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    mercano @ 1/30/2007 4:42 AM EST
 'Kayfa maa tukuuna yuwalaa calaykum.  Allah SWT says in Holy Qura'n.  
Translation, 'as you (communities) are Allah shall send leaders to you accordingly'.  
Allah SWT sent to us, Somalis, leaders that reflect on us, like C/Laahi Yuusuf, Ghaalib, Yalaxow, Kaahin, and so on.  You admire Ghalib, a man that distorts truth and realities due to his deceptive & defective vision, naiveness, or ego. While I admire a liar, also naive, deluded PM, Mr. Ghedi and a dictator, Mr Abdullahi Yusuf, who does what he says, who has given tolerence a chance for the first time and it did not work.  I guess within the choices there are always choices, the better among the worst.
    guhad123 @ 1/29/2007 1:53 PM EST
 Reading the writings of the great elders like Gen jama M.Ghalib gives me the driving optimism that most Somlis are against the Ethiopian occupation. The General is a true patriotic individual and we need to learn from the likes of him.

I solute you General!
    asaguun123 @ 1/29/2007 12:22 PM EST
 Yes i agree with all somalis that see that Gen jama M.Ghalib is one of the countable intellectuals that live know in the country..

He is a writer , adviser and predicter , .he know much of the somali situation and can tell were the problem lies..

well done Gen: Ghalib, longlive..
    meykal @ 1/29/2007 7:25 AM EST
 Jeneral Jama M Qalib, waa Soomaali waddani ah, muddo la soo shaqeeyey dawladihii kala duwanaa ee Soamlia. Waa waxgarad meel fog wax ka arka. Dadka Somaliyeedna intooda badani la qaba wuxu uu qoro. Wakhtigii uu soo ahaa madaxa booliska, askarta oo idil xurmad weyn bay hayeen. Dagalladii sokeeyana waxaan barannay, akhrinnay fikradaha uu ku soo qoro Hiiraan Online, wuxuu dadka Somaliyeed ugu muuqdaa a highly intellectual leader. Well done General Jama Ghaleb
    mercano @ 1/28/2007 4:30 AM EST
 Wiliwilq, it is clear that I wrote, civil society THERE, at Eldoret and Mbagathi, so no need to take it out of context and shout. In the end everyone will get what they plant, those that saw chilli will not harvest bananas. Let everyone in the forum know, the only way to peace in Somalia is when everyone in the cause is sincere, faithful and partakes in justices. There is only one Jama Ghalib, if his efforts are as good and sincere as you claim he would have succeeded. You are assuming that I am on abdullahi Yusuf side, who stated in Mbagathi that everything between the 2 rivers are hanti dawladeed. I still see A/Laahi Yusuf as a man who does what he says, and says what he is going to do. I may not like him, but he is a lion that Allah SWT sent to keep us from the trible-faced ones. Let your general know that everything he wrote will be refuted and published in time. You keep your good general now, when it becomes necessary he will be exposed.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/28/2007 1:55 AM EST
 Mercano you have written: “Ghalib never participated any civil society activities” Are you that keen to discredit the General’s efforts in such desperate state? I take this that you vaguely know the Gen. His involvement of CS is not something that can be overshadowed by Mbagati supporters on this forum as reports he has written on CS activities are documented on books and facts and figures contained in such are used by many Ngo’s & GO’s for their approach on Somalia. Mercano your hostile attitude to Gen could possibly be linked the facilitation he provided for the UIC at Khartum peace initiatives.
I believe the Gen deserves to be noted on Somali history books for his tireless work on Somalia’s blight at his current age unlike many former military officials who cowardly either sought shelter from their clan base or exile. Can anyone mention any other high profile person in anywhere Somalia who has abandoned his clan for the cause of all Somalia?  In general, those above average individuals are recorded in history. Brothers and sisters, for the sake of our future generations let us at least award credit to our fellow Somalis for their good endeavors.      
    mercano @ 1/27/2007 11:49 PM EST
 Wiliwiq, FYI, Civil society there was official torn between Ghandi and Sharif Salax, NO Ghalib.  Sh. Abba was officially invited there as a Somali religious leader, Ghalib was not official invited, but we fought for him and forced the late Mwangali to officially include Ghalib. Ghalib never participated any civil society activities. Abba's reer xamar participation that you have seen, was because the whole Doofaareey was some Djibouti introduced 4.5 qabiil. The Shaykh was there from the begining in Eldoret, then left and came back to Mbagathi where he served as a member of arbitration committee. There were no MPs, and if he blessed the Reer Xamar MPs they are blessed.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/27/2007 9:20 PM EST
 Regarding Sheekha Aba he attended at Mbagati to give his approval and blessing the reer Hamars selected as MPs
    wiliwiliq @ 1/27/2007 9:15 PM EST
 I did know Mercano you were against UIC and their islamic pride but didn't know you were so badly informed to the level you would call Mbagati gangs democratically elected entity.

    mercano @ 1/27/2007 2:31 PM EST
 Ghalib you are just sour about A/Laahi Yusuf, because you always lose and he wins in your world. Stop the personal vendette against him. the TFG is a sovreign and democratically elected INTRIM government, it is not A/Laahi Yusuf. After his time is up, campaign.
    mercano @ 1/27/2007 2:21 PM EST
 Wiliwiq, I know Ghalib, and I know Shaykh Abba, do not press me to post events that are still fresh in my mind. Shaykh Abba seeked no title or position there and always went out of his way to hold the groups close, as impossible as it was. No one can say anything negative about his presence there, and his accomplishments were not limited to Reer Xamar causes. There are those that can come among the filthy and still remain clean, for they practice real Islam along with Real Imaan, and Ixsan.  Anyone may become a Muslim by fulfilling its simple 5 pillars, but to become Muxsin needs, requires, lifetime training, endurance and higher dimensions attained by once heart, till Allah SWT loves that Cabd.
    adamjama @ 1/27/2007 12:19 PM EST
 Lesson of civility;
When you are responding to our elders and leaders please refrain from any disrespect.
General Ghalib was a senior Somali officer throughout the history of our republic and served the nation and its people with dignity and patriotism and was never accused of treason.
and from his remarks you might benefit from his experience and knowledge of our culture,governence,and way of life.... unbiased indeed.
Some of you might never understand my point,becuase perhaps you were born on the run during the civil war in lord knows where and under what circustance.
    reddeer @ 1/27/2007 5:46 AM EST
 Jama served very well barre regime and still yearning for the days he had profile and name. Today he is bitter old man who has been left in the cold. those who suffered at the hands of siad barre know who jama is and where he fits out history. If you have any use why you would not go to somaliland where your political skills are needed . cry me river jama you are spent force.
    cadeeycadow @ 1/27/2007 1:37 AM EST
 The criminal enterprise calling itself the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia has moved its farcical and illegitimate theatrical show from the underground bunkers in Baidoa to a different overground bunker, Villa Somalia, in Mogadishu.

by Abdulkadir J. Dualeh
    cadeeycadow @ 1/27/2007 1:24 AM EST
 The Islamists were the one hope for Somalia
    cadeeycadow @ 1/27/2007 1:04 AM EST
 The U.S. government, its allies and their puppets in the Muslim world are simply confirming the widespread belief that America is engaged in a war on Islam and for those who see the propaganda value in that perception, America is also unwittingly the "best friend of Islam" as it "wakes up the sleeping Muslim" masses.
    cadeeycadow @ 1/27/2007 1:03 AM EST
 While riding the crest of American support, Saddam Hussain could not even imagine a noose around his neck at the hands of some more American puppets. So is the case with General Musharraf and others who are not only engaged in crimes against their own people but also shouldering responsibility for the American slaughter of their fellow countrymen.

    cadeeycadow @ 1/27/2007 1:02 AM EST
 The latest U.S. assault on Somalia is part of America’s growing madness in which many puppets are blindly supporting it. This however should not be the case. The test of the US operation is not whether it killed the right people, or an attack generating mass casualties has advanced or squandered the opportunity to create a so-considered ‘stable government’ in Kabul or Mogadishu. Before the 21st century waves of Anglo-U.S. aggression, the test used to be whether a renegade state and its allies had the right to attack another nation without recourse to International law.

    cadeeycadow @ 1/27/2007 1:00 AM EST
 read it nice article brothers
    cadeeycadow @ 1/27/2007 12:58 AM EST
 For a more enlightened administration might have seen in Somalia an opportunity to reverse the expectation across the Islamic world that the United States will always act in visceral opposition to any system and any act in the name of Islam. The U.S. could have thereby empowered the more pragmatic leadership in Somalia. Instead, the American response simply confirmed the widely held view that the U.S. and its allies are at war with Islam because that provides an alternative to the existing, oppressive and exploitative political and economic order, which cannot sustain without subjugating others and exploiting their resources.
    george bush @ 1/26/2007 7:34 PM EST
 Insightful, educating and well articulated.

Thank you.

    Gaadh-haye @ 1/26/2007 5:50 PM EST
 A very well articulated and thoughfull article.

I could'nt agree more. Islamic Sharia Rule was the solution to our tribal/clannish problem, but that very solution was taken away from us by the enemies of Somalia's unity and statehood.

We will have to strugle hard to return to our Islamic roots and stablish Islamic Khalifa in our land.
    @ 1/26/2007 10:56 AM EST
 Some of you are quick to condemn any article that denounces Ethiopian invasion or offers criticism on TFG’s policies, meanwhile cheering that lunatic professor from Niagara Falls, Abdiweli. Where is your independency on constructive criticism? Or is it talking points provided by the office of Dinari?
    modarwish1 @ 1/26/2007 9:20 AM EST
    modarwish1 @ 1/26/2007 9:19 AM EST
    nadia @ 1/26/2007 7:55 AM EST
 Waqtiga muslimiinta gaalada iska qaban lahaayeen waa soo dhowdahay! waad aragtaan maanta muslimiin badan oo aduunka oo waligood iska aamusnaa sida ee gaalada iskaga celinaayan xitaa ayagoona hubka casriga heeysanin oona madax isku sheegyaashana caburinayaan, insha allah gaalada waqtiga ayagana lagumaadi lahaa waa soo dhowaatay.
    Terminator @ 1/26/2007 6:09 AM EST
 Another disgruntled sick subjective guy, who shows his personal feeling toward president Abdullahi Yususf and did not offer any solution to the issues at hand but steered the clock back and purposely twisted past history. You can criticize, argue, or form an opinion, but never underestimate what politics is all about, “compromise”!
    wiliwiliq @ 1/26/2007 2:21 AM EST
 above message to Mercano
    wiliwiliq @ 1/26/2007 2:20 AM EST
 Many Somalis who wanted to help contribute their skills for the Somali predicament traveled to Eldored and Mbagati. As Gen Galib was a representative of the civil societies one cannot anticipated he went there to merely gain seat. The other day you were advocating the separation of religion and state and pronounced the name of poor Sh Abba in Mogadishu who traveled to Mbagati to seal a deal with warlords and give his blessing the very few reer Hamars selected for the so called parliament therefore legitimize his future share from their stipends.

    Jayklen1 @ 1/26/2007 2:14 AM EST
 Allow yeey naga qabo Amiiiin ...
    cadeeycadow @ 1/26/2007 2:03 AM EST
 What Fuels “Radicalism” in the Muslim World?

    mercano @ 1/26/2007 1:53 AM EST
 Ghalib, you are still sour about Eldoret and Mbagathi. A/Laahi Yusuf was targeted for assisnation, suicide bombing, they killed his brother, his government was ensieged within 30km to be erradicated, killed or inprisoned and humilated. IUC vowed to catch Meles, Blair, Bush and tie them up and take them to Guatanama Bay. We know what you have written then, and we see what you are writing now. You now seem to be dialing 1-800-CRY BABY. Please do not associate those that bring bad name to Allah SWT heavenly grant to mankind, Al Islam, just because it is your only hope, in your view, for a seat.
    Yousef2 @ 1/26/2007 1:31 AM EST
 Loser's whining.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/26/2007 1:21 AM EST
 Abdik is the real low life here who resorts to few offensive words against well respected statesman with no justification. Now dear forum users check the similarities of Abdik and Abdisamad's postings.
    abdik @ 1/25/2007 11:56 PM EST
    seyd shariff @ 1/25/2007 11:50 PM EST
  a real truth teller may Allah the almighty protect you from Satan and his associate.
He said all the truth as it is, for hypocrites let them sing the hype.
Inshallah Islam win win as promised by Allah.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/25/2007 9:50 PM EST
 my apologies, I ment to write Iila.tali.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/25/2007 9:50 PM EST
 Thnx Nadia for presenting the names of our past heroes inthe army. Next time we may also mention the worst ones who betrayed their country and people.
    iila.tali @ 1/25/2007 9:31 PM EST
Well Done Gen. Qalib,
you are one of the few the proud aming Somali
higher up's, your name will be along the side
Gen. Dauud
Gen. Liqliqato
Gen. Ainanshe
Gen. Qorshel

We hear you, and hear you loud and clear.
    wiliwiliq @ 1/25/2007 9:26 PM EST
 The Somali elder statesman has spoken again about the truth. Where are former Somali officials like Gen Mohamed Ali Samatar who was in very powerful position in the army and the government for over 21yrs, why he never say anything at all about the situation of Somalia or he was Yes man all the time and he has no understand our current complex situation and will remain fool spectator till his day comes?
We are here to record in our history those able leaders in the past and the weak incompetent who just filled in the positions to fulfill others objectives. Thanks Mr Galib Somalia will not forget you.

    adamjama @ 1/25/2007 8:57 PM EST
 This is not the first time one group of people try to eradicate another group and it was never successful.
Jews people who are less than 0.005% of the Muslim population was being prosecuted from the early christian era to Hitler's time(6,000)years, and they are still around stronger and more determined to survive.
In the Quran it says " We brought down the faith and we will protect it". No power can dominate one billion people around the world.It is a simple test of time.
    sool state @ 1/25/2007 8:26 PM EST
 So what do i suppose to say alow naga qabo galo?
alow galo awood noosii, nonajabi. alow somalia u
gargar sii dhaqsaleh. alow NFD, Ogaden, Somalia, and
Djoubti isuu keen oo sharia islamka ku dhaq oo waxaa
saxda iyo waax xuun kala bar. aar amiin dhah.
amiiiiiiiiin, ilahaya ahow iga aqbal oo weliba sida
ugu dhaqsaha badan iga aqbal una dhici.
    adamjama @ 1/25/2007 7:59 PM EST

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