9 comment(s)
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    laylasamatar @ 4/12/2007 8:17 AM EST
 Ali Khalif, isn't that the corrupted man who stole from the people.  How can anything come out of such gathering of thugs and pirates!!
    hamdi @ 4/11/2007 9:57 AM EST
 what a joke! ninkii tiisaba daryeelaa tu kale ku dar!
    jayklen1 @ 4/11/2007 1:03 AM EST
 Abgaalka u mashxaradaaya wacalka gaboobey ee  ina yeey waa ka shalayidoonan marku xasuuqo, ama "discrimination" ka daran kii mareexanka lagu sameeyo, war hooy yaan Hawiye qeybsamin oon la jabin.

    RocketLaunch @ 4/10/2007 9:53 PM EST
Well said, The enemy within us in the diaspora ought to be called out of what they are, traitors.
    kucadaye @ 4/10/2007 2:37 PM EST
 "Standing Committee for Resolving Somali Crisis"
What a joke!
I leave in the Diasporas and you are not my voice.

I recognized two of the 17 jokers.  One is a high school
dropout and the other, a female, is so clanist that
she goes by the neckname (her first name + her village name).

By the way, what happened to the Profs who can not stand each
other and are unable to settle their dispute but at the
same time they want to hold another peace confernce and
reconcile the whole sale nation!

Telling it like it is -- with facts
    sonofsomalia @ 4/10/2007 12:10 PM EST
 To second Sede

  Why are we always reactionary, rather than proactive.
    simansime @ 4/10/2007 12:08 PM EST
 The (usual suspects)intellectual forces who are against government, all they contribute is destructive criticism and advice. Thanks but no thanks.  
    xiin-faniin @ 4/10/2007 11:33 AM EST
    sede @ 4/10/2007 10:22 AM EST
 These people do not have the monetary means or the technical capabilities to achieve
an atoms worth. Since they are professionals in their well repected fields I would advise
them to not waste the time they have with worldwide disscusions of completely nothing.
I am a person who loves and hopes and wishes the better for our beutiful Somalia but when
I see the current affiars between the occupiers and the supperpowers I lose hope. But after a
while I come back into reality and then it hits me, This world is only a few short days and it
will only end in its entirety and that I will probebly end allot sooner than that. So for the "somali
Intellects to waste time on a way of revitalising the Somali territory is just wrong (in my opinion).

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