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    sharmarke24 @ 11/16/2006 12:40 PM EST
 Is there a possibility that the two governements,
the ICU and TFG can get together and create one constitution
for Somalia that contains religion laws with humanitarian
What is the goal of the TFG in meeting with ICU representatives?
Do they just want to say, hey punks listen, Allah for worshiping
but not for creating order in Somalia? As I know, not all
Somalis are very religious.
And if the weak TFG government fails, what is the fate of Somalia?
Will it be like the Taliban Gov. Masscuring citizens
that don't wear burkas? Isn't it better to seperate
religion and country?
    Abdik @ 11/13/2006 3:45 PM EST
 For as long as Itahads are around we will never see peace in Somalia. Period
    waaberi2 @ 11/12/2006 10:59 PM EST
 Brother Armani, your article is to the point I am happy Somalis still have smart people like you who ca see through things I just hope you were in a position to change things in back home and if that opportunity nocks the door in the near future please take it, because I am sure you will get rid off Melles zanawi
    @ 11/12/2006 2:50 PM EST
 If we [all somalis] wake up and unite, we can defeat the ethiopians who don't want to see united and peacfull somalia and those somalis eg the warlords who are all sitting in baydhabo. Then we can sit and talk as  somalis withou NO outside interference we can help our people who are dying inside the country of hunger, floods etc...and those outside of the country who are dying in sea, in southafrica their are getting killed for no reasons. and rebuild our beautifull homeland so we can all go back including me and live happy life insha allah
    walale @ 11/12/2006 2:16 PM EST
 we need peace in somalia the are people saying that
they can help somali but they lie'  only god can
help somalia. and i wish somalia can have they on freedom.
and my allah bells as asalamualekum amwaramatula

    muhsin @ 11/12/2006 3:01 AM EST
 Yes Brother Arman AND all those who share the sentiments that somalis all over the world must unite against all those calling for the ddestruction of our motherland.Somalia is now like a goat for sale by the wiseless TFG leaders to be sold without negotiation to the bloody melez zinawi regime ad merciless TIGRES.So we are behind anyone calling for peace towards to our motherland.Shukran Arman .GOD BLESS SOMALIA
    badow @ 11/11/2006 11:48 PM EST
 Let me just say that if war breaks out which seem to
be getting closer than peace talks, that war will be
between Ethiopian force, and Somali people as whole.
i didn't say Somalia because i know this war will be
between Somali people meaning those living in Somalia
and those outside like Ogaden, kenya, Djoubti, and all
those living around. I say this cuz i don't see my
self seating while my countrymate, bloodmate, and
somalimate getting destroyed for no reason. And when
that happens you all can predict what the outcome
would be. I really think foreign nation to invade
us is all we need to get us together and realized
how brotherly, sisterly, and faithly nation we are.
Let's hope war doesn't happen people, but if it does
in my opinion i really think it would do more positive than
then harm cas that would mean new peace thrusty for
somalis, and would conclude the days of tigre regime.
    qig504 @ 11/11/2006 9:36 PM EST
 The smell of slow roasting goat meat and onion fried rice instead of a Gun powder!!. What a change!!!. Let us keep things this way regardless of whether Zenawi and his lackeys like it or not
    @ 11/11/2006 3:18 PM EST
 Let's have a hope that one day peace will come to the entire nation of Somalia. In fact, no one was thinking that Mogadishu streets will be safe at the begining of this year. One thing that is needed is to have muture politicians, whether from the Islamic Courts or the TFG circles, whose scheme is the prosper of Somalis. If that is found, then you have peace!
    Gacaliye@ @ 11/11/2006 7:14 AM EST
 TFG and UIC please hold the next meeting about our Somali affairs only in our beloved country, with only Somali participants, where things can be discussed in our mothertung, Somali! I believe that the chance of progress increases then!!

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