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    calidheere @ 12/28/2006 5:43 PM EST
 Civilised nation and people has learn from their mistakes. I guess we haven’t learn anything  yet, since every one are talking about qabiil. Therefore are we as Somali people not ready for civilisation. Why are people so addicted to qapiil? We are already forgotten by the rest of the world, no one is coming to help us or to make peace between each other.    
    kibogoyo @ 12/25/2006 10:28 PM EST
 I don't think anyone would like to sponsor 'you' for the reasons you stated above. First the world is tired of the Somalis and sees them as troublemakers rather than solution seekers, who cannot see beyond their noses as far as the future of their country is. Second Somalis are hard-headed egocentrically driven by clan supremacy who cries out loud for help yet not ready to help themselves or leave others to help them. Why the cry for the international community now when few days ago Somalis are up in arms to apply 'jihad' against any foreigners intervention. Did the brutal killing of the Italian nun fade away from your mind? Aren't the same people you refer to as 'Jareers' the good neighbours who received you with open arms and heart to their countries, yet you never appreciate their generosity?  Mr. Abdi did you forget that the host country has a law that applies to everyone a foreigner or local a like? What is the problem with asking people to identify themselves? Shouldn’t these enough to teach Somalis the importance of peace in their motherland? If all the exposure to the rest of the world is not enough to teach us the importance of peace nothing else will do. FYI how would you like to have people walk on your land tax free against the rule of law? It’s time for the Somalis to realize the importance of their fellow world citizens.  Don't we know that a tree cannot make a forest, thus acknowledge the importance of friends to help you emerge from the ruins and foes to withhold their arsenal on the ailing nation? Did the Somali brain to deal with issues drain or did it derail with the pouring rains?

Iwarms: Why cheer the war of the poor when you can jeer? Whose eyes are filled with tears or whose hearts are filled with fear. Whose lands are flooded with foreign fighters with noisy fire? Can’t you ever miss the Somali blood flowing in the street somewhere or the smelly corpse lying everywhere?  Can’t you ever advocate for peace for the sake of the poor?  My deepest condolences goes to the peace loving lot who always carry the burner of peace in their hands or heart and the precious souls lost in this unnecessary war.

Possible solution:
I believe a greater percentage of the warring-peace in Somalia can be attributed to the Somali Diaspora who tend to use their economic power to finance the ever ending wars that has sucked in other countries currently. To end this madness let the world deport all the Somali Communities back to Somalia regardless of their current status with the host countries. This may lead to an everlasting peace since everyone is in the burning ship together.
    lula @ 12/25/2006 8:16 PM EST
 For those of you crying wolf the old day is over the cold
war is over.Somalia used to live on aid because of the cold war.
Somali from canada and us when back home and build there home.
and business.Those of you wishing and hoping that Eithopia will have war
is wishful thinking but they have no interest.if you care go home and do
something with your live.If you want see also who is doing something.
He is American Somali chech his website www.somaligovernment.org
I hope one day we all go home and stop these nonsense.
    abdik @ 12/25/2006 7:54 PM EST
 Sorry to dissapoint you saaxiib but I am not Daarood. I am from a city called Baraawe. Remember it a nice little place before your clansmen destroyed it.

And as far my English I dhidh not dho dat wel in karamer iskol. fanks lot
    maryan6226 @ 12/25/2006 6:40 PM EST
 "I am so suprised brother Abdinor is not admiting that southern Somalia is a dangerous place western media.

And even reports and writers who are not Hawiye face difficult times in that part of our country. I highly doubt Mr. Noor could have survived in Mogadsihu after all these years if he didn't belong to the same clan the the current and former moryan tribes that colonize the city. "

'Our' country Abdik? Since when has Southern Somalia ever belonged to a tribe other than Hawiye? One of the fundamental rules of posting is correct grammar e.g. things making sense. For example, "is a dangerous place western media". I am not even going to waste my time trying to comprehend that. And another thing I thought I might mention is that it is impossible for one to colonise one's native land. Colonisation is defined as 'the settlement in a new country, forming a community, either fully or partly subject to the state from which the settlers emigrated'. Therefore, the Hawiye tribe cannot colonise it's own native land. It is a bit rich of you to say that Mogadishu is a dangerous place. Mogadishu is heaven compared to the uninhabitable desert (Boosaaso and all other Daarood territories) which you came from. I can tell you have never set foot in Mogadishu from your incoherent babbling. Even those that colonised Somalia know that Mogadishu belongs to a Hawiye tribe. No matter how hard you try to fool yourself, you cannot change history. Honestly, Hawiye is too compassionate for it's own good, letting any of you live on their land. It is not like they're getting anything in return, no other tribe will live on your land out of their own free will.
    abdulkadir @ 12/25/2006 6:17 PM EST
 The Tigerian dwarf, Mr Meles Zenawi, has gone too far.
he has just created another Haawo Taako, in Mogadishu airport.
Somalis will never forget this .  we shall build another monument
to the Hawo Taako slain in Mogadishi airpot today.

Airforce has never won a war.  If they really seek to conquer us, sooner or later, the Tigerians
cowards have to come down on the ground and we shall  
give them a manly fight.

people of Mogadishu, we support you and we shall overcome.  remeber Hanio, North Vietnam.
they were bombed but they ulitimately prevailed.  

We shall prevail over the dwarf.
god bless.
    abdik @ 12/25/2006 5:50 PM EST
 I probably make more money in a moth that you make in a year driving taxi and claiming that you did not father your own children so that your wife can collect welfare checks. I know your little tricks that you lowlife mooryaans try in the west. Why can't you work for once? Back home all you is steal and bililiqo and here all you do is collect our tax money that we worked so hard to earn!
    abdik @ 12/25/2006 5:48 PM EST
    @ 12/25/2006 3:54 PM EST
 Abdi-noor, the light of somali-intellectuals, I'm sure you've enough knowledge to comprehend the double standers of media-folk. No doubt about that, but the issue of the invasion of Somalia by the Ethiopia is solely rests on the shouldres of " Hawiye " MP's. Because the TFG is established through clan mechanism of power sharing [4.5], so the MP's of other clans are eagerly serving for the interest of their respective constituencies [ clans ]. Unfortunately, Gedi, salad Ali Jeele etc. are those who orchestrate this atrocity. Think about it my freind, if those 61 MP's from Hawiye clans would've said NO to Abdullahi yeey, this would've never happened.
so, let's ask help fra Allaah!
    Time Will Tell! @ 12/25/2006 3:04 PM EST
 Abdik, why are u always talk about Qabiil. u r 101% Yemeni. Every comment u add, you atleast mention Qabiil. Shame on u. I don't know what u do on Hiiraan online. u r there every second. What a looser u r. Go and get bussines. Welfare will not help u. Dabadhaqe of Saliibi Zenawi
    abdik @ 12/25/2006 1:50 PM EST
 I am so suprised brother Abdinor is not admiting that southern Somalia is a dangerous place western media.

And even reports and writers who are not Hawiye face difficult times in that part of our country. I highly doubt Mr. Noor could have survived in Mogadsihu after all these years if he didn't belong to the same clan the the current and former moryan tribes that colonize the city.
    seefta bannaank @ 12/25/2006 1:46 PM EST
 Abdi Noor, I like your poems regardless of your clan or which warring party you are with. But I don't understand how come you dont know why international media can not go to Somalia,you your self wrote poems of how journalist were killed in Somalia in particular Mogadhishu. Journalists do their job to make a living, if their live is going to be in danger, then they can not report, Just consider of how all the Mogadishu based medias turned to be biased allover sudden, According to my understanding is that they were told to do so or lose their daily living.

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