34 comment(s)
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    egeh @ 12/23/2006 6:40 PM EST
 Mutawale,it is true that your comments do not make any sense at all. May be you are severly retarded and you do not deserve our response anyway your hatred for Somaliland is clear and obvious,but rest assured the viability, existance and the international recognition of Somalia is inevitable.You should put through your thick skull that Somaliland is here forever.
    mutawalie @ 12/23/2006 5:05 PM EST
    mutawalie @ 12/23/2006 3:36 PM EST
 Layla, I know that you don’t want to understand, because you don’t to hear negativity Self declaration “Somaliland”
We never and ever recognize the “Somaliland”___ Proud to be Djiboutian  here is better language

Layla, Je sais que vous ne voulez pas comprendre, parce que vous n'entendez jamais la déclaration « Somaliland » de Selef de négativité nous et n'identifiez pas jamais le « Somaliland
    layla @ 12/22/2006 2:09 AM EST
 We can't understand what you mean mutawali because your english is terrible so, educate yourself!
    mutawalie @ 12/21/2006 9:22 PM EST
 Since Al-Qaeda is in Hargeysa and Burco there will NO acceptance Somalilander to travail the neiboug counties, the only door open is to accept the Unity Republic of Somalia.__
    hakkiim @ 12/21/2006 1:22 AM EST
 ahahaha....... mutawalie, are you retarded or on the pipe or what????. What are you talking about??........ start posting comments when your phrases started making sense kaniisyow. Somaliland don't need somalia or jaboutis recognition, we have been a nation for 16yrs, and like it or not we're going to be here, so why dont you stop hating on somaliland and do some useful thing for your self like, COME OUT OF THE CLOSET or something..(mutawalie) your name says it all.
    @ 12/21/2006 1:16 AM EST
 ahahaha....... mutawalie, are you retarded or on the pipe or what????. What are you talking about??........ start posting comments when your phrases started making sense kaniisyow. Somaliland don't need somalia or jaboutis recognition, we have been a nation for 16yrs, and like it or not we're going to be here, so why dont you stop hating on somaliland and do some useful thing for your self like, COME OUT OF THE CLOSET or something..(mutawalie) your name says it all.
    @ 12/20/2006 11:28 PM EST
 Anfar boy for your information decent people engage in constructive dialouge in respectable sites like this one. It is only the low lives like yourself who have no capacity to form a meaningful opinion of any sort who posts trash here. Anyways I have no intention of stooping so low to your unhonorable level. I am prepared to debate with any good person from Djibouti who can articulate but i need not waste may valuable time with anyone full of filth like you.
    mutawalie @ 12/20/2006 7:00 PM EST
 I Understand the single Mama Hargeysa is in love with Ethiopia to married, But according to the marriage happy 1960 is still active with her handsome Husband Mogadishu, is a live not diet, but become a “Moryan” __ and still loving you a lot more then any other’s single Mam,  However bother in-law Djibouti is ready for “DULAAL” beautiful Ms Hargeysa in case Mogadishu divorce….
    mutawalie @ 12/20/2006 6:15 PM EST
  Mr. egeh, My suggestion to you is utill Al-Qaeda is in Hargeysa and Burco there will NO acceptance Somalilander to travail the neiboug counties, the only door open is to accept the Unity Republic of Somalia.__
    egeh @ 12/20/2006 9:36 AM EST
 Lola you know what our difference is, I have my dreams and my beautiful Somaliland and you have nothing but your jealousy and denials. Bottom line is I am a winner and you are a pathetic loser.
    lola @ 12/20/2006 1:36 AM EST
 egeh you are dreaming, don't give yourself a headache it is best to move on with you life and NO think about NEVERLAND" SOMALILAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if somalia unite( WHICH THEY WILL SOONER OR LATER) that will be the end of NEVERLAND.
    egeh @ 12/17/2006 1:38 AM EST
 Look who is talking, Djibouti boy, the traitor of all traitors and the destroyer of the dreams of all Somalis people. All of us know what the star in the blue flag stands for the ultimate unity of the five parts of the Somali nation to create the greater Somalia. Who betrayed the Somali cause and aspirations, of course Djibouti (formerly French Somaliland).
On their independence day the tribal minded Djiboutians changed their tiny country’s name to Anfar & Issa territory finally Djibouti just to deny their relationship with the rest of the Somalis who supported and relentlessly campaigned for their freedom. How ungrateful and now this Djibouti boy is talking about Somaliland. What an irony.
    mutawalie @ 12/16/2006 4:06 PM EST
 Egeh Your are extreamly separatist wante distroy his own country, My suggestion is to bock the "IES"  Isaaqis Extremist Separatism
    egeh @ 12/16/2006 1:29 PM EST
 Mutawalie (Reer Djibouti) waxaan kuu arkaa dameeri dhaan raacday.
    mutawalie @ 12/16/2006 1:16 PM EST
 My suggestion as Djiboutian  is to alert all tribe leaving Northern Somalia, Issa's Dhulbahante's Warsangari's  Gababusi's  to protest against separatism and Support the  Unity of Somalia,_ I will recommend to an open letter's to UN, AU, Arab League, other's international organization
    mutawalie @ 12/16/2006 1:11 PM EST
 The Djiboutian Government will never recognize self declaration called "Somalilnad"  Mr. Abdul-Qadir is against his country own soverignty and territorial of Republic of Somalia.
    Nationalist @ 12/15/2006 12:40 PM EST
  Such a knee jerk, hostile reaction to an individual's opinion. The name calling and foaming from the mouth that is going on here is nauseating. Some of you "commentors" claim to have seen through the writer's game and see his agenda, in the process you've exposed yourselves as the backward, tribalistic, reactionary dimwitts y'all are. How can you phuck faces be jealous of Somaliland? A small enclave, with the GDP average less than that of my neighborhood corner store. Average life expectancy is in the mid 40s, health care is non existant with a per capita income that would shame a homeless person in the States.

For Allah's sake, get your shyt together before you worry about other people. The only thing Somaliland has that the south hasn't is relative security. If the Ethiopian boot lickers and the neo-Talibans can come to an anderstanding, then we can talk 'bout re-unification.

Libertarian Somalilander
    sonofsomalia @ 12/15/2006 11:55 AM EST
 Mr egeh, what "sovereign country and a nation within a recognized border" are you talking about. Any one can create a flag and draw a map, the truth of the matter is having somalia back on her feet will be the end of your relative nosea and dimented aspirations.
    egeh @ 12/15/2006 2:57 AM EST
 Mr. StickOrCarrot, we are talking about Somaliland a sovereign country and a nation within a recognized border. It is already 16 long years since Somaliland seceded and despite your denial its going from strength to strength and the phenomenal development, peace, prosperity and stability prevailing in Somaliland has been acknowledged and appreciated by the international community. It is high time you also do likewise and direct your energy towards the development of your own country.
Mr,Carrot  the Somali family you are talking about is dysfunctional since  four of the five parts have opted to go on their separate ways and all of them are doing much better than Somalia therefore your argument regarding the family deciding the fate of Somaliland has no validity. Somalilanders have taken what is rightfully theirs’ and are going to keep the same forever.
    stickOrcarrot @ 12/15/2006 12:33 AM EST
 Ooh on condition that they make a room Awdal to be part of the Somaliweyn or the deal is void!
    StickOrcarrot @ 12/15/2006 12:30 AM EST
 Having seen this man’s posting here many times, it seems he is the spokes man of the Hargeisa administration. You don’t secure Somaliland’s secession by posting your desperate plea here on Hiiraan.com, but if some clan wants to go its separate ways it’s up to the rest of the family to let it go. And I think if Somali family comes together and one clan asks to move on, we will more than welcome to give you your wish. As far as I am concerned, only one tribe in the north is advocating for secession and if that is all they want, we should let them have their one state (W/ Galbeed) and the two halves of (Togdheer and Sanaag.) enough is enough!
    mutawalie @ 12/14/2006 7:08 PM EST
    dule @ 12/14/2006 4:06 PM EST
 abdikadir ,you absolutely rit,somalis should mind thier business,leave Somaliland alone, its not  Ethiopians that demolished Somaliland,but is you Somalis that destroyed Somaliland ,despite all the havoc ,we still love you survive, and put your house in order, but you meddling of other country's affairs and things always beyond your reach, you utter losers, remember holding ill-meaning conferences in five star hotels in western world to imitate functioning state like Somaliland will make no sense to suffering Somalis people back, unless the outcome is applied to ground and as result of that ,the people felt better, example the so-called north unionist meeting in Washington was the safeguard of territorial integrity of Somalia ,I must ask one participant ,can you take gun and fight Somaliland? to bring hargaisa under rule of Mogadishu or baidaba?!!!, its quite  absurd that  our friends of Somalia to waste their hard-earned cash yapping in cheap meeting which is irrelevant to dying and starving Somalis, I do not know when Somalis come to their senses and realize that Somaliland is based the most  precious thing we had; the sacrifices of   blood of our educated youth, do not forget Hassan Nasralah God's party leader said "what taken by force is returned by force" I am quoting here again, to let you know the greater Somalia is thing of past, and good fairytale of our children, nothing more nothing less,
finally, you unfortunate guys, mind your own business, remember   the fire that still blazing in all across Somalia was initiated by the  great architects, the late president Abdirahman Tuur and Ahmed siilaanyo who is  alive today, so do not play with fire

dule from the  state of Israel    
    egeh @ 12/14/2006 3:06 PM EST
 This debate is NOT necessary at all because it is not going to change anything. The secession of Somaliland is parmanent, forever and irreversible. You all know that 97% of the Somalilanders voted for this separation and the rest of the Somalis whether in the South, NFD, Kilinka Shanaad or Djibouti have no say in this matter. Those who claim that they are from Somaliland but support Somalia should understand that in any democratic nation the majority rutles and in the case of Somaliland the majority decided to be no part of any failed nation.
    egeh @ 12/14/2006 2:53 PM EST
 This debate is necessary at all because it is not going to change anything. The secession of Somaliland is permanent, forever and irreversible. You all know that 97% of the Somalilanders voted for this separation and the rest of the Somalis whether in the South, NFD. Kilinka Shanaad or Djibouti has no say in this matter. Those who claim that they are from Somaliland but support Somalia should understand that in any democratic nation the majority rules and in the case of Somaliland the majority decided to be no part of any failed nation.

    kurus @ 12/14/2006 2:15 PM EST
 Salamu aleikum,

I must say Dualeh ur comments touch the heart! But tell me when did "we" vote for Somaliland?  It is funny how some assume that all people living in the land of Somaliland are assumed to be Somalilander.
Walaal, I am from that land, but I am a SOMALI.  I do not agree with the separatist motion, I love my blue flag with white star!!! No other flag makes me feel good.
So please stop telling people how great Somaliland is.....it is a land like the south that is held by warlords. Warlords who have a better military force and a "unified" core.

Long Live Somalia! May Allah protect us from the ones who have an evil heart! Amiin!Amiin!
    Samater @ 12/13/2006 11:30 PM EST
 Abdulkadir: Nothing makes me more pleased to see
Somaliland apologists (AKA UNIONISTS)like yourself
taste the fruits of hatred right from the mouths of
the Somalis. Abdulkadir, a Somalilander would never
be accepted as a unionist no matter how sincere he
or she is. The elimination and domination of
Somalilanders will always be the goal of the Somalis.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Somalis or their
sympathisers like Abdulkadir will never succeed.
Very soon we will reconstitute SNM and bring order
to Lasanod.
    JIGJIGAAWI @ 12/13/2006 10:03 PM EST
 Congragulations brother Abdulkadir J. Dualeh, there are great words of wisdom in your article and I hope we can all benefit and be little more open minded when it comes to solving our difference.  Our brother/sisters in the south need to overcome thier envy toward the Somalilanders, set a side their own differences and start working together building their country.  Let us all prey for Allah SWT to help our southern brothers to guide them in the right path and follow the examples of our beloved Maxamed SAW. Aamiin


    @ 12/13/2006 5:47 PM EST
 Let me say to you that, your logic is fuzzy logic. A one between nothing and something. If that is hard to understand for you, let me further explain it to you. So, let me say you, Jama, and I, put an investment together. We acquired land, constructed buildings, purchased equipment, trained man power, established processes and procedures etc. We built a legacy.

How would you feel if I wake up one morning and make a claim on some of the company property, denying your share as well as Jama’s share. Not only that, but solely waiving your rights to enter the premises.

Even much worse than that, what if my only legal argument is that, my wife, my kids, and I, voted for it and unanimously agreed that the possession is going to be exclusively ours from now and on. You and Jama are erased from the files.

The Somaliland case is exactly like this scenario. When the province of Qubec decided to secede from Canada (Which is French populated), referendum vote was arranged. In it, all the Canadians were open to participate. The Qubecers pleaded their case to all Canadians for consideration. They argued their differences in front of all Canadians. Eventually, they lost in tiny differences and if I am right, they are not allowed to table the case again till after 50 years.

Mr. Dualeh, you probably do not have concept of what nation means and the complexities involving this relation. It’s very degrading to hide behind the slogans and wear nation’s shirt while narrow mindedness and filth tribal jealousy is in the play. You and your tribal warlords are busted….., but please don’t come along as an intellect. You know… when you write, along other things, what you are doing is exposing your class.

Somalia is your county. You are from the Somali race. This is not the time to show arrogance and crack a laughter because our people are dying. This is not the time to devide the remainder of your looted mother land. It's the time to show strength and quality. Even if the Isaqs want to leave us, they should not dance over the funeral precession of their brothers and sisters in the South. Only the coward kills his advesary at his downtime. You don't devorce your wife when she is ill in bed dying. You try to treat her first and then as a man come forward with your decision when she is in full health. So, for those, who are beating secession drum, I say to them: Think twice.
    sonofsomalia @ 12/13/2006 1:19 PM EST
 It’s a pity and a crime that skills in oration be used to mask the ugly hatred one has for his ethno-nation. A mere “I don’t wanna be part of greater Somalia” would have sufficed. Instead we are presented with this mosaic of words and concepts with no significant addition to the unity debate. I fully agree with you Abdulkadir it does take an “imbecile (to) draw a line on a map.  It takes a genius to build a prosperous nation.” Unfortunately you missed the target on that notation. Pity.
    shiinoos @ 12/13/2006 6:27 AM EST
 Amazing Cabdulqaadir! It is true that we, the public are fooled so long time ago, but why? because the absance of knowledge is the root cause of our predicament!! We do not recall our past mistakes and yet be fooled by unfaithfull politicians, whether they are constituted by foreigners or not. Look what's happing in the south. The whole saga (TFG) is groomed by our arch enemy and yet we fellow blindly, just clan belongings! with such presumption, we can not build a unified nation of greate Somalia. We must be free from triblism and nepotism.
Beside that, Somaliland is a role model for the south and God willing, we'll bring back our respect as a well being nation which cares it's people!

The issue of unity, let the dust settle down for a while, then we'll re-unite our nations or sepate with respect. But now, we need you!
    rooble @ 12/13/2006 2:00 AM EST
 Well done AbdkulKadir ,,,,,,, you said it all ,,, congratulations

As you said ,,, i can't see any working administration in the south so is not da right think to speak about unity again ,,,,, that is just history
    lola @ 12/13/2006 1:31 AM EST
 you are squeaking rat, a mistake of nature and a heavy metal bagpipe player who want to divide somalia. the only thing worst than your logic is your manners. and a greedy person like you will never prosper..............

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