5 comment(s)
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    hassan omar @ 6/9/2007 5:01 AM EST
 I think nothing is wrong to summaries the history of the country and in-order to understand the viewpoint It clear in this articale that the exsisted government is not one that somalis made for them, but it is a client that secures an interest of other countries.
    wadajir #5 @ 6/3/2007 7:39 PM EST
 all the professer is for somalis to form their own government. tha is something logical don't you agree.
    kurus @ 6/3/2007 7:10 PM EST
 Is this a joke or what?  Must I have a stranger, a non-somali tell me my history?  
I do not like the fact that Hiiraan will post any Jack, Joe and John...I do not mind reading from people who are not somalis, but please let it be a good article.
The Prof. did not write something that is new, the prof just gave me a review of Somalia 101!!
I would prefer a better article, thanks

Long live somalia!  May Allah guide us on the right path!  Amiin
    Fiqicigaal @ 6/2/2007 11:44 AM EST
 Every one writes his or her bit about Somalia . Same old story with no solution on the horizon . Sorry i meam mmmmh with a bit of luck and lots of brains we will get some where hopfully  
    ilwad @ 6/1/2007 5:17 PM EST
 Well written well said article!

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