9 comment(s)
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    lola @ 5/10/2007 3:36 PM EST
 i know all most all somalis see midgan and tuumal to be beneath them, but the region i am from we treat them with respect, we eat with them, sleep with them and as matter effect my hommie is reer kuulbeer, we just don't marry them............
    yasin4020 @ 5/10/2007 8:44 AM EST
 my mistake, new at this
    @ 5/10/2007 7:42 AM EST
I like this issue to be depated on radio stations in
somalia, there it may have a positive dialouge, where
it hopefully will make a difference.
    @ 5/10/2007 7:40 AM EST
 I like this issue to be depated on radio stations in
somalia, there it may have a positive dialouge, where
it hopefully will make a difference.
    Taraawiix @ 5/9/2007 12:04 AM EST
 Those are designers, engineers, and high tech. people(the Tumaal).

I think this has changed.
    somalipatriot @ 5/8/2007 5:17 PM EST
 What about the bantu? and why are u telling us what you are? is it because u don't want us to mistake u for those you speak of???and what kind of name is goth?
    somalipatriot @ 5/8/2007 5:16 PM EST
    Kibogoyo @ 5/8/2007 1:19 PM EST
 Oh My God! If what the writer expressed in this article is fact rather than a fabrication, then Somalis should not even dare to talk about human rights for they are beings without humans

The only compensation you can give to the "sabs" as you call them now is elect them as your president; if you resist this in words or conscience, then you didn't change and you may never change.
    Fiqicigaal @ 5/7/2007 10:48 AM EST
 This is a classic example of an ignoarant  nation where clan card has taken over morality and sensitivity in every conceivable way of life .  I admire and respect the Midgans and the Tumals for their skills and intelligence . And i wonder how on earth they have coped with the discrimination and the daily abuse both physical and verbal they have been facing from year dot . Let us now reflect the past , learn our mistakes and  educate our people to treat all human beings the way we want to be treated    

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