18 comment(s)
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    bahja84 @ 6/10/2007 1:51 PM EST
 Ahmed weli sh omer, Magac Khasaarey. ninka Ku faraxsan In ethiopia Somali qabsato walibana Ku amaanaya. QABRIGAA DUNYEY OO QAAXO KU DISHAY FICIL XUMAA MA DOOFAARBAA DHALAY.  
    Sayyid @ 6/7/2007 9:14 PM EST
 Gabay hore oo maantoo kale ku haboon ayaan oranayay:

"Allahayow muxuu Faranjigii doqon fariideeyey
Muxuu nimaan aabihiis fuuli jirin faras u heenseeyey."

Faranjigii= gaalkii, gumastihii
Ilaahey u naxariisto gabyaagan wixii jiray waqtigiisa
noo soo gudbiyay.
    Sayyid @ 6/7/2007 9:01 PM EST
Shed A tear for Somalia

The Abyssinians/the US appointed mentally retarded
citizens and traitors in charge of Somalia. While
intellectuals, traditional and able leaders are either
in prison, hiding, killed or out of the country.

    luckymes @ 6/7/2007 9:57 AM EST
 Thanks Mr, Goth. There are really very few intellectuals who have a vision, but there many who live in the 12th century
with no geo-strategical understanding of the world welive in the 21st. century.They never contemplate the plight of the
Somali people after 47 years of independence !!. These people have no humanity as we know it, they very cruel and enjoy
killing and maiming their muslim felow citizens.Their raw models are the rag tags in the Middle East, the most backward
societis of our time.
    Sayyid @ 6/6/2007 11:59 PM EST
Hallelujah Wer'e in the era of hypocrites.
Weak and mentallt-retardeds govern and speak.
    Muslimfirst @ 6/6/2007 10:09 PM EST
 Warning Warning; Mr Goth cannot bring him self to say the word Somalia, please read his blogg through and through. He uses Somali region, but he can't say Somalia. Obviously to hime and those like minded people Somalia is dead and is just tribal regions as he points out like Awdal. He is happy to say Ethiopia but not Somalia. One reason why Ethiopia in your enemy mr Goth. 1984 Borama we shall forgive but never forget.
    caraweelo @ 6/6/2007 5:00 PM EST
 Boorama is the main city in Awdal region.
    ilwad @ 6/6/2007 4:32 PM EST

Awdal region is in Somalia!! not Ethiopia.
    hamdi @ 6/6/2007 3:24 PM EST
 Well done Goth.
I like a man with guts
    bootaan @ 6/6/2007 1:31 PM EST
 Brother A.Goth

It is your opinion and I respect it. If you believe Meles has Somalia's best interest at heart when he sends thousands of troops to Mogadisho, then you believe George Bush was freeing the Iraqi people in his war. The facts are there and those who choose to ignore them do it for a reason.  
    nasser100 @ 6/6/2007 12:27 PM EST
 This article shows lack of understanding of Somalia and what is going on in the region. This guy In UK, in his ivory tower approach, sees Meles Zenawi as “our savoir”.

According to the UN, Ethiopian and Somali warlords created the biggest human displacement in 2007. And he calls this disaster as “one of the remarkable events in the history of the Horn.”

The question is not about somali-ethiopian companionship.  It isn’t friendship, equality and fraternity. It’s domination, colonialism and regional hegemony.  I wish he knew little about political geography.

It really beats me why, while Ethiopian people despise Meles Senawi and his tegrayan regime, some Somalis see him as a saint or some thing of angel.
By the way, I have a question. Is Awdal in Ethiopia or in Somalia?

    caraweelo @ 6/6/2007 11:53 AM EST
 Brother Ahmedweli Sh. Omer Goth,
“Therefore on behalf of my like-minded friends, I would like to say it loud and straight that I welcome the clear thinking and political stances of the Ethiopian politicians.” I concur you, it is no doubt that Ethiopia is saving Somalis from themselves. Thank you for stating clearly what many of us see and believe. I am convinced that our Awdalian brothers and sisters are the Cream of the Cream of all Somalis.

Don't mind the below creatures, their vision is stuck and can’t pass by the horrendous 17 years, no way forward and no solution. I long ago concluded that their likes are the real enemies within of Somalia. Their ideology is based on anarchism and separatism.
    Amina_samajecel @ 6/6/2007 9:18 AM EST
 AdanJama, Ilwad and Yosra. You said it all brother and sisters.
It is amazing! How could someone support the atrocities
committed by Meles by praising him.
How can Goth justify, Meles support to the warlords
for the past 16 years? How can he explain, the fact
that Meles is the one who re-installed the warlords
with his fightjets and tanks? How can he justify,
the undeniable human rights abuses committed by Meles's
regime in Ethiopia and Somalia? Mr. Goth should think twice
before calling names more intelligent and well prepared
    nuune @ 6/6/2007 8:50 AM EST
 ninkan good la yiraahdo ma ogtihiin inuu qurbaha u soo diray muuse rabiile good oo garab lagu soo diray. mase og tihiin inuu yahay qaniis weyn?
waa nin u buka inuu bedelo ayaan xirsi magan oo siduu ugu naageeyo neo-cons iyo qaniisiinta ayaa ka garan gartiin...companionship ku yiri? waxaasaa hadal khaniis ah
    adamjama @ 6/6/2007 6:31 AM EST
 Ato Goth;
It is disingenous & down right naive of you to write " hope the Somalis would finally find the peace and stability that eluded them for so long thanks to the political vision and regional leadership of Ato Meles of Ethiopia".
That shows you do not have a clue of what peace, stability, & leadership terms mean. Is killing thousands, wounding scores, destroying our capital, & uprooting 400,000 people mean peace & stability to you?
In Dante's inferno, the hottest layers of hell are reserved for those who remain silent or cheer for injustice in times of moral crisis.
While you are in the mood of praising your leaders, could you share with us the historical accomplishments of Menelik, Haile Salasie, & Mengistu.
    ilwad @ 6/6/2007 5:35 AM EST

You are disgracefull!!! ain't you part of the so called somaliland?

Leave somali affairs to true somalis.
    Waardiye @ 6/5/2007 11:58 PM EST
 Well said brother Goth.
    Yosra @ 6/5/2007 11:39 PM EST
 Yet another Goth object laden with pro-colonial mentalities.
I just feel very sorry for Sh. Abdiwali Goth, a revered Muslim
scholar in Borame who thought he was breeding pious and patriotic boys
when in fact he was raising snakes who insult Islam one day, utter deelpy
tribalistic rhetoric the next day ("Hawiye Savagery" by Bashir Goth on Awdal
News just three months ago).

Mr. Goth: Your words will make sense to me when you return to your senses.

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