7 comment(s)
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    someone @ 9/16/2007 8:14 PM EST
 - Put the first three paragraphs of this article in the trash can.
- Put the last three paragraphs of this article in your heart.
- The result is not a smara-gathering compromise, but a nation-wide compromise.
As long as someone does not preach voilence chaos that would cause more Somali bloodshed, his/her comment is considered in good faith.
    Fiqicigaal @ 9/15/2007 8:09 AM EST
 It is easy to start war but it is difficult to acheive peace  . In the mist of death and destruction the majority of the somalis are united and willing to give peace a chance through dialogue and understanding . As much as i love and yearn to see the unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces particularly the Ethiopian troops the ICU must show some diplomacy and compromise to save more innocent lifes . There is always room for negotiation and that is an option not endorsement .
    lula @ 9/14/2007 11:57 PM EST
 We didn't invide tigree to come in Somalia,we will evict them by force.
20 million Somali are supporting the opinion of Sheik Ahmed and we are glad he was elected
Meel hoo uu baahan hadal wax-kuma taroo.Our obligation as Somalis is to defend our country,we cann't fight but
from here. but we must donate money, to buy better tank, and the latest war plane to evict the enemy from our land.
is overdue, today Somali people are united more than ever.Late's donate to arm our people better.Viva la Somalia.
Meel hoo uu baahan hada wax-kuma taroo.  
    qig504 @ 9/14/2007 11:18 PM EST
 Somalis are 98% for a genuine Somali parliament that acts based on the national interests of the Somali nation not a proxy. Somalis are 98% pro a genuine Somali head of state not a proxy. Somalis are 98% for a genuine Somali PM not a proxy. Somalis 98% of them believe that it is General Gabre dila the Abyssinian General who is running the country
    Syaad_Xuseen @ 9/14/2007 6:01 PM EST
 Yet another formidable advice, but will anyone take notice? Will anyone dear follow a good example? Or will be a case of ‘as usual?’

Will it be I wanna be on top as usual for inaYeey even if there is no country left?
Will it be business as usual for Gedi fanax or corruption as usual?
Will it be I wanna be a lawmaker by name even if no one adheres to the law I pass for those illiterate ‘lawmakers?’
Will it be for other literate lawmakers a case of ‘as long as I make quick bucks?’
Will it be for “some” Yeey is and has always been a saint and not the mother of all evil?
Will it be for “some” cAideed snr was a hero and not a ruthless killer that started this whole mess?
Will it remain for Ethiopia let peace be seeded in the north in the hope that recognition will arrive soon and maintain chaos in the south as to prevent the establishment of a powerful country full with creative and talented citizens?  
Will it remain for the US let all those who I suspect of involvement with fictions “ALKEEDA” be guilty until proven otherwise?
Will our women in the west remain kids factory of all colours and creed? (I met ysday the first Somali woman who had I kid from a Japanese man)

Allah I pray to you the Merciful that you may come to our rescue.
    markhaati @ 9/14/2007 2:29 PM EST
 Ramadan Kariim:Well said  Ahmed: (We need to recognize that no liberation struggle can deliver without  consistent diplomacy and conflict resolution mechanism. Such mechanism must be devised without delay and in good faith!
The opposition forces should also recognise that armed struggle is the last resort, that the Somali people are tired of the protracted conflict.)..

I will add: Liberation through negotiations will deliver peace; armed struggle will lead us to hell.
    sanaagian. @ 9/14/2007 1:46 PM EST
 Mr. Raghe, Now you realized that this conference was a hogwash.
How many prominent members of its early campaign
have broke ranks with them.

Hiiran reported that Ayro broke ranks with this group
and called them phantom group led by hypocrites.

Raghe it is time that you come of out the delusions and
clannish mentality.

Besides your article seems to be flawed with unrealistic
opinion than a mix of facts and opinion.
I am also disappointed with the trivial, incoherent
details you laboured so hard to convince the public.

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