8 comment(s)
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    Arraweelo10 @ 7/14/2008 3:54 PM EST
 Shanta, I agree with you

ARS and warlords, their marriage was based on convenience. But our brother Dhayow is begging the wrong crowd, he doesn't realize that they are allergic to peace or reconciliantion, violence is their daily chant.  
    mr mubarak @ 7/13/2008 6:20 AM EST
 Soomaaliyeey  yaan  waxba  lays  wareerin  heshiiska  jabuuti  ma shaqeynayo
bilaashaa   la isu indhatiraa  waa  la og  yahay  raga kadagaalamaayo  wadanka
gudihiisa  iyadoo  dadkaa  iyaga  ah xal  loo helin .
...........ijiid  aan  ku  jiidee  gacmo  daalis...........  
    qig504 @ 7/13/2008 12:39 AM EST
 Alim 80% of the Somali Republic's territories that have been lost to the Abyssinian colonial envaders and their backers a year plus ago have been recovered. The devide and conquer strategy has been lost, but some couldn't manage to understand that fact or may be have a problem with it. The good thing is the fighting force [Somali people]are still united and capable to pick and choose who is worthy to act as their leader. The situation in Mogadishu the [Capital] is driving the public opinion, and that speaks louder than words. The Somali public opinion is favour of the Hawks, unless the Mogadishu mass slaughter and mass exudus stoped. The doves if there is any at all have to wait for another day. Anyone who propheces that a half eaten lamb should negotiate with the fox that eat it and still eating it isnot worthy the comment  
    danabka garxa @ 7/12/2008 11:53 PM EST
 HOL! Explain why have I been blocked?
That is fine,and I call all true somali patriot to leave
your site which is nothing else but a propaganda site
for The TFG ethiopian puppets.
A dieu chers amis, I won`t waste any more time in your
ciyalsuuq place, and believe me, if it wasn`t
for couple of blogers...
    iila.tali @ 7/12/2008 8:13 PM EST
 waxaan rumaysanahay inay wali jiraan Somali dhab ah
bal eeg walaalkeen Dhayow xikamad uu ku hadlay,
maasha alah, waa nin wadani ah, waa nin rumaysan in danta
dadka laga hormariyo mida shaqsiyeedeed, qolooyinkan isku
qilaafsan hadaysan isku samrin, caqabad xun ayey keeni kartaa,
taa o ah in dagaalkii hal bacaad lagu dhisay nqodo,
oo xabshiga injirleey qurmoon ah ee nagu dhax jiro oo jaasuss
ah oo haray aynu hilikiisa u cunsiinay naga faa'iideeystaan,

inkasoo aan rumaysanahay dhalinyarada ku dagaalamaya
gudaha ay wali gacan sareyaan xabashida.

sida awgeed, brother Dhayow well said,
kuwa kale ay ku dayadaan.
    shanta @ 7/12/2008 6:11 PM EST
 They are all the same! They are inflicted with Abdirahman Tur syndrome!
    somalidaye @ 7/12/2008 11:00 AM EST
 I agree with Shanta, but do you agree that
they are better than Yeey,Qeybdiid, gacmadheere
and darwiish? If not then, selective criticism
based on tribalism is tantamount to futalism.
    shanta @ 7/11/2008 6:43 PM EST
 Alliance based on convenience.  Merely a cover-up, in order to re-institute what was lost in hasty during the months of Dec.2006.  Do you all believe that Sheik Sharif and Aided Jr would sit in the same assembly? One is with Allah and the other semi-Aethist !  

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