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    cadeeycadow @ 2/10/2007 12:01 AM EST
 Reconciliation in Somalia is not difficulty unless the Americans , Ethiopians and the so called the contact groups ("Coalition of the Willing") make it difficulty.
All those mentioned above need to do is to take the warlords (Warlord Yusuf and Gedi) and retard aydid they brought to Mogadishu from warehouse in Baydhabo to another warehouse in either Washington or Adisababa and ask them to earn their living instead of living on Somali blood like parasite

I am sure we somalis will find a way of solving our problem once the invaders  (Ethobia thier sponsor Americans) and the warlods they brought to mogadishu are gone
    Somaalidoon @ 2/9/2007 7:16 PM EST
Beesha reer Xaaji Suleymaan?
Ma adigaa Afhayeen u ah miyaad u dhalatay mise
waad u dhaxday? mise labadaba? haddi jawaabtu tahy
tan ugu danbeysa ayuun baad wax ka odhan kartaa
arinta reer Xaaji Suleymaan, haddi kale iska Ilaali
inaad arimahaa dhex gasho
Waxaan ku su'aalay oo kale. Xiligii Xaaji Suleymaan
jiray Xajka SOmaalidu ma tegi jirtey? Mise waa cinwaan
mar danbe lagu daray?
    Somaalidoon @ 2/9/2007 6:58 PM EST
LOL "ha ku dheresan qof aanad gaadhayn .." Waxay u muuqataa
walaal inaad waxoogaa hadalkaaga ku jirto islaweyni. Ma
jirtaa waxaad kaga wanaagsantahay dadka Somaliyeed oo
lagugu higsado? Ma jecli inaan gabadh soomaaliyeed
af xumeeyo oo aan aflagaadeeyo, balse hadalkaagii hore
wuxuu ku dhisnaa qabyaalad guracan. Halkana waxaa
laysku dhaafsanayaa fikrado ee Qabiil maag waa
laga qurux badan yahay. Waa kuu furan tahay inaad
fikradaada dhiibato laakiin taa macnaheedu maaha
inaad quruun dhan aflagaadeyso. Ka fiirso walaal
gabadh baad tahay geyaankaana waa laga helaa qabiil
kasta ka war hay Yacniga lol take care sister Peace
    balliqardhac @ 2/9/2007 1:55 PM EST
 The only misguided thought is your successionist
ideology that you have been dreaming since the failed
coup de etat of Hassan Keyd and company in 1961. Hence,
you have not brought to the arena a single new thing.
what a waste of ink!!!!!
    haweya @ 2/9/2007 7:49 AM EST
  beesha reer xaaji sulaymaan ee baaqani khuseeyo la socodsiinaynaa in aanay jirin dawlad Soomaaliyeed ee loo dhanyahay.Sidaas daraadeedna aanay xilligan suurto gal ahayn in beeshu hubkeeda, beel kale ku wareejido taasoo haddii ay dhacdo keeni doonta in beesha reer xaaji Suleymaan hubkeeda dib loogu xasuuqo, maadaama aanay jirin dawlad qaran oo nabadgalyadooda damaanad qaadi kartaa.
    amina_samajecel @ 2/9/2007 7:32 AM EST
 Ilwaad, I think your politicians are just deceiving u
and not telling u the truth. While I never agreed with
Lanqanyo, the so-called Somali ambassador to AU, I found
his last interview with BBC really genuine and convincing.
I think it is time that you open your eyes and work with
the ones who are working to free Somalia from Ethiopian
invasion. Wake up sis before Mr. Buuba reaches Hargeisa with
Ethiopian tanks and war planes.

    ilwaad @ 2/9/2007 3:50 AM EST
 @ there you go..well done bro...
    ilwaad @ 2/9/2007 3:43 AM EST

Kuma gabo dantaydaay
Kuma galo waxyeelooy
Kuma gooyo wacadooy

Kuma taliyo godobtee
kuma geeyo colaadee

Gefow kuma ilaaboo
Wellee anigu goornaba
Kuma naco Galbeedow
    Ilwaad @ 2/9/2007 3:20 AM EST
 Somalidoon lol... hadalka ka aanad doonayn waa nonsensical huh ... riwaayad ha dhigine wax jira ayaan si qaawan u idhiye.. dadkana waxba ha raali galin sababtoo they are all involve someway or another(waa fale iyo lagu fale) hana ku dherersan qof aanad gaadhayne higso ayaan ku leeyahay dear.
    @ 2/8/2007 3:40 PM EST
 Mr. Juma Kenyatta! who are you trying to fool? How can you claim that you are strong Somali when in the 21st century, when the whole world is free, your people are still under the colonial rule of Kenya the weakest country on this earth. Where is your pride? What are you afraid of ? You know a real Somali would say in situations such as yours ( Hadaad dhimato geeridu marbay nolosha dhaantaaye). It si time you stop wasting your time with illusions and fantasies and start fighting for your freedom.
The funny thing here is you are warning us the proud and free Somalilanders, I wonder who is going to lend you the guts or the courage to harm us. You Mr.Chicken in the eyes of the kenyans.
Let me warn you now and tell you that matter of fact, the bravest Somali's are found in Somaliland and in case you don't know the whole Army of the rest of Somalia have suffered the worst defeat ever at the hands of my people. We have done it once and will surely do it again if there is a need.
    lula @ 2/8/2007 2:32 PM EST
 Finally someone is thinking.I agree with you 100%
We need to stop pledging legion to the warldos because
they are our clan is nonsense.have we seen this movie before?
this man has solution for Somalia but he left one point.
Who will finance the new members?Answer,us yes we can,we are
all responsible for our country we left long time ago
hopping it will fix itself.Amxaro invations is a wake up call
    somaalidoon @ 2/8/2007 1:53 PM EST
 My apology to all Somali people for the nonsensical writings of Ilwaad it was just too bad she had to go that route. She is mistakenly trying to make this issue one based tribalism. Girl, this is about nationalism it has nothing to do with X vs. Y if you can comprehend the idea of nationalism! If you want to talk and advocate for that issue go back to the jungle and become the first female warlord!

Mr. Egeh, I thought we settle our differences last time and agreed to disagree. I just noticed your last jab at me “…ignore the cries of the Somaaliadoons” I assume that is about me and of course I am Somaalidoon and I am proud of it. And if one feels content with anything I am, and as you pointed out I have a lot of support too. VIVA SOMALIA
    juma @ 2/8/2007 1:36 PM EST
 egeh ina habr 'yar' (sorry u cud belong to another habr). Look i come from NFD and all my parents and ancestors are somali. As NFD we are very strong somalis. We believe in Somali weyn aka Greater Somalia. Its does not matter how long it takes. I inherited it from my ancestors. It was started by our heros like AHMED GUREY. Our history does not begin with colonialism like you. I cannot betray Sayid Mohammed Abdulla hassan and Abdullahi sultan timacadde because of british, kenyatta and/or one dictator Siad barre!! We are strong, very strong Somalis. Think before you leap. You are up against all somalis, Greater Somalia that is. 1980s cud look like a picnic. We are watching you! Be warned.  
    egeh @ 2/8/2007 12:24 PM EST
 Mr.Juma( the NFD boy) which parent of yours is a Kenyan because if you are a true Somali you wouldn't logically be encouraging annihilation of fellow Somalis. You must be out of your mind to run arround and talk about the others when you are not only ruled but literally owned by the Kenyans.
    juma @ 2/8/2007 11:18 AM EST
 One of the reasons they want to secede is they lost 50,000 people. This is ficticious figure is too low, for traitors who got help from Somalia's historical enemy.Come on Polpot killed 2 million Cambondians and they are not seceding, Biafra lost 1.5 million people in her attempt to secede from Nigeria! Jalle siad Barre was a benovalent dictator. He should have annihilated these traitors in the northwest! Please give Abdullahi yusuf a chance to teach the secessionist altimate lesson. Give the bad guy to do his dirty job.
    kayse @ 2/8/2007 11:17 AM EST
    egeh @ 2/8/2007 10:37 AM EST
 All negative comments not based on any logic.
    Waardiye @ 2/8/2007 10:21 AM EST
 This author is one of those secessionists who would like to see the southern regions burn forever. Now they are pretending as if they really care the plights of the innocent people in the Southern regions!!! If they really cared the Somali people they shouldn’t have attempted this misguided idea of dismantling what is left the Somali State. Any patriotic Somali would have done otherwise. These secessionists are nothing but Ethiopian agents who hoisted the first Ethiopian flag in Hargeisa before anybody else; they handed over innocent Somali men to Ethiopia to slaughter them; they let the Ethiopians import their weapons (weapons used to kill the Somali people) through the Berbera port; then they went to Addis Ababa to congratulate Males Zenawi for killing thousands of Somalis.

And now we have the author of this article acting as if we are all naïve and stupid to believe of what he is preaching.

I believe all the patriotic Somalis should stand up and tell these sick secessionists traitors that they cannot get away with their ill-conceived and sick ideology of destroying the country.

Log live Somalia

    Markhaati @ 2/8/2007 9:47 AM EST
 Ibrahim H. Gagale: I don’t totally disagree with your article, but the fact is majority of Somalis believe in Soomaali Weyn, Please take a look of this map of Africa before 1884. Do you see Somaliland, Italian Somaliland, Puntland, Djibouti? I think you got my drift.
Here is another good one :
Animated Atlas of African History 1879-2002

    nadia @ 2/8/2007 7:33 AM EST
 I agree most of your points except when you start giving excuse for the so called somaliland separatist!!! there others who live there and do not want to separate from the rest of somalia ONLY the Isaaq wants to dictate other clan who live there for they own hidden agenda!!!
    amina_samajecel @ 2/8/2007 6:28 AM EST
 I don’t believe that the author sympathizes with the Southern Somalis
otherwise, he would have condemned his so-called president Riyale
for congratulating Meles’s killing innocent Southern Somalis.
I agree with the author and condemn the atrocities committed by the Siad Barre regime,
the appointment of Ali Mahdi without the full participation of all Somalis
including people from Somaliland. It was also wrong to appoint people
such as Buuba, because he (Buuba) doesn’t represent Somalia at all,
I agree with the author he represents his own greed and is a threat
to the peace and any form of reconciliation.  

    juma @ 2/8/2007 4:07 AM EST
    Hassancosobleh @ 2/8/2007 3:53 AM EST
 This dude is day dreaming. The inhabitants of Sool, Hawd and finally Sanaag, will never be part of that enclave. Borrowing an Iranian look- alike flag wont help much either. What we witness from time to time is riggings in what they call elections. Somalilanders project of tribal domination is doomed to fail.

The  first Ethiopian project to dismantle the unity of Somalia was through the formation of SNM.  It was the Ethiopians who trained, armed and financed SNM. Rayaale  recent trip to  Adis- Ababa proves everything,  he congratulated  his  DAD Melez , by saying the weapons used to defeat the ICU came through the port of  Berbera. The media in Somaliland is not only biased but tribalistic too.
Another important issue Somalis need to address is the role of the media and democracy.  There will be always a conflict and mistrust between different groups in our society if people are not treated equally. The media has also a role and responsibility in terms of informing, educating, and treating all groups equal. In any given democratic country three important elements should be present if the democracy has to work, the first being when there are no significant economic disparities in wealth and economic wealth and property ownership. Secondly, there should be a sense of community and the individual’s well–being is determined to no small by the community’s well-being. Finally democracy requires that an effective system of political communication, broadly construed, that informs and engages the citizenry, drawing people meaningfully into polity.
    Ilwaad @ 2/8/2007 3:14 AM EST
 Ilaa waligeed ayaa somaliland la odhan jiray mid wax ma garantada..ka mid ah ayaa maalin yidhi somaliland magac ha badasho bal qaboo ilaa hada way kaga dhagtay sidii rikoodh jabayna way wadaa,,,malaha ciyaal ayay u badan yihiin waayo qof taariikh hayaa hadal kanin kama soo yeedheen..waxaa ka maqan dadkaas, SOMALILAND!!! inaanay isaaquun ahayne balse dad badan dego..sababta ay u hadal hayaa ay tahay NACAYB  ay isaaq u qabaan ma cusuba colaadani..Daarood Ismail la garaye hawiye xagee ka soo galay colaada isaaq ma looting kii waqooyi ee waagii ayaa ku badh goay oo qoladii lagu jabiyay barigii ee loo isticmaalay dagaalkii waqooyi ayay ahaayeen Daarood inuun ayaa la kala bixiye kuwan is iibiya plz hoos u eega dhibaatada idiin taaal...you talk about unity and this ..halkeed ugu baaqaysaan ee cagaarku joogaa idiinki ayaa ilaa hada kabaxaay kujiree...

Hey Gagale great article..i think dhagahii daboolan hadal kama dego.
    RocketLaunch @ 2/8/2007 2:04 AM EST
 A dreadful article, that attacks the bases of our unity. Hell with you dude,
    shukuman cade @ 2/8/2007 1:40 AM EST
 Then maybe Somaliland ought change it's name to Isaakland, and no Somali would bother seeking to build a stronger union.
    egeh @ 2/8/2007 1:18 AM EST
 This article is full of facts that are thought provoking and an eye opener for the people of Somalia who, in order to succeed, really deserve to take care of their own affairs by themselves only, instead of allowing imposters from else where who are nothing but greedy spoilers whose only aim is to make quick money out of the misery of poor citizens.
It is high time that the good people of Somalia concentrate on their own issues and totally ignore the cries of the Somaaliadoons who should be told to mind their own business .
    shukuman cade @ 2/8/2007 1:17 AM EST
 Pointless, and time-consuming article! As is so often the case, now days everyone is scholar on the subject of the formation of the union.
    somaalidoon @ 2/8/2007 12:15 AM EST
 Playing the pity card for Somali people while at the same time advocating for the secessionist in Hargeisa.  He is playing the same formula the colonial powers used to divide Somalia -divide and rule. One thing I agree with him is his statement that says we need to “…dissolves all clan-based administrations” including of course the one he is advocating for.
Just another secessionist in a camouflage and full of nonsensical 3 pages ignore him!

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