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    Mahare_Is_Here @ 2/8/2009 2:35 PM EST
 Lamadage Hymo & Co.

This Mayor is surely going to fail, not becouse of your opposition but his attitude towards you and life in general.
He is a flip floper and can't make a decision based on conviction, idiology and vision. In that case I can see quick success for your retarded boys. But I'm not convinced if that success is based on your ability to topple the man or if it's based on his lack of leadership.
He want and said him self to unite and rebuild a shattered glass without leaving any partical and he wants everyone on board. kkkkkkkkk...That is a laughing stock!!!!
you can't have both ways. He have to choose between the Somali people or the people from Tora Bora.
He can't do it? then leave it to the people who can.  

I see at least another four years of the same!!!!

Don't take any credit for his failure and don't loose boys to this fellow becouse you need those boys when a real leader comes alone..

    Lamadage @ 2/8/2009 1:58 PM EST
 Bro Hymo

Well said but this fella don't know much about xuduud alsharci let alone usuul hada diin. He can't stand  to hear for Lamadage name for mysterious reasons. He is hell bent to go after Lamadage for every post. They say some people live with others to be something. Others live with deen and taqwa as Jamaca as sufan al thawri put it in his defition of ahlu-sunnah waljamacah. His flip flop trails are everywhere in HOL. Lamadage uu ku sheegaa fulaynimo iyo been. Let this poor Ruwaiybidhah sing for himself alone for all I care. I'm sure others rode before him such road with dead end.

Lucda weeye hadalkaan sharciga, laaabud ku ahayne
Mar haddaannu luuligu is-hayn, labacu waa beene
Laqwad xumo ha joogtee, macnaha kuma lihiin siine

Bro diid gaal

Thanks for taking my message brotherly.  

    Luckymes @ 2/8/2009 1:36 PM EST
 Test blocking....
    baadiyow @ 2/8/2009 12:29 PM EST
 Dooddii waa xigmad beeshay!!
    hymohamed2004 @ 2/8/2009 12:13 PM EST
 Ninkii ah hayso Shariifamaniayow, anaga sidan ayuu noogu muuqdaa:

Markaanu carruurta ahyn ciyaarta dhexdeeda hadaad khalad samayso waxa kuu furnaa inaad tidhaahdo “IGAMA QUDHUNTO IGAMA GUBATO.MARKAA WAA SII WADANAYSAA”.
Shariif intii uu waxan ku jiray waxa uu iila muuqdaa nin isagoo Amiir ah oo salaadii dadka tujinaya boqol goor dhuuso kawareegay,dabadeedna salaadii weli ina tujinaya bilaa wayso.markii u danbaysay wax dhuuso uu moodayay ayaa xaar ku noqday oo surwaalkii iyo qamiisii buuxiyey salaadiina saful awalka ayuu weli iimaan ka yahay.haye waa kaas IGAMA QUDHUNTO IGAMA GUBATO.

    camalow @ 2/8/2009 12:04 PM EST
 Alshabaab alxaaraam and now xisbul isbaaro cajiib....Mooryaans born,breed and built to be killers.
    zayidka @ 2/8/2009 11:39 AM EST
 Who, what are you fighting fores?

If you are wondering like me and want to know what’s wrong with us, why can’t we stop killing and start talking. What happened to our Islamic values of forgiveness, compromise and love of peace?  
Just read the comments that you see here and many other places and see   ideas and thinking of our people. It’s based on the sickness that put us in this grave, which is tribalism. There are those who were against T.F.G yesterday and today speaking for it and vise-versa. Or supported Islamic courts not that long ago and now calling them names. You can see how conversations between them how they insult people of entire region tribe or clan. if they were asked what they want I believe they don’t know. What you think if these were our leaders? Guess what they might be one day if we don’t do something about it. There are few who stand for peace and stand taller then all they support peace in Somalia all time and they are against any one who wants to solve disagreements with guns.  There are many reasons why we should support any administration that is trying to establish law and order in Somalia even if we don’t agree with what tit stands for. Because it’s not hard to change government when you have government that is functioning and bad government is batter than no government. Lets just stop claiming victory while ignoring civilian deaths and distraction of their houses.

    nomadic1 @ 2/8/2009 11:34 AM EST
 Gaadhka looool

You are right.

Somehow, I am really furious.
I am very concerned for the civilians and the future of Somalia. Believe me, I have many reasons to be wary of what the future might hold for us.

In others words, it is to close to call. Too close to victory, too close to danger.
    nomadic1 @ 2/8/2009 11:26 AM EST

Please don’t tell me somebody who openly declares war on these names will be scared to type in three letters. It won’t fly on anyone’s face, if I might borrow from you.

Put it this way, someone who is not only scared but concerned for his safety and welfare should not advocate and rally for the bloodshed of others. I mean the victims and the victimizers of Somalia.

These kids who are economically disadvantaged are victims in their own right. The long suffering Somali population are the ultimate victims as well.

As a professional working in the financial sector, you should know that decisions become easier when some of the cost is not fully accounted for. J business is easy coz they fail to add human cost in their equation. The life of the young boys and those of the civilians.
    baadiyow @ 2/8/2009 11:20 AM EST
 Nomadka; "You constantly cheer for the continued misery of the civilians; you stupidly claim the victory of the brave young men who face constant danger while you hide behind the relative safety of your computer screen".

Brother ma fahamsana dadkan waxa loo jihaadayo waa in la baadbaadiyo shacabka, not other-way-round.

God bless Somalia...
    Gaadh'haye @ 2/8/2009 11:18 AM EST
Some body is getting under your skin lately, lol.
Aar maxaad careeysantahay. Sidaan maadan ahaan jirin.

Your Shariif group, ina Yeey group ayaaba indin dhaamey. At least, unlike you guys, they accepted desenting voices.

Waa in inteeydaan caga dhigan la'idinka hortagaa. Hadii meesha waxaad kadhigeeysaan North Korea.
    nomadic1 @ 2/8/2009 11:15 AM EST

Everybody is here to express their views in their own ways.

You are the only that tells us real stories and real actions that you are in the thick of. One day you are in your shop, next day you are severely wounded, next day you are in Nairobi, next day you are in Dubai, next day you are back in Mogadisho, next day you are holding an important meeting with your J group, next day you are sitting down with the new president in hotel LAFWAYN. Brother, itaqilaah, don’t lie. Don’t you know what you say is recorded by the angels of allah. Don’t you know that you are first responsibility and line of Jihad is your tongue?

The prophet (PBUH) said in a hadiith, the first sign of a munaafuq is, Idaa xadatha, kadaba. When they tell stories, they lie. All I know is your stories and they all suck. They are illogical. They might be attractive to you but rest assured they will take you where you don’t want to go.

I am really worried for you.
    hymohamed2004 @ 2/8/2009 11:07 AM EST
Those three letter boys are present in Somalia and people do disappear if it is known that they are Somali Islamists. In fact, they do more harm in Somalia than they can do in the USA.   Believe me the Ashahaado La dirir is all over the country.  

It is not cowardice to watch your words while you are at the same time trying to get your point across.  Just trying to give you an unpaid advice while trying to be self styled referee! LOOOOOL.
    nomadic1 @ 2/8/2009 11:01 AM EST

In your little disi*lusioned world, you are a brave man in the front line of fire.

While in reality, you are nothing more than a coward and a psychop*th.

If you are a courageous man as you claim to be, if you are in Somalia, why are so so scared to mention these THREE LETTERS you keep referring to. s

What are these three letters you are so scared to say on the net let alone in front of other people. Is it F-B-I, is it C-I-A, is MI5 or M-I-5. How coward are you my friend? How do you want us to believe you to compete and fight with your adversaries when you can’t even say their name?

You constantly cheer for the continued misery of the civilians; you stupidly claim the victory of the brave young men who face constant danger while you hide behind the relative safety of your computer screen.

Please don’t tell me you are a courageous man while you canteen type THREE LETTERS on a computer screen. I have been observing you for a long time my friend.

Please be man enough to practice what you preach. Moulding yourself in the mould of your liking is the ultimate hyp*crisy.  
    hymohamed2004 @ 2/8/2009 10:55 AM EST
 Diidgaal, islaamna waa difaacayaa, akhlaaq xumona waan ku kacayaa isma qabato.  Dadkan meesha wax ku qoraa waa dad wada shaqaysta oo caruurahooda xalaal ku korsada including myself.  So s’top this non'sense and be objective about what you know and let the rest be the rest. Majority of us including myself do su’pport and pray for our fr’eedom f'ighters.  So, get the point and and don't pretend that you are the only guy in the hood. LOOOL
    zayidka @ 2/8/2009 10:49 AM EST
 DIIDGAAL, ASK ALLAH FORGIVENESS FOR WHAT YOU HAVE SAID” Dhiiga muslinka hala xalaalaysto hadaad u taqaanaan Jihaad, god bless you.”God bless you is not appropriate to those you have described. It’s obvious what you meant just opposite of what you said but let’s not degrade the greeting.
    nomadic1 @ 2/8/2009 10:38 AM EST
 “When the tide goes away, you see who has been swimming naked”.

Amison occupying the all important GURIGA SHAQAALAHA, so lets keep the killing spree until we liberate all the sensitive sites one by one.  

Amison will go soon and we will see who has bee dancing naked.

Guys, believe it or not, the worst is yet to come from some people.

Ceebeey tacaal!!!!!

Very sad.
    diidgaal @ 2/8/2009 10:32 AM EST
 lamadage Bro,
Point well taken and thanks for the advice.
    Lamadage @ 2/8/2009 10:24 AM EST
 Bro diidgaal

dadka ha kuu kala sokeeyaan. I don't know where are you but I;m here in Mogadishu and I want to remind you this.

What you said is true in generic but there are hard working people from both Islamist and anti Islamist.

Dadka aan isku dhinac nahay la soco waxaa ka mid ah

Adama Jama
stick n carrot
Allow Alle

iyo dad badan oo imminka magacyadooda i maqan oo HOL wax ku qora

Our political discourse should be measured and cautious since we are reading same page.......

Even those bent to attack Islamist are living are in fear. I suspect few real munaafiqis/gaaloos are in HOL in real world.

I think you got my message
    baadiyow @ 2/8/2009 10:23 AM EST
 War hooy kibirka waa lagu jabaaye, maad ka joogtaan. Qolodan qolo cibra qaadata maba aha, imise goor ayay halaagsameen umaddana halaajiyeen. Waa bartii yaqaan "waayo aragnimo" uma kororto. Dadka badankii sheeko ayay ku ahayd fikirkan takfiiriga ah, balse maanta hooyo walba waa idinka war haysaa, waxaad ka heshaan waxba hana siinina.

Dhiiga muslinka hala xalaalaysto hadaad u taqaanaan Jihaad, god bless you.

Miskiinka halkan dadka qabiilo ku sheegaayo, waxay ku tusaysaa fudaydka ay go'aamada ku gaaraan, with no knowledge whatsoever!!!

Guul Soomaaliya...
    Gaadh'haye @ 2/8/2009 10:18 AM EST
 According to reliable sources, an IGAD % AU delegation spearheaded by the war criminal Gen. Gabre paid unannounced and secret visit to Mogadisco yesterday.
The delegation -comprising of high ranking military and civilian officers from Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya and Djibouti -toured places designated for a large contingent of AU forces expected to be deployed in Somalia.

As time goes by, many plots will be unearthed.

Bottom-line is: Ethiopia did not withdraw nor cease her illegal activities in Somalia, and neighboring countries are still contriving plans against the establishment of proper government for Somalia. The only feasible sign of difference in their attitude is changing of goal posts and subcontracting of new players -their avowed quest to prolong the misery of Somalia still remains intact.

    diidgaal @ 2/8/2009 10:10 AM EST
 Hy, kulama yaabin laakiin waxaan kuu sheegayaa ceyr
kaliya maaha ee ilmaahaag ku korsataa xaaraan iyo boob,
ama adigaaba lagugu koriyay. Somali qurbaha waxa ay ku
nooshahay weliba kuwa sidaada oo kale u hadla waan
naqaan. Naagtii waal kala tagnay, ma shaqeeyo, lacag yar baan
sameeyaa ee guri hala isiiyo. Marka xaaraanta intaad
ka dharagtaan iska butaaca. Qof dan idinka leh iyo
qof idin dhageysanaya ma leh. Tiina uun ka shaqeeya oo
qurbaha somali magaceeda ha ku ciyaarina inta aad ka
welweleysid qof aan cararin oo dad iyo diin u istaagay.  
    Lamadage @ 2/8/2009 10:09 AM EST
 Sharif has failed to Mujaahideen let alone Somali people by trying to balance the need of IGAD, International community, US orders and Somali Islamist liberators doctrine. As result, early this morning this war has happen in Hodan area. Despite he has extensive consultation with so called culimada sixidda, his ICU wing and other Somali honest people, this sharif has failed to articulate the simple demand of Somali liberators: 1) Kick out AMISON who occupy among other sensitive places in Mogadishu, Guriga Shaqaalaha ee Xafadda Hodan 2) implement Shareeca 3) Affirm Somali territorial integrality.  Instead Moron Goobdoon and others continue to speak for him as there is nothing changed. Worst, ICU and blood dripping Amhara lover’s mooryaans was ordered to mix. Means people who killed our people, destroyed Somali cities, robe our wealth will be new Somali law enforcement.

The realities are despite marathon meetings in villa Sharif meel baa u cad. He is bound to hold up Somali charter and protection of Abyssinian interest let alone American agenda. Worst, he is preparing a very looming protracted war against Somali Islamist. Rest assured, Somali Islamist will not blink nor accept his American talk. What brought Somalia to this dead end can't get a new life line with the new name,,,,,,,Sharif.

Somali Islamist sees the victory close. They are not willing to squander their stand on Shareecah by new turban who cheat them before, bribe, position, money, tribal causes or any other worldly material.

Nin war haayo ha kuu warramo

Khalli masiiratu taxriir tastamirru wal jihaadu tastamirru,
    hymohamed2004 @ 2/8/2009 9:58 AM EST
 OK sida uu diidgaal isaga lee kasaaya Soomaaliya xalkeeda.  Inteena kale waxba kalama socono, wuxuuna inagu maagay kuligeen inaan cayr qaadano, xitaa haddii aad shaqaysid, diidgaal wuxuu leeyahay cayr baad qaadataa.   Markaa waxay isugu soo ururtay qofkan diidgaal ayaa wax garanaya inteena kale meel baa la inaka hayaa.   Ma ila yaabteen?!!!!!!!
    Allow-Alle @ 2/8/2009 9:54 AM EST
 Another HOL's media twist. Saddexda qof waxaa dilay duqayn aan loo meel dayin oo ay geysteen ciidanka dalka dawdarrada ku jooga.

"Do they really need to attack African forces?" Instead of yap yapping, our country, as of any other, cannot be debris for the interest of other nations, the big question is WHAT IS THE MANDATE OF AMISOM.

The position of many of you has been revealed by DIIDGAAL. Marka haddaad dalkii, dadkii iyo diintiiba gabteen kana badin la'dihiin cayrta dibadda. BX ayaa dalkii ku haray gorgortanna kula galimaayaan mid madow, mid cad, mid Soomaaliga ku hadla ama mid cimaad watta oo loo soo dhiibay agenda meel kale laga leeyahay
    daacad1 @ 2/8/2009 9:49 AM EST
 Animals .animals.all those fighting in xamar are animals may god put them in hell
    diidgaal @ 2/8/2009 9:48 AM EST
 Sheekada noo sii wada kolley daacad ma tihiine.
Mid walba oo idinka mid ah wuxuu u bukaa qabiil
iyo wax aan loo joogin. Baadiyoow wuxuu raba a
dowlad abgaal, fiqicigaal  and stickorcarrot waxay
ka xun yihiin YEEY la ceyriyay. SHymohamed meel uun
baa daqnaneysa aan ahayn dadweyne dantood. Marka iska
sheekeysta laakiin wax dan idinka leh maleh oo wadankii
dad baa u istaagey inay difaacaan oo qashinks dibad iyo
gudaba ka sifeeyaan.
    fiqicigaal @ 2/8/2009 9:28 AM EST
 There is no malice in islam. It teaches and promotes peace and tolerance among fellow moslems and to the rest of the human beings, unless one is a threat to your religion and to your very existance. We can not punish malice and those who make their point by killing innocent people by neglect, we must fight those who live in lie.
    hymohamed2004 @ 2/8/2009 9:23 AM EST

Let us pary that==> Let us pray
    hymohamed2004 @ 2/8/2009 9:22 AM EST
 Let us pary that the opposing sides in Somalia will come to their sense and discuss honestly the future path of this country.   We need this discussion to start without foreign interference.
    baadiyow @ 2/8/2009 9:08 AM EST
 These misguided kids and so called opportunist sheikhs, doctors will never taste Allah's mercy so long they propagate war with no real purpose and look for short cut for the Jannah. The concerned Somalis should stand up and make peace possible in Somalia once more.

Guul Soomaaliya
    daacad1 @ 2/8/2009 9:07 AM EST
 If the horses couldn't Run how r we expect a donkey run
    diidgaal @ 2/8/2009 9:06 AM EST
 War imisaan idin lahayn diin waxba ka garanmaysiin
ee iska daaya. Idinkaa ilmahiina ku korsada xaaraam
qurbaha oo leh naagtii waa is furnay, ma shaqeeyo.
accident baan galay. Ordoo wixii idin dhalay ka celiya
xaaraanta dhabta ah oo ay idinku korinayaan. Dad wadankooda
iyo diintooda difaacanaya baad xaaraan ku sheegeysiin narkaad
maalin walba xaaraan quudataan, ood gashataan, ood ku
hoyataan.Gebigiin waxaad tihiin xaaraan xaaraan la korsaaray.
Gaalo waxaad ku jeceshihiin laaluushka yar ee la idinku
duleynayo oo aad dhamaantiin xabsiyada uga wada buuxdaan.
    almansoor @ 2/8/2009 7:52 AM EST
 have u seen me posting here for long time, coz i gave up the hope at that time, when my sense came, and expected for peace to come, it is now when u hear, islamist rebels attacked meel hebel, that is nonsense.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 2/8/2009 7:09 AM EST

"This is a terrible situation, nothing is over yet,"

No it's not!!!! This is another way of God showing you that you haven't used the brain he you and want to punish you for it. Since 1990 you haven't pointed out or identified one problem correctly. It was the Mooryaans with Spaaro, like Ceeydiid but you called him Mujaahid Ceeydiid and protected his thugs. And when ever asked you what the problem is you blamed others. It was the a government rules by C/Qaasim, he bought 4rms and funded his family to acuppy Sh/hoose and you called them the local boys and defended them. Now it's Al-Haram who want mayhem and against everything. And you are here defending them, calling them Mujaahid and blaming others and aliens.

Well GOD is too angry at your behaviour and untill you understand why and how you got into this mess He wouldn't take the pressure from you.....

    xiis @ 2/8/2009 7:08 AM EST
 in badan baynu maqalnay Drug addict, waxaynu hada haynaa Dagaal addict.
    rako @ 2/8/2009 6:26 AM EST
 This is not about Sheikh Sharif, It is pay back.
    stickorcarrot @ 2/8/2009 6:10 AM EST
 Do they really need to attack African forces? African forces
can go peacefully if Sherriff comes to his senses. They should
wait for further consultation and if Sherriff and others can come
to some kind of agreement. I don't see why African forces should
be a target this time and so soon.
    stickorcarrot @ 2/8/2009 5:50 AM EST
 "This is a terrible situation, nothing is over yet," End of
the story. It's all in Sherriff's hands he should listen!!

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