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    egeh @ 2/19/2007 11:31 AM EST

Beelaha Hawiye dadka u dhashay oo in muddo ah la il darnaa, hoggaan xumo, colaad iyo
jaahwareer siyaasadeed oo ay la wadaageen qaybo badan oo soomaaliya ah, ayaa waxaa
meel maray qorshe Siyaasadeed lagu cirib tirayo loogana saarayo kaalintooda muhiimka
ah ee ay ku dhex leeyihiin bulsho weynta Soomaaliyeed.

Qorshahaan oo ah mid xeel dheerayaal cadaawadooda Beesha Hawiye gaamurtay soo
curiyeen ayaa qodobada ugu muhiimsan waxaa ka mid ah:

Burburinta xoogagga beelweynta Hawiye
Burburinta dhaqaalaha beelweynta Hawiye
Barakicinta dadka u dhashay Beelweynta Hawiye
Meelmarinta qorshe lagu dagaamaynayo dad kale, deegaanada beelweynta Hawiye.

Qorshahaan ayaa u kala hormaraya sida aan kor ku soo xusay, waxaana muhiimadda ugu
weyn tahay in indhaha Caalamka laga sii jeediyo qorshahaan ciribtirka beesha Hawiye,
si meel marintiisu u rumoodo.

Haddaba, qorshahaan oo bilowday hal qarni ka hor, ayaa habiinba meel ku soo
hoyanayey, wuxuuna xawli u bilowday waqtigii dagaalada sokeeye kadib.  Wuxuu
qorshuhu ku bilowday in la gumaado waxgaradka Hawiye, sida:  Siyaasiyiinta caanka
ah, Saraakiisha sare sare ee Ciidamada, Ganacsatada waaweyn, Culumaa'udiinka
aqoontoodu sarayso, Odayaasha ku xeel dheer dhaqanka beelaha iyo dhalin yarada
firfircoon ama aqoonta sare leh.

Qaybta koowaad ee qorshe dhagareedkaan, waxay sahashay in indhaha caalamka iyo
beelaha kale ee walaalaha la ah ama ka damqanaya dhibaatada Beelweynta Hawiye laga
sii jeediyo ama aysan waxweyn kala socon (qorshaha gumaadka iyo barakicinta
Beelweynta Hawiye). Waxaa si sahlan u meel maray qaybtii koowaad iyo qaybtii labaad
ee burburinta awooda iyo dhaqaalaha beelweynta Hawiye, waxaana iminka bilowday
qaybtii labaad ee xasuuqa iyo barakicinta.

Qof kasta ee u dhashay Beelweynta Hawiye ee isku daya hor istaaga arrintaas, waxaa
loo bixiyaa magacyo lagu wiiqayo awoodiisa iyo sharaftiisa, si looga taqaluso
noloshiisa ama jiritaankiisa dadnimo.  Tusaale, waa Al-qaacida, waa qabqable dagaal
iyo wixii la mid ah, Sidaasna wuxuu ku gabaa ama ku waayaa fursad uu ku soo bandhigo
dhibaatada lagu hayo Beesha Hawiye iyo deegaanadeeda.

kadib markii Jenaraal Caydiid u diiday Ra'iisul Wasaaraha

"Waxaan adeegsanaynaa awood kasta iyo cid kasta oo aan ku baabi in karno awooda Hawiye"


"shanta sano kuma talo jiro in aan ku raaxaysto ama magac ku helo madaxweynanimada
la ii magacaabay, ee waxaan ku dhammaysan doona burburinta awooda hawiye iyo
deegaanadooda iyo horumarinta deegaanada beesha harti, soo ma ogidin in xassan
abshir yahay wasiirka khayraadka, soo ma ogidin in qorshaynta iyo xariirka caalamka
uu joogo c/risaaq juriile, soo ma ogidin in aad tihiin dowladda goboleed
horumarinteeda u madax banaan, markii shanta sano dhammaato waxaan filayaa in
puntland noqoto meel horumar gaartay, sida wadooyinka, isbitaalada, garoomada,
iskuulada/jaamacadaha iwm.  koofurna noqoto qabuuro iyo in qaxooti ah, markaas waxaa
si sahlan ugu guulaysanaya qof adinka idinka mid ah"

Taasi waxay ahayd qudbad uu u jeediyey beeshiisa kadib doorashadiisii, waana arrinta
uu maantay ka rumeeyey ee:

Raridda xarunta Immigrationka Soomaaliya in laga dhigo Garoowe
In shirkado Shisheeye heshiis lagula soo galo qodis shidaal ee gobolada Puntland
Dhisidda Somali International Airport ee Garowe
Hirgalinta mashruuc afar kun (4000) oo guri looga dhisayo gobolada Puntland oo uu
maalgalinayo Banka aduunku.
Wareejingta Xarunta booliiska Soomaaliyeed oo loo badalay Carmo ee Gobolada Puntland
intaas iyo kuwo kale oo la mid ah ayaa ku hirgalay muddo laba sano iyo bar ah.

Dhanka kale waxaa badalkeeda ka hirgalay qaybtii lagu burburinayey Beelaha Hawiye
iyo deegaanadooda:

35000 oo Ciidamada Ethopia ah iyo 4000 kun oo Majeerteen ah oo deegaan ka dhigtay
guryihii iyo xarumihii muhiimka u ahaa bulshada.
Xasuuqa oo si xawli ah uga socda Muqdisho iyo agagaarkeeda (30 ilaa 60 qof ayaa ku
dhimata Muqdisho) maalin kasta.
150 ilaa 240 qowlaysato majeerteen ah ayaa tagta maalin kasta, deegaanada Hawiye ee
xoogga ay ku haystaan Ciidamada Ethopia iyo kuwa Majeerteen, si ay xoog ugu degaan

Codsi Guud
Dhammaan inta ay qusayso ama ka damqanaysa dhibaatada iyo xasuuqaan xad dhaafay ee
laga qariyey indhaha shucuubta Caalamka, waxaan ka codsanayaa in ay u gudbiyaan ama
soo bandhigaan qorshe dhagareedkaan lagu cirib tirayo Beelweynta Hawiye.

Dowladda Soomaaliya                       =          Majeerteen
Ciidanka Qaranka                             =          Ethopian
Haraadiga Maxkamadaha                =          Hawiye
Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya               =          Cabdulaahi Yuusuf
    sool state @ 2/17/2007 1:24 AM EST
 What does that mean?
    @ 2/16/2007 7:39 PM EST
 Somaliyeey waxba haysku daalina kii ay shacabku aaminaanba weel buu soo toshaa uu musuqmaasuq ka buuxsho. Somaliland waxan ku amaanayaa dadkooda nabada jecel ee guryahoodii kadumay dhisanaya iskana ilaaway kursi iyo qabyaalad ku dirir, soomalida kalana sidaasoo kale ayaa u fiican inay ka bartaan oo aanay kaxumaanin ama ka makhruuqin dadka maamulka dhistay. Anigu shaqsi ahaan halmar ayaan arkay magaalada hargeisa waxaanan layaabay sida ay uga hormartay soomaaliya inteeda kale iyo iyadoon fikradahaan aanka haystay meeldunsan oo baaba'day 1988. iyadoo dad soomaali sheeganaya/dawlad sheeganaysaa ay diyaarado iyo kaarayaal ku dumiyeen.Insha allah waxan rajaynaynaa inay nasoo raacaan marka somalia dawladi kadhisanto ee ay somaliyi heshiiso
    adamjama @ 2/15/2007 6:49 PM EST
Reer baadiyaha dhulkeena ee geeleyda ah ayaa markii hasha ilmaheeda dhinto oo ay biyo iyo baadba diido,ilmaha ka ag tagi weydo,caano laga maali waayo,ayey waxay tolaan maqaarka ilmaha intay caws iyo qashin kale ka buuxiyaan.
Marka la soo ag istaajiyo(sawirka ilmaheeda)ayeey woxoogaa intay qabowdo godlataa oo caano laga lisaa.
When the Somali nation whose nickname is "Maandeeq"suffered so many years under brutal war lords & criminals they were expecting a genuine relief & stability,instead,they got "Maqaar saar"package full of garbage,criminals,war lords,and our arch enemy Ethiopia.
If you look at it closely,the package looks Somali on the surface but is lethal & deadly inside.
So,my sincere question to you brothers & sisters is should we accept the "Maqaar saar" ploy as it is and hope in two years "Maandeeq" will mate again,carry full term,and deliver twins of hope & prosperity.
Or should we fight against the Ethiopians & their stooges to the last man,because there is no hope in the package you see infront of you.
Do some brainstorming and see where you mind & heart leads you in your quest for answers.
Adam Jama

    fajo @ 2/15/2007 1:48 PM EST

waxaad ilowday aabahaa inaad sheegto oo ahaa

16: wasiirka fusqiga & dhilooyinka cige jamac kayd

ilayn wacal baad ihayde
    egeh @ 2/15/2007 10:25 AM EST
 Cabdullahi Yussuf waxa uu galay khiyaamo qaran oo weyn  markii uu cadowga Itoobiya gacanta u geshay Somalia inteeda badan.  Dib-u-heshiisiinta uu ku dhawaaqay waxbma kama jiraan waayo waxa uu ogyahay in dembiga khiyaamda qaran lagu qaadayo iyo in xukunkiisa ku dhisan kelitalisnimada uu addegaysa qabiilka Majeerteen ummaddu iska tuurayso.

     Dhismaha Ciidammada

1. Taliyaha Ciidammada Cabdullaahi Cali Cumar (Ina
 libaaxsankataabte) – Majeerteen/Carab Saalax

2. Taliyaha ciidanka Sirdoonka Col Maxamed Darwiish –

3. Taliyaha guutada 1-aad Cabdirisaaq Afguduud –

4. Taliyaha guutada 3-aad Xiif Cali Taar – Majeerteen

5. Taliyaha guutada 4-aad Col Cabdullaahi Carays –

6. Taliyaha dekedda iyo airport-ka Xamar Laba
 Xiddigle Joocaar - Majeerteen

        Dhanka Madaxtooyada

1. Yuusuf Cumar Al-Azhari, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha
 dhinaca siyaasada - Majeerteen

2. Jamaal Cumar, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha dhinaca
 sharciga - Majeerteen

3. Yuusuf Cusmaan Baribari, Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha,
 ahna safiirka Brussels - Majeerteen

4. Cabdirashiid Seed, Ergayga gaarka ah ee
 Madaxweynaha- Majeerteen

5. Daahir Mire Jibriil, Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada -

6. Cabdirisaaq Axmed Cali, Agaasime ku xigeenka
 Madaxtooyada - Majeerteen

7. Axmed Yuusuf, Xoghaynta gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha

8. Cabdullaahi Dheere, Madaxa ilaalada Madaxweynaha -

9. Cali Jiis, Waardiyaha gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha -

10. Axmed Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, wiilka Madaxweynaha,
  ahna qasnajiga Madaxtooyada - Majeerteen

11. Yuusuf Weyrax, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha dhinaca
  Dhaqaalaha - Majeerteen

12. Xasan Cali Yuusuf, Madaxa borotokoolka
  Madaxweynaha - Majeerteen

13. Hibo Maxamed Cilmi, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha ee
  dhinaca xiriirka bulshada - Majeerteen

4. Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada Baydhabo - Xuseen Cali
  Seelaan - Majeerteen

15. Xoghaynta Gaarka ee Madaxweynaha - C/risaaq
  Durqun - Majeerteen

Haddaba, waxaa muuqata in dowladda Cabdullaahi Yuusuf aysan xitaa ahayn dowlad qabiil (Daarood) ee ay tahay dowlad qoys (majeerteen) iyo mid jifo (Cumar Moxamuud). Sidaa awgeed, ma ahan mid qaadan karta ereyga ‘dowlad’ ee waa jabhad lagu dhisay qaab xaaraan ah, Soomaaliduna waxay tiraahdaa “Hal xaaraan ah, nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho.
    egeh @ 2/15/2007 12:42 AM EST
 Ilwaad waad ku mahadsantahay taladii iyo tusaalihii wacanaa eed ii soo jeedisay. Meeshani meel caqli iyo cilmi midina yaal maaha e waa meel ceebeed oo cunsuriyed iyo cuqdadi caruur iyo ciroolaba cayngoysay.
Ka baxay oo kab iyo xaarkeedba isku tuuraye ha isu mashxaradaan ilaa maalinta qiyaamaha bal inay qiimo ku yeeshaan.
Doqon ururtay weeyaan oo caqligu dabada kaga jiro.
Ana asal dugaagani isku daalin maayoo waan daayey meeshani.
    fajo @ 2/14/2007 6:18 PM EST
 waa naagta Ilwaad isku sheegaysa, naayaa horta madaxaaga
waxaa somaliland ahayn magalaan miyaa. hadaad awood liidehiin
cidna goid mawaydisateen laakiin waxba mesha kuma haysaan.
meesha ama wax waxtar umada somaliyeed uleh ka hadal ama
iska aamus.

Egah waa dhaantaa naagtaas laakiin daawo badan baad u baahantahay.
waxaa iswaydiin leh hadii lagu daaweeyo ood qabiilka
kacaafimaado wax tarkale maledahay jawaabtu waa maya
    adamjama @ 2/14/2007 3:29 PM EST
That gabay which was very ineresting was between Ali dhuux,Salaan Carabeey,Qamaan Bulxan and many others in those regions.
The only difference I see in here from that era is:
Dad aan gabyi jirina way soo galeen.
Qaar gabyi jireyna wey ka maqanyihiin.
For that reason alone it is (Cantarabaqash)as far as I am concerned....
Adam Jama
    stickorcarrot @ 2/14/2007 2:04 PM EST

Every Somali individual is from Somaliland, but i said i am
originally from that north-west part of our great country
Somalia. I would recomend you to go and understand what
traitor or high crimes are, maybe then you would come to
your senses.
    Ilwaad @ 2/14/2007 7:00 AM EST
 hey cige maxaad iskaga khasaarinaysaa waa garab raratadii siyaad barre u adeegsaday baabiinta wadankee..mid mid dhaama malaha oo waxay u soo tafaxayteen xumaanta somaliland balse cididiina ayaa calool ku jabtay..cabaadka idina baxay bal day iyo inta qof ee aad ug jawaabteen Ege lol.dad mucuurtoon ah oo nafi hayso ayaad adna dhex boodee bal ka bax cigoow iyagu haysu oriyaanoo hawiye + majeerteen waxa ay iska dhalaan hala arkee lol...Alle haydiin garaaro..xumaanta aad raadinaysaana waa ta boqnaha idin goysaye is eeersada..leave Somaliland alone...
    egeh @ 2/14/2007 2:00 AM EST
 StickorCarrot You claim to be originally from Somaliland,and you also claim that you are against it. It is your choice, but I just wish to let you know that we consider people like you as traitors committing a high treason who for sure will face punishment comensurate with their crimes, therefore I suggest you change your mind before it is too late.
    @ 2/14/2007 1:13 AM EST
 Somaalidoon are you kidding? What moral high ground you are talking about? Don't you know if one can not tell the truth or can not accept the reality for dubious and illogical reasons then one is inflicted with moral bankruptcy of the worst kind,therefore, you and your pals have no claim whatsoever to any moral let alone the  moral high ground.
I suggest you and your pals put you small minds together, use your common however small and come up with some kind of argument against Somaliland but based on honesty and reality and we Somalilanders will debate / respond with counter arguments that are also based on reality otherwise if you like crazy lunatics keep on saying only No no  no Somaliland we will shut you up.
    @ 2/14/2007 1:12 AM EST
 Egeh lool. walahay you live in a state of denial.
If we simply tell you we don't know such called
somaliland, or snm does that mean we tribist?
The reason why Somalis don't approve of Somaliland
has more due to their actions than their tribe
in my openion. To illustrate this for you, this is
what Ali Warabe said "For us Somalia is the same
position as Nazis and jews once were". Also this
is what the president of Somaliland said " I
applaud for the Ethiopian victory which they have
achieved recently against Somalia". Thus, in my
opinion the hostile step Somaliland took is what's
causing for Somalis to deny such thing. Not to
mention those people who live in Somaliland
most of them are against separation. So my
suggestion to you, stop those weird accusations,
and anti-Somali sentiments and let's get along
under the shade of one nation lead by someone who
can represent our interest equally.
    stickorcarrot @ 2/14/2007 12:31 AM EST
 You are the judge and the jury,,submitting the case and
deciding the verdict. I can only speak for myself, when did
i tell you I am against "Somaliland" on tribilism? Or
you assume if someone is against SL he is so because of tribal?
Let me tell you something boy, I am originally from that part
of the country and i don't believe in SL I believe in
Somalia. If you think the logical argument to go against
division is tribal then that shows your maturity and how
far you can comprehend. I cannot opt out Somalinimo and
be facilitator of division. You have a right to believe in SL
but you ought to know not everyone sees what you see including
some people you claim same tribal background
    egeh @ 2/13/2007 11:47 PM EST
 Sool State,Nadia,Puntland_killa & StickorCarrot for once act like the sane people and try to learn how to accept the reality on the ground instead of simply closing your eyes,ears and minds getting stuck with one thing only which is the denial of the existence of Somaliland and the glorious victory of the heroic SNM warriors.
You should admit that your opposition to Somaliland is based purely on tribalism and not only any other reasons or logic then and then only the real intelligent debate will start and the readers will decide who the winner is.
    somaalidoon @ 2/13/2007 11:22 PM EST
 It is pathetic what he is writing please don't be like
him or you would loose the moral high ground. Let him
keep his welfare state and since you (sool state)are
against the sham of his, i think he can kiss that
recognition he did almost every thing for it good bye
and I can welcome him Ceel gaabta again and we are ok
to subsidize as we always did.
    somaalidoon @ 2/13/2007 11:18 PM EST
 i am talking about EGEH of course
    somaalidoon @ 2/13/2007 11:18 PM EST
 I concur this guy can only talk about Qabiil i am glad
you saw what i saw. Is that how things are done in your
back yard guys? go back to that article and see how many
times he enquired about my tribe.


    stickorcarrot @ 2/13/2007 10:51 PM EST
 Sool State

It is just the nature of someone who has nothing else
to say other than to argue what he heard when he is chewing
Khat with couple others like him. I am sure he is so
blinded by Qabiil that is all he can talk about. And because
he only listens coupld of other loosers and maybe souple of
SNM criminals he thinks he was born in a royalty
I know i have seen him and others talk and Qabiil is his
and last question ignore him and let him watch his bannana
republic (Eegmo ha ku koriyo Jamhuuriyadda  ileen
aqoonsi waa Cir kaa dheer dhul kaa dheere)
    sool state @ 2/13/2007 10:33 PM EST

I find it fascinating this brother named Egeh can't
speak for himself without accussing a whol tribe
or without him labeling you as an entire tribe.
Every time the guy writes he has to first find your
tribe, than boom in seconds he got something to say.
Instead of praising his opinion or what he has done,
he prefers to praise his whole tribe and compare
them to other tribe just to show how his tribe
is superior over others. man even my 5 yr old
brother knows and can tell how myth it's.

Can someone tell the guy there are good and bad
people in every community. Just because Aided
was bad it doesn't mean all his tribe are bad  or
just because Yusuf is bad it doesn't mean all his
tribe his bad and same goes to all tribes. Tribes
have nationalist, puppets, shaikhs, liers, freedom
fighters, and thevies. So my suggestion to
Egeh is  you need to read a lot and judge people
by their character not their race, religion, country,
tribe, and langauge. Not to mention we the same on
most of the things people discriminate on.
    @ 2/13/2007 10:19 PM EST
And by the way just be man enough and don't hide
your name i know it is you who put this crap here
and hiding. And by the way, the SNM thugs (not clan)
harmed their people not Siad Barre regime. They were
fool and war criminals at the same time. As far as the
Qabiils go, I like to refer to history and i am ok for
its good or bad. So wake up boy and smell the reality
You are just full of unleastic dreams as your bannane republic
admin in the Hargeisa hell whole
    stickorcarrot @ 2/13/2007 9:55 PM EST

The sign of a man who has nothing to show for is
to look for help and try to make the nest a little
bit bigger. You are just full of yourself and they
lied to you till you thought your dreams is even a fact.
I am not here to go so low as you have done it
and say something bad about any Qabiil, but i will say this
Somalia Qabiils have been fighting against each other
and so far I am not sure if i can call any one of them
a winner. So, are you man enough to talk about your merits
without talking about Qabiil x vs Qabiil y? History is
the judge for that one, if you don't, just chew yout Khat
and think your bannana state is the cream of crops and Your
Qabiil(not you) is the best that is ever invented.
    @ 2/13/2007 6:50 PM EST
 Puntland_Killa you butt-head where is your brain? How on earth can you claim that everything belonged to Bare? Is that what Puntland morons believe? Don't you know what happened to your uncle Afweyne and who was instrumental in his downfall? It is time you put in your thick skull that the same fate is awaiting your other half man half beast uncle in another words we shall chase him out of even Somalia should he ever try to him his nose into our affairs.
    @ 2/13/2007 4:48 PM EST
 Sool State- poor soul you are not from the USC or the SNM that have defeated the Somali army and have sent your uncle AFweyne to his grave. You can believe what you want,say what you want or do what you want and still there will be no possibitity for you to  change the facts recorded in the history books.
There is onething you have to do, all the time without exception, and thats anytime you come face to face with people from SNM or USC you have to pay respect, bow down and kiss their feet because they are your masters. You are, however out kindness, allowed to carry on talking rubbish to release your frustration in order to get some relief to maintain minimal sanity.
Let me remind you the mere mention of the name SNM was more than enough to cause major panics among your coward people and that is why it was possible for them to defeat their enemies with or without having their boots on.
You personally seem to suffer from panic attack at then mention or the thought of SNM and it is obvious that no amount of psychological or psychiatric therapy will heal you.
    puntland_killa @ 2/13/2007 4:38 PM EST
 To egeh fool.

Saxiib your little shanty town Hargeisa will be brought to the grips of my uncle A.yusuf once he deals with the moryaan.

By the way half of your adminstration used to work for the Barre regime. The reality is they are isaaq and as long an isaaq is your leader, not a FAQASH you will be content. But know this saxiib.

It is FAQASH siad barre that built those roads for you...the Berbera port (your only port)...it is him that has allowed you to write and comunicate in that funny accent of yours much more efficiently...Most of your current admin and looters graduated from his universites.

U were nothing b4 FAQASH tought u to walk and will neva be anything after you repelled against him.

LONG LIVE SOMALIA and all the LIONS it produced including..AHMAD GURREY...MAXAMD ABDALLE HASSAN...JALLE SIYAAD BARRE...and A.YUSUF...and down with DA REST cayayaan
    somaalidoon @ 2/13/2007 3:55 PM EST
 Manaa waalan mise Cadan baa laga heesayaa?
    sool state @ 2/13/2007 2:27 PM EST
For every single of us
it was USC who defeated Siad, and for you,
you can keep that blatant lie "SNM destroyed"
Siad militas.

Why are you claiming like your something or been
something? SNM were little idiot thugs who been running
around Som-Ethio border with no sandals. Now they
stole sandals, military boots, uniforms, and all
human wearing stuff from cayn, and sanaag. But guest
what? They will soon or later be headed to
Ethio bared feeted once and for all. And once that
happens i sure be welling to do anything it takes
to make sure USC, SSDF don't start guerilla warfare
as it may give SNM thugs another chance to lie.
    @ 2/13/2007 10:49 AM EST
 Nadia, you simply are like the ostrich which when confronted with the on-coming rain and realizes that no matter how fast it runs it can not escape decides to stick it's head deep into the sand and says which rain? what a pathetic denial.
Now let me educate you a little bit and tell you how things happened. The brave warriors of SNM broke the backbone and completely destroyed the bulk of the  Somali army in the north and the USC completed the task by annihalating the forces in the south and chased Afweyne out of the country and  to his grave in Nigeria. If you wish to verify this information you can ash your elders and they definitely will confirm the same for you.
On the subject of our aspiration for recognition you said and I quote you,(Cryig for ignorant baseless recognition) and I wondered whether these words really are out of your mouth!.
    hilwa @ 2/13/2007 10:49 AM EST
 this goes to egeh. since when sool have been under your feet. you know what sool people did to your so claimed iddor family. please don't be na'ive do more reading brother
    nadia @ 2/13/2007 9:41 AM EST
 Egeh! Wake up it was USC who destroyed Siya barre regime and not SNM! you should be thankfull to them otherwise you would not have had the little chance you have now which is to keep on crying for ignorant baseless recognition. and try to concentrate freeing your land from Ethiopia! They might not be there physically like mugadishu but they are controlling it from addis since 1991!

Illa tali, A/yuusuf did not destroyed mugadishu! and the people there would never allow that! if anyone destroyed xamar it is the Ameri-Ethio forces ok.
    odoysomali @ 2/13/2007 9:16 AM EST
 war soomaali anigu waxay ila tahay qadiyadu way ka wayntahay{s.n.m soomaaliland ama puntland}
waxaa ila haboon aan ka hadalno sidaan wadankeena itoobiya uga xorayn laheyn
in la is caayo waa CEEB sida aan anigu u arko
    egeh @ 2/13/2007 8:53 AM EST
 Sool State you are now,always have been and forever will be under my feet and you know it so you better shut up.
    sool state @ 2/13/2007 1:43 AM EST

i can't talk to you if you think one tribe could
wipe out another tribe and bracing for it.
It just shows how idiot you all are and the only
thing left for me to say is good luck with it.
The tribe based thugs who their intention was to
steal and destroy other people's properies which they
been doing it and doing still are the onces you
prasing and wish them to do more stealing. In fact,
they are doing as i speak. I don't know if you been
following the news, but for the last two weeks
they been at war with very small tribe in sool
district so they can take over more land of theirs.
But, i can assure you they would not
last as you wish. In few months Hargeysa, Burco,
and Borame will be in Somali hands (mark my words).
"SNM" or land land crap will be considered as a paste
era in very short time.
    lixle1984 @ 2/12/2007 11:22 PM EST
 It is unfortunate to see a lot of people on this forum to deny SNM accomplishments
When you read comments posted by members you’re not only smelling envies, but also you would see a lot of ignorance about Somali history.
They gave credit to USC, SSDF and other imaginary groups for the destruction of Siyaad Barre’s forces, while they discredit SNM.

Let me ask the reader fair questions.
1)When did the war start in the north (present day Somaliland)?
2)When was USC created? When did USC start military operation inside Somalia?
3)When was SSDF dismantled?

I am very sure you all know the answers for the above questions, but let me answer the questions for you

SNM invaded and successfully captured Hargeisa ( The second capital of Somalia at that time), and Buro and numerous villages in the North in 1988.
USC  did not exist at that time
SSDF only existed in political forum after Abdulahi Yusuf was Jialed by Megistu. SSDF ranks broke a part after the imprisonment of ABdulaahi Ysuf and a lot of them disarmed and returned to Somalia after Barre lured them. Only few SSDF politicians remained in Ethopia
Even before that SDDF was never powerful in terms of military; they never captured a single town except Balanbale and Golgodab, of course with the help of Ethiopians

SNM fought against one of the largest armies in Africa, and successfully destroyed the bulk of the Army before USC fighters took control of the Capital. It is worth motioning Siyaad Barres military power and hardware was stationed in the North.
Even 77 batalion ( Siyaad Barres special unit) were brought to the North west at the last moths of the war to recapture Loyado and Saylac from SNM

SNM fighters fought against
a)Siyaad Barres regular Army
b)Ogadeen refugees armed by Siyaad Barre
c)Local clan militia armed by Siyaad barre

We all know that Siyaad barre hired white African pilots to bomb civilians when he could not retake hargeysa and Burco from SNM

    iila.tali @ 2/12/2007 11:19 PM EST
 A. Siilaanyo is getting old just like Abdulahi Yusf
and any other senoir citizen Somali men with diapers.
kaadida ma ceshan garaan let alone they rule,

I am for Fiasal Ali Waraabe, young tough and straight shouters,
he hits Yusuf direly, while Siilaanyo uu ka leexleexdo,

Somaliland hadii aydan tashan, walee Abdulahi Yusuf will
never allow you to go away.

He will destroy Hargeisa just like how he destroying

    egeh @ 2/12/2007 11:14 PM EST
 Sool State & StickorCarrot it is true that the opportuniy to wipe you out was there and you have been spared purely for humanitarian reasons, but be warned next time around you will not be as lucky.There will be no more mercy guys no more mercy.

    @ 2/12/2007 11:00 PM EST
 Sool State & StickorCarrot it is true that the opportuniy to wipe out was there and you have been spared, but be warned next time around you will not be as lucky as before. No more mercy guys no more mercy.
    hooyo @ 2/12/2007 10:08 PM EST
 I think anyone who's writting on this page should know
what he saying before he wrote and check his lanugage
please watch your writting again for your spelling,and
the simple part of speech.That is all
    @ 2/12/2007 9:19 PM EST

Once during the Siad's regime and SNM thugs era,
the snm claimed they captured Burco and killed many
faqash soldiers. Siad was busy with the USC and
SSDF who took over many cities in Hiiraan, Shabelle,
and some parts of galgudud. So Siad is militias
were really busy and weren't able to open another
front with the snm. Hence,he decided to recruit
un-trained, un-suitable, too young guys for military
in togdher, and sanaag district. Their mission
was to confront the SNM there in burco so they
don't spread to other parts of the country like
sool, sanag, cayn, and so on. In other words,
they only wanted to delay the snm expension
until Siad wipes out those SSDF, and USC.
Guest what those poorly armed boys did? They not only
confront those thugs, but they chased them
until every single of those nuisance thugs
crossed the border to Addis Ababa their monopoly
capital.your probably one of those blindly
supporter of separation and they never tell you
all these hurting, demeaning incidents about
SNM as it may lower seccesionest advocates, but
i know what's up and it makes me laugh you saying
they defeated Siad's militias, or they "spared" me
like they could kill me or wipe me out. The matter of
a fact is, those SNM militias were clan based
thugs who wanted to steal other people's properies
and belongings just like USC, SSDF and that is
exactly what they all did. SSDF later became
putland and still being armed by Ethiopia,
SNM became Somaliland and still being armed by
Ethiopia and USC became those many warlords in
the south who are ruin people, and using Ethiopian
tanks to wipe out their own people. So bro
praising SNM to me is like saying cat can destroy
or wipe out lions and we both clearly know it's
nothing but myth. So stop praising little thugs
who got agendas that is never good for you and
talk about something beneficiary for us to debate on.
    stickorcarrot @ 2/12/2007 9:02 PM EST

I assume you believe SNM did a favor for Sool, Sanaag and Cayn by not attacking them like they did in Borame? I beg to differ. Initially, they killed and maimed the nomads in the Howd in every opportunity but they had to face the reality on the ground. The so called SNM thugs were notorious killing innocent nomads for just being different clan and then blaming the victims for being FAQASH sympathizers. Some good men from both sides agreed to save the masses from reckless killing, but if the SNM thugs had their way, they thought going to Las Anod and Las Qoray would be walk in the park and they would have gone to their death beds for sure. So you are full of yourself who thinks SNM thugs are the best thing since Somalia was divided (your view) get over it, and keep in mind SNM are the war criminals and they should be brought to justice when government takes hold in Somalia.
    egeh @ 2/12/2007 8:39 PM EST
 Sool State you are an ungrateful person since your are bad mouthing SNM who spared your unhonorable life. You know they had the opportunity to skin you alive but because of their kindness they let you live.
    amina_samajecel @ 2/12/2007 7:37 PM EST
 Embezzlement of public funds is the worst form of robbery
(Bililiqo in Somali).These so-called government officials
whether in Somaliland, Puntland or TFG are worse than
the militiamen and their masters (warlords). However, I think we should
not be distracted and mesmerized by corruption and human rights
abuse. There is a bigger problem that is the invasion
of our Country and the suffering of our people. We should free
our Country first then appoint caring and honest leaders.
If Somalilanders don’t wake up they will face the same fate of the Mogadishu
inhabitants. Somalilanders, u don’t deserve to have a repetition of 1988 please
face the facts; be rational for God’s sake.

    stickorcarrot @ 2/12/2007 6:57 PM EST
 "...more and more Somalilanders are looking at ways to
save their country." That is nice idea, but how are they
doing this? Kick the FAQASH leaders out and bring one of
their own? When all said and done, Riyaale's reall name
in Hargeisa is "Wed iyo Calaf" that is, he is not legitimate
president just it happens to be. The good thing about that is
him and his people know too and enjoying it while it
lasts. please read:

    sool state @ 2/12/2007 5:39 PM EST
 And carawelo who is claiming to came from a such
a pathetic, ineffectual organization? I wouldn't
demean myself by claiming to came from such a
degrading, shameless region as Buqland. And feel
sorry for those who claim it. Buqland is a gang
controlled, dangerous organization, and dhuqland
is an organization full of idiot thugs.
    sool state @ 2/12/2007 5:30 PM EST

"They are the very people who single-handedly
defeated Siyad Bare's army made of all
the rest of the Somali's". Is your brain located
in the butt of yours or somewhere in your head?
Who told you SNM were the once defeated Siad's
regime? Because without even thinking i know
for a fact it was United Somali Congress (USC)
who defeated the Marehan militias. You also said
" Made of all the rest of Somalis" i can assure you
once again your dead wrong. Who were SSDF, NMPS,
USC? Let me tell you some brain washed maniac,
SNM were capable of stealing camels, cows, and goats
from those poor nomads that live around cayn district
nothing more. Don't come in here single-mindly
praise and try to make none-sense thugs out of
mighty army.

Muslism first, Somalism second, and nothing else.

    caraweelo @ 2/12/2007 5:03 PM EST
 sool-state and puntland killa a few others in this forum, are not from P/land just so you know. They have been around for a while and I can't tell they have similar other names withing different forums.
    egeh @ 2/12/2007 4:49 PM EST
 Waardiye are you feeling jealous or what! everybody knows that Somalilanders have nothing to complain about atleast for the time-being. They are the very people who single-handedly defeated Siyad Bare's army made of all the rest of the Somali's. Now they have their land and are taking care of their business appreciably and the individuals you mentioned here are all Somalilanders.
I think you are wasting your time here., since who we choose as our leaders is our own right and business plus I wish to remind you that we know and care about our own affairs much more than you do, besides I guarantee that they all are better than you thousand times.
    puntland_killa @ 2/12/2007 4:21 PM EST
saxiib puntland is just a state, not a new country to separate itself from the rest of somalia.

And by the way they claim cayn, sool and sanaag.OVER MY DEAD BODY.
    odoysomali @ 2/12/2007 4:08 PM EST

    puntland_killa @ 2/12/2007 3:09 PM EST
isaqs are known to lick the ass the whiteman. That is way these fools have namded theier 'new country' somaliland as the british named it for them and hint the word 'land' isn't somali.

I think jaale siyad barre should have gased them like saddam hussain gassed the kurds.

    adamjama @ 2/12/2007 2:39 PM EST
Zimbabwe farmers are businessmen and they are not stupid.
You think they will abandon Zimbabwe where it is fertile to migrate to "Dhag-goys" where you have to travel two days just to get a drink of water.
    kucadaye @ 2/12/2007 2:04 PM EST
 "Somaliland offer land to evicted Zimbabwean farmers"

Waa Yaab! Waa yaab! Waa Yaabka Yaabkiis!

It is very sad that in the first half of the 21st
century an African Administration who claims to
represent an African country will beg white farmers
who were kicked out from Zimbabwe and South Africa to
come and teach them how to farm !! For heaven sake
we are in the 21st century! This amounts to begging to
be re-colonized!
Did lose our faculties? or does this have to do with
being recognized?  So you don't exist unless you are
recognized by the power to be?

Waa akher Zamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

"Somaliland offer land to evicted Zimbabwean farmers"


    kucadaye @ 2/12/2007 1:31 PM EST
 "The Somaliland authorities are offering land to

Exercise in Corruption or a matter of treachey related
to an open sell out of a Somali Land to Ethiopia?

    adamjama @ 2/12/2007 12:13 PM EST
    Waardiye @ 2/12/2007 11:55 AM EST
These guys can’t differentiate between SNM and NSS orgs. They fought as SNM and now they are run by NSS and they have the guts to complain about Siyad Bare and his regime! Look at the people who are running the show in Hargeisa, i,e. Riyaale, Waraabe, Ciro, Siilaanyo, etc and they call other people Faqash. Even the former so-called interior minister was called Mr. Faqash!!! Where else in Somalia are run by Siyad Bare remnants than here in Hargeisa?

What a bunch of hypocrites!

Waa Waardiye oo hadalkii laayey
    hawood @ 2/12/2007 9:41 AM EST
 Relax guys. From where I stand, Both of you are
under occupation by the Tigre. The worest part
is you guys became occupied due to fear of each
other. Pathetic.
    @ 2/12/2007 9:06 AM EST
 Mr. Sool State (lost soul/stateless soul) I wish to remind you the Chinese proverb which says (If you are a fool do not talk so the others will not know your foolishness). I find you as the very person this proverb is addressing.
Don't you think it is stupidity at its peak to claim that Somaliland has fallen into the hand's of the Ethiopians! What message are you trying to convey? Do you think that the people in the South whose lives and properties have been ruined by your people and the supporting Ethiopians will be pacified by your lies? For your information you are nothing but a hypocrite and everybody knows that.
    sool state @ 2/12/2007 4:41 AM EST
  Customarily, when you heard those secessionist
advocates speak they say "we went throught atrocities
in the hands of Somalis", " Siad and other Somalis
are corupted people, therefore, want to dissent",
"our cities weren't being builded during Siad's
regime" etc. And look at them already. Imams
getting jailed because they said stop jaad which
has ruined the lives of all somalis, journalist
getting jailed because they reported what was true,
war still raging at some places of that region. Yet
still claiming "we got our indepencence,
freedom in may of 1991". One must ask who they
got the freedom from, what freedom were they lacking
that they now have?. To me and to most of Somalis
northern somalia has fallen in the hands of
Ethiopia and that is when they lost their
freedom, indepedency, dignity, nationhoodness,
culture and religion as well as their beauty of
living and the is the bottom line.

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