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    Arraweelo10 @ 3/19/2008 7:00 PM EST
 UN waxay sameeyaan waxa mareykanka uu dhaho ee ha isku lug goynina inaad wax kale aad heshaan. Laakiin hadal hadal aad bay ugu fiican yihiin, scenario this and that.
    wadaad yare @ 3/19/2008 1:16 PM EST

waan kugu raacsanahay 100% ineysan UN ku u aqoonsaneyn Impagati iney tahay dawlad shaqeyneysa, laakiin way isticmaalayaan. Hadaad xusuusato markii qab qablayaashu Muqdisho joogeen magaceeda xataa lama soo qaadi jirin oo qab qablayaashey Mareykanku la mucaamili jireen. Markii qab qablayaashii la cayriyey ayey qashankaas shabad ahaan usoo qaateen si ay denbiyadooda ugu maxlashaan. hadaba sheekadii dhab ayey noqotey, dadkii isku dan gaarayeyna oo xumaanta isku baheystayna culeys ayaa soo fuuley, iney kala siibtaan ayeyna ku dhowyihiin hada. Maanta qoladii koobiga loo bixiyey iyo itoobiyaankiiba jab weyn ayaa gaarey. Koobigiina fagax wuu dhaafey firxadkoodi.

Dadkaan indhaha adag ee kaalinta labeebnimada ah raaliga ku noqdey waa iney labada saf ee dagaalku ka dhaxeeyo ka dhex baxaan.
    somalipeace10 @ 3/19/2008 11:31 AM EST
 Brother Wadaad yare,
Waan ogahay in Maraykanka iyo Ethiopia ay dalkanaga dhibaato ka wadaan oo ay la dagaaleen nadadda Soomaalidu keensatay.Waxaan ula jeedaa shuruudaha UNta keentay oo ah in Ethiopia dalka laga saaro, iyo in dadka Soomaaliyeed heshiiyaan.Waxaa kale oo ka muuqata in Unta ayna aqoonsanayn qabqablayaasha dagaalka , sababtoo ah shuruudoodu waa in qabaa'ilka iyo kooxaha Soomaaliya heshiiyaan. Dadaalka lagu xuraynaayo dalka waa soconaayaa.
    ahmedios @ 3/19/2008 11:23 AM EST
 Just go back to recent history. Ruthless warlords ruled Somalia. The Un, the AU and the Arab union did not have the courage or the desire to help in sending peace making forces. That was done for both Liberia and Zaire and today they are enjoying a relative peace. What that does was to create a secure situation that allowed those countries to choose a government. What Somalia got instead was a government of warlords - the excuse was they might pacify the country –since they were the problem to begin with. When they could not agree among themselves, their leaders invited Ethiopia and we know what happened since.

Now that the UN is talking about peacekeeping force and if they bring real peacekeepers - perhaps it is time to dissolve the warlord government. This will take the stress and tension and will give all an equal footing to campaign and it will give the people of Somalia a secure environment to choose who they want to lead Somalia.
That seems to be easy solution…something that comes in short supply in Somalia
    wadaad yare @ 3/19/2008 11:21 AM EST

Waxaan u maleynayaa in warka UN ku uusan haba yaraatee qiimo ku fadhin wax laga soo qaadana mudneyn. Waxa muhim ah in la eego mawqifka Mareykanka iyo Itoobiya oo is baheysi xaaraan ah kusoo weerarey somalia. Mareykankuna hada ayuuba ururka shabaab ku darey liiska argagixisada. Meeshaan xal cid ka rabtaa ma jirtee faduul iyo dano guracan ayaa loo socdaa. Qolada soomaalidaa ee shisheeyahaas danaha guracan wata laga reebi waayeyna iyagaa ugu danbeynta arki doona in waxa shisheeyuhu u sheegayo aysan dani ugu jirin. Waxaa la yiri: Nin qori dab ah haya daa lama yiraahdo. Saakey ayaa ugu danbeysoo askartii soomaalida aheyd ee dadweynaha Muqdisho koobiga u bixiyeen iyagii iyo Itoobiyaankiiba xeradii Maslax waa laga cayriyey. Kasoo aqri puntlanpost.com hadaadan bogaga kale ku kalsooneyn.

Mareykanku Xamaas ayuu ku darey liiska argagixisada xoog ayeyna ka qaadey. Xizbulaahi xoog ayuu ka qaadey. Muqaawa´mada soomaaliyeedna xoog ayey ka qaadayaan, dadka liiska argagixisada dadka ku guul guulayana ha ogaadeen in liiskaas dhibka ka yimaada aan loogaga liidan.
    somalipeace10 @ 3/19/2008 11:03 AM EST
 I think the proposal of the United Nations can pave the way for peace if properly followed. Because it envisages the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops as a pre-condition for any peace.The other prerequisite is an over all agreement between Somali people.That means that warlords, who represent no one are not recognized as government because the report says " A military technical agreement in support of peace would have been signed by the major clans and factions, which would list security arrangements, such as certain certain to achieve disarmament, in respect of heavy weapons as a minimum, and non-violent settlement of disputes,"
    somalipeace10 @ 3/19/2008 10:58 AM EST
 Basically the United Nations said that if the following conditions are met , they may consider sending peacekeeping troops:
1. "a viable and inclusive political process and an agreement on the cessation of hostilities," Under this scenario, the Ethiopian troops currently propping up the Somali government in its battle with Islamist insurgents "would have withdrawn or would be in the process of doing so."

2. "A military technical agreement in support of peace would have been signed by the major clans and factions, which would list security arrangements, such as certain certain to achieve disarmament, in respect of heavy weapons as a minimum, and non-violent settlement of disputes,"
Source: AFP
    ali812 @ 3/19/2008 10:54 AM EST
 Isn't this the same UN that lifted the arms embargo at the end of 2006
so that ethiopia could invade somalia.  And the same UN that has never
condemned or passed a resolution against the serious human right violations
taking place in mogadisho.  Do they think somali people are fools, they have
clearly shown where they stand on the somali affairs.  
    wadaad yare @ 3/19/2008 10:43 AM EST
 Waqtigii la xushmeyn jirey UN waa laga soo gudbey. Haba yaraatee warka indho xumahaasi qiimo kuma dhisna. Jaale indho xume wax danboo nalaku cabsiiyo oo gacantaada ku harey ma jiraan hiilna awlabaanan kaa sugeyn. Mar hadii xoolo dhaqatadii Soomaaliyeed AC130 lagu garaacayo Itoobiyana Muqdisho qubuuro ka dhigtey wixii kaloo talaabaa ood qaadaan gaaloy waa ceebtiina oo ilaahey banaanka keeno. Hadey Itoobiya daayaana Itoobiya iyo daba dhilifka waa la gumaadayaa sida maantaba ku dhacdey. Hadey badalaana kuwa yimaadaaba ka jilicsan oo meydkooda la tirinayaa. Waxey kaliya oo wejigooda ku badbaadin karaan iney siyaasadooda wax ka badalaan.

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