23 comment(s)
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    Camel Girl @ 9/23/2007 10:28 AM EST
 Free Press is just a b of it means a  second of a secomd of your time freedom locking us is just bully. Think about it
    sayyid @ 9/14/2007 9:49 AM EST
 I salute mr Raage. Your aricle is overpowering. They cannot just handle it. Your're like a field marshal on a horse back. and they (the author of the Asmara gathering and his supporters)foot-soldiers.
The quality of your arguments, the style and the artistic expression of your article tell the differnce between the poor tfg supporters and the Somali patriots. This rebuttal is the best i've seen on Hiiraan Online.
Mr Raage, I thank you for your integrety and patriotic spirit.
    Z. Said @ 9/13/2007 10:13 PM EST
  One has to wonder if Mr. Raghe was in mental distress when he wrote such diatribe rebuttal.  

Mr., Raghle wrote; “While Hiiraan Online...by allowing such vulgarism to appear on Hiiraan, our most prestigious web, the editorial board has infuriated many devoted readers including myself “

What is he talking about?

Wow! Did he mean Hiraan Online failed to service those that shared same idiology as himslef, Or, is he trying to decote a secret or something that Hiraan Online should only publish on certain group?

Mr. Raghe sais; ”If such crudity and rudeness has escaped the scrutiny of Hiiraan, then Somali journalism has a long way to go!”

So basically, all of the propagandized statements you have made in your commentary are exactly what is needed  as “journalistic integrity” at Hiiraan Online. WOW! How Knew!
    @ 9/13/2007 10:11 PM EST
 One has to wonder if Mr. Raghe was in mental distress when he wrote such diatribe rebuttal.  

Mr., Raghle wrote; “While Hiiraan Online...by allowing such vulgarism to appear on Hiiraan, our most prestigious web, the editorial board has infuriated many devoted readers including myself “

What is he talking about?

Wow! I guess he is saying Hiraan Online failed to service those that shared same idiology as himslef.        

Mr. Raghe sais; "If such crudity and rudeness has escaped the scrutiny of Hiiraan, then Somali journalism has a long way to go!"

So basically, his propagandized statements is exactly what is needed as "journalistic integrity" @ Hiiraan Online. WOW! Who Knew!

    Legend1 @ 9/13/2007 8:36 AM EST
 Well written article Rhage and I am sure that majority of us who love their country and wouldn't sell it for pennies because of tribe affiliation with some socalled illiterate politician operating under the umbrella of Tegrean thugs occupation feel what that author wrote was vulgar and shouldn't even be posted in the first place, this should've also been applied to some of the comments made by some people here who their shameful comments insult all Somalians who love their country.  Finally all I want to say is that we certainly have some minority people here in support of the useless and shameful TFG, to them all I say is your tribelism stinks so much so seek help and get medical attention.
    hanixin1 @ 9/13/2007 7:16 AM EST
 I do agree with Rhage that the valueless article by the clannish Hirad is an evidence that people who blindly support the occupation will go to any lengh to show their support of teh colonial occupation and its trogan horse (TFG). Everyone know and can see without doubt that Hirad is consumed by the virus of clannism and his opinion is very narrow and short-sighted that he lost his sense of judgement (if he ever had one). Somali people are entitled to fight for their freedom as their ancestors did with success. Anyone who stand by the occupation will lose and history will record his/her support for the brutal warlords and the occupation.
    Nuurbiid @ 9/13/2007 1:27 AM EST
 I think, writing your opinion is one thing, but insulting other people is another. You’re rght, his language was very offensive. More ridiculous! I wrote a comment using same words by the author, and guess, -HOL censored, while those remain in the front page.
    sanaagian. @ 9/12/2007 10:23 PM EST
  What is wrong with you people.
Can someone express his opinion without resorting
to defamation of character.

You can critique someone without ever resorting to insults
and character assasination. Pls respect the author and
his opinion, at least critique him in a professional
way so that a chance is given for a HEALTHY DEBATE.
    lula @ 9/12/2007 7:21 PM EST
 You are right, he has no respect for journalist, and if you notice
most of Somali webside are or pro the Amxaro occupation or against
What kind Somali person is supporting invasion of there country?
They have illness call clan is cancer,  is contagious.
Calooshii ushaqestaha oo lagu magacaaboo Dabageed,is nothing
but Tigree puppet.Eithiopian will leave soo.Where they will go?
Flight 13 need to get serious job.Where they find time to write rubash.
    sanaagian. @ 9/12/2007 6:02 PM EST
 I know Abdalla Hirad. He has become an exclusive
contributor of Wardheernews, which is the most highly
read sites and several other Somali sties.. Wardheernes publishes
articles that are diverse and of different
opinion. Its editorials also capture the holistic
nature of Somalia's conflict from Mogadisho to Hargeisa
But still, the opinion of the author does not
reflect the website, editorials are. The poor Raghe should have
realized this simple logic.

    raamsade @ 9/12/2007 5:27 PM EST
 Brother Osman these children of Traitors and Pigs have no control of what they are saying After all they inherited from their Fathers. I know you are a man of Dignity, Justice, and True Patriotism. Rememeber not every one is raised as you or inteligent enough to reject EThopian Agenda towards your beloved country.

They are considered as our Weakness, Not our Strengths like you.
    luulu @ 9/12/2007 2:40 PM EST
 Attention Hiiraan editor:
The name of the author- vulgarism plagues Somali journalism-
is: Ahmed Raghe Hassan, not Osman Hassan! HOL must correct the error, unless delibrately
done by one of your team.
    Muhsin @ 9/12/2007 1:21 PM EST
 What a confused zealots some are.
It makes me laugh! .You mean the bunch in Asmara would have accepted Tigre occupation for few dollars.
If so, the word PATRIOTISM and OPPOSITION would be meaningless.
Just wait while you doubt their integrity.
    Arraweelo10 @ 9/12/2007 12:46 PM EST
 Dear brother, the Asmara bunch are far from being a respectable. First, all they had agreed so far is to continue the plight and massacre of the civilians, who some are starving and displaced. Secondly, they are asking young kids in Mogadishu to sacrifice themselves for their failed devilish plan, while they are sipping tea with Afweri. Therefore, they are nothing else than irresponsible and criminal cowards.
    shanta @ 9/12/2007 11:48 AM EST
 Aren’t the people you praising as respectable, part of a system that is degrading the integrity and sovereignty of our nation? Almost, its has been a week, and I’m yet to hear conciliatory voices calling for truce, peace and national unity?  Make no mistake, this is a conference strategizing more conflicts to come, more pain to be inflicted, and more lives to be perished.  Asmara group is not interested in saving Somalia, but prolonging its misery is their core value.
    wadaad yare @ 9/12/2007 7:03 AM EST
 Hiiraan online nimanka qora TFG ayey taageersanyihiin shaki yarna kuma jiro. Qofkaan taas mar hore dareemin waa qof aan u fiirsan sidey wax uqoraan. Laakiin waxey umuuqdaan taagerayaal miyirkooda qaba, in kastoonan hubin siduu u miyir qabo qof ogol in dalkiisa uu qabsado dal cadaw ah oo dadkiisana xasuuqo. Dadka taageersan TFG kuma jiro qof u taageersan lillaahi iyo wanaag doon awgiis. Waxey ukala baxaan dad u taageersan caadifad qabiil, caadifadaas oo ukala baxda jaceyl ay u qabaan qabiilkooda oo ayna doonayaan inuu nin reerkaa dalka madax ka noqdo, haduu rababa magac uyaal ha iska ahaadee. Kuwo kale ayaa jira oo ku fogaadey naceyb ay u qabaan qabiilooyinka qaarkood, waxeyna qabaan ineysan kheyr laheyn meesha reer ku badanyihiin, iyo ku raaxeysasho dhibka gaara reer hebel. Nin odey ah ku fogaadey naceybka mid ka mid ah reeraha soomaaliyeed ayaa laga weriyey inuu yiri hal mid baan ku ogolaan lahaa inaan cadaabta galo, taasoo ah inaan 99 reer hebel ah boqol ku noqdo. Dad kalaa jira oo dano dhaqaale awgood ku taageersan. Kuwo kalaa jira oo xiriiro bulsho, saaxiibtinimo iyo qaraabanimo uun sabab ay u tahay iney taageeraan cawrada muuqata oo ceebta ugu weyn ukeentay soomaalinimada. Intaas mid ka mid ah ayaa sabab u ah inuu Hiiraan online utaageero oo macquul ay la noqoto foolxxumada ku habsatey dalkeeni. Aditorialka uu ka qorey shirka Asmara ayaad ka ogaan kartaan meeshuu u janjeero. Iyo kii uu ka qorey xasuuqii Muqdisho ka dhacey. Qofkii xaq iyo xaq daro dhex dhexaad ka noqda wuxuu la jiraa xaq darada. Qofkii yiraahda Israel iyo Falastiin waxa dhex yaala dhexdhexaad ayaan ka ahey waxaa xaqiiqo ah inuu Israel la jiro. Haduusan aheyn qof aan qadiyadaba khuseynin oon waxba kala socona waa meesheeda. Maanta qofkii Eriteria oo noqotey halka il oo u furan xornimo doonka la simay Itoobiya oo dalka qabsatey meeshuu u janjeero maahan mid la qarin karo. Koley nin kasta iyo garaadkiis. Qof kastana wuxuu galabsado xumaan iyo samaan dadka wey u qorantahay.  
    farahw @ 9/12/2007 6:57 AM EST
 Calling a spade a spade shouldn't be summed up vulgarism. Don't try to defend the undefendable. Those who are conveying in Asmera are nothing more than religious zealots and terrorists, blinded by their lust for power. They were given a chance to voice their opinion in their own country. These are people who cut their feet to fit their shoes. Somalia will stand in its own soon , the survival insticts embeded in all of us playing its part, for the collective welbeing of nationhood.
    ak @ 9/12/2007 6:31 AM EST
 Well put Osman and I agree with you.

HOL is I beleive a website or ought to be a website where people get news and information. However, if HOL continues to post propoganda and insults,as briliantly put by Osman, then it will lose reputation and join the thousand unknown websites who are craving for our attention.

All a news organisation has is its reputation and once lost that it has nothing. Abuse it and you lose it.
    Syaad_Xuseen @ 9/11/2007 11:25 PM EST
 Well done and thank you to Mr Osman who in my opinion acted on behalf of the overwhelming majority of the readers.

I most definitely share with you the view that Hiiraan Online and others owe to their readers a duty of care with what they present to them. Also whilst preserving as well as accommodating the right for expressing one’s views regardless whether one agrees with them or not, reputable website such as HOL has a moral obligation to uphold standards and ethics or set one where such does not exist.
I understand the need to present both sides of the argument (if there is one) but that article in which this is the response was not only an “deliberate insult to respectable Somali academics, religious leaders and politicians striving to restore the lost dignity and sovereignty of Somalia” as Mr Osman puts it but also an severe insult to our intelligence. Thank you for removing it!
    Haldaa @ 9/11/2007 10:53 PM EST
 Hiraan or any news origination is entitled to post or publish whatever they pleased. At the end of the day we make our own judgments.

Those of you who support this so called TGF government and Hirad ideology, just know that you are wasting your time and only supporting a puppet government with no directions and whose leaders motivated by clanism not by nationalism. I will support government who is here for the country & for the people. What have Iraqi puppet government accomplished over 4+ years? You’re heading same direction.
    hamdi @ 9/11/2007 3:19 PM EST
 Magacyobadane, we know who you are! and
we know exactly what you are trying to do in the
Somali websites... too bad Somali websites are not
NewYork times or WashingtonPost, Gaurdian, etc
where only few people can talk and no one else is
allow to say an opinion. welcome to somalia
and the real free press...you might learn a thing
or two about us...

HOL great job for exposing you know who looool :)
    muhsin @ 9/11/2007 1:05 PM EST
 Its not the first time that HOL ignored the fundamental principles of journalism.Hirad made similar comments and we always thought that he will be ignored and considered insane writer whose sole aim is un-etablished.
    kucadaye @ 9/11/2007 1:03 PM EST
 "deliberate insults to respectable Somali academics, religious leaders and
politicians striving to restore the lost dignity and
sovereignity of somalia."

What a nonesense! These Isias Afwarke's puppets are mostly the same chartans
who robbed the country of 'dignity' by preventing the return of governance/law and order
to our country for more than 16 years. Dahir Aweys, for example, was living in side by side
in harmony with the Warlords for more than 15 years.

Singor Writer, give us a break; imagine Baby Aideed "striving to restore..sovereignity of Somalia?

Kucaday'ye oo ku Caday'yey!  

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