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4/15/2007 2:33 PM EST
Waligiin gararo cidna haku taageerina meesha dawlad mataal ogaadana in ilaah uusan qofna ilaawayn uu u jeedo dhibka dadka haysta.
4/15/2007 2:14 AM EST
Gacmo dheere ayaa waydiiyay XAARAANTA galgaduud ee dawlada diidan waxa ay dalka iyo shacabka u hayaan oo ay kusoo kordhinayaan haday ridaan dowlada
waxma garatada fara kutiriska ee diidan nabada maxay ku jawaabeen
Ethiopin ha tago dowlada ciidankeeda hala kala diro anakana aan meelihii nagala ka qabsaday ku laabano kadib dib u heshiisiin hala bilaabo
Bal nimankaa xaaraanta ah baa somali kula sheeganaya OO CAQLIGOODA INTAA AH
waan wada ognahay sida dawlada loogu diirsatay Ilaa kismaayo ilaa shabeelada hoose marka xaaraanta GALGADUUD LAGA SAARAY
4/14/2007 6:40 AM EST
this warlord goverment has to resign becouse its leaders committed war crimes and genocide in order to secure the power. they balieve habargidir is responsible the anerchy in somalia so they have to eliminated, as you heard the speech of jelle and mohamed dhere. in the other hand yusuf beleive if he uses those foolish harti abgal he can be president of somalia. he is dreaming,it will never happen,he belongs to jail
4/14/2007 12:56 AM EST
Allow guul sii dowlada Somalia over its enemies. Allow is ku keen dadkeena and make our nation a fertile ground for peace and stability.
4/14/2007 12:22 AM EST
T combat Maxamed dheere and ilk which I am sure every Somali clan has I advice the none Abgaal Hawiye subclans to use Abgaal as a role-model and do what Abgaal has done to defeat the fools from within. Habargidir, Murusade, Xawaadle, Gugundhabe, and every other should form their supreme unified tribal chiefs club to deny the fools from within their own subclan any access to their militia fighters. This is a sure to defeat Maxamed dheere, his ilk, Ethiopian military occupation, and the revenge seeking Majeerteen tribal militia in one go. Learn from a mouth of would be a tribal elder soon by Inherritance
4/14/2007 12:06 AM EST
Maxamed dheere said We will walk behind our Ethiopian military defenders with cold water and milk. Cajiib umuur gariib qadiyah!! The question every noble Somali should be asking himself/herself by now is who is that arch foreign enemy who has invaded our country that is more foreign and more historical enemy than Ethiopia that bothers maxamed dheere that much??. Is he talking about the old European colonialists like Italy, France, Britain, USA, etc??. Wax la arag waxna laaban odoy Somaliyeed baa laga hayaa
4/13/2007 10:51 PM EST
May Allah provide mercy to the Somali people battling the Ethiopian/TFG. It seems to me it is not enough for the Ethiopan/TFG for the killings of 1/2 a dozen of hundren deaths in the Capital. May Allah puth an end to these suffering.
How can the Somalis who are 100% Muslims allow this to happend to their fellow Somali(Muslims)? We are a nation with 1 language and the same culture and religion (at least it used to be...), so why can we unite???
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