2 comment(s)
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    muhsin @ 4/12/2007 9:22 AM EST
 Capt Akunda i understand that you are in our land without our permission but since you are here we agree that you took our order not to meddle our affairs.Also its abit fine that you arent following Ethiopias footsteps.When there is away out and derive out the Tigres,then we we can let you out.Just be a peaceful cat trapped.Good boy akunda
    somaalidoon @ 4/12/2007 6:39 AM EST
 I support you and it is true your job is important to us
and surely you are doing a job the world not only shunned
but totally ignored. I wish you luck and someday a good
Somali government would thank the Ugandan brothers for their
help when we needed the most.

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