19 comment(s)
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    mysomalia @ 6/30/2010 9:33 AM EST
 Is Somaliland a Idoor film or its something that all the ppl in the north share with?
I have a nighbour who are from Awdal. They dont mension anything abou SL both
kids and parents. They r always nice and friendly and as you all the time about Mogadishu
and how they miss somalia while onthe other hand a lady from Burco that I gave to
my apartment ( cuz she needed it and I have to study another city) is so extreme to
SL stuff. From the first day when she got the keys she said to me. Please take that flag
( somali flag) off the wall. I h@te to se it and it makes me sick. I was like wtf she is in my house
and talking to me like that. The only reason I didnt say anything is she knows my sister.
And few weeks later she had SL falg at the same spot where my blue flag was but
I didnt do anything. So my point is why SL issue is only for Idoor but not other ppl
from the same area? Can any body answer that?
    Egeh @ 6/29/2010 7:14 PM EST
Unity miserably failed. Unity brought disaster,death and destruction to the people of Somaliland, but on the contrary separation brought peace, harmony, developments in every aspect of the life of our people. Mind you this is not what I am telling you only, it is what the whole world and the international community confirms without any reservation or hesitancy.
For your information we are big and powerful in our own right and we have no need for the protection of any other nation big or small and we have confidence in our ability and the determination of our people to defend our territory and defeat any foreign interference. Remember we are the same proud and courageous people who defeated the mighty army of the ex- Somali Republic. We fear no force on the planet earth and we are confident in the final victory including the victory of our recognition.

    dhodimeer @ 6/29/2010 1:51 PM EST

If the opposite of unity is separation, then what must be the opposite of progress?

Ahh, so you think you will be celebrating for a full recognition?

In your dreams! because for you guys it is all about egocentricity and pride which is nothing but lying to yourselves for that elusive recognition ain't the truth.

The truth is, without big and poweful Somalia no region is save and they are most likely to be eaten alive by Ethiopia.  

Watch your back, Ethiopia is knocking your door.

    Egeh @ 6/29/2010 1:05 PM EST
Yours are always ill intentions towards Somaliland and that is the only ammunition you have for your fight, but you are doomed anyway and as far as the motherland is concerned you can have it all for yourself since we Somalilanders have disowned it and have vowed to never have anything to do with it in the future. Soon you will see Somaliland enjoying a full international recognition.
    Egeh @ 6/29/2010 1:04 PM EST
Yours are always ill intentions towards Somaliland and that is the only ammunition you for your fight, but you are doomed anyway and as far as the motherland is concerned you can have it all for yourself since we Somalilanders have disowned it and have vowed to never have anything to do with it in the future. Soon you will see Somaliland enjoying a full international recognition.
    dhodimeer @ 6/29/2010 10:35 AM EST

My congratulations was to pave the road with good intentions but we all know h*ll lies ahead.

Come what(ever) may,  Somaliland, Puntland and the rest of lalalands will always be part and parcel of the mother land.

    dhodimeer @ 6/29/2010 10:35 AM EST

My congratulations was to pave the road with good intentions but we all know h*ll lies ahead.

Come what(ever) may,  Somaliland, Puntland and the rest of lalalands will always be part and parcel of the mother land.

    Egeh @ 6/28/2010 10:00 PM EST

Trust me, your congratulation or lack of it doesn't add any value to our efforts to enhance our peoples status democratically, socially and in all walks of life and with regard to the hidden agenda you mentioned let me make it clear for you once and for all. The only agenda we have is to make our secession final and forever with no possibility of return.
    dhodimeer @ 6/28/2010 3:16 PM EST
 Indeed if the intentions of Somalilanders is to work for the interest of their people then we must at least congatulate them in their effort and tenacity.

And even if at the end of the day some elements in Somaliland may have hiden agenda, time will tell.

The last thing we want to witness is another south Somalia?
    dhodimeer @ 6/28/2010 2:43 PM EST
 Burcoman lol

I think you raised a valid point and I agree with your good and mature thinkng.
    dhodimeer @ 6/28/2010 2:43 PM EST
 Burcoman lol

I think you raised a valid point and I agree with your good and mature thinkng.
    Egeh @ 6/28/2010 7:14 AM EST
 Stinky Stick or Rotten Carrot.
Samater well spoken but dishonest. Omer also very well spoken with honesty,but the reality is no words from you, Samater or for that matter anyone else could not change the firm decision of the people of Somaliland to stick to their secession.
    Stickorcarrot @ 6/28/2010 2:29 AM EST

Ninkan Hargeisa jooga jaq jaq lee hayaa iyo qamuuyaysi.

Samatar is well spoken to the point and very fair. That is
good to point out. This guy waa Xiiqsanaha aan meeshan ku aragno
camal...Jaq jaq with nothing to show for...
    Egeh @ 6/27/2010 8:36 PM EST
 The best solution is to have two separate but sisterly countries with strong bilateral relations and full cooperation of the highest standards in all political and social fields.
    nomadic1 @ 6/27/2010 5:24 AM EST
 Yaa diidan dawladnimadii, the South.
Yaa diidan isku duubnidii, the North.

    nomadic1 @ 6/27/2010 5:10 AM EST
 Well Mr Samata and Afyare.
    Burcoman @ 6/26/2010 11:51 PM EST
 We need to unite and make the country's capital in Hargeysa!!
Our enemies do not care weather we are Issac, Hawiye, or Darood!
They simply want to enslave us all!!

For more debate on this issue please visit my website:

    Simansime @ 6/26/2010 9:07 PM EST
 Maybe Siilaanyo can achieve what Afyare and Samatar had proposed, if elected as the new President of Somaliland. Other than that, that is wishful thinking.
    Voice_of_Youth @ 6/26/2010 2:42 PM EST
 I think Afyare Elmi and Abdi Samatar made some very interesting points here. As peaceful and prosperous Somaliland has become, I think the opportunity has come where there can be some dialog on the future of the Somali people as a whole. The people of North Somalia and South Somalia including both governments have to realize the reality's of today. It almost seems taboo to speak on a United Somali Republic among Somalis today, and im happy these two men brought this up. It obviously cannot happen overnight but i think we need to start somewhere. Being from Hargesia, i know we cannot turn a blind eye to the situation in the South much longer. WE are all brothers an sisters.

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