picture. The TFG was supposed to serve
Somalia not the other way round where Somalia has to serve the TFG. We all
need a viable state and aught to support but not blindly. Why didn’t we keep
Siad Barre’s one then.

Weather you agree or not, Ethiopia’s interest lies with a feeble Somalia under its domination. Its globally acknowledged that Ethiopia does not want an Islamic state next door. Now they claim an extremist Islam, next will be moderate and finally Islam of any kind. The TFG have already broken international laws by inviting Ethiopia into the country as they claim. In reality they have just been used and will be used in the future.
Who will stop them from making illicit agreements with outsiders to our own detriment?
The TFG will never be able to serve Somali’s interests by submission to their strategic neighbors. They don’t necessarily have to be friends or foes but rather need to have a bargaining position and strength. I see no way out mates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just have this feeling that the worst is yet to come before things improve.

Alle ha inoo wada naxariisto. AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN
    @ 1/11/2007 4:38 AM EST

The only point I was thinking to add to what Abdik & Abdisamad (and maybe others) have already said is what you just wrote in your comment. All the aim of these pre-emptive operation was to avoid such a situation.
    amman @ 1/11/2007 3:04 AM EST
 the secret to a united and properous somalia is peace
with Ethiopia. As long as people like Gaildon choose to be
prisoners of the past, somalia will not be at peace with itself.

A hostile somalia adminstration to Ethiopia such as ICU or Siade Barre
will only force Ethiopia to try to help and arm clans
and somali groups allied against that government. Ethiopia
has the means and resources to do that as you can see from
the sudden demise of ICU.

so the best hope for a united, peaceful and vibrant somalia is
alliance and peace wit Ethiopia. Anything else has failed and will fail.
Trust me I know.

    TruthTeller @ 1/11/2007 3:01 AM EST
 Dear Author of Article Mr. Mohamoud A. Gaildon, you are a true Somali
and Until all Somalis realize that UNITY is more than imperative to their existance to take back their country! I'm just as appalled to see that Some Somalis are living still the primitive tribal illnesses that destroyed us!

Ah...I'm appalled by the lack of self love towards their nationhood, I'm hurting to be a SOmali today since our people do not even know what's the next stage as they busy themselves with clanish support....I'm totally confused as to what kind of people the Somali people are?!!
    Terminator @ 1/11/2007 1:17 AM EST
 Very nice and mediocre poem indeed, perhaps you are in the wrong business. People need to get into their heads that Ethiopia is our neighbor and get it over with the Colonial mentality of divide and control. The TFG is here to stay, to govern, and to provision and restore lost identity of a failed State. Allah “SWT” will never help those who couldn’t help themselves and it is about time to be optimistic with vision…and please be part of the solution by concentration on the common interest and goals rather than differences in ideology.
    kulmie @ 1/11/2007 12:03 AM EST
 Dear Somalis.
we going to stay hope, Hope is what is left for us
and it will remain in our soul, till the
God Almighty takes it from us, also we will NOT give up the fight
for our freedom till we regain it with the help of Allaah Almighty.
    cadeeycadow @ 1/10/2007 11:24 PM EST
 When the dust settles, Tigrey will be the one that will pay heavy price. The longer the Ethiopians stay in Somalia the least likely you troops will come back to you, they will all be killed. Mele, just remember you are Somali neighbour and Somalis will not forget what you have done to them. Somalis fed you when you were fighting Mengistu and gave you their own passport. Let me remind you and the Americans , Somalis will not accept the dogs you have brought to Mogadishu. We the Somalis Diaspora as well as our brother and sister in Somalia will not accept warlord Yusuf and Gedi to lead our nation. Almost 100% Somali Diaspora are against this foreign installed government. Yusuf and Gedi you better find another job to make living.
    Spiritual_leade @ 1/10/2007 11:03 PM EST
 Walal Dhibku Waxu Aha Adigo AAn Saxiin ama eegin Ma Galayo Qadka, Reer Badi Foqul Reer Badiye, Ninka Raga Ahi ama Nagata Dumarka Ahi Xigmad Ayeey Ku Hadlaan, Mana Ka Noqdaan Hadalkooda, Walal I naga Qabo Shisheeyaha,, Previewgu Wacadow Yar Imbadan Ayaan Ka Dhulboday, Waad La Socota Somalidu Waa Shimbirio, Ahaha, Asalamu Caleykum Warax Matulah
    Spiritual_leade @ 1/10/2007 10:59 PM EST
 Moxamoud Ibnu Adam Gaildon Walal Mahadsaniid

Hiiraan Online Hana Tacab Qasariin, Xigmad Yeelo, Cunnada Iyo Qayradka Anuu Luqado aad Fahmikartaan Anuuu Ku Qornay Ayaa Qasara, Away Qayradki Kan Ka Horeeyay, Iska Daya Gail Jirnimade, Iska Hubiya Fakrad Nafle in Aysan Idin Dhafiin, Imi Sa Qayrad Ayaanu Qoray, Ya Huba Tani In aay Socon, Walal Xaga Farsamada Inaga Haga Jiya, Aanu Dhurane Jaceelke, Asalamu Caleykum Warax Matulah
    abdik @ 1/10/2007 9:24 PM EST
 Furthermore, an authentic patriot does not attack his countries government but conveys differing solutions when he thinks his country ought to go in a different direction.  I just wish that Mr. Gaildon provided us with solution to the problems that he mentions and also to offer us with the map that he claims exists regarding the unification of Somalia and Ethiopia. It is another preposterous argument used by the enemies of a healthier Somalia.
    abdik @ 1/10/2007 9:21 PM EST
 Okay Mr. Gaildon, you echo like another French crusader general and you bare his last name as well. The article is crammed with so many mischaracterization of our government and goes in to different tangents to attack our hope for a better Somalia. Mr. Gaildon speaks of how he loves his country and desires best for his country but he attacks a system of governance that would mutually bring all Somalis together. The article desires Somalia to create enemies of our neighbors rather than pursuing coexistence
    shabeel @ 1/10/2007 8:06 PM EST
 Geeldoon, your great and objective articles always raise questions but more than that they make the reader to do some homework, some sould searching because you make us see the Somali clamity clearly.
But I wish this could have been written in Somali. No one knows why we just become so obsessed with clan politics.Why we have to just become door-knobs for our enemies and tools for our destruction? why we giving up and cheering for traitors, warlords and their brutality? why we support and defend clannish primitivity? we deserve this, i guess!

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