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    Mohamed Roble @ 12/27/2011 6:09 PM EST
 I sense some anger in your tone because of plane that didnot come through. Your knowledge of Somali people is limited to the North, and you are speaking from that point of view. I feel sorry for you for not fully understanding the changing guard in Somalia. The time of Arab domination in Somalia is over. Wake up nomad.
    Jamali @ 12/25/2011 4:31 AM EST
 Mr.Abdishakur, it is wonderful to read such a well thought article. I completely agree with you, and the grim prediction that you have made about our beloved country is obvious to anyone who is a rational and has a healthy brain.

Thank you kindly
    Sool-boy @ 12/20/2011 3:50 PM EST

Dabadhilif waxa ah ninka caasimaddiisii xabashi keenay iyo gaalo. Madaxtooyada Somaliland waxaa ka dhisan gudeheeda Masaajid. Adigana guriga lagaaga taliyo waxa ilaaliya oo marna fura kuwaan annagu kicin jirnay(African Forces). Kuwii erayadii cali sugule ee magool alle haw naxariistee ay ku qaadi jirtay loo tiriyay ayaad ka sugaysaan inay wax kuu qabtaan. Hohey Africay Hurudooy kuwaan ku lahayn baa adiga kuu indho ah! "iimaan alle ayaa uur buuxiya" waa runtaa laakiin yaa loo dawaraa oo adduunku ha na caawiyo dawlad ha noo dhiso alhabaab ha nalaga difaaco iwm yidhaahda? anigu intaas oo dhan waan qabsaday weliba aan dadka walaalahay ah ee gaajoonayay aannu caawinay. Waxa runa inaan wixii itaalkayaga ah ku caawinayno. Idinku wixii jallaafooyina ku caawiya ummaddiina. Dabadhilif waxa ah ka leh in dalka lagu soo duulaa waa gardarro, saacado yar ka dibna taageeray inay Kenya iyo Ethiopea soo weerari karaan dalkooda.
    somali_sax_ah @ 12/20/2011 6:01 AM EST
"Maalinta aan gaadhno inaan Somalia ka difaacno xoogagga isu
bahaystay Alle ha na gaadhsiiyo".
War waxba ha ka daaficine, bal marka hore ka daa gaaladda
cadaanka iyo modowgga leh ee aad weligaabba soo dabba
gelijirtey, hadanna aad dabba dhilifka u tahay, ee aad sidii
caadadda ahayd dabba joogtid, kuna soo hageysid dalka.
Illaah dadkaagga, dalkaagga iyo diintaadda ha ku tusso.
"Iimaan Alle ayaa uur buuxiya", ee dabba dhilfnimo wax ma
    kucadaye @ 12/19/2011 11:15 PM EST
 "Somaliland Walaalkii loo xiiryow soo qoyso adiguna"

Somaliland, Puntland, FaciisLand will be weak subservient entities ruled from Addis and Nairobi, and eventually absorbed and their culture and entities demolished.

It is now or never.  It is time we put aside our differences and first and foremost chase the salvating heynas who gathered outside the Guri ready to devour what is inside.

    boolidiid @ 12/19/2011 8:38 PM EST
 Dividing Somalia into tribal states may not be a bad idea. If each tribe goes back to its land and creates peace and stability and sends its representative to the capital (wherever that maybe), it could be the way out of the current turmoil.
Our neighbors didn’t want to get involve the Somali situation, but was forced to by those who think they are holier than thou. In 2006 it was the members of the Courts Union who was bragging about how they will use the Somalis in Ethiopia to take over Addis Ababa, and now Kenya was forced to create a buffer zone to protect its citizens and tourists.

It is easy to blame others about your problems. Somalis problems are created by Somalis and need Somali solutions.  

    Sool-boy @ 12/19/2011 3:33 PM EST
Inaan kaa qosliyo waxaa kuugu wacan waxaad ku jirtaa hummaag been ah (hallucination). Shariifka aad sheegayso waad ka war haysaa in aanu ammaankiisa ka adkayn. Nasiib darro bustihii gumaysiga ee aad huwatay baad rabtaa inaad kula soo galo!! waxaan kuu sheegayaa beri hore waxa jiray " saddex nin oo wada socda ayaa meel ardaa ah wada fadhiyay. midbaa abeeso qaniintay intuu gacanta la helay ayuu kii kale u dhiibay oo yidhi hoo, markuu ka qabtay ayay isagiina qaniintay, isaguna wuxuu u gudbiyay kii saddexaad oo isna ay qaniintay. Ogow walaalo ayay ahaayeen waxaa loo bixiyay Ilma Abeeso isu Dhiib" Su'aasha aad i waydiisay ee ah Somaliland yaa xukuma waad ogtahay dadka xukumaa waa kuwa doortay ama magacaaba hoggaamiyahooda. Kuuma macnayn karo oo fahmi maysid adiga iyo qayrkaa toona. Dr Abdi shakuur waa geesi reer Somaliland ah. Geesigu walaalkii kuma farxo. Haddaanu gacan ugu hiilin karin af buu ugu hiiliyaa. Aniga laftaydu had iyo jeer Somalia af waan ugu hiiliyaa. Wax u sheeg, wacdi, wax-tar wixii aan karo kama hagrado. Maalinta aan gaadhno inaan Somalia ka difaacno xoogagga isu bahaystay Alle ha na gaadhsiiyo.
    fiqicigaal @ 12/19/2011 1:31 PM EST
 Somalia cannot be defeated by outsiders nor can it be divide by its neighbours even when it is in this very vulnerable position plagued by war and famine.

However, it is undeniable that those hyenas will try every means to undermine the formation of an independent Somali  government that is free of their deceitful intervention.

In reality Somalia is divided by its own people with their stupid clan mentality and that should be addressed to avoid what the auther called The End of Somalia.  
    somali_sax_ah @ 12/19/2011 9:06 AM EST
 Dr. Shukur waakan Somalia ina ku wareeriyee ma wuxuu ka soo
tegey "Somaliland" markii: Mudane Riyaale shaqaddii ka tegey,
mise markii Dilla iyo wadaddii Hargeisa kala go'een. Shukuur
haddii arrintaasi run tahay, waxaanu ku leenahay: Nabadgelyo
Dr. iyo nooli kulanee. Bye bye. And "Somaliland" will miss
great Doctor and Patriot.
    somali_sax_ah @ 12/19/2011 8:36 AM EST
aad iyo aad ayaad iiga qoslisey, siiba weedha ugu dambeysa
ee qoraalkaagga.
Haddii aan shariif xukumin Somaliland, yaa xukuma ayaad u
maleynaysaa. Ma waxaad u luntay madax banaanidda dhalanteedka
ah ee laynagu maaweeliyo, iyo waxaanu sameynay doorashooyin
dimoqraaddi ah....What a joke is all that my friend.
Mudane Sool-boy, shariif ayaa inoo roonaan lahaa e, bal ka
waran haddii Ethiopia laynaga xukumo, oo Melse iyo ina Iley
inoo taliyaan.
Waxaa tusaale cad kuugu filan, waliggaa ma aragtay
"madaxweyne""Somaliland" ah oo weliggii safar dibadda ah
u baxay isaga oo aan sii marin Ethiopia, lana kulmin mid ka
mid ah labaadaas nin ama midkoodba.
Marka bal adba sheeg ka inoo roon Shariifka ama labadaas kale.

    somali_sax_ah @ 12/19/2011 8:09 AM EST
 Dr. Waxaagu waa habaare, Somaaliddu waxay tidhaahdaa:
"hoostaadda la hel".
    Progressive @ 12/19/2011 7:19 AM EST
 Well done Dr. Abdishakur!

Somali people (particularly in the Diaspora) and intellectuals should wake up. We have lots of cards in our disposal one of which is to put pressure on the neighbouring countries who are taking advantage of our ordeal by prolonging our suffering.
We must knock the doors of our MP in our respective countries in the west to expose IGAD’s failure.
The world should know that neighbouring countries are part of the problem not the solution.
The best way to defeat the fanatics and extremists in our country is by keeping away these countries (particularly Ethiopia) out of Somali conflict

    Sool-boy @ 12/19/2011 7:06 AM EST
 Somalia is between devil and deep sea. I don't see a way to rescue since its people are the ones who has distroyed beyond repair. External forces extended thier grip and humilated its so-alled leaders by reducing to voiceless facilitators of the sham. Somalia is gone. "Ninkii qayrkii loo xiirayow adna qoyso!!! Waa xaqiiqe xagee laga mari. Ma sheekh shariif baa ku fekeraya idinku gacan gashee Somaliland samata bixi. Isagaaba isu qaba inuu xukumo.
    abdiqadan @ 12/19/2011 4:52 AM EST
 Well done Abdishakur!

I couldn't agree more. Somali Diaspora plays a major role in exacerbating the plight of the Somali people.

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