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    Ilwaad @ 1/31/2007 2:44 AM EST
 Fajo (casherkii labaadna somali waa idinssin kii 1988 wax kuqaaden weyde)my GOD how dare U,,, how dare U...you know what you are really sick your not even human..ma ah sheekadu Somaliland nacaby..baroortu orgiga way ka weyntahay..
    Ilwaad @ 1/31/2007 2:22 AM EST
 Amina ku fahamay waanan arkaa inaad tahay qof aqoon leh balse ta hore somaliland iyo itoobiya waxa ka dhaxeeya xidhiidh jaarnimo..dhulkan sool iyo sanaag Somaliland weeyee haddii ay dacwadoodu tahay Putland ayaan raacaynaa markaas  waa dad xaqiray xuquuqdoodii iyagana waxa aan siinaynaa maalinta ay Somaliland hesho aqoonsiga kaas aan dheerayn..

Soolstate & fajo waxaaas maxaa la yidhaa hmm Qaracan or muraaradilaac huh..maalintii CIU joojiyeen qaadka waxa ka soo horjeestay ciidankooodii iyo shicibkii markaas ayay ku biireen ciidankii kale hada jaadka waan iibinaa oo koonfur ayaa la keenaa lacag adag ayaa naga soo gasha ... hadalka inta kale jawaab malahe in aad na necebtii ilaa waligeed waa jirtay wax cusub maahee iska wada nabsigii waa kaa idin haya aad ka gasheen Waagii Waqooyi walina ma dhawa inta abaalkiina laydinka marinayo ilaa hada ayaad colaadaas noo haysaane tolow waa yaabe xumaantan xagay ka socotaa..wax aan ilaa hada idinka haysanaa ma jirto horena dhibaato umaanu gaysan waliba waxaan leenahay guys enough is enough dhibaato intii hore ha noogu ekaato leave us alone ... leave us alone ayay tani ka dhacaysaaye bal ka waran haddii aan ku bii... i CAN'T even say the word...ogaada in Ilaahay dadkiisa u kala xaq qaado oo xumaantii ilaa hada laydinka jarayo..nacam
    fajo @ 1/30/2007 6:35 PM EST
ma micnaynkartaa SOMALILAND
aniguba somalilander baan ahey, sameysta magac & xuduud
waa laydinka caawin dhinaca magaca hadaad rabtaan
bal fiiriya: qaldaanland, qaleylland, qurunland hadaan
gartey kii ugu fiicnaa QAADLAND;  Hadaad rabtaan waad
goosankartaan suaashu waxay tahay yaa idin raacsan.
xataa godabiirsegii madaweyne kadhigte dadna kumayden
helin. qasaara badanaa.waad bugtaa daawana malihid
rajana daa. dabka xamer kasocdaa waa dami dhowaan
casherkii labaadna somali waa idinssin kii 1988 wax kuqaaden
weyde. boqolkiiba toban magaartaan tirada somali
dhulhadeynoqotana maxaad heysataan hargeys & baadiyaheeda
waqooyi waxaa idinka xiga goboka awdel idindiide;
barina sanaag hakuriyoon weligaa
koonfurna togdheer waxyar baa idinraacsan
galbeedna sool waxaaba laga yaabaa inay amxaaro raacaan
intey ka qaybnoqonlahaayee QAADLAND;
rayi xumayaal dad aan idinraacsaneyn baa idinku hareeraysan;

reer talalaawe:
    sool state @ 1/29/2007 9:23 PM EST
 Sorry amina-samjecel i answered the lady without
reading what you wrote. it turned out you said it all.
We being occupied from outside enemey how can we free
our selves because once we get peace everthing is
possible to achieve. let's say somaliland breaks away
and other somalis happen to not find place to stay
peacefully. they would go to their somaliland just
like we do in Djoubti knowing that those are our
brothers. But the problem here is we all being
killed and occupied. so in my opinion i think we
should free ourselves first than talk about
what to and what not.
    sool state @ 1/29/2007 9:14 PM EST
 Ilwaad what you talking about?
maxaa mesha kenay waxaad ka hadlasiid?
listen, good luck with your land land dream. as
long as you don't miss with our cities and people
you can keep dreaming in your nomad camp full of
goats, and cows you in the middle. we talking about
somalia and somali people as whole, not land land
crap. there is one nation under, one god, under one
flag, under one land and that is Somalia period.
Either get going with the rest of the people
or doors are open for you to live exile.
good question we should ask each other is how
can we improve our country together and fix our
problems together with one goal in mind, not come up
with land land crap and burn your own flag to
please amxaaro.
    amina_samajecel @ 1/29/2007 3:15 PM EST
 Walaal Ilwaad,
Waan jecelahay Somaliland, in aay aqoonsi hesho
oo aay noqoto dowlad sidi Jabuti ma diidanin, waase
haddii aay isku wada raacsan tahay xuduudaheedana u dhan yihiin
Walaal marna kama fekertay qaybaha Sool iyo Sanaag
ee Puntland iyo Somaliland lagu kala daray?
Marna kama fakartay Ethiopianka labada dhanba taageersan?
Marna kama fakartay Madaxda kulligeed amarka kawada
qaadata Addis Ababa?
Waxay ila tahay Somaliland waa killinka 6aad,
Puntland waa kan Toddobaad, kuwa kalena sidaas
ayaa lala rabaa.
Sababta aay Xamar u degi waydayna waa taas. Waayo
marki aay tashatay oo nabad iyo nuur u dhashay waa
tan dullaanka lagu soo qaaday.
    Ilwaad @ 1/29/2007 1:47 PM EST
 i don't understand you guys stop talking about somaliland its nothing to do with you and your problems...give up and get over it...SOMALILAND wax ka dhibaatadiina ka khuseeya ma jirto hore ayay jabkeedi u soo dhamaysatay markaad daba dhilifka u wada ahaydeen faqashtii imika tashataye..please ka dooda ta idiin taal oo hoos u eega dabka ka holcaya hareerihiina iyo odayaasha qanaxa ah iyo xabashida xukunka idiin qabtay iyo waliba talo xumaanta ilaa hada idinla bahowday...My God af nooli waa hadlaa ayna waa ciyaa ayaan maqli jiray...Waxa idinla quman inta aad ilowdaan iska daysaan wakhtiga aad iskaga luminaysaan cambaaraynta Somaliland inaad ka tashataan aayahiina!!maruun!! miyaad eegtaan maatadiina maalin walba xabada iyo xasuuqu haysto.... Somaliland dawlada ayaa la dagaalantaye idinka maxaa halkaas idin gaadhsiiyay ilayn waa la ogaa inaan dagaal aad la gasheen dawladi dhicine xamarna xabadi ka dhicin tii ka dhacdayna taad idinku isku rideen ay ahayde..maalintii siyaad barre ka baxay wadanka ilaaa maanta maxaa maruun talo ama maskax hagaagsan idiin diiday... tashada..tashada ..oo intiina waxa garadka ahi ka dhiidhiya dhibaatada idin haysata ...Somalilandna farah ka qaada idinma neceba balse danteeda ayaan ku jirin inay caano idinla wadaagto...Ilaaaaaaahay nabad haydinku soo dabaaalo..

    Seyd shariff @ 1/29/2007 12:35 AM EST
  Good Job. Islam will live on and Inshallah the halgan has just began and amount of imperialist
forces will help those treacherous traitor.
No vichy republic and the muslim somali people are more dtermined today than ever.
As for munafiqiin their place will be in Jahanam.
    @ 1/28/2007 4:58 AM EST
 Somaalidoon- Brother I hope you are really Somaalidoon?
It is not matter of being opposition or not it is a matter
of protecting our Country and our People. We all agree
that Somalia is ours Ok! now tell me, would you prefer
a Abdullahi Yusuf,a Ali Mohamed Ghedi, a cabinet and a
parliment for the Somali People and by the Somali People.
or a Abdullahi Yusuf and a Ali Mohamed Ghedi stooges of
Meles? We all know they take instructions from Ethiopian
Foreign affairs minister and generals in Somalia.
You cannot deny that when the president, majority of the cabinet wanted
to get rid of Gedi and his cabinet Ethiopians intervened.

    somaalidoon @ 1/28/2007 2:57 AM EST
 We sure know how to be opposition, i think we need
to learn how to be anti-opposition as well ;-)
    sool state @ 1/28/2007 1:34 AM EST
 To all my lovely Somalis. please read this with open
heart and mind.

"when we, Somalis, tear ourselves apart, Ethiopia is
content to give money and weapons to whoever is
doing the ACT of tearing the Somalis apart!  
However when we regain our senses, and come
together and settle our differences, and try to
move forward, Ethiopia, seeing her proxies
failed and no longer up to the job, will
decisively roll in and do the ACT of tearing the
Somalis apart, herself.  As it just did."

Isn't that why we have Putland, Somaliland, Jubaland,
Gedoland, and Juba alliance? Isn't that why we had
11 warlords just in mogadisho controlling the cities
with checkpoints every 3 yards?

We all muslims, Somalis with one language so don't let
this diminish our hope guys we will over all these
obstacles in short period of time insha allaha. Because
the fact matter's we one after all and if we can't
share one nation now those such as putland, somaliland,
jubaland, gedoland, and benadir land will never be able
to share that land either. we all look good here so
be it.
    sool state @ 1/28/2007 1:25 AM EST
 Was the article reading my mind or what?
Man that is exactly what i was thinking too but i
guest it's common sense after all.

To carwelo person. what makes this part fake or
misleading to you: "Ugu dambayn,
adduunku wuu is badali,  oo Ethiopia waa la
jabin!(mark my words!) Ee ragoow wax
ha lays kula hadho!" you agreed with everything else,
but you happen to defend what he said about xabashi?
anigu yabay oo waxan idhi cajiib!

    wiliwiliq @ 1/27/2007 10:13 PM EST
 If you live Canada or Ethiopia or Kenya please add your voice or action the illegal abduction of Bashir A Makhtal by Ethiopian agencies in Kenya with your representative or personally with the concerned group or any human rights group. Remember it could have happened to you, Bashir has not committed any crime but he just happened to be on the border line at time of conflicts.  http://www.somaliherald.com/artman/publish/article_1203.shtml
    geed132 @ 1/27/2007 5:22 PM EST
 To all wadaniyiinta Somaliyeed meel kasta ha joogaane:
Our motherland as you all know is the first failed State
and the reasons are few:
1) Holding to clanism rather than a reason and logic as humans do.
2) Why we believe more in a clan game than our regilion?
3) Since clanism didn't work in human history, why we keep continuing utilizing it
4) Do you believe if we have enough resources and developments our people will get away
  from the Canism? I believe people use canisim for resources and security? And
if they get both of them they will not use clanism.
    Yousef2 @ 1/27/2007 3:09 PM EST

If the source of your argument is Qadisya.com, then I have no more questions. Qadisya.com is written by children according to me; also they don't write to be believed; they just play there like small children.
    lula @ 1/27/2007 1:56 PM EST
  Everybody read the interview Qaadisiya,Yusuf interview
in Ethiopia, he is ignorant,disgrace and he need to
stay in Ethiopia.Where he has been? What he talking about?
we should only ignore him, old never had any school.
    bloodmoney @ 1/27/2007 12:58 PM EST
 good article and yes! i agree with you (Mohamed ) on many things you pointed out. we Somalis have many problems, but the biggest problem today is cheerleading for warlords,criminals,businessman's and other selfish individuals of that kind. warlords are criminals that lives to kill and rob the innocents to get what they want. so, i agree people should think twice before cheerleading for the somali gangsters better known in the western world as the warlords.
    adamjama @ 1/27/2007 12:49 PM EST
Thank you for agreeing with my facts and asking me "what is the alternative"?
I hope your concious is as clean and white as your shukuman,because what I am about to tell you is from the bottom of my heart and has no tribal influence.
No government that is based on tribalism (4.5)formula,manupulated by our worst enemy Ethiopia,and is led partially by known traitors and warlords whose hands are still driping with our blood will succeed in our land.
After 16 years of hell,hunderds of thousands of Somalis dead and over a million refugees,It is very unfair to our people dead or alive to what we have today in Mogadisho,Hargeysa,and Puntland.
The alternative in my opinion is get the Ethiopians out of our sacred land,bring all the criminals to justice,and create a government based on the wishes of the Somali people which is justice,progress,and peacefull co-existence of our people who are all brothers and victims on the same boat.
    lula @ 1/27/2007 10:43 AM EST
 What president means to Somalia?
what clan are you rapresenting?4 years ago Abdi Qasin
was elcted by the UN,did he go in Somaliland and told
them disam I am the new president? the federal parlament
in Mogadisho was form by Somali American citizen,so
the Suprem court.If you have no money how can you mange
anybody.waiting donation from US?
    Yousef2 @ 1/27/2007 7:12 AM EST
 I would like to ask the writer some elementary questions:

1. Why you ignore the result of the 2 and have years excruciating reconciliation process and its outcome (the TFG).
2. Why you chose to ignore the parts played by the other countries/organizations like Al-Qaida, Egypt in the formation of the UIC. Ethiopia has no direct quarrel with Somalia but it does have a quarrel with the guys behind the curtain.
3. If you call all the other writers pen-warlords, what you'd call yourself, in consideration of the fact that you seem to be a supporter of one-side.
4. Where were the UIC leaders during the 16 years of suffering, specifically for the inhabitants of Mogadishu?

I can carry on and on, but I hope you got the hint. You seem to be an educated man, but your argument is medieval and simplistic to the point of uselessness: Ethiopia is our eternal enemy and everybody else is our friend, even if other countries are tearing us apart.
    amina_samajecel @ 1/27/2007 5:02 AM EST
 Now for a possible solution. In my opinion Somalia
is under occupation. Our president and his prime minister
and the rest who are in Baidoa, Mogadishu, Puntland and Somaliland
are hostages or traitors.

In both cases we have to rescue our nation otherwise we
will be another Palestine. Therefore, we have to all
come together and raise our voice to form a government of national unity.
    amina_samajecel @ 1/27/2007 4:54 AM EST
 Dear brothers,
Let us forget about " clanism " it will not help the main
stakeholders of "the clan" let alone the entire country.
I have to salute Shukuman cade for accepting the facts
and asking for alternative solution.
    abdik @ 1/26/2007 11:51 PM EST
    hawood @ 1/26/2007 10:03 PM EST
 Excellent article and great insight.
Some in here like aliyare need a bit
of education because the era of tribalism
is over. No Somali will ever live off of a
tribal favoratism. We Somalis know what it
is like to fight and die and no dictator
will ever get away with what Siad Barre did,
may allaah forgive him.  
    nadia @ 1/26/2007 5:50 PM EST
 Well written and truthfull article thank you bro Mohamed habeen.

We will never eccept dabadhilif goverment.
    lammagoodle @ 1/26/2007 5:43 PM EST
 Mr. Habeen, you can support the UIC, but you can't tororize and shut off other people's opinion. Every body is free to think what they like and you can't demonise for their ways. It's dangerous when you think you are right and every one else is wrong.
    nomadic1 @ 1/26/2007 3:11 PM EST
 Nice article,

Fair reflexion of our country's many ills.

It now looks that the pen-warlords are transforming into
a kind of Pen-secularists. It is indeed a new phenomenon
that most educated Somalis who in the past tended to be
westernised are now resorting to pen-secularists.

Read any article written by Phd, Dr and so, and see how
they place a great confidence in there ability to reason
based on worldly view.

Indeed a knwowldge without Allah's Consciousness is ignorant.

Alle ha soo hanuuniyo kuwa qalinka ku taageero dulmiga ilowsana
diintooda iyo qiimaha ay leedahay.

    aliyare @ 1/26/2007 1:08 PM EST
One misguided Hawiye man. How many times do you have to be bit to understand you have a problem. Get it through your thick skulls, your master(DAROD) is at it again. He is cunning, he has devided you and rulling you. Do you want to be treated like slaves because that is where he wants you to end up. Finally, you don't point the finger else where when your own house is on fire. That is why somaliland will not come to your resque until develop some brain power. Now you know the rest of the story!!!!
    shukuman cade @ 1/26/2007 12:59 PM EST
 Adam jama, you are correct. No reasonable Somali will ever disagree the facts you have mentioned.  But what is alternative?  People who failed to support one of their own, Abdiqasim. Only to come out into the light when Abdullahi was elected, this is another fact.  Where was UIC for the past 16 years? I will tell you that they were minding their own business and never cared about Somalia, until the conglomerate enterprise, which they have created for themselves, came into question.  For the past 16 years only 3% of it was Mogadishu relatively quite and in peace (from June-Dec.) This is when their existence came into play, and this could have been accomplished many years before, willing they wanted something different.
    ilyas365 @ 1/26/2007 12:45 PM EST
 This is an excellent article; nontheless, Ethiopian stooges will never give a credit to Mr. Habeen for his wisdom and insightfulness. I like to really emphasize on saying that the TFG is an absolute Ethiopian institution. I personally will never be content with an Ethiopian institution for I know Ethiopian intentions AT heart, period! Anyway, the brother has spoken by any means neccessary and I am on his side for ever and ever!
    amina_samajecel @ 1/26/2007 12:21 PM EST
 Very good article indeed, thank you Mr.Habeen. It is
time to open your eyes (Caraweelo and camp) for the sake of our nation.
Thank you Adam jama for producing facts that cannot be denied.

    adamjama @ 1/26/2007 11:51 AM EST
 Thank you Mr.Habeen;
When will Somali people realise that the warlord is always after one thing which is to get power over the poor Somali population by any means necessary even if they have to sell all our resources and dignity to our worst enemy.
Aideed mobilized the USC Hawiye that we are fighting against Darood,but we all know he killed more Hawiye at the end when it was all done,nobody asked questions.
Abdullahi Yussuf,from the days of SSDF killed any of his tribesmen who disagreed with him and attacked the Darood and Majeerteen land of Balanbale and Goldogob in the 1970's with the help of Ethiopians.Later when his presidency expired in Puntland and he was told to call it quits,he attacked Garowe and Boosaso,two towns in Majeerteenia.
So,the real question is how did the Somali people accepted this treatment of home grown traitors and war lords? Simple TRIBALISM AND LACK OF EDUCATION AND SENSE OF NATIONALISM.
What is the way forward ? Gather all the traitors and war lords at school policia and ecxute them,that will restore our national aspirations and resources.When and if you ever get ready for this salvation project,please start your ecxution with the following individuals.
Abdullahi Yussuf,Geedi,Aideed,Qanyare,Yalahow,Qaybdiid,Waraabe,Riyaale,etc.
Adam jama
    caraweelo @ 1/26/2007 11:50 AM EST
 Shukumaan Cade, I agree with you, the last part his sword/pen is out.
    shukuman cade @ 1/26/2007 11:32 AM EST
 Good article until the end, when the author turns himself into another pen-warlord for the UIC.  

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