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    odogleh @ 3/10/2007 9:58 AM EST
 Let us define our selves again: silence is a sign of consent is said long time ago.
Do we keep watching what is going on in our capital.
So what?

principal failures usually call every person wrong.
Are we wrong to express our objective to the occupation ?
People are dying? so what if they are dying, so be it in peace also?

As we can smell, another war which will leave no stone unturned will occur soon
if the occupation is called for to end now.
I am sure the TFG will be chased back in to its inceptor and the dotage at the top will reinvent him as the president of Putland....again...
    beendiid @ 3/9/2007 5:45 PM EST
 Waaw, is this part of Jeelle mission???  when did AIDS become a sister? we share nothing below Adam and eve.
They will run away so be brave and don't begg.

watch: www.youtube.com/qarandoon
    zulekha @ 3/9/2007 6:31 AM EST
 Yet again senseless deaths of Somalis, the death toll continues its the 16th year,whats the difference if the shots/bombs where by Somalis or Ugandans..still more death and chaos.I urge those whom are trully seeing them selves as the saviour of Somalis or those deluded about the occupation of the AU force, to answer this where have they been in the last 16yrs? When the blood of Somalis was spilled by Somalis? I dont buy this nonsense about occupation, we wouldnt have needed the intervantion of outsiders if we were humane to eachother, but hey, we behaving like animals, we get treated like ones..xayaa waans!!
    adamjama @ 3/8/2007 7:17 PM EST
The two options you have are should we support the TFG & hope we can replace it in 2009 or should we fight THE TFG & the Ethiopian occupation because there is no hope in this alliance?.
I am reading comments like "Mire geed saaran kuwo gunti ku jira looma daadiyo" & bad government is better than no government.
Here is where history will help you decide your future & that of your children.When Abdullahi Yussuf was elected president of Puntland a well known Somali Historian,who wrote several books about Somali history & politics Dr.Said S.Samatar of Rutgers university was asked why do you think Puntlanders elected Abdullahi Yussuf of all People?
He said "Somalis beleive that if your neighbor has a dangerous Bull dog,it is in your best interest to get one" refering to the other war lords all over the south.
However,in my opinion the Puntlanders did not realise that Bull dogs are unpredictable & savage at times.What happened when Abdullahi's presedential term was over? He refused to give up power & started a bloody war among his people with the help of Ethiopia.
Now,what some of you are suggesting is let us give a lot of Bull dogs a chance till 2009 & see what they do.
Also add to your brainstorming that this are the same Bull dogs that kept the nation hostage for 16 years & we are familiar with their biography.
    sool state @ 3/8/2007 7:15 PM EST
warriors have a record of defeating occupiers,
they also ahve a record of kicking majeerteen a$$".

Don't forget they also have a record of turning
against each other to eliminate one another.
So they sure can defeat ina yeey and his bari-land
thugs, but they sure wouldn't miss to turn each other
for the fun of it.
    hawood @ 3/8/2007 6:35 PM EST
 Who is a coward, the guys fighting to remove occupiers
or the ones bringing foreign soldiers b/c their own
militia have no guts to do the fighting?
Abdullaahi yeey is the biggest coward of all.
He runs away everytime he hears a shot and never
comes back. Where is he at? is he the president?
I'll tell you he is somewhere save as all majeerteen
are cowards and can't fight their own battles.
These african soldiers will leave b/c Mogadishu
warriors have a record of defeating occupiers,
they also ahve a record of kicking majeerteen a$$.
Soon we'll demonstrate that gain.

TFG= Totally Fu#ked Government
DFS= Dowladda Fugaan Soomaalida
    Iyaah? @ 3/8/2007 4:35 PM EST
 Abdinoor sxb that was really touching. The epic part
u compossed for the ugandan troops made me think about
the essentiality of peace in our nation. Nice work bro..
    Hassancosobleh @ 3/8/2007 3:34 PM EST
    FIQICIGAAL @ 3/8/2007 2:45 PM EST
 Another shootings that ended the lifes of innocent by passers. I dispise those cowards who provoke a fight that they never and can not win

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