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    gaaboow @ 10/18/2006 9:47 PM EST
 Brother Noor mashaallaah, this is a good article; however i have some critiz and comment.
in one of your last lines you said,"And for two years
they kept Col.Yusuf flying like crazy without landing
Mogadishu" Yes this happen if iam mistaking you
referring to abdullahi yusuf right? if so wasn't he
part of the warlords?
Moreover the question you pose in your conclussion,
I think thats what I got too. Will the sheikhs be
better? Allaahu Aclam, but lets give them chance and
hope for the best, and pray to Allah to make our
homelanmd a nation that is righteous and follow his
kitaab and diin.
The other thing is, we the youth of somali, range
from age 15 to 35 years should try to change our people's idea and oppose all the warlords and those old guys, really they not doing anything for but for themselves. I feel sick to see warlords's children living good lives in (Dibadaha)such America, while using other people's children. Walaahi we need to get up and stand up agains these tyrants warlords, and yes IT IS TIME TO SEE YOUNG LEADERS IN OUR COUNTRY.
As of my self am tired of these old dudes and favors young leaders, "to hell with old dudes" Remember most of the followers and those who fought for our diin, ISLAM at the time of our Prophet S.C.W, were young people, and everywhere in this world young are the majority and can change a lot of things, please if we care about our land lets give these old guys social security, meaning let no more be the ruller someone who is older than 50 to 55 the most... young people we can do it so lets do it.

Again brother, this was good article, and thanks for sharing with us.
    spiritual_leade @ 10/15/2006 1:22 PM EST
 Time will tell

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