4 comment(s)
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    sede @ 11/6/2006 11:10 PM EST
   I agree with you abdulkadir wholeheartedly, and for that
blue flag I hope that another generation of our Somali youth
are willing to sacrifice half as much as those brave men did in
the seventies.
    somalilander01 @ 11/6/2006 12:00 AM EST
 Where is that army?
That army was spent on the heads of your somalilanders while you stood by and did nothing to stop the slaughtering of your country men
    hanaanwanaag @ 11/5/2006 8:31 AM EST
 brother in the mid 70,s there was an era of dictatorship, whether you know the history or not somalian army was one ofthe strongest army in africa so siyad bare was very worried about his posision
    mad @ 11/1/2006 8:09 AM EST
 Dear Abdulkadir,

Thanks for opinion. For correction, our prophet (ASW) had been taken by Allah (SW)to the sky by means that Allah knows not on the back of so called Bureqa.

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