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    Vebaro @ 1/29/2009 11:35 PM EST
 Only a  narrow minded indivual,will jumb a joy with Obama`s remark.
whethr you believe or not obama will serve the american interest,in which principle against muslim.
NEVER ever will americans accept the muslims to rule themselve with the sheria law.
And obama will continue war on terror (war on islam)directly or indirectly.This is the best policy they had since 2nd world war,
to oppressed muslims.
    somali unity 12 @ 1/29/2009 6:09 AM EST
salaam alaikum to you all,

Dalmar what are you talking about. ‘I view Obama as the POWER of God to bring forth from Islam's worst enemy a man of rational thought’
Refrain from what you just ascribed Allah to have done. Obama is here to server the American interest and only that therefore he will continuo with the so called war on terror ( war on Islam) to achieve their goals.

The only way Somalia will achieve peace and stabilities is by following the true guidance of Allah’s law and implementing the shar’ah

    sonofsomalia @ 1/29/2009 1:13 AM EST
 Mr. Elmi needs to understand geopolitical stance. Obama has more on his list than little old Somalia. On another note, the author stats:

"For example, business community leaders, religious scholars, members of the Somali diaspora, civil society, and women's groups must also be permitted to participate in the political rehabilitation process."

What business community leaders, religious scholars and or mebers of the diaspora. Those are the same culprits fueling the conflict for their short sited and dimented gains. Including them in governance is like inviting the fox to the hen house.

Although I totally agree with you on the bicameral concept. This might create some sort of stability in this 4.5 based 550 member parliament.
    Stickorcarrot @ 1/28/2009 10:56 PM EST

Ma waxaad leedahay, ninkan ayaa Ilaahay diinta u soo diray?
Ninkan waa cool headed laakiin waxaad u yara hadlaysaa sidii
inuu Mahdigii oo kale yahay see wax u jiraan?

Muslimiinta iyagaa laga sugayaa inaay boorka iska jafaan
hadaad is leedahay Obama ayaa boog kasta burcad marinaya
you are in for a rude awakening!!
    dalmar haji @ 1/28/2009 3:48 PM EST
 I view Obama as the POWER of God to bring forth from Islam's worst enemy a man of rational thought, no matter an apostate,
to at least end the tyrannical rule of the former. Muslims should view Obama, depending on his actions, as the ability of God to always
protect His religion no matter how weak and frail the Muslims may be.

    Vebaro @ 1/28/2009 12:47 PM EST
 you guys ,for your information obama inauguration brings no hope to somalis and the muslim world.
let no one cheat you,its just a changing of tactics,because they fail all the wars.
and you cann`t make me believe that americans including your favorite OBAMA, i call him the( puppet or proxy) can work for the interest of muslim world kkkkkk.gave me a break,think twice.
All they want to do is to recover economically so that they can wage a war on muslim countries again, and you will that if GOD wish and all goes well.
    stickorcarrot @ 1/28/2009 3:07 AM EST
 Some new ideas and perhaps something to think about.
With the right approach, dividing the 550 into bicameral system
perhaps can be achieved. But not this time and not this
model. Hal xaaraan ahi nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho.
    abdiaziz2007 @ 1/27/2009 1:57 PM EST
 Somalis dont need the help of others to restore peace in the country....somalis needs not blame others ..its somalis who need come together and do something for themselve..
    fiqicigaal @ 1/27/2009 12:31 PM EST
 Somalis need to be hypnotised to be better and honest citizens. And the only way to approach their subconcious mind in our current circumstance is put to sleep so that the subconcious mind can be approached directly and that includes the twisted minds of moryaans and the traitors. Of course the subconcious is the repository of all our believes and it must be these believes that makes us lead the life that we presently live. Let us get our minds re-progammed as we are not satisfied with the present state of our affairs in our our country, we have to change our beliefs (i don't mean faith or religion).
    markhaati @ 1/27/2009 11:31 AM EST
 Magaca lagaa ma xaddin ee waa lagaa bililiqaystay!!!!Miyaadan ogeyn in eey jiraan CYBER_MOORAYAAN?
    peace-lover @ 1/27/2009 11:13 AM EST
 waryaa!!  kan peace lover isku sheegaya. war magaca noo dhig
war dadkaan maxey ahaayeen. hada ilaa magacyadii baa laiska xadayaa!
wax kale aa labaxdo maa weysay? Magac-Xade labax yaakheey
    Peace_Lover @ 1/27/2009 8:45 AM EST
 Afyare Abdi Cilmi Tuugsiga jooji man Somali people SHOULD, MUST and HAVE to resort Somalia and no one else. Somali people have been destro-ying their own country for 19yrs. They MUST rebuild their home now. Come on it's the time we MUST learn how to work hard, taking responsabilty, behaving like humanbeings and most importantly its time we must STOP! FULL STOP! of begging a man like us. ceeb man ileen somalida tuugsi iyo iney gacanta u hoorsadaan dad qeeyrkooda ah kama daalan. ceeb waaye tuugsiga. TUUGSASHO TACBASHAA KA ROON!!!!

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