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    halac @ 7/17/2007 5:21 AM EST
 Mr/Mrs Nameless thanks understanding the real issues of somalia.Somalia is a naked women walking through gangs expecting not to harm.Ethiopia,Kenya,Eriteria,Uganda,and so called Muslim or non-muslim countries will take adavantage of you,simply you are naked.please put on cloth do noy expect others do your job.
There four factors the problems in somalia.
The Religion #1 if you run out water you must work hard to get,not simply God written.
The Education #2 what are you going to do memorizing Quran,simply is useless.
The Khad 1 million 2 million a day somalia spend it where that money came from,i guess Hamdi and she running low her saving.
The Qabiil we rather have three srikes Nukes in Somalia we may recover faster than having a linage revanges.
So Mr Abdi-Rahman, we are the problem not other, untill we change our idealogy,and pathetic believe nothing will be solve next 10 generation will end up like Hamdi.
    qig504 @ 7/12/2007 11:27 PM EST
 Jackass Godless filthy I like it Hamdi!!  The neighbourhood that I live you cannot make even a joke about Zenawi without being physically bullyed or at least by one or more of our own Somali people. I repeat our own Somali people not Ethiopians!!!  That is how tribally blinded we are even under such a circumstance  
    jayklen1 @ 7/12/2007 1:01 PM EST
 Right on Hamdi!  you are absolutely correct no one talks to nameless spooks.

    hamdi @ 7/12/2007 11:09 AM EST
 first get a name then talk,
no one talks to nameless spooks.
and just like you, Somalis has been attacked by
faceless nameless spooks like you and them say
the somalis are not taking responsiblity.
behold for what you are about to see,
Somalia will take responsiblity and you
jackass godless filtth will no longer
interfere with our lives.
you have not only attacked Abdinoor,
or all of Somalis for that matter but
you have the cheek to attacked our believe
in Allah. your time is up freaky spook!
    @ 7/11/2007 10:02 PM EST
 Abdi-noor,somalia is best described as vagapond.This vagapond chews Qat and blames KENYA AND ETHIOPIA for selling it to him.He does not want to have productive farms,and the logical food scarcity caused by that,gets into food fights with his fellow vagaponds.He then refers to these food-fights as 'clan-warfare',and claims to have been instigated by heterogenous Ethiopia against homogeneous vagapond,other-wise known as Somalia.He also has lost his identity.He claims to have a belief in an all-powerful creator,but lets Arab aliens in RIYAD AND CAIRO define the nature of that creator.Sometimes,this vagapond claims to have African spirit,but even backward Africa has minimum standards which this vagapond is unable to adhere to.He is a habitual complainant who never takes personal resposibility for his life!!!
    hamdi @ 7/11/2007 11:07 AM EST
 salams my brother,
you are forgetting UN is the same people who actualy
tried to tie somalis into fight they have not
participate, you rememeber how they said we
fought in Lebonan against Yahuud? that was a lie
they are too busy tring to destory the nation
not helping, there is nothing call UN it is
a shop open for the Enlgish man.
Try to as Allah for Assistance, not the UN.
I always enjoy your writting but please
brother, peace is within reach and always
look into Allah for help.

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