21 comment(s)
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    skinny @ 12/18/2006 7:28 AM EST
 i think anybody whose is a muslim,somali can see what is going on with folks.as a matter of fact its crystal clear what happened in somalia for the last 16 yrs and what is going on right now.we have peace,order and we are in the process of nation building,but the zionist,unbealivers,munafiqiins are not feeling good about these progress and now the wanna destroy everything that we have accomplished.but GOD willing we will fight to last man no matter what happens.call as names extrimist,wahabbis but they are all sweet and we are proud to be muslims.but cautions to some munafiqiins like abdik or what ever you call yourself be carefull.........if you think by living in the west is making you comfortable your a losser .
    @ 12/15/2006 3:56 AM EST
 The arguement is clear, America is not promoting good fortune for Somalis because they abandoned Somalia during the civil war in 1993. However, their recent involvement in the country after, the ICU took control of Mogadishu rise the questions of America's purpose in Somalia. the CIA's  operation is activated,and they provide warfare to Kenya and Ethiopia. Is this about the war on terorism, or is it the break down of any Islamic society by mighty military power of US. One thing is for sure about the ICU objecives which based on restoring humanity, dignity and heritage of the Somali people. And if that is threat to America than history will judge the outcome.
    qig504 @ 12/13/2006 5:39 PM EST
 I am glad the CIA is finally sending its own SOS. The CIA has realized the going is getting tough and is willing to look at the bigger picture. I am sure the warlords are having their prayer by now before heading west and far away Addis. Somalia hanoolaato
    abdik @ 12/12/2006 6:34 PM EST
 lol ilyas. Start making sense and I bet they will start posting your messages.
    ilyas365 @ 12/12/2006 4:35 AM EST
 man, what is wrong with this place? i wrote a comment to post but it got discarded by Hiiraan. it was not offensive or anything.............i think they put specific software that screens for special words or something.......anyway, I am thinking on quitting Hiiraan comments.......cus it seems that they are being retired CIA officers on us, lol!
    makhirman @ 12/11/2006 7:24 PM EST
 Can someone tell me why it is that only reports of war and death get so many comments on this site?
Reports of children and women dying because of a lack of basic needs is nearly ignored, yet this has got 15 comments so far.
You guys should learn some humility and look after those who Allah has taught you to look after. When you have done this, then go and kill each other. You are living in the past. Be real men and protect the weak and suffering. Allah help Somalia!
    nadia @ 12/11/2006 5:40 PM EST
 [Lola] it happened to me many times, I think they want us to say nice things or at leat not to say anything that's too truthfully!! they want to be netural i think!!!
    saaciid @ 12/11/2006 3:09 PM EST
 I would like to know what's the US interst in Somalia? Somalia has not been on the radiar in 15 years except Ethoipia
    abdik @ 12/11/2006 10:18 AM EST
 Kibo, I have been around too long I guess. And I have always been so eager to hear your views on this or any other issues we discuss here. But sadly once again we got nothing from you accept another nonsense cantar.
    lola @ 12/11/2006 1:00 AM EST
 wallahi hiiraan is getting into my neverves they refuse to post my comments everytime i try.
    kibogoyo @ 12/10/2006 11:44 PM EST
 Garret Jones: You are well informed

Hey Abdik, How come you know many people who comments or contribute an article to this forum? So and so is reer hebel, from X, Y, Z, a good friend of mine, ........Oh No I doubt it. I don't think this is a chart room where you are trying to convince anyone, its rather opinion driven forum. All you need is critique a comment or the article for the best or the worst and not try to garner associates who will agree with you. I also think addressing others as sisters or brothers is not cool, use their usernames that is why they are there. Please stop your Barawe madness its so boring every time you start complaining, who really wants to hear about it anyway?

    cali @ 12/10/2006 10:24 PM EST
 isse, you could not have put any essier.
from what i understand what abdik said, he's and athiest, who
fell into the trab of materialist and darwanism crap.
and like the quran said. their hearts are sealed,
and there is coving over their eyes, and they will
live in denial through out their life,no hope for them.

there is only two sides and it's not confusing at all,
pretty simple,


or somalia,islam,allah,wadanimo,honor?

so choose one somalis, what side are really on.

    wiliwiliq @ 12/10/2006 10:03 PM EST
 Some people are just obsessed with others clan identities.
How can one find someone with no clan in Somalia? If we keep saying
this new leader belongs to this clan or the other; it is a tiring argument with no end to it.
Let us forget which clan someone belongs for the moments, we are facing facing hell bent enemies who would be satisfied nothing shorter than taking over our country or keeping it decentralised as it is today. Have anyone noticed how everyone of them travels to Addis to get instruction on their duty from Riyale to Adde. As brother isse said our country’s existence is on the line. It is time to put aside our difference as it can be solved later now it is time to get together and bring this country back in order and control our borders.  

    abdik @ 12/10/2006 9:18 PM EST
 Issa I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to share your views with us. Its common for narrow minded people to come to this and similar forums just to trade insults intead of having real and honest debates about the issues that matter to our society.

I hope you can fogive me if I told you that the idea of having religious government in my country scares me more than the warlords. I believe I share this thought with many other Somalis across the globe who wont trade this misery we are in now with a peaceful Somalia under a Taliban style government. Plus, my dear brother many members of this movement are nothing but real clanist who are taking advantage of this new found attention and power to push for their agenda or to defeat the one they are against. This is, exactly, what "this" is all about.

    wiliwiliq @ 12/10/2006 8:30 PM EST
 As it seems this retired cia officer is ill-informed and
never learnt from his past mistakes. Beat the drums and scare hell out of the American civilians as much as you want you will not deceive those who knows your intentions.
The cia was responsible all the mayhem and followed
conflict in early 90's in Somalia. They were responsible the rise of the IUC as they were the rise of the Taliban, because they financed Somali ruthless warlords to round islamist scholars and followers to shipped them over the sea to Djibouti. They likewise financed the Taliban before their rise to power. After all they tell us they are bad? Now what is next? they are again contemplating as usual to bomb everything that moves in Somalia for their powerful ac31. Does America ever accept responsibility for their mistakes? If you do we want you to pay back the blood you shed from innocents in Somalia before such compensation it is inappropriate to meddle our affairs.  
    kelligi bilis @ 12/10/2006 7:13 PM EST
 Why do you have to give credence to someone who failed as an operative in somalia and today he is praising Ethiopia and it's Rumsfeld sponsored adventures to distabilize the country of Somalia that has been seeking for help from every one in the world to help at no avail.
Today, The brave Islamic court finally solved some the problems while getting rid of Rumsfeld sponsored criminals who are butchering their own people.  Ethiopia is no democracy and Meles is no prophet when it comes to democracy and the writer is desperately trying to make him a victim while he is painting Afewerki as a lunatic whose purpose to spoil the christian plan.  Just like all the failed intellegence mr Garrett is not impressive in his assessment of the situation in Somalia.  The fact is that Ethiopia and neo cons are trying to invade Somalia and stop the peace progress in Somalia.  So the Editor why give credence to our enemy.
    isse @ 12/10/2006 6:27 PM EST
 Salaam Abdik, here is the problem then, And honest person would definitely agree with me that the solution of Somalia does not lie with TFG and their follow warlords who has no plan or future for Somalia. So if you expect the TFG to all of sudden change and become honest government, then Allah must help us because I don't see that with the people currently in the parliament and cabinet "at least majority of them". I would add to that, it is past the time of Al-itihad and SSDF now. Abdik, you either want a government that is independent of Ethiopia and more or less under sharia, or you want a series of local governments that are at odds of each other "I forgot to mention, like Somaliland and Puntland are currently. Something tells me Ethiopia almost succeeded to create 5 feuding regions" and nominal central government that only exist on books. So brother, it has long passed the stage where feuds with Sheik Aways would have been understandable. Somalia existence is on the line now.
    abdik @ 12/10/2006 2:34 PM EST
 Isse that is a louaded question you asked me bro. Do you I want the courts to win or the TFG?

Honestly, I want the UIC defeated. There. But I must say you guys did a great job by framing this debate as battle between Ethopia and Somalia, instead of what it really is and that is a conflict between Transitional Federal government and members of Itahad Al Islam. You guys have good policy people working hard behind the scenes, has any seen Abdiqasim lately, and for that I must commend you.  

And so you know I guess you could say I am your fellow Somali brother. In other words, I am a poor farmer from Baraawe and not a fellow Puntlander as you mention on top. I do have many relatives that fled to Boosaaso after the civil war and eventually migrated to Yemen and all of them told me they have great deal of respect for their North Eastern brothers and sisters. My hope is that there are enough smart people in Dhul Udug to make sure Hassan Dahir Aweys does not succeed, again, to Talibanize your land. Remember, he tried it once in early 90s.
    isse @ 12/10/2006 1:20 PM EST
 Abdik, As follow Somali and probably follow puntlander, what do you want? te TNG plus Eithopia to win or UIC to win? It does realy say something about the Somalia you want to see in the next 20 years or so. I want the UIC to win. If it does and insha allah it wil. Somalia and Islam will win. US cares nothing about Somalia. It wants Ethopia "the oldest christian nation" to dominate and rule all of horn Africa. So there is no in between. As Bush said, " You are either with us or againest us" Somalia as rival to Ethopia and Islam againest Christian kingdom "Ethopia" and its friends.
    shabeel @ 12/10/2006 1:16 PM EST
 Abdik, or mr. Omar Jamal, your uncle Yeey is being pimped by the CIA who desperately hanging on a losing side. They have realized that now and will do everything to have a pawn to contain the islamic movement. This CIA officer, sadly an african american himself, is yes as you said, still working for the devil
    abdik @ 12/10/2006 12:57 PM EST
 This CIA retired officer, who is probably still working, things the UIC will win. I don't think he really believes that. He is doing this so he can draw world attention to the situation so that, the way I see it, the UIC does not win.

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