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    Camel Girl @ 8/3/2007 8:50 PM EST
 Somalia is not a garbage collector. For the rich thieves (USA, Russia, China and Saudi’s).     For those in the above brackets we are not your finisng fighting ground... Somalis tried to understand the world and we ended up killing each other (17 years) for a reason no body wants to know but we learnt humans are the same wherever they are around the globe.
    shanta @ 8/1/2007 10:51 AM EST
 test11 viva somalia
    deek @ 8/1/2007 9:42 AM EST
Goorey noqoto waa laga adkaan, gaalo qudhunlye!
Gardarada ninkii neceb ayaan, gacal wadaagnaaye!
Gafuuro xun Amxaariyo, intii garabka siinaysa!
Guuleysanmaayaan waqood, waa wax soo gudhiye!
Ninkastaaba hays giijiyo e, waw garaadli;iye
GUDOON XAQA  Illaahay inuu, keen isugu geeyo!
OO uu geyigu nabad noqdaan, gaafa sugaaye.  

    adamjama @ 8/1/2007 7:55 AM EST
 Let me ask you a simple, straight foreward, & thought provoking question that will put an end to this merry-go-around discussion.
If we all agree that war lords using tribalism & their sponsor Ethiopia are the causes of all our problems( Civil war, Anarchy, Division,& loss of national dignity since 1991), then how on earth can war lords, Ethiopia, & their stupid 4.5 formula, could also be the solution to our problem?
I have no doubt most of you want stable & prosperous Somalia, but is it possible that you are heading the same path with the same players, hoping desperately for different results?
Fiqicigaal, I agree with you, let us comporomise & unite, but you didn't go further & tell us under what umberella & for what purpose? Are we uniting to cheer for the Ethiopian atrocities against our people disguised as peacekeeping mission, or should we be uniting to fight the pastards?
    Fiqicigaal @ 8/1/2007 5:17 AM EST
 It is time we reflect the past to learn from our mistakes. It is time we focus to the present and prepare for the future. Somalia is for the somalis and it is time we take responsibility,come to our senses and put our difference aside to reclaim our integrity and pride. It is never late for us to think positive and learn to agree to disagree . It is sad that compromise is not in our culture and that atitude will only keep us in our own little mad world and we will always fall into the hands of those who are against our unity like Ethiopia and others    
    shanta @ 7/31/2007 7:51 PM EST
 If you don’t take care of yourself, then who would take care of you? We failed to pacify this lingering conflict, and it’s time we realize our mistakes and indifferences?
    qig504 @ 7/31/2007 7:37 PM EST
 Somalia deserves far more better treatment than these toxic waste and their Tigryan colonial handler Gen. Gabre Dila. The destiny of 12 million Somalis who call Somalia home should never be left in the hands of such a Toxic waste

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