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    the future @ 8/2/2007 4:14 AM EST
 halac go head and read the quraan and tell me what it say about the snitchers

this young man didnt even see his young kid
last time he got arrested his wife was pregnant
masha Allah what a poor guy!!
those of u known Mr nuuradiin is he really kinda that guy or is hee cool guy

if he is innocent Allah will make him easy, if not then what can i say,
pay the price

but May Allah make it easy 4 him and the rest of muslims
who havent done anything wrong,

Halac are u so sure that he cummited the crime?
if yes  where u there with him when he was doing the crime
if yes u also are muslim and also u cummited the crime
u should be arrested, picture ur self in guanta mabai!!!!!

the future
    halac @ 8/1/2007 11:23 AM EST
 Justice served.the man is guilty,and he admited.If you want end like him,be my guest.
    buuxo @ 8/1/2007 8:51 AM EST
 Ilaahey haka indhasabo galadaas. Brother nurdiin, our prayers are with you and hope for the best.
    caraweelo @ 7/31/2007 4:44 PM EST
 I hope you Nuradin a speedy fair trail Insha Allah.
    Fiqicigaal @ 7/31/2007 3:38 PM EST
I don't need to ask you what made you say such evil thing about a brother who has been held in jail since 2003 and who is innocent until proven guilty because you are insensitive and heartless to say the least  
    somalipatriot @ 7/31/2007 3:26 PM EST
 Our dua is for you brother, hold your head up high, the truth shall prevail! Halac shame on you!!
    hamdi @ 7/31/2007 3:00 PM EST
 Lots of prayers to Nuradin and His Family, Allah
is the most just and he will clear this young man
Insha Allah. hope justice is serve and he is
re-united with his young family who has not seen
him since the day he was kidnapped in front of
his home.

Afka laad in lagaa dhuftaad istaahishaa duli
nacas ah. bagward Ideolgy ka haddal bal wuxuu yaha
maadase taqaanid wiilkan miskiinka ah?
    anti-traitors @ 7/31/2007 2:02 PM EST
 halac  who cares what you think. You dont know if he is innnocent or guilty. Hadaad fulay tahay oo  is dhaheesid ninkaan  somali waaye anaa somali ahaan la ii ugaarsanaayaa fulaynimada iskadaa. Dadka saas u fakaro waan aqaanaa oo jiritaankooda  iyo diintooda qariyo. I belive he is innocent. he is in jail since 2003 and they dont have any  case aganist him. I was there his first trail in june 2004 and I will go this one too inshalaah.
    halac @ 7/31/2007 10:10 AM EST
 I think Mr.Nurdin pullated somali faces with backward idealogy ,and deserve life in prison.
    Fiqicigaal @ 7/31/2007 6:05 AM EST
 The spirit of the Somali community in Columbus is working and it is very uplifting . I hope Mr Nuradin gets fair trial and i pray they find him NOT guilty  

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