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    Camel Girl @ 6/30/2007 2:15 PM EST
 Salam Alaykum
Well said Gamal “today Somalia is under assault from an enemy from within” We have all grown the distance and pinpointing the Ethiopians is sad (maybe foolishness that we refuse to accept) I see them as terrific neighbors who made us see our foolishness.
Somalis sabotaging each other will not solve our problems or will it bring back our loved once.  People constantly seek new challenges and opportunity.  Having the TFG is a progress. Let us not forget the good old days.  We can all be leaders but let us allow ourselves to be followers the choice is for us (Somali’s). Let us not distract our destiny.

    hassan omar @ 6/24/2007 3:45 AM EST
 this dude is fooling himself becuase blindly, he is ingoring the fact that his believes basically is the same of those he blames. He just and other idiot who is scapegoating the ideology of governmental to the basis of his tribalsicness.  
    gargaare @ 6/20/2007 2:36 PM EST
 My comments are out of the above topic. But I would like the dear commentators to answer my questions, below.
Marka hore waxaan Marxuun M/weyne Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan ILLAAHAY uga baryaya inu janadi Fardowsa  ka warabiyo, ummada soomalidan samir iyo imaan gudahaan, gaar ahaan reerkiisii.Inta ka dib
Warbaahinta soomalida waxan beryahan ka maqlaa wax kasta oo dalka soomaalidu lahaa oo loogu magac daray Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan. Sida garoonka Diyaradaha Muqdisho, Kuliyad wax laga barto iwm. Tii ugu darnayd maanta 20th june-07,waxaan ka maqlay BBC da, 14 hrs programe Inusan dalka madax ka noqon karin mustaqbilka nin aan ka soo bixin kuliyada siyaasada ee Adan Cabdulle Cusmaan.
M/weyne Adan wuxuu ahaa nin masuul, madax ah oo muslim daacad ah buu ahaa, siyaasadana ka fariistay marku madaxtinimada ka degay.
Suaál 1)Goáamadan oo kale dawlad iyo baarlamaan soomliyeed oo matela ummada somalida oo gaari kara goáankaas oo kale ma jirta?

     2)Ma nin baa aroortii marku soo kaco bedelaya qaranimada Somaliyeed?
     3)C/qaasim iyo C/hi Yuusuf waxay noqonayaan xubin joogta ah oo baarlamaanka. Nimaankaas dorashadooda ummada soomaliyeed uma dhamayn, dad iyagu isqor ah ayaa doortay. Hase yeeshe waxaan ku ogolaanay inay dib u heshiisiin iyo nabadgelyo ku soo dabaalaan Dalka.

     4) miyeysan haboonayn in la sugo inta ay ka iminayso baarlamaan iyo dawlad umada soomalidu u dhantahay?
    siigaaale @ 6/20/2007 10:37 AM EST
 there you go again samatar.i don't see your point.are you
saying that these points you mentioned give your tfg the right    
kill and chase somali civilians out of thier homes. Does that
justify the ethiopian invation of somalia. where is the somalinimo .
what you telling us.lady wake there is a limit for everything .what these
people are doing is not what is expect of somali nationalist.
    laylasamatar @ 6/19/2007 10:25 AM EST
 It will be nice if those who are against the author will identify which qabiil they belong to before they write their comments, I wouldn't be surprised if they all causins (belong to one sub clan).  If we exclude reer afgooye, baidao, kismayo, reer baraawe, marca if we excluded raxanweyn, baantu, dir iyo darood, bravanese who do you think the majority of Somalis you are constantly referring to here actually mean!? Are you actually suggesting that what remains after that is more than the rest of the Somalis I listed. Even hawiye is not united in this unholy war, only those who live in houses that doesn't belong to them, those who killed dozens of people are the ones who are against the TFG. By the way in relation to the UIC they were there for the past 17 years protecting business people's interest, the killings the lootings and breaking god's words took place right before thri nose and with their blessings.  If you are suggesting they came out of nowhere I would tell you to check your information, the  difference is it is just when they were told by the business community that their service is no longer needed because there is a government, is then when the sudden religion came to light!!  
    Legend1 @ 6/19/2007 9:01 AM EST
 The only hypocrisy i see here is the one coming from the author.  Trying to put the blame on other people when most of us know exactly who is been stirring things up for the last 17 years now this biast author wants to tell us that the blame is on other people, the bigget players in somalia's dismall situation are the TFG and all the foreigners who will not let anyone other than their subservants rule the country.  On different note Thecleverone please tell us how you are related to Caasho Fanax aka Ghedi because the way you supporting the useless guy clearly indicates you are related to him.
    siigaaale @ 6/18/2007 2:24 AM EST
    Aaisha1 @ 6/18/2007 12:47 AM EST
 Had We sent this Qur'an down upon a mountain you would
have seen it humbled, rent asunder from the fear of
Allah." [Soorah al-Hashr (59):21] Brother's and sister's
did you feel humbled too Allah(swt)???????????

    amina_samajecel @ 6/17/2007 3:21 PM EST
 The author contradicts himself when he wrote about the
"....demonize the leaders of the TFG, as though such
character assassination would absolve the fanatics
they support of the real crimes they have committed
against the nation over the past 17 years."
It is well known that the warlords in the TFG are the ones
who committed the crimes and are continuing it even as
I write. In my opinion, the author is a pen warlord
and should not point finger to anyone else.

    Fiqicigaal @ 6/17/2007 2:59 PM EST
 The truth hearts and many of us do not like to hear it . Gamal you have made your point loud and clear and wihout hesitation i agree withn you  
    @ 6/17/2007 12:00 PM EST
 nabadraadiye10  forget Somali websides and bbc. American websides and american news which is pro TFg said  the majority of Somalis dont support this TFg. Itis their words not our words. Second, you  mention what happend last 17 years. This is what pro TFG do. When they dont have point, they star talk about  last 17 years and they dont know who behind it. Ethopia are the one who  gave weapons to USC, SNL, SSDF in late 80s and their mission was to destroy Somalis and they did it. They were giving weapons to all those worlords for the last 17 years including C/laahi Yusuf. When c/laahi was killing his own tribe, where did he got the weapons from? You know the answer if you are n't baist. You  also said down mooryaanis and you are suporting M/dheere, cabdi qanyare, Cusmaan caato, Cabdiwaal, c/laahi yuuf and many more. You are contradictiong your self. Those muryaanis are in charge and their militans are wearing police uniforms. Those so called police men are the militants of cabdiqaydiid, m/dheere, cabdi waal. Since those mooryaan became saints?
    Jawiil @ 6/17/2007 11:59 AM EST
 Nabadraadiye: No doubt that the majority of us are tired of Dowlad la'aan, mooryaanimo, warlordism etc, But the question is how can we get out of this?. For your information, You don't seem to have a solution.. but you are telling me that the father of all warlords is the best solution.. you are telling me the leaders of Mooryaans are the best solution to our problem..Are you out of you mind brother.... If Mohamed Dheere seems a normal person to you ..if Abdi-qeybdiid a hero to you .. If Abdullahi yusuf a peace maker to you ...If ethiopia  is going to make peace and prosperity in our country ... If Sheikh Shariif is Mooryaan to you.. Then you are the one who is qabiileyste..
    nabadraadiye10 @ 6/17/2007 10:45 AM EST
 Jawill where did you conduct your study that most Somalis don’t support the TFG? You should understand that most Somali people are tired of the status quo and as much as some qabiil inspired websites and yusuf garad of the BBC try to pretend the government does not have supporters on the contrary most Somali people support the government and don’t want their country to stay in chaos and to become another Afghanistan. Every time i hear "most Somalis don’t support the government" I wonder who gave these folks the right to make such statements, which poll did they conduct. BBC and mooryan apologist websites don’t exactly qualify as legitimate scientific polls.
Excellently written article Mr. Hassan, your grasp of the issues is superiorly demonstrated.  

Cxsan, if you don’t think suicide bombers are Al-qaida inspired then you are too stupid to take part in this debate.
    nabadraadiye10 @ 6/17/2007 10:33 AM EST
 all you shortsighted fools who are stuck on this notion that Ethiopia is your enemy did you ever take the time to figure out that you somalis were killing each other for 17 years and that infact the real enemies of somalia are somalis. Ethiopia stood a government up for you when you fools refused to stand up one for yourselves. so what if the governemnt is aligned with Ethiopia, I would rather have that kind of a government than live in a jungle nature, like the one the mooryan apologists are trying to keep us in. Get it through your narrow qabiil filled heads the Status Quo is over and the thugs who established their place in society by force had to be disloged by the only language they undersood "FORCE". These loosers want to convice us that Indhacaade and company were our Saviours, pllleeeeaaaazzze.  and "OH the courts brought 6 months of peace....." so what? Abduallahi yusuf brought peace and administration to puntland much longer than 6 months, Riyaale runs a peaceful administration, The leaders in central somalia established peace in their territories longer than 6 months so why dont we follow them.  Basically the weak arguments to justify the Courts is so pathetic and short sighted it is not even worth commenting on it.  

it is the end of Mooryanism, Thuggery and we say no to the Talibanization of our beloved somalia.

Down with mooryans and their supporters

    nabadraadiye10 @ 6/17/2007 10:18 AM EST
 excellent article brother, you have hit the cyberwarlords and secessionist propagandists where it hurts by portraying their true image. They think they can run around and try to convince us that the thugs masquarading as noble men are actually right and the legitimate authority in the country chosen by the somali political leader after 2 years of negotiations is actually wrong. How idiotic are these supporters of mayhem and anarchy. We have heard their arguments before but rest assured the TFG is not going to be hampered by mooryan supporters.
Advice I would give to the mooryans, extremists hiding behind religion and sececessionists is that this train called the TFG is not going to stop so GET ON IT OR YOU WILL GET CRUSHED UNDER IT!!!!


    galgalato2 @ 6/17/2007 4:33 AM EST
 Why am I censored HOL?
    hanixin1 @ 6/17/2007 4:23 AM EST
 This article is incoherent and fraught with contradictions, false information and half-truths. The author is either clan-minded individual or a fool. The facts speak louder than words. The warlords who are in the "government" who been responsible for the destruction, the death of more than half a million innocent Somalis and the the assasinations of the intellectuals and other prominent members of the society. in your writing you futilely try to make TFG warlords good people, but the reality is that they are the ones who have been dividing Somali people into clans and killing Somalis. Their God father Abdulahi Yusuf started a clan based rebel group back in 1978 and all other warlords including Maxamed Dhere, Qaybdiid, Beebe, Shati Guduud, Adan Madoobe, Xasan Abshir, Hiiraale and all the rest were armed by Ethiopia and now Ethiopia brought them beck. The brief period that the UIC were in charge all the South central Somalia became stable and peaceful. Likewise all the assasinations stopped when the warlords were chased away. Our country is under brutal occupation and we will fight them by all means necessary. If you and other munaafiqiin are ready to accept Ethiopian colonialisation, the good news is that the majority of Somalis will not accept that and the mercenary troops will be forced out.
    cxasan @ 6/17/2007 2:29 AM EST
 I often laugh, When Yusuf and Ghedi say they fighting Al Qaeda in Somalia. are the majority of Somalis recruited by Al Qaeda? I don't think so. the fact is that these puppet leaders are in the enemy's pay roll. and after all of 17 years ofclan warfare the Somali people cannot be fooled to accept these stooges as their legitimate leaders.
    serene @ 6/16/2007 7:39 PM EST
 Congratulations Mr Gamal M Hassan, you win the award of the biggest dabadhilif online.

Your medal will be arriving shortly from Ethiopia via DHL...congratulations once again.
    anti-traitors @ 6/16/2007 6:08 PM EST
 I was listening Mr Cusaman Caato crying like  2 years old boy. This is what the invaders do. When they use you, they will turn aganist you. He is lucky if they didn't kill him, but they will kill some of those traitors. Time will tell. Second, this  guy Gamal M Hassan  is doing their dirty job and he is spreading their parapagandas. He is another traitor.
    bloodmoney @ 6/16/2007 5:33 PM EST
 my little sister writes better article than this fella named Gamal M Hassan article. and clearly he "Gamal M Hassan" needs to get English dictionary and check the definition of the word warlord before he start making-up new definition for words. and calling Somalis on the net/cyberspace that attempt to excuse their god given verbal freedom to debate a "cyber-warlords" is unacceptable.

* my article bashing TFG will posted on somalifreedom dot com.*
    Jawiil @ 6/16/2007 4:32 PM EST
 I only wish if you were honest about what you are writing. Dear Author, One thing is for sure..TFG does not enjoy the support of the majority and I'd love you to ask your self why.. to help you out the reason to that . it is that TFG is made of Warlords, Mur-der-s, Ig-no-ra-nt, Sparology graduates, and self picked  Ethiopian men who knows nothing but to serve the interest of Ethiopian country. In addition to all of that, these TFG th-u-g-s are the ones responsible the destruction of our country.. Now tell me, since when do they NOT deserve to be bashed, insulted, or be driven from our country.. In Somali they say: " Wadar iyo waaxid keebaa waalan"...Don't tell me that these Th-u-g-s are born again muminiin. To the contrary, according to your article, it is those very few Somalis who happen to support the TFG that are a clan driven.
    jawiil @ 6/16/2007 4:29 PM EST
    shati-aqonyahan @ 6/16/2007 2:25 PM EST
Tigre wey tageysa
Tigre wey jabeysa
Tigre wey tegeysa
Dabadhilif xakuu galaya?
Markale dabadhilif xakuu galaya?
    Dhool @ 6/16/2007 12:17 PM EST
 Lesser of two evils?!!! Plz....there is no one worst than who uses the diin as  a stepping stone.
    shanta @ 6/16/2007 12:15 PM EST
 I find that majority of our countrymen are in the business of negating responsibilities during the past of 17 years. Aren’t we all guilty of supporting one Warlord over the other? Or was that support meant to further destabilize peace accords? How convenient is it for some to chose one group over the other? When you are sure that both groups are identical and have the same mindset and rules?  
    Dhool @ 6/16/2007 12:05 PM EST
 Well said Mr. Hassan!  You've also forgot to include the true 'DABODHILIF" and "DABOKANAAX" that are on the payroll of the so-called-Wahabi of the KSA. Those dabokanaax who attempted to change our culture and hijacked our diin. Let their cries (cyperspace or via other media) be a music to your ears.  Pay-back time is waaaay overdue! Let them watch and weep cuz the TFG hasn't even scratched the surface. They indeed have their work cutout for 'em. After all, they gotta do the dirty job of house cleaning.  May Allah help 'em get rid off all the rejectionist and hyporits in our mist.  
    shanta @ 6/16/2007 12:04 PM EST
 The Warlords have won, and the good people of Somalia have lost.  Why is it hard to digest this painful reality? If all of you are expecting decent people to lead, this will not happen anytime soon. The Warlords didn’t mysteriously show up in our radar screen overnight, but were created and financed by our Clan System, and these folks are entitled and have earned their rewards, so let them enjoy the moment provided they build an institution and a system of governance to control themselves.
    adamjama @ 6/16/2007 11:45 AM EST
 Here is one of their recent line of argument. Zenawe is Tigre & he got rid of the Amhara devils, so he is our brother.
If Amhara & Tigre are not the two sides of the same coin, why were you sitting on Mengistu(Amhar) lap from 1978-1991. History is catching up with this diabolical liars. He blames all Somalia's problems on UIC, few tribalists, Secessionts, & cyper war lords. Again he is dead wrong because UIC is a one year old movement & was not there 17 years, secessionists are in the North & they never attacked Mogadishu, & we cyper warriors don't have guns. For your information, Somalia's first & foremost enemy was, is, & will always be war lords & their sponsor Ethiopia, let that be a bullet through your heart.
You also forgot to mention 95% of the Somali population despise war lords & Ethiopia & are not the three goups you mentioned in your article. They include ex-prime minister, ex-ministers, ex-generals, & most of the peace-loving Somalis. Do you think war lords were kicked out of Mogadishu on June 2006 by 2,000 UIC millitia? No it was the entire population who were fed up with them for 17 years of atrocities 7 anrchy. Guess who brought them back on Ethiopian tanks? Their founding father.
Next time you decide to write half-truths & fabrications please remember most of us lived through that period & don't need a tour guide.
    hillac @ 6/16/2007 11:35 AM EST
 Adamjama,as long as there are those who see and tell about the somali tradegy and it's causes there is hope,thanks for the spotlight you shone on the warlords that have held the somali people hostage for all these painfull years.
    @ 6/16/2007 11:35 AM EST
  Mr Gamal M Hassan you can't speak for Somalis. May be you can speak for tikree and what they want. Keep spreading your prapaganda wheather you like it or n't Somalis dont want this pupet TFG. You  also didn't mention who killed
Abdulkadir Yahya, Gen. Yousuf Sareenle, Gen. Yousuf Tallan, Abdalla Deerow Isaaq. Most of those guys died before ICU controled Hamar. During their six months,  no one got killed. This things proove  CIA and Tikree used to give worlords money  to kill Generals, scholars, doctors, and politicans. When worlords came back to hamar, they start doing their jobs. You also mentionedAbdalla Deerow Isaaq. It was inside job. We know who did. They said they are doing investigation and will find who did it.  Still they didn't find it and they closed his case. Last time we heard his case  was last year. I still want know who killed that inocent guy.  
    guhad123 @ 6/16/2007 11:18 AM EST
 I am glad that majority of Somalis know the typical Dhabayaco hymn! This invididual is either trying to impress the weak TFG government who is protected by Tigrean mercenaries from the same people it was supposed to represent with fact less and pointless article or he belongs to the SSDF militia who, about a half of century ago, decided that they can attain their goal in ruling Somalia by using any means necessary, even if that includes using the archenemy of Somalia.
    adamjama @ 6/16/2007 11:18 AM EST
I like when they desperately try to blame war lord crimes (today's so-called Government officials) on everybody else but the criminals themselves.
They talk about 17 years of mayhem & anarchy without ever mentioning the real perpetrators of those crimes. They will never mention the man who started tribalist uprising in 1978 with the collaporation of Ethiopia is non other than the TFG president & went on to committ far more serious crimes for the next thirty years.
They will never tell you the other war lords in this TFG disguise( Sudi, Qanyare, Caydiid, Mohamed dhere, Qaybdiid, Finish, Hiiraale, Madoobe, Jeele, etc)maintained & fueled the anarchy & the atrocities they are refering to. Anybody who mention those undeniable facts is of course Anti-Government. Another sinister subject they don't like to discuss with straight face is the Ethiopian involvement of the creation, manupulation, & support of TFG because that will open up a can of worm that dates back to 1978. One good thing is , most of us lived through the war lord period & as result don't need a tour guide through la-la land disguised as facts & reality
    somalipatriot @ 6/16/2007 11:08 AM EST
 The real hypocrite is the author who fails to see the war crimes committed by his beloved tfg. even if u do not agree with the icu you must give them credit for their good work. as for the tired taliban rehtoric, even your western masters have admitted that that would never happen in Somalia.Get a clue! Shanta ..you say they should tackle the ppl who have been holding Somalia hostage for 17 yrs. By tackle do you mean appoint them as governors, ambassadors and chiefs of national security???
    hillac @ 6/16/2007 10:36 AM EST
 Meant to say "CLAN SYBERSPACE WARRIOR,lool.
    hillac @ 6/16/2007 10:26 AM EST
 Another clan syberspace warlord,they seem to crop up regurlarly of late.Probably the man is hoping to be named ambassador.With clan conections and the state the country is in you are playing your cards like a pro,milk the cow while you can.
    adamjama @ 6/16/2007 9:58 AM EST
I tried to respond to you with historical facts that will rebuke your calims that war lord TFG is God sent Angels, but I Can't due to censorship.
So, the three enemies of TFG you mentioned, one is cyper war lords like me who is silenced for you through censorship, the other is secessionists who are save & sound in the North & never attacked Mogadishu.
Therefore, you should be able to handle the last group you called few tribalists, or is that difficult?
    shanta @ 6/16/2007 9:19 AM EST
 Why is it difficult for many of our countrymen to realize that Ethiopia is not the enemy, but rather a few shrewd businessmen and freelance assassins who are holding our nation hostage for the past 17 years. TFG should employ any tactics it redeems necessary to tackle these groups.
    nabadraadiye10 @ 6/16/2007 7:52 AM EST
 Excellently written article that captures the true face of the hypocrites. The anarchists are determined to keep the status quo but the the TFG with the help of the international community is standing firm. The Cyber Warlords many of them motivated by qabiilism and sececesionsm are determined to wage a war on the TFG through the realms of cyberspace. This is not going to change the reality or hamper the CONTINUOUS VICTORIES that the TFG is obtaining on a daily basis. Once again an excellently written article and this brother should be congratulated. Shati-aqonyahan where do you see qabiilism in this article, perhaps you should read it over again.
Down with thuggery, mooryanism, mafiasm and sececessionm
Go TFG, restore somalia's place in the world
May god crush Somalia's enemies whether foreign or domestic ( secessionsts).
    shati-aqonyahan @ 6/16/2007 7:32 AM EST
A mix of dabadhilifnimo and big old english words.

What I can never accept is the existence some how of a somali government that the Tigres came to help.

What happened was an invasion and the installation of a client regime.
The Ethiopians decide everything to minute details.Even when Abdullahi Yusuf goes to bed is decided by General Gabra Dilla.

Dabadhilif boy.....die in your bitterness.The Transitional foreigner's government(TFG) will leave with the foreigners it serves.

    TheCleverOne @ 6/16/2007 5:05 AM EST
 Excellent points. The people who want to see Somalia either under their rule (as has been the case for the past several years) or no rule at all are crying wolf now. I think the top leadership of the government are to be commended for their resolve. I am particularly fond of the Prime Minister's extraordinary resiliency despite the attempts on his life, nevermind the insults. He is simply a man of conviction and history will judge him right. The pathatic effort of the warmongers as of late is a clear indication that their days are numbered. The majority of the Somali people have vested interest in seeing peace and the daily bombings won't hinder that effort.

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