16 comment(s)
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    nargale @ 3/18/2008 12:41 PM EST
 To.Somalimom! There`s nothing wrong with me,but i think there might be"somethings"that are very wrong with you,why would anyone think such a thing?plaese let me remind you here iam asked about my opnions&i just did that,adigu hadaad dadka rabtid inaad dadka caburisid sidii aad dadka yeeli jirteen,then just forget it,you can never do that again!!and iam not here to hurt or kiss anyone,its my right&i will reaserve it for myself!!!!!!!!
    somali mom @ 3/17/2008 6:24 PM EST
 Inaa Li-laahi Wa Inaa Ilaaleyhi Raajicuun geeridu waa xaq qof walbaa saacadii loo qoray ayuu ifka ka tagayaa.
Nargale what's wrong with you? Do you think by saying this hurtfull word to these Somali parents you can hurt them more?
You're bitter and I feel sorry for you. Ilaahay qalbigaaga ha soo qaboojiyo. Ma garan karo waxaad ku haysato reerkan but you don't wish something like this to happen to anybody Muslim or Not.
And you say you have kids I don't believe you.  
    nargale @ 3/17/2008 5:18 PM EST
 To.somali mom!!Runtu dadku col ayey layiih,Ilaahayna wax walba uma naxariito,ilaahay is not a joke&by the way!i have children&i didn`t feed them the food other children&i didn`t take them to scholarships deserved by poor kids&Kumey naaxin xaaraanta dadkale lago soo dhacay!!!ee adugu shut up!!!!!!
    egeh @ 3/17/2008 8:45 AM EST
 Parents of the deceased deserve our moral and material support in their moment of sorrow. They need to be comforted and their grief shared so let us all show our kindness.
    somali mom @ 3/17/2008 8:34 AM EST
 My condolences to Abdikarim family.
To Nargale. Can you just say Ilahay ha naxaxariisto, reerkisina samir iyo iimaan?
If you don't have any good word for this mother and father just shut your mouth.
I guess you have no kids and you will never have, so enjoy the pain of others and will see where it takes you.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/16/2008 4:40 PM EST
 I would be devastated if this happens to my son , god for bid ! My his soul rest in peace .
    nargale @ 3/16/2008 4:21 PM EST
 Kam shuufnaa maraakiib!!!macdalaa waa cunug yar oo xun oo inta mayaca lagabadshey,xashiish iskugurey oo khatar iskumaleeyey,i really dont a that much crap!who cares anyway?why make it big deal?!!
    nargale @ 3/16/2008 4:18 PM EST
 Janada is not as easy as people think,beside its full&there`s no room left,but i know a place where,nobody is crying for one little worthless kid,who wasted his life,because his father played little football!!!!!!!
    Abdulaziz @ 3/16/2008 3:51 PM EST
 Inaa Lillaahi Wa Inaa Illaahi Raajicuun.

War Cantar (Haddii aad akhriso halkan) Waa Cabdicaziz Daroogo (Reer DC). Waxaad ii taqaan Qaldaanka.
Saaxiib aad baan uga xumahay geerida wiilkaaga ku timi. Saaxiib samir iyo iimaan Allaha kaa siiyo, isagana janada Allaha ka waraabsho.
Aad baan uga xumahay geerida wiilkaaga inaan HOL ka akhristo oo isgaarsiintu naga xumaato.
Ma dhihi karo waan la socdaa dareenkaaga, waayo, waalid caruurtiisa duugo Illaah uun baa og dareenkooda.
Cantar saaxiib u ducee wiilka anagana sidoo kale.

Inaa Lillaahi Wa Inaa Illaahi Raajicuun.
    nargale @ 3/16/2008 3:40 PM EST
 Waxaas beer jileec ala dhahaa!!camal kiisa ayaa meel gaarsiin!!!!!!kuwa iska dhin dhimanayaa ,miyuu kafiican yahay?mybe his took part buying guns for his qabiilka!!!i hope not,but if so,i am waiting for him in naarta,with my bad smile!!!!!
    Arraweelo10 @ 3/16/2008 2:18 PM EST
 Alla yaa yarxama cabdikariim, samir iyo imaana allaha ka siiyo caa'iladiisa.
    SHABEEL @ 3/16/2008 1:24 PM EST
 Ilaah ha u naxariisto - cunugaan yar waa laga gardarnaa mana aheeyn ciyaalka waalan. Last time I saw him he was just a bright kid with a hope for a better future - he is no more now! I am so sad knowing him from the day he was born and tutoring him
    galhareere @ 3/16/2008 12:58 PM EST
 laa xoowla walaa quwati. inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilahi raaji cuun
ilaahey waxaan uga baryayaa inuu abdikariim inuu janadii ka waraabiyo
sabir iyo iimana ka siiyo dhamaan reer antar amiin amiin amiin
    xinfiniin @ 3/16/2008 12:34 PM EST
 May ALLAH the good LORD grant the young soul eternal Jannah Ameen and sabr for the family at this trying moment. My prayers are wih the family and friends ..YA allah grant this young soul Janna YA allah.
    Sahalsiidi @ 3/16/2008 11:58 AM EST
 My condelences to Antar, Shamso and family. It is great loss
and I hope allah will give you the strengh to go through
this ordeal.

Somalis had to realize that living in Government Housing
complex and having teen agers is recipe for disaster.
I am not particularly alluding this is the case for this
family. But we all know to living a bad environment
you sacraficing your kids. It is time to realize that whether
you live in US, Canada or Europe gheto life comes with it is
    kurus @ 3/16/2008 11:38 AM EST
 To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.
Indeed we have lost another young boy to violence that do not make sense, but we shall remember that it is Allah who decided the time we go.
To the parents, Antar, walaal, I hope that your heart is painless and that Allah grants you a better replacement than this pain.
To my young boys of T.O., guys, remember that we belong to Allah and the soil shall be our final resting place.
Stop the violence, do not take revenge....Allah is a better judge and He knows all and see all.
It is sad to read such things, young ppl being killed over idiotic things, same things occur in somalia, ppl let us stop the violence and love one another for we are made of mud and it is there our homes!!!

Long Live Somalia! May Allah protect us from the evil-hearted ones! Amiin! Amiin!

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