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    camel girl @ 12/18/2008 6:46 AM EST
 “THE African Union (AU) peacekeeping force in Somalia may pull out if Ethiopia withdraws its forces.”  Who the hell was Uganda’s and what exactly were they doing in Somalia what a failed AU.  Uganda soldiers since you can swim in the waters our boys/girls are hiring and the jobs are for grabs.
    maxamuud KGB @ 12/16/2008 12:16 PM EST
 The Bantu Mercenaries were a joke .. they just came for the rich pickings in Somalia..let alone keeping a peace they hardly ventured more than few steps from the  Airport where they touched
    maxamuud KGB @ 12/16/2008 12:13 PM EST
 The Bantu Mercenaries were a joke .. they just came for the rich picking in Somalia..let alone keeping a peace they hardly ventured more than few steps from the  Airport where they touched
    xamar-daye60 @ 12/15/2008 8:38 PM EST
 They should not stay; they lost their neutrality as peace keepers when they shelled the bakara market. Safe your Self, get out!!!
    xamar-daye60 @ 12/15/2008 8:38 PM EST
 They should not stay; they lost their neutrality as peace keepers when they shelled the bakara market. Safe your Self, get out!!!
    Luckymes @ 12/15/2008 4:38 PM EST
 Don't worry USA will bring something...maybe robots who knows, since everybody is scared of Somalia. Shaagle laga baqay!
    fiqicigaal @ 12/15/2008 4:02 PM EST
 Those African mercenaries have not been paid for the last three months( confirmed by reliable source) and there is already mutiny within the Ugandan troops that can easily spread to the jumpy and bullet worry Burundis. After all , they were there for the money and America is having second thoughts about the failed occupation.
    Ninfican @ 12/15/2008 3:48 PM EST
 Who cares.

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