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    Legend1 @ 1/17/2008 4:18 PM EST
 Sorry I can't help you there seek your self amusement somewhere else kiddow.
    laylasamatar @ 1/16/2008 7:37 PM EST
 Legend what lines, are you seeing things now!!!!!!
    Legend1 @ 1/16/2008 8:39 AM EST
 I am not really sure whether some individuals really read the lines properly or they like to pop questions for self amusement, here you have hamdi asking me why I object to warlord a/lahi yusuf, well though I object to him I also object to his warlords followers so hamdi get your facts right first, now if warlord a/lahi yusuf made puntland success then mangolia was based in africa, please give me a break if anything the guy made the place a corrupt and greedy land, don't we all remember the guy overthrew the leader that was legitimately elected by force and if exploiting your people for greed of many and power stands for success then I must be on planet greed.      
    Hamdi @ 1/15/2008 7:25 PM EST
 Legen do you only object to Abdulahi Yusuf and why?
Really inquiring minds want to know?

I have been trying to understand what is the objection
to this one man? is it because
he made Puntland from zero to success,
are you people frighten that Somalia might become sucssess
story like Puntland? Puntland came to be just couple of
years ago, yet surpassed Somaliland leaps and bounds in
baroortiina  orgaga ka wayn
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/15/2008 12:17 PM EST
 Ok, here comes the legendary intelligent man.
    Legend1 @ 1/15/2008 9:01 AM EST
 I told you people some individuals are really hallucinated, in god's name when did I ever say anything about kids blowing themselves, would somebody please tell this chick to stop her baseless lies.  As far as those couple attacks she was referring to are concern, how does she know who carried out, what age group they were, whether it was control devices or not, someone please tell these individuals to stop embarrassing themselves because they keep falling for the western media's propoganda news and for that it really makes them look much fooler and dumber than the western media.
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/14/2008 5:37 PM EST
 Waryaa, been ku hamis waan kugu ogaa haddana ma waxaad ku darsatay dafiraad qayaxan. Sowtaad oran jirtay mujaahdiidnta way =is qarxiyeenoo jano ayay ku galayaan maxaa iska kaa bedelay, Maxaad tiri dadna isma qarxin Soomaliya oo Gaalo ayaa sheekadaas wada. Dhowrkii qarax ee Baydhabo oo mid ka mid ah lala beegsadey Cabdulahi Yusuf oo ninkii gaariga wadey oo ku dhex gubtay, laguna soo dhigay saxaafada ma inkiree iyo tii kale ee barta magaalada laga soo galo oo baaburka xamuulka ee qarxay, haye kuwa kale oo isku biimeeyey gurigi Cali Geedi ma jiro maa dhahee oo darbiga la galay laakiin googo'ay. I want to ask you, do you still believe that "miyoonge" is deragatory word. kkkkkkkk
    Legend1 @ 1/14/2008 3:18 PM EST
 Some individuals here will keep on their illusions about the tfg warlords being the only recognised entity, please give me a break a government, which doesnt even have one office that you can wake up one morning and say I need some paperwork to collect from.  A/lahi yusuf's allegance will lead you to destruction eventually as this tfg warlords clueless plans were doomed and still are doomed to fail as everyone with tiny bit of wisdom sees.  Those individuals that are blinded by their association with warlord a/lahi yusuf and his followers, you lot just carry on your crocodile cries as it will not get you anywhere.  To sum up tfg warlords don't know how to govern and can't govern only think they capable of is anarchy and destruction. Lastly stop using the bush rhetorics because there are no kids that blow themselves thats a complete lie and stop spreading the filthy lies of the western media.
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/14/2008 2:00 PM EST
 Nin biyo qaadeen xunbo cuskay, hadda ninkaan caydiisa markey u socon weyday oo hebel iyo hebel caytama la soo shir tagay, ayuu caqli caqli bilaabay. Layla waa sida ay sheegtay waxaan ku wada jirnaa liiska waxgaradka oo marnaba aysan ku sifoobin fikirkooda fal mooryaaneedna oo indho tiray dad badan.    
    laylasamatar @ 1/12/2008 7:34 PM EST
 you are most welcome, I thank you in return for adding me to the list of the sensible is an honour.  
    Mo'alin Mohamud @ 1/12/2008 9:59 AM EST

oh!walaashay, waan ku iloowsanaa. Ok, haddaan kugu daray liiska Curad iyo. Thanks for the reminder.
    laylasamatar @ 1/12/2008 8:47 AM EST
walaalow maxaad arweelo u haysataa, suaalsha aad waydiinayso ayaa laga fahmayaa caqli daradaada.  What are you going to gain out of promoting mayhem and kids being asked to blow themselves under irrational rhetorics.  Also the gender issue is irrelevant here I don't understand where that is coming from????It seems that you are unable to comprehend the truth of the situation, the TFGT is the only recognised entity in Somalia, and the army you are referring to is the ethiopian army, whether you twist facts or not, it won't change the situation to your benefit.  What would you gain from twisting facts apart from continuing to loot and committement to hooliganism!!!
1- the taliban movement was defeated and they will never ....i mean never will ever be able to gain power, not in Somalia not in afghanistan not in anywhere in this world apart from your little heads.  
2- few people like you feel nostalgic to the days of isbaarooyinkii , well let me tell you it ain't coming back and you belong to jail or mental institution as you are obviously form danger to the public.  
    Mo'alin Mohamud @ 1/12/2008 4:00 AM EST
Walaashay,macaan. caqligan aad sheegayso, yaa ku yidhi waad aqli badan tahay? ma adi uubaa isu xilqaamay inaad saaxibu aqli tahay. nin is amaanay waa ri' is nuugtay baan maqli jiray. mise waxaad qabtaa qabiil baa qabiil (collectively) ka aqli badan! kolkaa dear sister, be modest about yourselve; xitaa haddad genius tahay. yes, down with secessionist; but i also add down with TFG and Tigre stooges!!! adigu gabadh baad tahaye, maxxad ka helaysaa xansuuqa Soomaali? mise cid baa inagag jirata TFG (micnaha xaafada ah).
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/11/2008 11:40 AM EST
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/11/2008 11:36 AM EST
 Alla maxay doqomadii isku jiibiyeen, oo cay iyo afxumo naf ka radinayeen, ileyn waa kuwo caqliga iyo si kastaba u dhufaanan.
    Mo'alin Mohamud @ 1/11/2008 11:04 AM EST
 abusive language is not to be condoned, in normal times. but these days are no normal times. exceptions are abound, as the result. the likes of curad, sahalsiidi and Araweelo deserve all profane and abusive responses. They and their senile octageneraian Yey are the disgrace of Somali's. kolkaa GAADH-HAYOOW, ha uga kicin. bartaa kaga hay. kuwan wixii la yidhaa ceeb male. daydaygu luuqadaa umbay wax ku fahmaan.
Waanu kuu garoownee, Gaadh-hayoow
Gayigaa Ilaali GAADH-HAYOOW!!
    Legend1 @ 1/11/2008 9:49 AM EST
 Firstly Siyad Barre Allaha unaxariisto, though as we all know he was no angel but at least he was patriotic and never seemed the sort of leader that wanted to trade country for power or money.  Secondly I made the point about him to suffice a meaningful explanation to those individuals driven by tribe as all the filth that comes out of their mouth shows how much hatred they have within them.  Would someone please tell araweelo stop her nonsense because the only person she is fooling here is herself, I can't believe she still shows no shame and has the face to say to me cuqdada iska saar in gods name since this chick started commenting here all you read between her lines was hatred and cuqdad for probably most Somalians.  
    qig504 @ 1/10/2008 10:56 PM EST
 Democracy is best propagated by example, not by conquest or official admonition. Lecturing Mugabe of Zimbabwe about democracy, free, fair elections, and advising Mubarak of Egypt, Zenawi of Ethiopia, Musoneni of Uganda, Yey of Somalia, and now Kibaki of Kenya to stuff the ballot box and go against it has taken the lid-out of the much obsessed and announced western democratization of Africa.

Whenever I hear them screaming about the free and fair elections and the democratization bill of Zimbabwe I laugh asking myself why the hell it is the Zimbabweans only that are worth the democracy and not the rest of us in the continent when they already have one of the very few African countries that has a legal and representative democracy “Government in waiting” unlike Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, etc. I ask myself is it about democracy or dictating the dictator

    qig504 @ 1/10/2008 10:55 PM EST
 Democracy is best propagated by example, not by conquest or official admonition. Lecturing Mugabe of Zimbabwe about democracy, free, fair elections, and advising Mubarak of Egypt, Zenawi of Ethiopia, Musoneni of Uganda, Yey of Somalia, and now Kibaki of Kenya to stuff the ballot box and go against it has taken the lid-out of the much obsessed and announced western democratization of Africa.

Whenever I hear them screaming about the free and fair elections and the democratization bill of Zimbabwe I laugh asking myself why the hell it is the Zimbabweans only that are worth the democracy and not the rest of us in the continent when they already have one of the very few African countries that has a legal and representative democracy “Government in waiting” unlike Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, etc. I ask myself is it about democracy or dictating the dictator

    lamasige @ 1/10/2008 6:03 PM EST
 What a lazy argument Mr. Buri has in the article.
Why the logical leap from charcoal burning which was going for
18 years and the Ethiopian presence. Have the Ethiopian caused it
or they stumpled into it? Is there evidence they are trading in it?.And his

simplistic assertion that the Ethiopians are there to eat the Somali resources
is at best voodoo economics. Does he not know that there is
plenty of food in Bali, Shoa and the Abysinian higlands to feed the whole of Somalia?
Next time you write Sir, at least marshal the facts.Just a little reality check.

    laylasamatar @ 1/10/2008 4:21 PM EST
 labadnacas ee HOL gaadhaye iyo legend1 this is a sign of deteriorating intellect...pls hawada nacnacda noogala baxa, dukhsi xaar ku wareegaya baatihiin.  You using words such as fair won't make us listen to your nonsense.  
    Gaadh-haye @ 1/10/2008 10:42 AM EST
 Siyaad Bare,

Alloow u naxariiso, oo Qabrigiisa waasici, Janadii fardoowsana kawaraabi.

Meeshuu LIBAAX ka kacay ayay BISADI fadiisataa oo ka hadashaa. Like ina Yuusuf Yeey.
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/10/2008 10:39 AM EST
 Legend1, cuqdada iska saar waxaa laga wadaa Somalis in general. Maskiin daqada ayaad ka baxday.
    Legend1 @ 1/10/2008 9:47 AM EST
 Siyaad bare actually used to gather all the beggers in Baidoa and collect the money they were begging all day, because of his behaviour the Italians have actually decided for a long time not to promote him so you tell me who are the people that belong in the zoo.
    Legend1 @ 1/10/2008 9:41 AM EST
 I can't understand why the moderators would block my comments and would really love to know if they have any rationale explanation for it because my comments did not have anything other than an acceptable factual arguments, which is well known to most of Somalians even those it addresses that fall in that particular group of people.  If you are here to be fair then god I would love to know the reason you allow individuals like araweelo and hamdi to post such a derogatory comments.  
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/9/2008 5:21 PM EST
 hamdi, Allaha u naxariiste Siyaad Zoo keeper buu ahaa way iska caddahay maadaama miyoonge oo dhan hal meel gate keeper u ahaa, midba maalina karbaashaayey, kkkkkkkkk ereyga Miyoonge goormaa iigu danbeysay kkkkkkkk. Walaahi waad iga qoslisay. Hadda dadkii waxay noqdeen lawyer miyoonge iyo miyoonge laftigiisa, haddii la yaabo yaasinka.  
    Hamdi @ 1/9/2008 4:53 PM EST
Markii somalia ay reer galbeedku soo galeen waxay is dheheen daldasha
marka Siyaad Barre mayuu dhahey, sidii caadadu aheyd
waxaa lagu soo direy Militia, odaygii kursigii laga tuur
xarfaantii Westernka waxay dheheen soomali isu imada dalkii dib baa
loo dhisaayaa, Mise Moyoonge yooow leh baa u imadeey lol
yaab, Siyaad bay u yeereen oo dhaheen bal kaaley oo nala
caawi sidii dadkan loo heshiisiin lahaa wuxu dhahey
"I was a zookeeper not a president, idinkaan waxan
aduunka ku soo daayee, adeer babuurta iska ilaasha!

Hadda maalin walba waa iska mayoonge la muran,
yoooow yooooow yoooow, bal adba af fahan!
Nimaan talin hadduu tasho, nimaad tagi jirin baa
taga, Somalidii oo dhan waa iskaga tageen dalkii
maadama mayoonge mooryaan meel walba rabbo inuu tasho
lamana af fahmi karo, kikikikikikiki
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/9/2008 3:46 PM EST
 Right on sista, gaadh-haye iwm waa rag kuwa ugu liita, oo dadkooda qixiyay welina sii qixinaaya, oo reerkodii dhaqan waayay, oo waddankooda inay burburiyaan maahe, aan wax kale hayn. Markaasey halkaan naag baa saas ah, qabiil hebel baa saas ah, buu la taagan yahay, inuu asagoo nool is aaso ayaa u dhaanta, ileyn naf qiimo lehi kuma jirtee.  
    @ 1/9/2008 3:07 PM EST
Tixda horta gabay maaha, haddaad garan kareyn
maansada nooceedana deelqaafkeeda ma garan kartid.
waa kow. Mida labadaad anigu Darood ma ihi.
Markaa taas labaadna waad ku dhacdey.
tan sadexaad anigu nin Soomaliyeed ahaan baan kula
hadley oo ku dhahey hadaad soomali tihiin ood
heshiin waydeen iska dhaaf Amxaarkee, indho yar
iyo gaalka caad baa kuu soo shaqo taga siduu dalkaga
u daldasho. Adiguse  Qabiil iyo nacnac maalayacni ah
baan ila soo hor istaagtey.

Soomali baan taaganahey,
adiguna hoostaadaad kala beecinisaa, reer hebel
reer hebel, war indha kor u qaad doqon yahow.
cudur reer hebel ah baa dalka ku burburisee,
reer hebelna waa la idin heshiisiiyey,
2 sano iyo bar baa la is hor fadhiyey, ii sheeg
reer aan qof soo dirsan ku dar xataa Isaaq goonida
isku faquuqey, hadana waxaa la soo taagan tihiin
warlord warlord. yaa ku dhahey warlord adiga u soo
dirso inuu ku matalo? labada sano iyo barka heshiis
ka lagu jirey maa soo dirsatid nin u qalma kursiga
reerkiina? tii reer hebel markii la xasiliyey
baad gar dhaadheer iyo cimaamado nin soomaliyeed
la soo baxay alaahu quluu qalaa, war soco!
Axmaar baa sheegtee Ibliiiska ugu wayn baa la
keenayaa, yaa kiiska isaga waleeysaana? kab
afka wax la idinkala dhacaa istaahishaan,
doqon nin baaban nacee.
Aduunkii dhan baa muslimiinta la daba socdaa,
gaalo guryahoodii waa soo ooteen,  war halkee
noo wadaan hadaan dumar nahey? halkee aduunka aadna?
gurigayagii nin somali qori wataa na cersadey,
ka harsan wayney, aduunka meel walba Xijaabkaan
gashano baa nalagu nacey oo cadow nala dhigey.
Yaa Allah, yaa nin soomaliyeed cuqdada ka saar!
nasiib baad leedihiin haddii wali gabar soomaliyeed
idin aroosaan, waayo run hadaad rabto
maba istaahishaan in aad sii tarantaan,
xoolo inay wax dilaan iyo cunoo ,xaar mooyee
macno kale laheyn baad tihiin, akhasu naas!
aduunka waxaad ka dhintaan mooyee waxaad ku soo
kordhisaan la waa! iska aamus, maalinkaa nin
soo noqoto, oo dalkaa u taliso ii soo yeer,
dibiga iyo doofaarkuba wax waa burburin karaa,
lakiin it takes a man to build a nation

    Arraweelo10 @ 1/9/2008 1:27 PM EST
 Waan garanaayey inaad Amxaarka experience fiican uu ku soo siiyay markuu ku gumeysaanayey, laakiin inaad xorowdo waa habeenkii xalay ahaa oo tagay, waayo caqli aad isku maamusho maba haysid oo sidaan ayaaba kaa dhab ah. Aniguse ismaba arag taariikh ahaan, haddana maan joogo waddankii, ee adiga raadso counselling all these years of abuse, even it is worse when you are Somali male. kkkkk Dacayda quruntay naga la tag.
    Gaadh-haye @ 1/9/2008 1:12 PM EST

"Kaalay ma Amxaar baa midiidin ahaan ku haystay markaad yarayd, oo sidaan kuu aqlaaq tiray", Araweelo.

Waa Illaaheey mahaddii mar hadaad qirtay inay Amxaaradu tahay "wasakh" "aqlaaq" xun.

Muhiimadu waxaa weeye inaad kahadho inteeyna Baarodooda ama Doorodooda qudhanka badan kugu reebin, oo kaaga dhex tegin. Haddii kale sidooda ayaad soo uri.
    laylasamatar @ 1/9/2008 11:47 AM EST
 legend adinka ayaan idinku afbaranayaa!!!if they don't make sense why do you respond!!!!Morgan aa, soka idinku dulkaajaya!!!!!
    Sahalsiidi @ 1/9/2008 11:28 AM EST
 Araweelo, hamdi & Layla Samatar, don't waste your time with gaarhaye. He is here to put you off topic. Now, lets go back to Mr Buri and his recurring laments of Ethiopia. Why a barawani man would advocate to keep Middle Shabeelle under vampire Indhacade. Why denounce one occupation and endorse the other one which is close to home.
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/9/2008 11:12 AM EST
 Gaadh haye afkaaga cayda iyo dhareerka ka qubanaayo gaadh ka hay. Kaalay ma Amxaar baa midiidin ahaan ku haystay markaad yarayd, oo sidaan kuu aqlaaq tiray, waayo rag iyo dumarba wanaagsan sidaada oo kale uma caytaaman. Walee inaad caqli doorsoontay, dadna caqliga maskaxda ayuu ka galay kuwana cagaha, marka kula yaabi maayo.
    kucadaye @ 1/9/2008 11:08 AM EST
 Mr. Hamza, you think and talk as though the the killing,
the destruction, the looting of resources, the environmental
devastation of the past 17 years started with the coming of
the Habash soldiers.

I am not defending the unfortunate presence
of Habash soldiers in our soil. But be objective.
We know who was killing, raping, selling public assets as scrap,
cutting trees for charcoal, giving lincences to dump toxic waste
in our seas.  

All these were taking place when you were in Mogadishu serving
as a Minister under Abdiqasim's Arta project.

    Legend1 @ 1/9/2008 10:25 AM EST
 Is it me or some individuals are halucinated periodly because I can't understand where this chick learnt how to write Somali language, nothing she writes makes sense,  The other point is Morgan was given good lessons and was kicked out time and time again but as far as gaani is concern, Allayo rahmo qof dhintay inaan kahadlo marabo.
    laylasamatar @ 1/9/2008 10:24 AM EST
 Legend fulayow .....iyo gaadhaye sheela weyne....maandhow calaalkan iga duw....diricyo xidha anakaa surwaalkii xidhnayn 17 sano u danbaysaye....
    laylasamatar @ 1/9/2008 10:15 AM EST
 rag markay idila dagaalamaan hoognayeey ba'nayeey kama baxdaan...orad xabashi, iyo maraykan iska celi horta .....afkan huurada iyo dhicisnimo baad wali lasoo tagantihiin....Moragn iyo Gaani na futo aad kula dagaalantiin malihidin .....dumar aad kufasataan iyo agoon aad dhacdaan uun baad ka adagtihiin....tfg dana Legend1 walaalahaa baa dadka oga horeeya...kiina ugu raganimo badan ayaa utartamaya sida jago looga siiyo oo dadkiisa u ii binaya!!!!!Maanta mucaarad hadii jago lasii yano waa kula jiraa bal naf badanaa....Adiga iyo gaadhaye na hadii maant waji la idi siiya waad u caraeysaane laakiin nasiibdaro, inaad nooshihiin iyo in aad dhimateen l idima oga......cada uun baa tihiin....
    Legend1 @ 1/9/2008 9:58 AM EST
 I see some individuals keep on contradicting themselves because as far as I see and surely most righteous people see is that the only people who can't comprehend reality are tfg warlords and their supporters (I see few odd ones here).
    Gaadh-haye @ 1/9/2008 9:53 AM EST

"Dadkii bani aadanka jawaanada ku guray oo sidee in ay baradho yihiiin u gubay iyogoo nool ayaan ogahay inaad ka soo jeedo e...Hargeysana rabay in ay nolol ku dhaxlaan".

Moorgan iyo Gaani ayaad kawadaa soow maaha, iyo Illaah yare yaal?

Qolodaad iimaleeyneeysid ma ihi. Kamana fogi haday xikmad keeneeyso qabiil ku faan iyo anoo reer hebela, kuwaad caayeeso eed ii maleeysay ayaa lagu tilmaami karaa "HAADAA QABIIL" iyo SHUUN SARE.
    Legend1 @ 1/9/2008 9:40 AM EST
 The truth must hurt, just look at those folks' comments, you can really read their endless anger and frustration between the lines as their fellow incompetent looters (tfg) are not getting any joy.  Their evil plans are becoming apparent to the whole world and this is one of the reasons why we have the above article, which exposes the dismal failures of the tfg and how their boys can't put up a fight without begging for ancle sam's help.  Everyone knows the people who had always ruined our country because of their greed for power, this greed had even made them to try to delay our independence so any of you whom had followed our history must know who those people are.
    laylasamatar @ 1/9/2008 9:30 AM EST
 Surely all of us have known individuals who are basically incapable of comprehending reality and some of them with fairly advanced degrees, Somali men fall within this category....HAdaad talo haween u dhiibalahaydeen maanta halkaas maad joogteen...Dhareerka bal nag duw horta!!!Miskiin cagli aad wax ugu taliso maleedahay....so digan calaacalkii dumarka aad kusheegi jirteen galay oo ba'nayoo hoognayee etibiyaan iyo gaalaa idishee ku jira....
    Gaadh-haye @ 1/9/2008 9:23 AM EST

Waxaan layaabanahay haweenkan la kari la´yahay ragoodii xageey aadeen? Yaab!

Ileeyn Dhabayaco haween baa u talin jirey.

Waxaan maqlay Cabdillaahi Yusuf xitaa islaantiisa ayaa ka amar weyn oo talada siisa. Waana talo naageed waxa Soomaliya meeshan dhigay maanta.
    laylasamatar @ 1/9/2008 9:06 AM EST
 well go on blame it on ethiopia blah blah blah....I tell you what haddii ay sidaa ba tahay cilladiinoo dhani ay tahy ethiopia ayaa adinkoo soo jeeday 17 sano idinku samaynaysay waxa aad ka cabanaysaan.....then waxayba ilatahay in aadan raganimo iyo taloba aaden wadin....hadaba nacasbaatehee bal iska aamus oo 17 sanadood baa laidilaye hadal ma ahee...daciifnimo taasi weeyaan wax lagugu tageero ma aha.  Hadaad intaa iska celinweyday...why do you think you can today!!!!????
    laylasamatar @ 1/9/2008 8:51 AM EST
 Gaadh yahe miskiin baad ila tahay...waxaad cel celisid aad is dabooshidba...way iska soo baxday waxaad tahay...you have never fooled me dear....hadaba kaladilay iyo kawaxdilayba isku reer bey ahaayeen so don't see this supporting your argument around cabdirashiid.  Secondly if you thought cadaaled daro ayey ku noqodeen mucaarad, maxaa idin daba keenay!!!!!  Unless aad Somaali miciyo dhaadheer aden kusheegeyn!!!Dadkii bani aadanka jawaanada ku guray oo sidee in ay baradho yihiiin u gubay iyogoo nool ayaan ogahay inaad ka soo jeedo e...Hargeysana rabay in ay nolol ku dhaxlaan...
Waxaad tahay kii siyaad inuu afgooya dhaafo u ogalaadaye....bal maxaad kahadlaysaa...hadana dab uun baad shidaysaaye...Balmaxaad qolo kale ka canbaareyn saa Soomaaliba marabtaane...walaalow ha nalug goyn...lugooyada, cawaanimo iyo caqlidaro baad daka ku soo kordhiseene.....ethiopia na adinkaa naga xiga oo wallalahaa yihiine!!!Anaka ha umalyn in aad na isticmaalikartaan!!!dad sidiina ah oo idila caqli ah uun baad duufstaan.....ee iska soco
    Gaadh-haye @ 1/9/2008 7:13 AM EST

Haadii aan Deelqaafka aad tix gabay ku tilmaantay yara daalacano waxaan ka helanayna is burin iyo iska hor imaadyo tuducyadiisa ka kooban.

Yaa " wixii la tabcay tan iyo xornimadii taraq ku daaray?"
Yaa dilay Ra´iisul Wasaareheenii (Cabirashiid) ugu horeeyey ee cadaalad lagu doortu.

Yaa bohol ka tuuray Soomaliya oo xukun military ku soo rogay intuu ´constitution´ kii daaqad ka tuuray iyo diktaatooriyad?

Markeey Soomali badankeed tiri "aan iska deyno Siyaad Bare" iyo Toowradii kacaanka.
Yaa yiri uma qalmo oo reer Boqor maaha ee aan xukanka ka tuurno?

Yaa u horseeday Jabhadnimo iyo dagaal Soomaali?

Hadana Siyaad Bare markuu galbaday.
Yaa Soomaali qabaa´il iyo kala qoqobsanaan u horseeday oo yiri "Tola ayeey yaa daarooda?"

Yaa xabashi ciida Soomaliya ugu horkeenay una soo horkaca burburinta qarannimada Soomaliya?

Yaa yiri hadaan "anaga nala dooray waan go´aynaa oo Soomaliya oo danbe jri meeyso?"

Majeerteen iyo wixii la halmaala!
    curad @ 1/9/2008 12:26 AM EST
 Momo your on the Money...... i would have done the same as PM Meles.
that is why we will re elect him if he wants to stay for another 10 years
    momo519 @ 1/8/2008 9:22 PM EST
 Mr. Hamza, What would you do if you were the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and your neighbours are threatening to invade you, to take the eastern part of your country, calling your reelection a fraud, and calling your people to take arms and aigning with Eritrea to destabilise your country? What would you do? Would you wait until the threats become reality and its too late? Would you wait because scholars will accuse you of expansionist? Would you negelect the security of your people? Meles reacted to Indhacadde, Dahir Aweys, and Hassan Turki continues threat and their ambition to take back Ogaden region and their cynical agenda that threatened the whole region. That is just the fact..
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/8/2008 7:28 PM EST

If no one cared this intelligent same comment that you posted yesterday, what makes you think that, today we will listen. What other problems Africans have other than what you called "democracy shoveled down in their throat".
    qig504 @ 1/8/2008 6:54 PM EST
  Democracy is best propagated by example, not by conquest or official admonition. Lecturing Mugabe of Zimbabwe about democracy, free, fair elections, and advising Mubarak of Egypt, Zenawi of Ethiopia, Musoneni of Uganda, Yey of Somalia, and now Kibaki of Kenya to stuff the ballot box and go against it has taken the lid-out of the much obsessed and announced western democratization of Africa.

Whenever I hear them screaming about the free and fair elections and the democratization bill of Zimbabwe I laugh asking myself why the hell it is the Zimbabweans only that are worth the democracy and not the rest of us in the continent when they already have one of the very few African countries that has a legal and representative democracy “Government in waiting” unlike Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, etc. I ask myself is it about democracy or dictating the dictator

    qig504 @ 1/8/2008 6:54 PM EST
  Democracy is best propagated by example, not by conquest or official admonition. Lecturing Mugabe of Zimbabwe about democracy, free, fair elections, and advising Mubarak of Egypt, Zenawi of Ethiopia, Musoneni of Uganda, Yey of Somalia, and now Kibaki of Kenya to stuff the ballot box and go against it has taken the lid-out of the much obsessed and announced western democratization of Africa.

Whenever I hear them screaming about the free and fair elections and the democratization bill of Zimbabwe I laugh asking myself why the hell it is the Zimbabweans only that are worth the democracy and not the rest of us in the continent when they already have one of the very few African countries that has a legal and representative democracy “Government in waiting” unlike Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, etc. I ask myself is it about democracy or dictating the dictator

    Arraweelo10 @ 1/8/2008 5:39 PM EST
 Hamdi Loool!

Caruurahoodi, haweenkoodi iyo hoygoodii ayaa tigreega ka celinaaya oo ay hoobiyaha la kor joogaan. Mise waa gaalo dadkaas oo idil. Jihaadka xaraanta ah oo ay wadaan ma waxay ku baxday maxastoodii iyo dhulkoodii, allow mooryaan ha nagu sii deyn mar danbe, 16 sano oo bililiqo iyo dil ah waa kifaaya.
    Hamdi @ 1/8/2008 5:21 PM EST

Nin tunkiyo tagoogta
tooreey is daray
oo tolkii iyo qaraabadii
aan tashanooy ka waayeen
oo waxii la tabcay
tan iyo xorimadii
nin taraq ku daarey
inuu maanta tolla'ayeey
dumarkii tigree raacyey
uu ku taahaa, waa u taam xumo!

Lax waliba shililkey is dhigtaa
lagu qalaa, meeshaa adigaa is dhigey
la idinkana waayey heshiiya, tigree baad
sheegisaayee, ilaa aduunkoo dhan baa
in dhulkaaga la boobo looga soo toosaaa.

Dowlad soomaliyeed oo reer walba ku jiraan
baa la dhisey, qabiilkii aad u dagaasheen
baa wax la idinku qaaybiyey.
Haddii dad dhaheen Somalia aan kala qaybsano
oo Ilaa Hargeysa la aqbalo Xamar ha holocdo
lagaa yeeli maa. aniga aan qadeeyo inta kale
Qaxooti lagaa yeeli maa, Quluu Qalaa Qaalalaahu
iyo Daroogo aan qoto lagaa yeeli maa!
agoon gurigoodii aan dhaco, iyaga dhaxan ha jiifaan
lagaa yeeli maa.
Ilaa aad ka tooban keentaan, ogolaataan nabad
war lagaa yeelayaa iska yar, maalin walba
dowlad diidkaa bambaano bay caruurta iyo dumarka
la dhacaan, wiilka tigreega hooyadiis oo
qabow u jiiftuu u imaadey soomalia inuu dumarkaaga
iyo caruurtaada kaa cesho, ceeb intaa kugu filan.

    Hamdi @ 1/8/2008 5:03 PM EST

Nin tunkiyo tagoogta
tooreey is daray
oo tolkii iyo qaraabadii
aan tashanooy ka waayeen
oo waxii la tabcay
tan iyo xorimadii
nin taraq ku daarey
inuu maanta tolla'ayeey
dumarkii tigree raacyey
uu ku taahaa, waa u taam xumo!

Lax waliba shililkey is dhigtaa
lagu qalaa, meeshaa adigaa is dhigey
la idinkana waayey heshiiya, tigree baad
sheegisaayee, ilaa aduunkoo dhan baa
in dhulkaaga la boobo looga soo toosaaa.

Dowlad soomaliyeed oo reer walba ku jiraan
baa la dhisey, qabiilkii aad u dagaasheen
baa wax la idinku qaaybiyey.
Haddii dad dhaheen Somalia aan kala qaybsano
oo Ilaa Hargeysa la aqbalo Xamar ha holocdo
lagaa yeeli maa. aniga aan qadeeyo inta kale
Qaxooti lagaa yeeli maa, Quluu Qalaa Qaalalaahu
iyo Daroogo aan qoto lagaa yeeli maa!
agoon gurigoodii aan dhaco, iyaga dhaxan ha jiifaan
lagaa yeeli maa.
Ilaa aad ka tooban keentaan, ogolaataan nabad
war lagaa yeelayaa iska yar, maalin walba
dowlad diidkaa bambaano bay caruurta iyo dumarka
la dhacaan, wiilka tigreega hooyadiis oo
qabow u jiiftuu u imaadey soomalia inuu dumarkaaga
iyo caruurtaada kaa cesho, ceeb intaa kugu filan.

    Sahalsiidi @ 1/8/2008 2:59 PM EST
 Maxaa dhahday Somaliland camal a laga dhigaa kofurta Soomaaliya.
    abbashaji @ 1/8/2008 2:35 PM EST
 Waxan u malena ha majirta awood aan ku la dagalano Ethiopia maxa yelay ,elkasta oo so malaiya ka mid ah waxa ay gesteen cidan waxa u malena in aad is ledihii Somaliland waa nabad waa nabad balse waxa ka taliya Cidamada Xabashida oo aad ku dhex arkaysa baburtoda oo magalada soo dhix maraya si nabadna ugu adeganaya suuqa sidaa oo kale ayana laga raba Konfurta in ay ogolaato
    Arraweelo10 @ 1/8/2008 12:31 PM EST
 Gaadh-haye, hadda cayda hamdi iyo haween oo idil baad maciin biday. Kaalay ma gabar kaa aqoon iyo itaal roonatay masrax kasta oo noloshaada ah oo cuqdad nafsiga kugu riday, mise doqonimo iyo ragganimo xumo ayay kaa tahay inaad meeshaan aad caac leyso, akhas caleeg. Waxaan is iri mida kaliya uu ugu hiilin karo tuugta mooryaanta ah, waa asagoo bililiqo cunay, "Ragga qaarkii jidiin baa walaaleeya".  
    Gaadh-haye @ 1/8/2008 12:10 PM EST
 "FYI, the legitimate Government of Somalia
invited the Ethiopian troops, therefore
they have not invade the country", Hamdi.

Hamdi, I cannot really fathom a Somali woman, sister or Gayaan uttering these words. It tremendously reels me with pain and feeling of defeat.

Markeey Qowmiyadi jabtu ama la duleeystu, haweenkooda ugu NUGUL oo ugu hor raaca cadowga.

That is why we Somalis say: “NAAGI WAA QOLLODEEY U DHAXDO”, ama haddii aan raaciyo  QOLLODA QABSATA.

The above comment is not addressed to the Somali women of resistance and those who persevere the difficult times. Xaawo Taako was one example.

    Arraweelo10 @ 1/8/2008 11:37 AM EST
 Buri, believe me no one is expecting you to support the TFG. Lots of us support and that is enough, no one needs your pitiful twist of the facts in Somalia. FYI, Ethiopia have been invited by Somalis, in order to end the clan occupation and the chronic anarchy. The life of me, I can’t see why would you have a problem with that.  
    Legend1 @ 1/8/2008 8:50 AM EST
 Well anyone with the right frame of mind knows tne situation in Somalia now is worse than it ever been thanks to the US and their corrupt ethiopian government led by melez along with the warlords tfg.  Is not for long before this doomed mission of these trio ends but in gods name this time every true Somali who are unlike the warlords led by a/lahi yusuf, must do their bit to make sure Somalia heads back to were it rightfully belonged, which was one of the best countries in Africa.  
    somalipeace10 @ 1/8/2008 6:00 AM EST
 There is no government in Somalia in the true sense of the word. The warlords who were created by Ethiopia came to Mogadishu on the back of the Ethiopian tanks, and one year on they are still protected by the occupation forces. The warlords who have been the real problem in Somalia cannot be accepted to lead, because they will only lead us to disaster, civil war and more bloodshed. The same warlords opposed all the peace and reconciliation initiatives before, because they were serving Ethiopia and Meles is using them to destroy what is left of Somalia. However, Somali people are more mature now and they effectively fight the occupation and its puppets.
    somalipeace10 @ 1/8/2008 5:51 AM EST
 Thanks brother Burci Hamza for articulating what the majority of Somalis already believe, that is this brutal colonial Ethiopian occupation has worsened the volatile Somali situation. The fact is though that mercenary troops of Ethiopia are getting bloody nose in Somalia and they will be forced to withdraw in humiliation. The intention of Meles is to keep Somalia divided so that he can control Somalia. The only reason he illegally invaded Somalia is that he saw a real possibility of united and peaceful Somalia, which he wants to sabotage at any cost. The very few who support the occupation for narrow clanish reasons must realise that Meles has intentions beyond your clan warlord .
    Camel Girl @ 1/8/2008 2:57 AM EST
 “Shanta” well said, Somalis just get it together and close all your wounds that lead open holes/roads to the hunting hyenas. SOMALIS JUST GET IT TOGTHER SIMPLE GET CLEAN TO YOUR PEOPLE/LAND.
    ismaildn @ 1/7/2008 10:43 PM EST
 man, I truly admire every aspect that you wrote about in the article and I hope the somali people realize that too and decide on something that will do the country some good for a change.
    Hamdi @ 1/7/2008 7:59 PM EST
 FYI, The legitimate Government of Somalia
invited the Ethiopian troops, therefore
they have not invade the country.
someone who does not believe the government
which was born out of peace negotiation for
2 years cannot tell us he is for peace.
    Hamdi @ 1/7/2008 7:56 PM EST
 Buri that means he does not recognize the Somali
Government, therefore who cares what he says,
he can file behind his brethern the alShabab of
this world. blah blah blah...
we are sick of anti peace and anti governments
    qig504 @ 1/7/2008 7:08 PM EST
 Democracy is best propagated by example, not by conquest or official admonition. Lecturing Mugabe of Zimbabwe about democracy, free, fair elections, and advising Mubarak of Egypt, Zenawi of Ethiopia, Musoneni of Uganda, Yey of Somalia, and now Kibaki of Kenya to stuff the ballot box and go against it has taken the lid-out of the much obsessed and announced western democratization of Africa.

Whenever I hear them screaming about the free and fair elections and the democratization bill of Zimbabwe I laugh asking myself why the hell it is the Zimbabweans only that are worth the democracy and not the rest of us in the continent when they already have one of the very few African countries that has a legal and representative democracy “Government in waiting” unlike Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, etc. I ask myself is it about democracy or dictating the dictator
    Sahalsiidi @ 1/7/2008 6:16 PM EST
 For a change I want to ask Mr Buri Hamza to talk about the brutal occupation of the lower shabele. The impact it had the local population from starving them, to displacing, selling river water, raping* and looting the whole region.
    curad @ 1/7/2008 3:03 PM EST
 Somalis politics and leadership is in shambles they need to get their sh*t together build up from bottom up
this is the only way you will find a way out of misery and destruction you have caused to your country and people.

as long you stick with leaders like geedi qanyare abdilaahi yusuf or sheeq ku sheekh ku sheegayada wanna be jihadist
same old sh*t is going to happen over and over. build a gov't and after a month or year without doing anything bring it down
start from scratch always from zero... you need a leader with vision who can talk to all somalis us one.

    shanta @ 1/7/2008 2:40 PM EST
 Lately everyone seems to be immersed in blaming Ethiopia for every thing that has transpired in our nation? How did we as people got so wrong and failed to foresee the inevitable manipulation Adis planned for all of us? How did we as inelegant and ingenious people fell into a well setup trap?  To answer these questions one must realize that we did it while awake, and Ethiopia didn’t rob us in our sleep. Solution is found when Somalia as whole recognizes that the interest of an individual shall not be greater than the interest of the nation, and in order to attain peace: security and safety of the people must be preserved at any cost.    
    sahalsiidi @ 1/7/2008 1:52 PM EST
 Another muqaawama aficionado. No one knows what is in it for him and his family.

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