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    Gaadh'haye @ 5/15/2009 6:03 PM EST
I agree with your take on this issue. However, its noteworthy to mention who actualy blew this man's cover. He led a quite life in London before his past caught up with him.

Its was his Mosad handlers that betrayed him when they found out much later how they were beguiled by him, and later finished him.

Too bad Egypt lost faith in him also as they did not over him protection.
    007z @ 5/15/2009 3:23 PM EST
 I thought the yahuud's version was more believable than the Egyptians.
4 hours of delay on the start of the war seemed too little of a return in passing along the most intimate state secrets.

    saba @ 5/15/2009 10:12 AM EST
By way of deception... that is their LOGO ,right!!
    saba @ 5/15/2009 10:00 AM EST

True Gadhka, it does happen in world of Mukhabarat that
double agents are used ,at times even given each other
good accurate intel to mislead each other.

You know that Israel is the master of such moves.

They invented the whole "double agent" phenominon.

No one beats them on it, it is what keeps their nation a power.

    saba @ 5/15/2009 9:56 AM EST
 The most important achievement of Nasir was destroying

Using all kind of excuses that once fine Islamic university
became what it became.

You know Gadhka, saying Israel was and is able to defeat mighty
Egypt together with the rest of it's neighbours is equal to saying
that Djibouti can defeat Ethiopia.

It is just Illogical.

If one wants to make sense out of that, Listen to Mr Marwan's story.

    saba @ 5/15/2009 9:50 AM EST

You may be right on the part that they k'illed him.

One never knows why they do what they do.

Laakiin, arinta reeraha masar iyo meelo kaleba maamula waa sax
inaysan Muslimiin wada ahayn.

Xaaska Naasir waxay ahayd Bahai iraaniyad ah.

Haddaad aqriso bugaag badan ay jeneraalo Massari iyo Suuriyiin
ay qoreen waad yaabaysaa. Waxay ku leeyihiin dagaalka gudahaa laga jabiyay.

Jeneraaladii noocaas ahaa waa laga taqalusay, Mubaarak waqtiigiisana waa loo dhamaystiray.

Waxaa lagu badalay wada Sheekh Shariif, Kkk.

To neutralise Egypt with that Camp David treaty made Israel a super power over time.

The forces working against the Arab and Muslim worlds are from WITHIN.

    Gaadh'haye @ 5/15/2009 5:46 AM EST
Between the two narratives, the Egyptian one seems credible.

But in the end, the Israelis killed him after they discovered how they were taken for a ride.

Why this story now? I read it some two years ago, in the Israeli Haaretz newspaper.
    saba @ 5/15/2009 2:37 AM EST
 .... Bahai faith rather.

    saba @ 5/15/2009 2:36 AM EST
 Jamal cabdinassir familkiisa waa la ogyahay inaysan
Muslimiin aheen. Xaaskiisa waxay si aan qarsoonayn u sheegan jirtay
kuna dhaqmi jirtay BAHI faith.

Waa madax yahuud ah oo qaldaayey jeneraalada daacadda
u ahaa dhulkooda. Playing against the center.

Waana sababta ay muslinka la jabeenm gudahaa laga fashilaa.

Double agent ma aheenee, cidduu u shaqaynaayay way caddahay wasaqa.

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