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    StickorCarrot @ 2/7/2007 1:12 AM EST
 Mr. President Somalis no need good will gesture they need action and real time
help. You are the leader of the African continent and you need to show action
rather than remembering the good old days. It is the action that counts. Also the charity
begins at home, help the Somali people in your country who are being slaughtered by the
hundreds every year. Lead and lead by example time is running out and where we {Somali} go Africa will go as well..if we are no longer a nation, the continent will follow as well..hurry  
    Yousef2 @ 2/3/2007 3:36 AM EST
 A little pseudo conversation between UIC (AKA Ceyr tyrants, not all Ceyr clan)and President Thabo Mbeki:

Tyrants: Mr. President, please help us remove the Ethiopian troops from our country; this allow us to push aside the weak interim government and take full control of the country.
Mbeki: Guys I heard that you have strong links to international criminals; that's very bad and we cannot accept it in Africa. Is that true?
Tyrants: No sir, we have only a friendly relationship with some of their members, but we are independent in our decisions; they send us some harmless advice sometimes; they may give us some money every now and. Frankly, being an independent Nation we should be free in our internal affairs. We are not a danger to your country. We have some old scores with Ethiopia, and that's none of Africa's business.
Mbeki: Sorry, sir, but we cannot let a 'virus' spread in East Africa. It will eventually come and infect all of Africa. The only way that we would probably help the Ethiopian out of Somalia, is if you lay down your arms and work with the Government; you must also condemn in clear terms all the leaders of violent organizations like AlQaida. On top of that stop assisting the Ethiopian opposition groups, like OLF & ONLF. Moreover, I heard that you are giving hospitality and also Somali ladies in marriage to internationally wanted criminals, who apparently killed more than 200 Kenyan civilians. Therefore, please be reasonable; there is a limit to what Africa can tolerate; we don't want to interfere in the internal affairs of Somalia, but this is not an internal affair of Somalia alone anymore.

The meeting is broken without agreement.

Few minutes later, the tyrants start discussing between themselves and insulting Mbeki: He is just like Meles Zenawi and all sorts of bad names.
    dhagtiir @ 2/2/2007 7:00 PM EST
 Hope Zenawi is reading this, I really believe the man's small head is the source for his lack of any deep intellect.  He keeps talking about how he is in Somalia to protect Ethiopia's interest.

and how he "broke their back" (UIC defeat). It chills my skin that he is a leader of an African nation, just shows you how backward our continent is.
    kibogoyo @ 1/30/2007 11:35 PM EST
 Thanks Mbeki for see what Somalis ignored.

Somalis need a lasting peace and a self-earned fruit of their labor and not ever ending handouts from relatives in a foreign land. What about those who have no halves in that alein source of resources?
Iwarms: What a shattered community are you with no single standpoint? You protest the incoming of any foreign troops to keep the peace that you drown in the ocean and yet you blame them for not helping you out to achieve it at the same time? Come on folks where do you stand?

Somalis, who lost their lives in South Africa, didn't deserve it, but look at it this way If you can't protect yourself at home you will be more insecure elsewhere. So first thing first; work for reconciliation at home and go back you will have no one to blame but yourself.
    nadia @ 1/30/2007 4:33 PM EST
 Mr president protect the Somalis living in your own country first then we can talk about other things...
    lula @ 1/29/2007 10:43 PM EST
 I will be glad when this nightmare is over.Mr president
why you feel if another country elect government for you
country?why you think Somali people survive 15 years?
there are 2 million Somali American and Canadian citizen
we send money every month,that is why we have Dhabshil
we build schools and business,so please stop meddling
Somali affair,we can elect our on president.Eithopia need
to live with there puppet warlods.
    RocketLaunch @ 1/29/2007 6:44 PM EST
 This A-hole from S.A. needs to provide security to our Somali brethren who reside in his country. It is a shame that some will call him a Statesmen when he is turning a blind eye to the condition of our brothers.
    shukuman cade @ 1/29/2007 3:49 PM EST
 Mr. President, I remember your visit vividly. The government took our car, in order to accommodate the delegation. I stood by the road welcoming you and the rest of the African delegation to our beautiful capital city. I felt pride as youngster and full of hope, and at school we memorized the names African leaders by quizzing each other. Majority of those leaders have failed their own people, and betrayed the trust of all Africans.  Mr. President, allow Somalis currently in your country residency and extend them equal protection as well.
Thank you,
Ubax kacanka.
    Iyaah? @ 1/29/2007 3:35 PM EST
 Looks like were are enjoying the consequencies of our
own sufferings. We`hve got no one else to hold accountable
for what every somali is undergoing thru`. All we can do is pray
for a better nation someday.
    adamjama @ 1/29/2007 3:30 PM EST
 In Mogadisho what we have today is a huge man made bomb waiting to explode in our hopeful & wishful faces before long and let me list its ingredients:
1) All the warlords who have been killing,robing,and raping innocent people for 16 years are all back & accounted for in Mogadisho with their millitia's intact and some of them with police uniforms for conveniece.
2) Villa Somalia's new tenent is the father of all war lordism Abdullahi Yussuf guarded by his dhafoor qiiq millitia since the 1970's and is not willing to share the power he was fighting for in the jungle since the 1970's.
3) Ethiopian forces who has been financing all this war lords and criminals since the 1970's including the break-away republic of Somaliland whose main goal is unlimited access to our seas and making sure ther will never be a Somali Government that can challenge its agenda.
4) There is also the remains of the Islamic movement who are waiting for the right moment to challange what they see as nothing more than Ethiopian invassion with the help of Somali stooges and traitors.
5) Also present and have no where to go is the general public who did not invite any of this forces and was never consulted who are armed to the teeth because for 16 years they had to protect their lives and proberty in order to survive.
6) Like If that was not enough formula for disaster,add that to the continous US airstrikes and more African troops for the 15th attempt to estabilize the nation.
7) Add that to our God given middle name that was with us for lord knows how long and we have no way of getting rid of "TRIBALISM" stronger and deadlier in presence.
When you have all this ingredients in place all I can say is "Please God not again,please God help this helpless people that suffered for so long for no particular crime of their own.

Adam Jama

    amina_samajecel @ 1/29/2007 2:53 PM EST
 UIC said no to the Ethiopia and Kenya meddling into
our affairs. It said no to Ethiopia dictating to us
to split into 5 building
blocks (States such as Somaliland, Puntland etc.)
under the rule of Meles. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed
proved himself to be forgiving and to have charisma two
qualities rare in many politicians.
    amina_samajecel @ 1/29/2007 2:43 PM EST
 Now for someone who supported others self-determination
in 1974 to accept the humiliating invasion of Ethiopians
is unbelievable. Somalis simply cannot and will never
accept Ethiopia's invasion. That is why many of us
see UIC such as our SYL or ANC and Sheikh Sharif as our Nelson
    amina_samajecel @ 1/29/2007 2:37 PM EST
 Thanks to Hiran Online for posting this letter.
Thanks also to the president of South Africa
his excellency Mr. Mbeki for explaining to those
who don't know or don't want to know that Somalis
always supported the right for self-determination.

I remember one of the Songs of the concert he is talking
it was "say no to apartheid and no to colonialism"
( Wanka macasha ii qabo adiga gowrac ii
mari dhiiggana aan muudsado...Africay i maqalo
midab gumaysi diida in Somali)
    fosmanuk @ 1/29/2007 2:21 PM EST
 Dear South Africans thanks for mentioning the problems of Somali by words not by action. It was already said "do as you would be done by" There was a time that South Africa needed its African friend and black brothers support and Somalia has all hearted gave that with no expection of immediate return. However, it was almost the same time when South Africa got its long awaited independency with the support of Somali people and Somali people at the same time lost its governments and the people of Somali become disaperate for the support of the world. South Africa should have should little respect and should have suppoorted Somali people in Somali and it should not allow those Somali criminals to destroy the country in all those 17 years. The did not get they deserved from South Africa who I believe would have a strong support in action for the good will of Somali people instead the Somali refugees who come to South Africa for a safety have killed and robed and should have been gratefull South African Government did not say anything. It has now claimed the head of South African police worked with gangs in South Africa who killed and robbed Somali refugees in South Africa

Thanks but not thanks South Africa

    Gaadh-haye @ 1/29/2007 11:46 AM EST
 Thanks Mr, Mbeki,

But I sence a desire from your side to legitimize the current occupation of Somalia by Ethiopia.
If that is your grand African plan for Somalia;then, for many reasons,it will definately not succeed.

No matter how many African leaders allied to the Ethiopian agenda in Somalia try to sugar-coat the agression and illegal occupation of Somalia by Ethiopia , it will be a futile exercise.
    FIQICIGAAL @ 1/29/2007 8:57 AM EST
 There is no time for a history lesson Mr president.  We supported you ( ANC ) when you needed us. Now is your turn to take the lead and give us a hepling hand
    abdullpatriotic @ 1/29/2007 7:06 AM EST
 Mbeki is really playing very cheap politics, we know all bantus have ganged up against Somali State but One day Somali will stood by itself with out
any solidarity extended to. If it is true why you didn't protect Very destitute Somalis refugees butchered by your own country men. I believe you can file a lot of good to say about Somali but we all understand your intention.
    @ 1/29/2007 6:23 AM EST
 Your excellency, Mr. Presedent, you raised our sufferings only to increase our pain.
Mr. Presedent, the pain and humiliations somalis feel today cannot be expressed in words, our beloved country is devided, warlords who were in the payroll of Ethiopia devided the country in to fiefdoms, and when the warlords were ousted by the popular uprising, we have been invaded by stronger and better positioned Ethiopia... why!!!!.

Mr. President, you spoke of a recognised TFG but TFG was not created by somalis, it was created by Kenya and Ethiopia.
Dear President, you spoke of Ethiopian troops in Somalia yet you failed to condemn.
It will not be long before onather african country invades and takes over her weaker neighbour.

Today, we know there is neither african solution nor arab solution, but the only thing you can help us is not to send a south african peace keepers in to somalia because that will legitimise the Ethiopian occupation.

Finaly, you (ANC) struglled an age that nations were able to assist the oppressed, but unfortunately we (somalis)are strugling a so-called modern age that the nations cannot support the oppressed.
You were supported by your fellow africans, but we are struglling to rebell an agrression from our fellow africans (Kenya and Ethiopia).

We admire your leadership, and your people should be proud that South Africa produced two greatest heroes of Africa..(you and Madiba).

May I take this opportunity to draw your attention the plight of somalis in South Africa...

God protect you and your country Mr. President.
    african @ 1/29/2007 3:23 AM EST
 Finally a great African leader confirmed that the Somali issue is indeed an African issue. For so many years, Somali issue was not in the African agenda nor the Arab league or the UN, it was nobody’s agenda. We appreciate President Thabo Mbeki’s sympathy, but that is not enough. If the president means what he said, he should take the lead and ensure that we are not left at mercy of our enemy.  

    wiliwiliq @ 1/29/2007 2:23 AM EST
 It is touching political statement from great statesman Mbeki. Thanks for recognizing the help hand that Somalia provided to other oppressed Africans at time of stability in 70’s as young state itself at least on paper. Unfortunately, neighbours of Somalia feared Somalia as state and have worked hard to burry it deeper when it has ceased to exist as strong state. Somalis has the ability to reconcile, build viable state and become partner of peace in the continent again only if Mbeki and other African leader could convince neighbour countries to stop meddling Somali affairs.  
    sool state @ 1/29/2007 1:37 AM EST
 people are getting ill-advised report from our
homeland. Can someone speak out and say we don't need
troops from other places, but we need someone to train
ours and we need aid to build our country instead of
aids carrying soldier.
    sede @ 1/29/2007 12:30 AM EST
 We help other African countries because they were opperessed
and controlled, today it looks like other African countries our
helping us become controlled and opperessed. How disgraceful these
countries are. We will never forget. (Thanks South Africa for seeing
the unjustice although you don't speak out thanks for not participating).

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