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    hodaneey @ 2/6/2007 7:10 PM EST
 look• http://www.businessforafairminimumwage.org/signatories out here it comes
    egeh @ 1/29/2007 9:38 AM EST
 Somaalidoon you got lucky all of my responses have been rejected.
    somaalidoon @ 1/29/2007 2:00 AM EST
 OK. Though your words show hatred or/and impartiality I would debunk some or all of these fallacies give me some time. PEACE IN SOMALIWEYN
    @ 1/28/2007 6:59 PM EST
 Mr.Somaalidoon to test you I am putting forward facts on Somaliland and your reaction / response  will indicate whether or not your arguments/rejection of Somaliland are based on logic or pure hatred and baseless lies and fabrications:-
1.Was separate with in recognised borders before unification.
2.Al most all the Somali tribes are found in Somaliland.
3.Due to the Somalilanders sense of patriotism the unification was their idea.
4.All kinds of injustices have been perpetrated by the rest of the Somalis against the Somalilanders.
5.The national army felt like occupation army in Somaliland.
6.Policy of genocide and mass exterminations have been practised against Somaliland.
7.Djibouti wouldn't at independence wouldn't want to do with Somalia for fear of facing the same fate.
9.the Somali armed forces destroyed all the major cities in Somaliland.
10.More than 50,000 lives(unarmed civilians)were lost.
11.After the collapse of the Somalia government Somalilanders of all tribes got together.
12.Under the trees the Somalilanders all tribes represented made the reconciliation and peace.
13.Agreed and formed their parliament, council of ministers, president, national flag,currency and the rest of it.
14 Maintained stability and peace for 16 years.
15.conducted free and fair elections supervised by the international community more than three times.
16.voted for their constitution (97%) infavour.
The list can go on but let me stop here and ask you what is your justification for denying the existence of Somaliland?
    somaalidoon @ 1/28/2007 5:15 PM EST
 Mr. Egeh, do you have legitimate argument to make for your cause or you want to talk about my tribal affiliation? Every posting you are inquiring me about my background. It seems you are having difficult to assign me to any part of Somalia, you said I am not Somali; I am a refugee with no land, and an advocate of Ethiopian invasion, all of it not true. I do not need to conform to your thinking, get my ammunition from tribal chiefs, and talk about tribal point of view.  Therefore, to achieve understanding I told you many time I am a Somali man, so let us talk about the issue not my tribal background. I never asked you your tribe, all I said was just one tribe is advocating for so called “Somaliland” and because of your reaction I assume you hale from that tribe and I have nothing against that. In addition, when you are making an argument please be fair to your audience, I did not say we have to divide Somalia according to tribal lines, but all I said was if the solution of Somalia is disintegration tribal line is the logical way to go. You said you have facts, what kind of fact is that? Somaliland has a known border and 97% of its habitants voted for the constitution? If that is the facts you have for your cause, then I am sorry to say that it won’t convince  the least informed critic, I think it’s time you change the company you keep
    egeh @ 1/28/2007 1:55 PM EST
 Mr,Somaalidoon for your information truthfulness is the characteristics of the muslims and honesty,pride and courage are the characterisics of the Somalis, but unfortunately  you appear not show any of them. It is a fact that conversations and any other dialouge that are not based sincerity, honesty  and open mindedness do not lead to  meaningfull conclusions or agreements and since most of your arguments are based on denials, half truths and lies I guess there is no possibility of reaching any kind of consensus. We seem to be repeating ourselves. You keep on denying the reality on the ground and I keep on hammering you with facts which you are not ready to hear or see so what is the point of this back and forth never ending talk.
Now you deny Somaliland, you deny the borders and your last argument is that the Somalis have to be divided tribe/clan-wise so if we accede to your argument /suggestion could you tell me where will your land be? or are you outside all the known borders?
    somaalidoon @ 1/28/2007 2:43 AM EST
 "Any shame" lol so you still believe that superiority huh?
and you think some people should be ashamed of their tribal
affiliation? You seem logical but I think at the same time you
are full of yourself or you just took your beloved tribe little
too seriously. I have no shame of who I am. Muslim, Somali
and decent human being who harms no one and that is the end of it.
These Somalis K5, NFD are under occupation and they will be back.
Djibouti case is different that they have non-Somali in their mix.
I agree we are all Somalis all living in a "SOMALILAND" why on
Earth are you people advocating dividing the nation? Moreover, I just cannot
stand this “known borders” you preach us here. This colonial line
is not a border it is how they divided our land. If Somalis decide to
disintegrate the logical way to go is tribal. In a sense that is the
one you are advocating for with just little insincerity.
    egeh @ 1/27/2007 12:55 PM EST
 Somaalidoon when will you ever get it. I told you time and again that Sool and Sanaag are part and parcel of Somaliland and those who live there, no matter what tribe they belong to, are Somalilanders.  What I really believe is that you really do neither belong to Somalia nor to Somaliland.You must be from else where because the only people who are dead against Somaliland are those who are refugees from else where! you know what I mean.
We are all Somalis so let us leave like that and address ourselves as Somalis only whether in Djibouti, Somaliland, Somalia, Kilinka Shanaad or NFD and forget about the tribal names otherwise if you are so bent on saying Isaaq this Isaaq that  you should mention your own also. That will be a fair deal or are you hiding something? Any shame?
    gurey @ 1/27/2007 10:36 AM EST

war naga aamus  Islamkaada was . war Islaamka aad sheeygeeysid ord carabaha la tag, somaliya waa democracy!!!!!!!
    somaalidoon @ 1/26/2007 6:37 PM EST

I am a Somali man. I don't need to say I am Qabiil X.
I am saying Isak because people of ISaq clan only are
advocating the so called nonsense namd of Somaliland.
and i say 97% of ISaq because if Somaliland you mean by
the colonial line, i know 100% of the people of Sool, Sanaag
and other parts of the North-west were not part of this sham.
As i said many times, I have nothing against Isaq, they can have
their land but we have Somali people in that part of the
country who are genuine SOmali people.
    egeh @ 1/26/2007 9:14 AM EST
 What a silly question Mr,Somaaldoon! You are blind to see but let me repeat it for you perhabs you may get it this time. I said 97% of Somalilanders and I mean Somalilanders.Why are you obsessed with Isaaq and what tribe are you from anyway?
    somaalidoon @ 1/26/2007 3:32 AM EST
 Egeh 97% of ISaq is what you mean right?
    abudaar @ 1/25/2007 3:00 PM EST
 I only wish we have other Somalis with this author's caliber and an audience that actually has the brains to absorb the wisdon in this writing.  Shame on most of you for dewelling on the petty.
    egeh @ 1/24/2007 8:51 AM EST
 Reddeer with all due respect I wish to remind you that the people of Somaliland did in fact conduct their referendum and 97% of them decided to opt out.
    reddeer @ 1/24/2007 7:14 AM EST
 Congratulation Mr. Gabose
it was well written and thought out article , i can sense many people were irked by this article. As we may well know Somalia is broken and needs a lot of repair and nursing . The days are gone a dictator can rule the country on a decree . If some people will describe Gabose article as trojan horse disguised as bit for indepence of somaliland , i see no threat or danger of that. In switzerland is a country of cantons which each canton manage their affairs, it works very well . Maybe we should look at swiss system of federalism and learn from them. Somalalilanders should be given a chance of conducting referendum to decide their future, if they opt out we should respect that, So as other parts like puntland and so forth.
    yaab @ 1/23/2007 11:58 PM EST
 @ You are so sick. If you oppose someone by their opinion do it so with respectful disagreement. Don’t freaking filthy idiotic try to talk about his whole tribe with disrespectful you filthy sick psycho. As advice from me go and get immediately medical attention.
    yaab @ 1/23/2007 11:46 PM EST
 Two thumbs up to my well educated big Somalilander brother Mahdi A Gaboose. Sooner or later Somaliland will be recognized as independent, whether the rest of Somalia shed tears for unity with Somaliland or not. If recognition happens to take decades to come we surely care less because we are already autonomous have what a great country would have that is good people and good soil.
    @ 1/23/2007 10:12 PM EST
 Shut up Gabose !
Gabose family  until recently they belonged  to
Dir clan in Puntland, then  turning into 180 degree  they defected to the Habar yoonis for unkown reasons.
As far as you article is concerned it is a rubbish and worthless to read as you advocate dismemberment of my beloved Somalia.
There is no a such thing Somaliland buddy! it is a dead forever , you have to come to terms to this reality.
I personaly oppose to the  Abdullahi yusuf´s goverment, but at the same time  I extend  fully my support to him ,like many Somalis, his hardline stance  when it comes to the issue of Isaaqland or “Tribal nation”.
Down Midnimmo diidayaasha !

    qig504 @ 1/23/2007 5:28 PM EST
 Under the current circumstances and while the civil war still fresh and alive no single Somali tribe should surrender its weopons to a malitia of another tribe. You know what?!!  It will be the easy way to commit suicide
    egeh @ 1/23/2007 5:16 PM EST
 StickOrcarrot for your information Somaliland is not a tribal land but it is for all the Somalis who call it home regardless of their political or clan afiliations and Somalilanders are within their god given rights to ask the international community to give them the recognition they deserve on their own merit and without involving Somalia in one way or the other.
On the other hand and contrary to your mis guided claims Somalilanders wish for Somalia peace and stability. You need to  put that through your thick skull and say it like it is. The truth always prevails. You know the lies can run around the world while the truth is putting on the boot, but guess what the truth simply catches it.
    @ 1/23/2007 4:56 PM EST
 STickOrcarrot you haven't touched any nerve,but Hiiraan online did because my response to you have been rejected.
    StickOrcarrot @ 1/23/2007 1:38 PM EST

I must have touched a nerve! NO I really care less of so called Somaliland (Qabiilland), you can demarcate the borders with the real Somali people who live with you in the north and you can take the rest of your “tribal land” wherever you choose. But, don’t try to talk about Somali politics while your motive is to keep Somalia in the dark and you go around and tell the world Somalia is a hell hole so recognize Somaliland.
    egeh @ 1/23/2007 10:51 AM EST

  Sick mind. StickOrCarrot! if one talks about the weather in Afghanistan you still will read between the lines and will suspect or smell campaign for Somaliland recognition
    egeh @ 1/23/2007 9:38 AM EST
 Sick mind. StickOrCarrot! if one talks about the weather in Afghanistan you still will read between the line and will believe or smell campaign for Somaliland recognition.
    shukuman cade @ 1/23/2007 8:39 AM EST
 Correction about Ibrahim Igal, the right man for the job. Adan Abdulle saved enough money from his presidential budget and build a presidential Villa in Afgoi. Sharmarke and Abdirizak as prime ministers, returned money from their budgets only to be added to the next fiscal year. Igal, spent his entire fiscal budget within three months of becoming prime minister, and went right after Bedel Hirsi’s budget (trafico).
    Orwell1984 @ 1/23/2007 6:38 AM EST
 May Allaah Help us ...ameeen.

Aliyare, we are NOT that bed brother, howvere you have a very good point, may Allaah reward you for your efforts..and our efforts aswell...ameeen.
    Orwell1984 @ 1/23/2007 6:33 AM EST
 May Allaah Help us ...ameeen.
    stickorCarrot @ 1/23/2007 2:52 AM EST
 Wolf in a sheep’s clothing!
One will read this and think the author is fine Somali who is very sad about our current affairs. But, beware you can read between the lines this man is shedding crocodile tears and he is into this to divide Somalia. He seems to know the pitfalls of tribalism and at the same time he advocates its worst form of “Tribal nation” You can either write for the clan and advocate what is good for YOUR locality, or be a genuine Somali whose aim is the bigger picture. Disguising as one or the other would eventually handicap you and make you irrelevant in both camps. Choose one side and choose wisely!
    anwar sabiidi @ 1/23/2007 1:45 AM EST
 To Mahdi Gabose

And you said the UIC where threat to Ethiopia when? The UIC where threat to Ethiopia only when the Ethiopian army invade the Somalian country, and they have the right to threat them as they where the only power and administration that was exist in Somalia at the time, none of the UIC’s great leaders ever say we will destroy Addis Ababa, but Addis Ababa have clearly said we will not accept the will of Somali people where the you understand that way or not, but the question one should ask is “if the world knows better about what Somali people want will that be c/lahi yusuf? Or will that be muse sudi or maybe aiddid”.
The Somali people know what they want but the world does not want what the Somali people want, the Somali people want a leader whom does not have any self interest regardless what it might be, the Somali people want a leader whom does not associate with America and Ethiopia, the Somali people want a leader whom will put their interest first, the Somali people want a leader like sheikh sheriff sheikh ahmed.
And those of you who sees the situation differently or maybe opposed to this, then the Somalian people have greater interest for themselves and for their country than you have for you’re own clan ideology.

Anwar Abdow
    abdik @ 1/22/2007 10:20 PM EST
 Aliyare, what has gotten into you brother? Our people are not that bad brother. We are just going through some difficult times right now but things will get better Insha Allah.

Here read this article. I think you would appreciate it a bit.

Its called "The Other Other Somalia"

    aliyare @ 1/22/2007 9:01 PM EST
We are worthless people, we do not follow islam and do not know enough about islam. We are ignorat people who are blinded by Qabiil alliegance. We are truelly the lowest of peoples(somalis). May god help us.
    abdik @ 1/22/2007 8:55 PM EST
 Just another seccessionist who believes to way to bring about Somaliland's recognition it so trash the rest of Somalia. I visited his site and had the misforture of noticing such articles as "somaliland will be recognized" and "Somalia troubles." And then there was "Somalia: The new hotbed for anti-americansim."

I liked the "Gadabuursi Manifesto" myself.

Ignore the loser.

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