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    xawo-taako @ 4/13/2007 8:55 AM EST
 The following comment were made by burhan-jamac , why isnt HOL doing something about his inflammatory comments

"The devils Puntland is behind all Somalian conflict
and wars they are good dividing the Somailian people
and Lying to the international community, ISAAQ and Hawiye
Should unite to defeat their enemy where ever they are."

    garad @ 4/12/2007 9:08 PM EST
 Dadka isku sheegaya p/land and s/land  fadlan ii daaya
dhulkeyga. ma waxaad rabtaan dhulkiinii iyo dadkiinii
markaad burburiseen inaad kayga ku dartaan dagaal baan
ka xigaa taa umana ogoli. ninkii dhulkay u yimaada fidmo
isagaa seegi. beesha deegaankaas maanta waxay isku
raacday inay iska caabiso p/land iyo s/land sidii ay
shalay isaga caabisay dagaal ooge cade yeey ama p/land
    laylasamatar @ 4/12/2007 8:30 AM EST
 are you serious, I think you people need English lessons, I don't beleive you ever went to school you are just mimicing others (what do you mean of genocide) moraan!!Don't just repeat what you hear, it might come to haunt you!!Genocide in Somali history is recorded and repeating lies won't make them facts.
    sahalsiidi @ 4/11/2007 10:28 AM EST
 Breaking news, S/land had pulled and run from the areas they occupied after P/land Government had brought lots of troops. They were just being annoying, they knew they can't face P/land. Shame on fuley xaar weyneyaal.
    sonamo @ 4/10/2007 12:18 PM EST
 Haa waa lala socdaa inay jiraan beelo soo qaata magacyada
beelo kale oo wax ka sheega Madax weynaha umada soomaaliyeed
Jaale Cabdulahi yusuf iyo Wasiirul dowlaha umada soomaaliyeed
prof Geedi ahna qofka noqondoona madax weynaha laba sano kadib
dadka noocaas ah waxaan leeyahay AMAR DOWLO MUDIIC...NINKII
DIIDO DAMEEEEEEEER http://my.opera.com/abdinur/
    shokoloko123 @ 4/10/2007 7:27 AM EST

Waxaa imaan doonta waqti Beenlowga la aamini doono,
Runlowgana laga soo hor jesan doona

    shokoloko123 @ 4/10/2007 7:19 AM EST
 Haddii qorsheyseen "Rer Puntland" inaad dalka Soomaaliya xoog ku maamushaan, adnkoo adeegsanaya Tigree/Xabashi, Koofurna aad ka dhigteen baaba' , haddana aad u soo tafa xeydateen in aad wareerisaan maamulka Somaliland, taasi waad ku lumeysaan waxaanna idinku waanin lahaa in aad ka xorowdaan siaasadda Mujrimka Xamar geeyay Gaalada caddilan.
waad mahadsan tihiin.
waa Sayid shubaay
    abdulahmed @ 4/10/2007 1:32 AM EST
 It is unfortunate that still we are listening people like the guy who left here a senseless inflammatory note. See what this person wrote in a the comment box.    

” We as Somalis have had many different leaders why
was the worst ones from the same tribes?
21yrs of slavery and genocide by Siyad Barre
and now Abdullahi Uraye who has committed genocide
there is an english saying that states if you fool me
once, Shame on you! if you fool me twise, Shame on me!”
wrote by burhan_jamac @ 4/9/2007 6:50 PM EST

My question to this person is, who were the people in slavery in Siad Bare's regime?  To me, I’m not aware of any slavery that existed in Somalia at all, but in contrast, Sidad Bare said before quote “the people of Somalia are equal, no midgan and no nasab and etc.”  Please tell us whose slaves in Somalia you are talking about???


Abdul Ahmed
    @ 4/10/2007 1:28 AM EST
 It is unfortunate that still we are listening people like the guy who left here a senseless inflammatory note. See what this person wrote in a the comment box.    

” We as Somalis have had many different leaders why
was the worst ones from the same tribes?
21yrs of slavery and genocide by Siyad Barre
and now Abdullahi Uraye who has committed genocide
there is an english saying that states if you fool me
once, Shame on you! if you fool me twise, Shame on me!”
wrote by burhan_jamac @ 4/9/2007 6:50 PM EST

My question to this person is, who were the people in slavery in Siad Bare's regime?  To me, I’m not aware of any slavery that existed in Somalia at all, but in contrast, Sidad Bare said before quote “the people of Somalia are equal, no midgan and no nasab and etc.”  Please tell us whose slaves in Somalia you are talking about???

    Geele123 @ 4/10/2007 1:23 AM EST
 KHAT crazed mind Hargaisa Administration should stop nonesense agrition
clan occupation will not get you anywhere..
bring it on if you want the face death and destruction
Anyone who treatens PEACE will get the same treatment of the GALGADUUD thugs are currently enjoying
    jayklen1 @ 4/9/2007 11:49 PM EST
 Rocket Launcher you're now fighting 2 fronts What is you uncle yeey smoking ?  please ...you have lot of explaning to do. How are you going to win two fronts or are you relying on the tigres ?

Cajiib !!!!!
    abunael @ 4/9/2007 10:04 PM EST
 Somalia needs genuine Somalis and so far it looks
we are lacking.

    abunael @ 4/9/2007 10:03 PM EST
 Somalia needs genuine Somalis and so far it looks
we lacking.

    Anti-traitors @ 4/9/2007 7:35 PM EST
 Rocket louch. you are contradicting your self. you want greater somali while you calling your self pontland, and you have your own president your own foreign minister. greater somali doesnot mean capturing small town called dhahar. I never heard it before. Iam sure most somali people never heard it.The real difinition of greater somali is anyone who speaks somali including Ogadenia, Djbouti, and somali live in kenya. Actually they live in their own land, but our enemy gave our land to Kenya and Ethopia. As you said people of sool and sanaag want to be part of geater somali. Dont forget  people of Godey, qabridahar, wardheer and many cities also want be part of greater somali. I know you have your own way difinition of greater Somali.
    Anti-traitors @ 4/9/2007 7:35 PM EST
 Rocket louch. you are contradicting your self. you want greater somali while you calling your self pontland, and you have your own president your own foreign minister. greater somali doesnot mean capturing small town called dhahar. I never heard it before. Iam sure most somali people never heard it.The real difinition of greater somali is anyone who speaks somali including Ogadenia, Djbouti, and somali live in kenya. Actually they live in their own land, but our enemy gave our land to Kenya and Ethopia. As you said people of sool and sanaag want to be part of geater somali. Dont forget  people of Godey, qabridahar, wardheer and many cities also want be part of greater somali. I know you have your own way difinition of greater Somali.
    caaqil @ 4/9/2007 7:28 PM EST
This FaQaSh ppl need to be sorted out properly and once and for all.
Sanag region comes under Somaliland, dhulbahante is also part of the Somaliland community. Anyways, we all know this 17 trucks and 3 big lorries come from, they were from the habashis, clearly, habashis is doing hard job in Somalia, one side kicking the hawiyes on the south and the other side, waking up the Landers.
Somaliland deserves to be left alone.
    burhan_jamac @ 4/9/2007 6:58 PM EST
 Cabdullahi Uraye waxuu kussoo gabanayaa Somali ayaan
Midaynayaa, Halkuu Somaali kalaynayo, Waa cadawga
Somaliya waa nin tariikhdiisa layaqaano in uu yahay
dhiigyocab oo xukunka aad ujecel dadka mayna dooranin
dowladan wadamo shisheeye aynagu qasbayaan waa dowlad
lasoo dhodhoobay oo wadamo shisheeye ushaqaysa, cadawga
ugu xun ee somaliyeed waa kan maanta uhiiliyey oo dadkiisa
usoo watay cadowshisheeye.
Kallay kursi ifariisi masoconayso!
Hadii dad kurabin layskuma qasbo!
    fajo @ 4/9/2007 6:58 PM EST

wxaan u jeedaa dad wadadii HITLER ku socda.
wax badso wax beel bay leedahay.

DHAHAR waa tuulo aad u yar dadka degana waa la ogyahay
meeshay raacsan yihiin balse maa la waydiiyo maalin gelinkeed
ma qaadanaysee.


siyaasadahaanu waa wax shicibka miskiinkaa halkaa
dhigay shalay waa xamar maantana ma dhaharbaa.
    burhan_jamac @ 4/9/2007 6:50 PM EST
 We as Somalis have had many different leaders why
was the worst ones from the same tribes?
21yrs of slavery and genocide by Siyad Barre
and now Abdullahi Uraye who has committed genocide
there is an english saying that states if you fool me
once, Shame on you! if you fool me twise, Shame on me!
    RocketLaunch @ 4/9/2007 6:34 PM EST
 The people of Sool and Sanaag want to be part of greater Somalia and those who want to strike at the heart of Somali unity ought to be fought against. I commend the Puntland forces for fighting for the cause of Somali unity. Sometimes you have to fight evil when its about to flourish. History will commend Puntland authorities for their swift action against the thiefs of Hargeisa.
    adamjama @ 4/9/2007 5:18 PM EST
 I sometimes wonder How Siyad Barre kept this anarchists together for 21 years?
He kept a lid on a can of worm; indeed.
    @ 4/9/2007 5:08 PM EST
 Although, it is very hard to talk about the current issues in Somalia without a bias, I will try my best to share with you view points that frustrated me, and I hope you will forgive me for any mistakes I make. 1st, I pray for all Somalians where ever they are. Secondly, I just want to clarify something. Who are Somalians? I believe there is country called Somalia, but I don’t believe people in that region identify themselves as Somalians. They identify themselves into different tribes. Every one of us believes he/she belongs to specific tribe rather than something called Somalia. By looking at the big picture, and the world’s status, I concluded many things, but the most profound points I am trying to make are:

 So called International Community doesn’t care about Somalia.
 Africans don’t care Somalia
 Arabs don’t care Somalia
 Finally, the saddest and worst point is Somalians don’t care other Somalians.

Also, I have found out that, most Somalians are busy with their dirty blame game; while many innocent people are paying the price. What is interesting about the current situation is that while innocent people are being killed, as I write this comment, in Mogadishu, many of us are enjoying because of tribal animosity toward people in Mogadishu. Meanwhile, I believe, as people, we do base our support based on tribal interest, although we never benefited being a particular tribe or otherwise. Most of the time, we don’t admit how QABIILI we are because we think its normal since every body that we know is behaving this way.

Finally, I believe, no matter how worst the situation gets in Somalia, the responsibility of making peace rests with every Somali individual whether you are tribal person, educated, religious, and tranditional. As people, we do understand the pros and cons of war, so why don’t we give peace chance. At the end of the day, Somalia belongs to Somalians.  
    honestbrother @ 4/9/2007 4:54 PM EST
 Being from somaliland i disappointed with the fake govement there which is obsessed with recognition instead of protecting its people. I wonder how long before the majerteen fanatics take over hargeysa. We should realise we would never be independent and therefore trhough our lots with hawiye and show majerteen how it feels to be on the receiving ends of beating.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 4/9/2007 4:53 PM EST
 Jibriil:Puntland says Dhahar is our region, because they are Darood....

If they were honest, the "puntland" rregime would have started with there tribal "brothers" in Ethiopia's vast region called Kilil5. The mind boggles why they would want to concentrate on a country which calls itself SOMALILAND than Habashland.

As we are aware of, there is no such thing called "Somalia" because its officially "failed state". It is dangerous for Somalis to worry about Somaliland when there country is under occupation. The habashis ae very aware of Somaliland military capability and its currently the only entuty which they would like to reduce its  power by all means necessary wether they use "puntland" or "Ogaden Lib Front".

Rooble, UK
    Jibriil @ 4/9/2007 4:10 PM EST
 First they kill eachother, then attack the ppl of Muqdishu, now the Majeerteen
militia wants to attack Somaliland. Why dont they try to develop
their own region, instead creating trouble in Somaliland where
ppl live in Peace for long time.

Puntland says Dhahar is our region, because they are Darood. While the
ppl there dont want any to do with Majeerteen/Habashi militia. Let the ppl
of Dahar decide if they want Puntland in a referendum.
    RocketLaunch @ 4/9/2007 3:51 PM EST
 As some one who believes in the unity of Somalia, I will err on the side of Puntland forces if its true that the trouble makers were seeking to capture British Somali land. I am looking for more facts but for the moment, it seems that Puntland forces are those who want to keep Somalia's territorial integrity while some seek to destroy it.
    isse @ 4/9/2007 3:43 PM EST
 idiots, they are fighting for a village while the whole country is being occupied by tegre. As a person from Las Anod, I encourage all somalis to fight the tegre all their stooges, starting from Abdilahi yusuf. So, long as these people are there and supported by immoral and stupid clannists, there is no future for any Somali/any of us or our children of ever having their own lands back.
    Anti-traitors @ 4/9/2007 3:40 PM EST
 Itis very clear that Ethopia behind this war.Those two pupets presidents  Cade Muse and daahir Riyyole vist Addis Ababa every three weeks, and they work for Meles. whenever he says you guys start the war, they will do it. Only civilians will suffer both sides. Ethopia want civil war in Somalia everywhere so when most people flee their country or die, they will take the country.Allah is the best planer. Inshalaah those kuffars and dabodhilifs will not work their plans.
    Fiqicigaal @ 4/9/2007 3:31 PM EST
 Shame on you both camps! Ethiopian army occupy our cities and towns with out any one lifting  a finger to chase them out from our country. Now you are fighting for a little village called Dhahar in the middle of nowhere
    Somalia1977 @ 4/9/2007 3:09 PM EST
 Adam, great point and I do agree with you to why a support wasn't provided when Ethiopia was killing the innoccent lives in Mogadishu. I wish people in other parts of Somalia including Puntland and Somaliland supported the people in Mogadishu over Ethopia since we are 1 nation. At the same time you need to understand no one should just attach a neighbor w/out a valid reasoning. Looking back at the history since I have been alived which is over 30 yrs I have witnessed Somaliland attach others for land and other political which needs to stop ASAP.
    bulqaas @ 4/9/2007 3:07 PM EST
 Here We go again......
Weger... WAr miyaan lagu waaano qaaadan.. Umada maa degaanadoda loo daayo.

Labada midna uma  Hayo wanaaag iyo waxqabad, they should keep their hands out of the region.
it was yesterday when puntland wanted to dig the buried minerals, and Somaliland is the leading corruption gov.

They should kick them out both. they dont belong to the regoin.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 4/9/2007 3:02 PM EST
 Sadly. here we have the trigger happy savages and slaves of Ethiopia going to "liberate" Dhahar from its own inhabitants as they are now in Muqdisho. The people who repelled these Ethiopian slaves were Daharians and not people from Erigavo, Burao, or Borame. We shall congratulate them for their bravery and hope those now in Mugdisho to follow suit.

Tribal enclaves are unacceptable within the current international world, nor shall any other government tolerate the violent acts of foreign militias within its territory. I hope the so called Somaliland government gives support and standsby with the people of Dahar by all means necessary.

Puntland attacked Somaliland on the very first day their man A/Y was made president of the Tigre Funded Government, but sadly their plans did not go as they wish. they may now be panicking as this maybe the last year A/Y is president of TFG before he is finally out of service.

Rooble, UK
    adamjama @ 4/9/2007 2:57 PM EST
 While some of you are stupid enough to tell us "We are fighting for the unity & territorial integrity of our land", remember your real land is not Dhahar but is the entire nation of Somalia.
I am hearing a lot of reinforcement soldiers are rushing to the conflict zone from Boosaaso, Garoowe, Hargeisa & Burco, why didn't they rush to Baidawo, Kismayo, Gaalkacyo, and many other Somali cities occupied by Ethiopia?
I do not think you a clue of what territorial integrity means but you just heard it said in lord knows where.
You guys like to order war, like some people order pizza.
    hanafi @ 4/9/2007 2:30 PM EST
 to my all fellow somalis!

i don't want to say i am supporting these clashes but i do say that invasion to other poeples land is not good for the so called Somaliland regime.
nevertheless, the Puntlanders are not so aggressive but you will find hard to conquer their lands.
the S/lander are the trouble makers every time: we did not go to Hargeisa or Borame but we are in at our borders, watching any body crossing and firing alarm firs before
we attack.
i don't care about Abdulahi or Cade but i do care the sanctity and inviolability of the unity and territorial integrity of our land. we were and are the savers of people, so don't be worried if you see our guys serving at the south-most tip of the country restoring hope for the people of Mogadishu.
i hope somaliland pay the cost of it's miscalculations and remember the past lessons.

    Somalia1977 @ 4/9/2007 2:00 PM EST
 Hubsiimo hal baa la siistaa, so instead of blaming one side let us research the truth here and find out the problem is. Abdullahi claims to be a president of Somalia don't ask me who voted for him or how he become. On the other hand, I do agree that it is not in the best interst of the Somali people to be getting involve with Ethiopia or asking them for help. Finally, I don't think it is the right thing for Somaliland to be fighting with Puntland about Dhahar when the history indicate it is the land of the Puntland or at least the majority.
    markhaati @ 4/9/2007 1:54 PM EST
 Adamjama: I will also add that soon these two will blame our neighbors, the Arabs, the Asians, Christians and everybody else except themselves
    iila.tali @ 4/9/2007 1:51 PM EST
 Puntland are becmoing arogant,
yesterday was Mogadisho
Now with Somaliland.

Abdulahi Yusuf and Cade Muse are playing
same game to keep the game among Putlanders.

Only time will tell how long,

    laascanood @ 4/9/2007 1:45 PM EST
 Maleeshiyada majeerteen, ee isku raacday inay dagaal ka oogaan wadanka somalida ma waxaay isku halaynayaa Amxaar weligeed, miyaanay ogayn inuu amxaarku iska tegi doono berito. Oday iyo siyaasi waxaay isku raaceen in somaali la xasuuqo. Adinka ayeey idinku soo noqon berito shidada aad wataan hadaydaan ka harin A/llahi yeey iyo Idaale, somaliland waa dawlad Haawiyoo kale oo is haysta maaha waa is wada raacsanyahiin gacma is haystaan Garoowe iyo Bosaaso yaan la idinku iman laydinku samyn waxaa galabsateen. What goes around comes around
    adamjama @ 4/9/2007 1:42 PM EST
Can anybody tell me what two idiot land people are fighting for?
Hello, the entire nation is occupied including Berbera & Boosaaso by Ethiopia, and you guys are fighting over some place called Dahar.
No wonder you are all at the bottom of hell hole. Nomads will always remain nomads, even in 2007.
    Somalia1977 @ 4/9/2007 1:15 PM EST
 Burhan, idiots like urself is why the conflict in Somalia hasn't been resolved. I will leave it @ that.
    burhan_jamac @ 4/9/2007 1:10 PM EST
 The devils Puntland is behind all Somalian conflict
and wars they are good dividing the Somailian people
and Lying to the international community, ISAAQ and Hawiye
Should unite to defeat their enemy where ever they are.
    somalia1977 @ 4/9/2007 12:47 PM EST
 May allah make peace in all parts of Somalia. Somalia needs to unite together and stop fighting. Number of Somali sites I visited, I got the notion that some websites claim one group has won and that they were attached!! So, it is probably difficult for us to know what has happened on who was at fault! I don't care what these people call themselves with "Somaliland" vs. "Puntland" but they are all Somalis to me and I want to see peace.

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