3 comment(s)
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    Erigavo @ 5/5/2007 6:34 PM EST
 Thanks Shirwa for your wisdom and foresight.
It is like a national anthem for a bleak past
that is getting better every day as we witness
AU troops conversing with the locals,
enjoying the beautiful weather of Mogadishu, and
strolling peacefully in the city.
NRC is coming up.

Pictures are hard evidence. I don't mostly sympathise
with opinionated articles. This peom, nevertheless,
heralds the beacon of light for Somalis and their
    ali xoor @ 5/4/2007 2:34 AM EST
 Dear Hiiraan not i repeat do not post artical like this thank you the bro is out of order
    True-Somali @ 5/2/2007 1:25 AM EST
 Dear Mr Jama,
You lost me honestly !!!!! what are you talking about? come one you cannot be serious.

True-Somali thinks you are confused.

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