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    Erigavo @ 5/7/2007 12:01 AM EST
 The Guardian highlighted this fact today, May 06, 2007
"The other problem is that the President comes from
the Darood clan and the Hawiye, especially the
Habargidir sub-clan are afraid that he might facilitate
the return of properties belonging to the Darood that
they expropriated when the Siad Barre regime collapsed.
Thus, the struggle is not only for power, but also for the control of resources."

That is the problem in Somalia, not the victor takes all.
Every clan is represented very well in the TFG.
    Yosra @ 5/6/2007 1:33 PM EST
 What a creative idea. Not sure if war criminal Abdilahi Yosof is ready to accept
such arrangements. But it doesn't bother to put it out anyway.

    goobjooge @ 5/6/2007 3:30 AM EST
 FYI, reliable sources tell me that Awes and Turki are behind the Sade Militia that took control of Kismaayo!
    mooryaandile @ 5/6/2007 2:50 AM EST
 Waad mahadsantahay, lakinse waa la soo dhaafay waqtigii la war wareegan jiray. Waaga cusub wuxu sheegayaa in aan la arag, la maqal, mooryaan diriiq dabakaayo ka furata. bani aadmi nool inta qabsata lacag gaaraysa US$ 15,000 madaxooda ku furata, 290 kilometer dhul beereed gaaraya ee shacabka Soomaaliyeed leeyahay daroogo ku beerato, dabeetana lacagta ka soo gasha cimaamado ku soo jamlaysato oo tidhaa wadaad baan nahay!! Qabiil waa jabaa, waana kibraa. Lankinse lama arag lama maqal mooryaan ka indha adag kuwii xamar guryaha dadka haystay. Weli maydkoodu xaafado uu ka urayo ayaa Xamar jira. Fadlan araggiina xun waa la yaqaan, diintiina iyo dadnimadiina iska aamusa oo yaan la idin soo xasuusan

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