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    Egeh @ 9/27/2010 3:57 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
You are nothing better than my own d'onkey so you should show the respect I demand and deserve or else I will show no mercy. I will treat you so badly to the point of breaking you d'irty back.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/27/2010 1:22 PM EST
 Egeh futo argeeg(qoute from simbe,)

"I have no quarrel with the rest visitors of this respectable forum", you f*rted

Does that mean you want to apologise to the rest of the forum and you don't know how to do it, or you have dementia and you forgot all those commentators who suffered constant verbal assault from your sh*t bag that dangles on your filthy mouth?

In your childish comment you ranted that you will chase us from the forum with your profanity, you admit that you are here only to insult people, correct?

What a lowlife pathetic retarded mo*on imbec*le khaldaan.

Keep braying like the SKUNK you were always.
    Egeh @ 9/27/2010 8:29 AM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
I have no quarrel with the rest visitors of this respectable forum, but I have made my duty to expose the dis'honesty and the hyp'ocrisy of you two s'tooges Stinky and Cagdheer whose purpose in this forum is to spread lies and nonsense. You preach what you really are against. You are truly against your kililka ever becoming part of the Somaliweyn thinking that you will lose your special servant / slave status with your Axmaara owners. How dishonest!!!!.
Very soon I will chase you camel like morons out of the forum. I knew it before and now all of the visitors here have realized that you are nothing but Axmara lovers, s'tooges, spies, t'raitors and dir'ty rats who are not fit to be among us the humans.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/27/2010 4:55 AM EST
 Stick lol

This SKUNK as you rightly put it is nothing but a ret*rded mean, irresponsible clanist lowlife despicable khaldan who gets his kicks by foul mouthing any body in the forum and I mean any body that he finds challenge to his clan enclave and their masters axmaaro injirley.

The man is lowlife sc*m bag in every sense.

    Egeh @ 9/26/2010 3:57 PM EST
Uraayow adiyo awoowgaa,
Axmaarkii hooyadaa abaahiyey,
Adoonkii Fiqi ee ku eedaadin jiray,
Anigaa usha idiin la iman doonoo,
Anigaa edeg idinku xidhi doonoo,
Anigaa ummada idinka qaban doonoo,
Anigaa iil idinku ridi doonoo,
Anigaa ajashiina jari doonoo,
Anigaa axan kiina qabdan doonoo,
Anigaa asal kiinaa baa bi'in.
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/26/2010 2:18 PM EST
 Dofaar Eey abaahiyay Duliguu dhalaad tahay
Kii aabhiisii dhalay uu bikir jabiyay baat tahay
Xaaraan ku naaxii Aadminimada gefayee
Ehel iyo Astaan iyo sharaf laawe baad tahay

SKUNK, if you go further than the norm, keep  in mind there is no territory you SOB
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/26/2010 11:58 AM EST
 When your tirade goes pass the acceptable tolerance and you
bring parents to this discussion, expect the same you SOB
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/26/2010 11:57 AM EST

How many men including your own dad se88lly abused you?
    Egeh @ 9/26/2010 7:34 AM EST
Somaliland goes from position of strength to another, from success to more success and all the peace loving people of the world appreciate that fact. It is high time you and your spouse Fiqi Cagdheer accept that fact too to earn our forgiveness.
    Egeh @ 9/26/2010 7:13 AM EST
Eydiyo dameerahaad ardaayada la joogtaa,
Umaadaa ilaahay adi kuguma tiriyo,
Sida eyro geeluu Fiqi kuu eryaayoo,
OO adigiyo adowgaa idin wada abaahiye.
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/26/2010 2:41 AM EST

Ma markaad yarayd baa lagu faro xumeeyay mise qurbaha ayaad
qurunkan ku baratay waadiga rag is fuula uun ka sheekaynayee?

Soomaalida sidaan ku aqiin ceeb ayay u taqaanay waxaad adigu
caadada ka dhigataye goormaad "rainbow Crew" aad ku biirtay?
    Egeh @ 9/26/2010 2:14 AM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
Fiqiyow stinky waan kuu fasaxay ee fuul markaad doonto,
Fagaaraha intaad keento ood faydo maradiisa futadiisa dhuuq waadigii ficilka waalaaye.
    Egeh @ 9/26/2010 1:53 AM EST
 StinkyStickOrRottenCarrot (Uraaye)
Stinkiyow adoo foorora uu fiqi ku fuulaayo,
Futadaada adigoo u furay uu falayo tuu doono,
Inaad faanto waa kuu bilaash iyo foolxumiyo yaab dheh.

    Egeh @ 9/26/2010 1:50 AM EST
 StinkyStickOrRottenCarrot (Uraaye)
Stinkiyow adoo foorora uu fiqi ku fuulaayo,
Futadaa adigoo u furay uu falayo tuu doono,
Inaad faanto waa kuu bilaash iyo foolxumiyo yaab dheh.

    Stickorcarrot @ 9/26/2010 1:32 AM EST

Nin baa beri wuxuu ahaa raggan wax dabta.Wuxuu samaystay dabin uu
ku dabto ugaarta hase ahaatee mar walba dabinka waxaa ka kala oo
ugaarta uga hor mara bahalkan SKUNK la yiraah. Ninku isna kama daalo
SKUNK isna mar walba waa galaa. Ninkii qarmuunkii bahalka u adkaysan
waayay ugaarsigiina ka maarmi waayay. Ninkii baa maalintii dambe yire

"War anna dabin dhig kama daalo, SKUNK isna qarmuunkiisa igama daayo"

Haatan, Eggeh SKUNK la murankiisna ma dayno isna Waa "XAAR WALWAALE"
Xaar saydh inagama daayo.
    Egeh @ 9/25/2010 4:15 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
You are really are the most stup'id and the most ig'norant Cagdheer I ever dealt with. You filled a page of f'ilthy and meaningless trashy words about my noble self and I threw it back on your d'irty and d'onkey face. That was what we call in Somali (waxaad tidhiba lagu yidhi) when one really thinks that responding to a lowly ani'mal is below his dignity.
Can a Cagdheer moron challenge me intellectually? Can you ever in your d'onkey life measure up to me? of course not. I suggest that you bow down, put your hand on your empty head and hide yourself for the rest of your life.
    Egeh @ 9/25/2010 4:00 PM EST
The following s'illy words are from you St'inky and I quote you:
The so called SL is nothing but Ethopia fabricated and nurtured false
territory and will never work Unquote:
The above could only come d'onkey's mouth an is an indication of pure h'ate , but is that going to harm Somaliland in any way, shape or form. On the contrary your jeal'ousy motivates us and makes the great people of Somaliland work harder to strengthen the foundation of the peace and democracy and advance the lost of their people. Where you and your ilk miserably failed we succeeded so we let you bark all you want toothless d'og.
    Egeh @ 9/25/2010 3:57 PM EST
The following s'illy words are from you St'inky and I quote you:
The so called SL is nothing but Ethopia fabricated and nurtured false
territory and will never work Unquote:'ailed we succeeded so we let you bark all you want toothless d'og.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/25/2010 3:45 PM EST

You can't express your opinion without going through a whole clan because you have nothing meaningful to contribute and that is why you opt to provanity which only exposes your lack of debating skills.

And one more thing, stop copying from me.

In your below respond you used my own comment to you by changing the name Ciye to Fiqi, it's plagiarism.

You are not only an id*ot lowlife clanist but you are also a cheat.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 9/25/2010 1:23 PM EST
 The viability of raising children with ceyr money should have been discussed and not Somaliland. At least Somaliland has 4 million people working and looking after it, but children only have their parents to look up to.
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/25/2010 12:54 PM EST

What a moron you are. I challenged you to show ONE single post
where Fiqi and I said anything bad against people in the North
ONE single post, obviously you can;t, and your line of defense
is to change the subject. What a pathetic moron you are. All you
are capable of is to repeat same line of words like a parrot. If
you can't defend your cause with civility, just shut up and don't
try to defend the indefensible.

The so called SL is nothing but Ethopia fabricated and nurtured false
territory and will never work. IF us telling the truth about Ethiopia
means we are against a family there take that as you wish...can anyone
else step forward and defend the cause of that fake territory? Obviously
people who frequent here can't ..they are here just to spread hatred

Waa ummad meel lagu ciilay aan la garanayan...same line
for over 5 years....what a tragic life they are leading

"Ilaahay ha idinka baxsho waa idiin baryeynaahe" Abshir Bacadle..
    Egeh @ 9/24/2010 6:47 PM EST
 Fiqi Cag'dheeer,
Let the S'tinky one respond. He by far is the more rea'sonable of you two and he could art'iculate better, and I am sure that your little c'amel b'rain is no match for his  more developed semi h'uman one, so let the man talk for himself and spare us the Cag'dheer shi*t. Who takes notice of your jeal'ousy and de'nials when the whole world appreciates the success and sovereignty of this great nation of Somaliland
    fiqicigaal @ 9/24/2010 3:55 PM EST
Go on, let us hear you scream Cagdheer this and that, nothing else.

I think you are possessed by ev*l and you need inlagaa cuudiyo wadaado.

And how come you label everyone in the forum who disagrees with your fraudulent enclave as ogadenians? you barking Toad!

    fiqicigaal @ 9/24/2010 3:32 PM EST
 Iam laughing at your irrational way of thinking and your blatant lies the other day when you boasted that Somaliland army surroundeed 300 ONLF k*lling scores and captruring weopon and ammunition.

Hahahahah! so what do you have to say for yourself about your cheap and ev*l propoganda which was dictated to your SNM bandits by their sponsor Meles and co?
    fiqicigaal @ 9/24/2010 2:34 PM EST
 Ciye wash*ysi,

You cried, "do you appreciate the sovereignty of Somaliland and the success and achievements of it's people"?.

What sovereign and success you talking about you miserable little sw*ne?

Do you think a small clan enclave in the middle of nowhere is entitled to such noble and rightful title?

And isn't it true that all your SNM regional clan authority accomplished is the appeasing of axmaaro injirley at the cost of the lifes of innocent Somalis including your captives in Hargeisa who are abused and tormented by both your illegal clannish system as well as the brutal regime of Ethiopia, the current custodian of your enclave?

I feel sorry for the people of Hargeisa who have been hijacked by merciless so called elites who has no vision or plan what so ever. They are stuck with mission impossible-recognition, and they will take down their unsuspecting innocent folks with them into the hands of Ethiopia.

That is your lalalaland and your stubborn mindless elites.
    Egeh @ 9/24/2010 3:46 AM EST
I do not need to prove anything to you or to your partner in crime Fiqi Cagdheer. Your hat'red towards Somaliland and its people is known to the visitors of this forum and you yourself know it, but I will ask you a simple question and I need an honest answer from you.
Do you appreciate the sovereignty of Somaliland and the success and achievements of it's people?
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/24/2010 12:09 AM EST

Where is the proof?

Can you show one single posting where I or Fiqi insulted
any family from North? One, just one..I will challenge you
to show..can you? I am waiting..

If you can't, then just shut up and keep repeating your nonsene
and hatred maskax fadhiid ahi halkan waa laga gudbay ma taqaano!

    Egeh @ 9/23/2010 4:16 PM EST
 Stinky & Fiqi,
All you have for Somaliland and its people are h'ostility, ani'mosity,redicule and the worst kind of adverse comments based on an obvious g'rudge and ha'tred. You can not deny it because your track record is a clear and living proof.
    Egeh @ 9/23/2010 3:53 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
You made a mistake!. the below mentioned is an accurate description of yours. You are for sure much worse because you are an an'imal, the product of a d'onkey and a p'ig with one purpose in his d'onkey life to belittle, lie about and trivialize every achievement this great nation  of Somaliland makes.
Waxaad tahay x'aar walwaalkii cadarka ku dhimanaayey.
    Egeh @ 9/23/2010 3:44 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,

It is only this big mouth Fiqi id*ot who turns every comment to clan argument because he has nothing else to contribute except insult and hatred towards certains clans and everyone can see what kind of fo*l mouthed imbec*le lowlife hog's -snot this mad d*g is and has been.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/23/2010 3:18 PM EST
 Wiil Isaaq,

Wrong. No one is against Isaaq or any other clan for that matter unless you want to relate every negative comment about Somaliland to Isaaq.

It is only this big mouth Egeh id*ot who turns every comment to clan argument because he has nothing else to contribute except insult and hatred towards certains clans and everyone can see what kind of fo*l mouthed imbec*le lowlife hog's -snot this mad d*g is and has been.

    Stickorcarrot @ 9/23/2010 2:49 PM EST
 Wiil Isxaaq

I don't get your point here. Are you talking about this site
or another site? And by the way, is saying something bad against
SL translates animosity towards that family? Is SL synonymous to
one family?

And if you really read these pages with open mind, it is people from
that area of the land that are showing animosity unlike any other. All
you have to do is read this thread and see for yourself.

Afxumo iyo cadaawad cubic proportion qolyihiina xagaas ka yimid bay ka
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 9/23/2010 10:25 AM EST
 The site has been reported for allowing plain racialist attacks against Isaaq. Help google report by reporting unsafe sites please.
    Egeh @ 9/22/2010 6:13 PM EST
Why put your long and d'irty nose into my affairs? Mind your business l'oser! bend for Raage66 & Fiqi Cagdheer, but leave me alone and keep in mind that I am not interested in your sh'itty be'hind.
    Lamadage @ 9/22/2010 4:00 PM EST

This mo*on never learn other Somali tribes which has different take on this unattainable tribal dream in NW Somalia are in this medium. Checkout how he tried to stamp on me D for so many years without success. He is one low life saiko by all counts.
    Egeh @ 9/22/2010 3:34 PM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,'
You are nothing but an ig'norant and fil'thy Ogadeni Cagdheer who is no better than a she-camel and who has no business interfering in human society's affairs. You are an id'iot from the d'onkey c'lan who should always be under my feet.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/22/2010 3:16 PM EST
 Let us not waste any time on this crasy sw*ne who is nothing but a bumbling  foul mouthed mega id*ot who is consumed with animosity.
    Egeh @ 9/22/2010 8:55 AM EST
Your actions indicate that you are either one of them or you are owned by them, besides every single comment you post here on Somaliland is adverse, h'ateful and devoid of logic and truth and that makes you even worse than D-lun'atics.
    raage66 @ 9/22/2010 6:32 AM EST

How do you know I’m a “Daarood boy”? Do you know me personally??

You’re a tribal-minded, sick fellow; full of clannish animosity. In your comments you don’t usually have a single valid or rational point to make. So you resort to throwing personal attacks and insults on other commentators. Shame on you.
    Egeh @ 9/22/2010 12:26 AM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
I gua'rantee that I will with the minimum efforts k'nock you down and step on your d'onkey head for a good cause. You don't know who you messing with! This is Egeh your owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Egeh @ 9/22/2010 12:25 AM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
I guarantee that I will with the minimum efforts knock you down and step on your donkey head for a good cause. You don't know who you messing with! This is Egeh your owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Egeh @ 9/22/2010 12:13 AM EST
 Fiqi Cagdheer,
Xoolo yahow Ogadeen,
Xaar quuta yahow xumi,
Hambo xabashiyeedow,
Xorta miyaad la doodaa,
    Egeh @ 9/22/2010 12:09 AM EST
The difference between me and Fiqi Cagdheer is that I am honest. I call myself Somali and I call my country Somaliland, but he refuses to call himself Somali and he calls his country Ogadeen. He is  dis'honest and hypo'critical in trying to come across as an advocate for Somaliweyn while every intelligent and honest Somali knows for a fact that he is an amhaaric puppet who is dead against the very concept of Somalinimo.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/21/2010 3:44 PM EST
 mysomalia lol

Thanks for your concern but trust me,  if push comes to shove I can beat Ciye nij*s with both my hands tied behind my back and he knows it.

Mind you, even those who dig ditches or clean sewers to make a living know that it is a dirty job, but in Ciye nijas's f*lthy world, being a sewer rat is an acheivement.

Just scroll down or go through articles and comments, you will find his cantrabaqash all over the forum.

Nothing meaningful or worth reading.
    mysomalia @ 9/21/2010 1:59 PM EST
 Egeh. I may agree with some of your comments, like the one about Ogadenia
instead of somali-galbeed and some other things, but why are you attacking
Fiqi all the time? Dont you thing he has the right to express his idea about somalia?
iam not D-block and Iam standing the same position as Fiqi (I dont know if he is D).

One more thing. You like to accuse him for not wanting to be part of somalia, but
have the Isaaqs ever advocate soomaalinimo? You huys have always been against
soomaaliweyn even during the English colony. You have always sided with the none
somalis and you cant deny that cuz every somali knows that. Isaaqs and Mj are the
real enemy of somalia. By the way It was In Cigaal that neglegted NFD when he
was prime minister and he took money from the Kenyans. I thing you should learn
what your Granddads done to somalia before you accuse others.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/21/2010 1:28 PM EST
 Ciye wash*ysi,

Yaa gole rag Somaliyed oo waxgarad ihi ku sheekeysanayaan xa*r ku firdhiyay.

Car idinkuba arka  ciye nij*s o murti sheegaya.

    abdiqadan @ 9/21/2010 7:26 AM EST
 Mr. Moderator
Why are you not publishing my comments are you afraid of Al Shabaab or Hassan Daahir Waayes?
    Egeh @ 9/20/2010 6:08 PM EST
 Look who is talking! Fiqi Cagdheer the son of the  ultimate be'trayers of the Somali cause, the sab'oteurs of the Somali aspirations for the much anticipated Somaliweyn. Wasn't it the Kililka, NFD and Djibouti that have k'illed the dream and refused to join the union under any conditions. Djibouti as we all know have arguably some non Somalis among them that may have some apprehensions about the unity, but what justifications the Ogadeens in Kililka & NFD have to refuse the unity? Fiqi Cagdheer may deny but the truth is they do not consider themselves Somalis, yet they are the majority of those who are shedding crocodile tears for the lost cause that they have so determinedly sabotaged.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/20/2010 4:04 PM EST
 If you guys truly care about Somaliland, you'll shut up, stop posting cantrabaqash, and go seek knowledge and do some soul searching. so you guys dont say "we dont take knowledge from Somali scholars and intellectuals".

Go read the history of Somalia during British and Italian colony and the true Somalis who fought in the name of unity and Somalinimo.

Go learn the Somali heros and read their poems, see if it can change  your irrational way of thinking.

Until then fear Allah.
    Egeh @ 9/20/2010 1:45 PM EST
 It is time we expose the hypo'crisy of the three s'tooges, Fiqi Cagdheer, St'inky Stick and Adamjama aka Awr and order them to disappear, hide themselves in a h'ell hole of sh'ame and not to come back again.
    Egeh @ 9/20/2010 1:35 PM EST
 It is ab'surd, it is stupi'dity of the worst kind and it is hypo'crisy at its peak for a person from Kililka  who refuses to call himself Somali and who renamed Western Somalia 'Kililka' in order not to have any connection whatsoever with the name Somali, to shed crocodile tears for the cause of Somaliweyn. It is ridi'culous and insane on his part to criticize or even talk about Somaliland when he has defiantly and categorically refused to call himself Somali.
ONLF-Ogadeen &Kililka are the names of his choice and he should stick to that and leave the rest of the  Somali to do what they please.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/20/2010 1:11 PM EST
 I think the writer has  made a good point on this issue.

With all this talk of "Secession and the right  of a clan to secede from the nation is way  outside the rational thinking of any sane Somali, it is just ridiculous.
As it happens in the minds of clanist secessionists,  indeed it is their way of thinking that every enclave  has a right to secede.

No. Of course, it is not like as if every Somali region  have the right to secede and it is only Somaliland that has been denied secession.

And it is not like in the old days where a wife has no right to leave her husband even, if the husband beats her into submission, and he gets nine old men to feast the meat of 'lax tabis ah'(lax tabis ah- one which never gave birth to baby lambs) to say, "he beat you into submission, so you have no right to leave him". kkkkk

Somaliland has long ago abandoned the natural rights of individuals, and this elusive recognition  is practically irrelevant.

    Egeh @ 9/20/2010 12:41 PM EST
 StinkyStick Or RottenCarrot,

It is true that bar'king d'ogs seldom bite. You cry or shout and rest assured we will ignore you, because we know that is all you can do.
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/20/2010 12:32 PM EST
 Correction: I obviously meant "running after"  not "running from"
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/20/2010 11:47 AM EST
These people don't understand what is at stake here. No one
is running from Qaaba Qawsayn. There is nothing particularly
so useful in N Somalia, all Somalis know that. Your cheap
tribal false pride won't persuade anyone. It's not that Somalia
is running from tribal land, it's conserving its territorial
integrity. Your simplistic argument of "Leave us alone"
and "why are you after us" is just that, simple argument from
simple mind. This is bigger than one clan's drive for dominance
it is our-Somalis- interest to keep our country as one. Today's
traitor is tomorrow's enemy partner and that won't happen under our
watch. So, just keep repeat the argument you and your ilks understand
and feel like you are so important and people are after you..while the fact
is far from that
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/20/2010 11:42 AM EST
This guys seems came to his senses and understood this UTopia
has no legs, never was and never will.

I don't think any Somali troops will engage and can overpower the
Shebab and other fighters in the south, but that is another argument

I don't understand what "trinity" has to do with his argument. He should
not bring another faith to the discussion and in a negative way.

All in all, it is good sign, the Caqli saaxiib are running from this
sham and advocating for Somali Republic
    Egeh @ 9/20/2010 9:43 AM EST
Another misguided,insecure and lost Darood boy repeating the same nonsense of his ilk and fooling none other than himself.  
    raage66 @ 9/20/2010 8:43 AM EST
 The author of this article, Mr. Jama Mohamed, who writes from Hargeisa,  seems to be one of the former “Somaliland” hardliners who have finally realized that the “Somaliland” project is going nowhere, as not a single country has recognized it after nearly 20 years of unilateral secessionism – not even Ethiopia, the archenemy of Somalis who has always tried to divide, manipulate and subjugate the Somali nation. Well done Mr. Jama and welcome to the company of rational, nationalist Somalis.

The misguided “Somalilanders” think foolishly that the whole South fought against them and caused their misery in the 1980s. That is not true. It was a dictatorial military regime – and not the whole South – that had engaged with them in a violent power struggle; and some of the leaders of present day “Somaliland”, like their former President, Dahir Rayale Kahin, who was a foot soldier in the notorious Siad Barre’s spy ring, NSS, was one of those people who caused so much killings, imprisonment and other forms of oppression in the North Western regions of the Somali Republic. Besides, the “Somaliland” project is destined to fail because only one major clan in that area, namely, the Isaaq, is the one that is supporting this irrational, unilateral secession – something that will not serve their real interests in the long-run.
    Egeh @ 9/20/2010 6:46 AM EST
 Let me be blunt and say things like they really are.All the negative comments here are from Darood boys who feel insecure after having lost their Faqash regime.
    abdiqadan @ 9/20/2010 4:53 AM EST
 I just can't understand why our cousins in Somalia cannot leave us alone. They need to undertsand that, before they talk about Somaliland, they have to sort out their problems first. We all know that today the situation in Somalia is getting worse. Al Shabaab and Xizbul Islam are maiming and killing people by stoning on a daily basis. Chopping hands and legs of young people simply because they have stolen a mobile phone because they haven't got any thing to eat. A Somali adage says: Nin tiisaba daryeela ayaa tu kalena ku dura.

Please get your priorities right and save your people from these thugs who are claiming to be Muslims but in reality murderers. You also have to see the realities on the ground today. Somaliland has achieved peace and stability whereas you, no-brainers, have nothing to brag about.
    Lamadage @ 9/19/2010 3:16 PM EST

SNM t**tors has exclusively ruled Hargeysa and its environs for the last 20 years with tribal iron fist. The only achievement you can see there is the foot print of Somali diaspora. Every sector private or public all are the initiatives of Somalis in Diaspora. Get out from Hargeysa and Siyad regime will look like cake walking. Go deep into other regions the tension and fear of unknown is obvious. Go to Awdal and Seylac you will find real Somalis who are waiting the rebirth of Somali nation. If you go down to Sool and Sanag the reality comes to your face remind you other liberation struggle.

Checkout this video clip as proof of Sool struggle.


SNM ma*ia has failed to develop nor bring any tangible benefits to its distorted tribal people. Today like any Somali south their men and women are lining up in Yemen refugee camps, South African gruesome refugee track, NFD refugee camps, Bosasso/ceelasha/Bakaraha job market with different scales and Tahrib business etc.

That said, the writer is missing the core of this fake dream: they didn't left Somalia as they claimed, they only have shown the Somalis and world their ugly face with unattainable dream. By hook and crook they will be part of Somalia.
    Lamadage @ 9/19/2010 3:07 PM EST
 SNM t**tors has exclusively ruled Hargeysa and its environs for the last 20 years with tribal iron fist. The only achievement you can see there is the foot print of Somali diaspora. Every sector private of public all are the initiative of Somalis in Diaspora. Get out from Hargeysa and Siyad regime look like guulwade cake walking. Go deep into other regions the tension and fear of unknown is obvious. Go to Awdal and Seylac you will find real Somalis who are waiting the rebirth of Somali nation. If you go down to Sool and Sanag the reality comes to your face remind you other liberation struggle.

Checkout this video clip as proof Sool for struggle.


SNM ma*ia has failed to develop nor brought any tangible benefits to its distorted tribal people. Today like any Somali south their men and women are lining up in Yemen refugee camps, South African gruesome refugee track, NFD refugee camps, Bosasso/ceelasha/Bakaraha job market with difference numbers, Tahrib business etc.

That said, the writer is missing the core of this fake dream: they didn't left Somalia as they claimed they only have shown the Somalis and world their ugly face with unattainable dream. By hook and crook they will be part of Somalia.
    adamjama @ 9/19/2010 1:40 PM EST
 For 900 or more years the Somali nomadic tribes fought and reconciled, fought & then reconciled, nothing new. Somaliland is nothing more than a few nomadic tribes trying to get recognition. I have no doubt they will resort to their tradition of fighting once mother England finds other more pressing causes. He writes "Had it not been for strong external pressures exerted on political parties or in better word rival groups, such political bickering would have pushed them into escalation of violent crises".
    wiifgarow @ 9/19/2010 9:50 AM EST
 "The south is 100
times more develope then u are in termis of health, food and education. Grow up Qaldaamis."

Really? I thought you liked facts. In all the issues you mentioned Somaliland is way ahead of Somalia. But sadly that aint too difficult. it is a matter of the filth poor beating the famine-ridden.

    mysomalia @ 9/19/2010 8:07 AM EST
,,Somaliland has nothing to do with burning sothern Somalia. The recognision
is a matter of interest and and the point of the current politics at this time but
it is undenieble that Somaliland without any external support acheived
wht sotherners can or may never achieve in the comming 50 years.''

This must be the comedy of the day. Biyo-kulule, Tell us what u guys achieved so far
that the ppl in the south have not? The so called SL is just Hargeysa where ppl fight
Habar vs Habar all the time. I call achievement when ppl make drinking water, schools,
universities and other things that r important for the ppl and none of those has been
stablished there. Or are you talking about the so called election where even Oromo
refugies took part? Iam not making this up its for real cuz my friend lives there.
You guys live just like Balcad and other small towns in the south. The south is 100
times more develope then u are in termis of health, food and education. Grow up Qaldaamis.

Wiilwaal-28. Totally agree with you. They are now begining soomaalinnimo cuz other
ppl in Awdal, Sool and Sanaag tell them to fvck off and they want to play somalinimo.
Ma iloobeen markey itoobia u futo-dhaqaayeen, soomaaliya meelkasto ka caaynaayeen
even calankii xitaa gubay. My friends stay in ur Burco and Hargeysa. We dont need you.
You have never shown somalinimo and we are not expecting you to start now.
    mysomalia @ 9/19/2010 8:06 AM EST
,,Somaliland has nothing to do with burning sothern Somalia. The recognision
is a matter of interest and and the point of the current politics at this time but
it is undenieble that Somaliland without any external support acheived
wht sotherners can or may never achieve in the comming 50 years.''

This must be the comedy of the day. Biyo-kulule, Tell us what u guys achieved so far
that the ppl in the south have not? The so called SL is just Hargeysa where ppl fight
Habar vs Habar all the time. I call achievement when ppl make drinking water, schools,
universities and other things that r important for the ppl and none of those has been
stablished there. Or are you talking about the so called election where even Oromo
refugies took part? Iam not making this up its for real cuz my friend lives there.
You guys live just like Balcad and other small towns in the south. The south is 100
times more develope then u are in termis of health, food and education. Grow up Qaldaamis.

Wiilwaal-28. Totally agree with you. They are now begining soomaalinnimo cuz other
ppl in Awdal, Sool and Sanaag tell them to fvck off and they want to play somalinimo.
Ma iloobeen markey itoobia u futo-dhaqaayeen, soomaaliya meelkasto ka caaynaayeen
even calankii xitaa gubay. My friends stay in ur Burco and Hargeysa. We dont need you.
You have never shown somalinimo and we are not expecting you to start now.
    biyo-kulule @ 9/19/2010 5:25 AM EST

You did not understand the whole context and concern of the text. Your comment seems to be against the author becaouse you thouth him pro-somaliland while he is anti-somalilanad.

Malaa erayga Somaliland ayaad aad uga xanaaqdaa oo meeshii aad ku aragtaba ka booddaa.

Somaliland has nothing to do with burning sothern Somalia. The recognision is a matter of interest and and the point of the current politics at this time but it is undenieble that Somaliland without any external support acheived wht sotherners can or may never achieve in the comming 50 years.

keep quite and lear lessons, put down guns and talk to each other without african mediating.
    Holac @ 9/18/2010 8:28 PM EST
 I see fa9ash are still begging and crying after us. How lame. We are happy to be on the side of Ethiopia as we shell your sons for the past week. Happy union.
    wiilwaal-28 @ 9/18/2010 7:13 PM EST
 Fiqi,ninkaan wuxuu meesha ku soo qoray oo kale waxaan
u aqaan Hadal maligi galey,waxba yaanu kuu gaban laba
jirkooda iyo sagaashan jirkoodu waa isku fikir,Somaalina
ma maqli karaan,niyadda ayey ka neceb yihiin.
sidaa inay nugu daayaan wax ila dhaama ma arko. :)
    jeniharbuqbuq @ 9/18/2010 5:40 PM EST
 Well done Jama you have hit nail on the head...no more no less.
History is unchangeable the sons of Ahmed Guray
soon will break the shackles of separatist and
useless warlords; break the shackles tribesim and
clanism and landdism to pure aspiration of Somali
Muslim people and unify them  to one nation…
history will repeat itself.

long life to youth movement from the south.
    fiqicigaal @ 9/18/2010 4:47 PM EST
 wiilwaal-28 lol

Inkasto aan figrada suuban ee qoraga la dhacay oon soo dhaweynayo hadana waxaa xusid mudan in laga fajignaado cabashada iyo dacwada jogtada ah ee reer Hargeisa hadii leysla ogolaado in dib leysugu sonoqdo.

I have said it many many times and I will rebeat it again, Somalia is too small and too poor to be divided into clan enclaves and it is in their interest to work together and agree to a fair system of their choice not that of Ethiopia or any other foreign manifesto.
    wiilwaal-28 @ 9/18/2010 3:16 PM EST
 Haa wax yar ayaan ka tegey magac fiicanna waa
oo hadda ku fiican inaad la baxdaan IXSAAQLAND
    wiilwaal-28 @ 9/18/2010 3:10 PM EST
 Ok,Awdalland and SSC gooni ayey idinka istaageen oo
Somaliweyn ayey dani ugu jirta,markaa wax somaliland la yiraa
way shaqayn la'adahay hargeysa iyo burca wadan ma noqon karaan
oo waxaad rabtaan inaad dib noogu soo laabataan,hmhmhm
adeer waa idinka diidnay labadiina tuulo ku ekaada hadii
la'idin aqoonsado iyo kaleba.
kama bixi karno hadhoow faqash baa na laysay iyo hawiye(hutuu-
sida aad ugu wacdaanba).
ama afeef hore lahoow ama adkaysin dambe.
    wiifgarow @ 9/18/2010 11:21 AM EST

That si one way of looking at things. Here si another: The peopel of Somaliland feel that 30 years of union failed them. Some of evidence just maybe apparent to those with one, two or multiple lenses.
    sonofsomalia @ 9/18/2010 10:51 AM EST
 Agree Jama, the anspiration of separatist since 1960 has been representation and control over local governance. Even their revered leader Igal knew success was vested in unity. Unfortunately the hatred particularly in segments of the northen society is so deep, and driven by post traumatic syndrome that it sees everything in single lens. Extremist in all aspects, political, religious, tribal should not have a place in future Somalia.

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